Why do young girls like older men: psychology, pros and cons of marriages and relationships in which a man is older

Why do young girls like older men: psychology, pros and cons of marriages and relationships in which a man is older

Many girls like older men. Why this happens, read in the article.

Today an interesting trend is planned: young guys are looking for an experienced and mature lady, and young girls want to tie themselves with relations with older men. In both cases, there is logic.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "How to understand what a man wants or does not want children". You will find signs and many other useful information.

Couples where a man is older more often than the opposite. This is considered more acceptable for society. A man is aging at an older age than women. It can be said with confidence that until 50-55 years old, he is still in full dawn, he already has his own business or accumulated capital, and he can perfectly contain a young wife. Let's take a closer look at why young girls like older men. Read further.

Do young girls like men older?

Young girls like men older
Young girls like men older

Given that the girls ripen earlier than the boys, the fact that a man is a couple older than his chosen one is considered normal. But if the difference is 5-10 years It does not surprise anyone, then relations with a person who are suitable by age in fathers or grandfathers can cause a very unambiguous reaction.

Naturally, the older the age of both partners, the less noticeable the difference is. For example, a couple 80-year-old Men and 45-year-old Women are not so shocking the public as its union with 20-year-old girl.

  • In fact, young girls really often like older men. And the matter is far from always in self -interest.
  • Just a mature man is a formed person, held in life.
  • You can feel safe with him - both morally and financially.

There is an opinion that young girls often choose men similar to their father. If there was a trusting relationship with the dad, then he will be an involuntary example of a real man for the fair sex.

Also, those women who have a difference in the age of the dad and mother are also often chosen by men older than men. You can even say that this is transmitted genetic. However, the point here is not in biology. The child adopts the model of family relations exactly the cell of the society in which he was brought up.

What are the girls who like older men called?

The attitude to such young women is ambiguous. Some people do not believe in the love of young ladies to the elderly, therefore they are called them not particularly censorship words characterizing the ladies who enter into relationships for the sake of money. What are the girls who like older men called?

The scientific term denoting the attraction to people of the opposite sex is much older than themselves (double) is called " gerontophilia».

Why do young girls like older men: Psychology

Young girls like older men
Young girls like older men

Unlike a young partner, a mature man stands firmly on his feet. He was well as a person. That is why the girl is confident in her future. Moreover, she does not need to be a “mommy” who will raise her peer. Why still young girls like older men? This is what psychology says in this regard:

  • It’s much easier with an older man: he knows what he wants and knows what a woman needs.
  • He knows how to handle women (in every sense).
  • It has vital wisdom that helps to smooth out corners in relationships, to avoid conflicts.
  • Moreover, the wind does not whistle in his head. And this is very valuable.

However, psychologists are sure: such women are looking for teachers, replacing their father. In childhood, they had a close relationship with the parent. And such girls do not want to deprive themselves of this joy throughout life. Female psychology also provides for the subconscious fears of the girl regarding her future.

In other words, the female always chooses the male with whom she will feel safe. Therefore, a mature and elderly man is confidence in the future. In relations with men in years there are only 2 disadvantages: the disappearance of the “male” function and the fact that the chosen one can die much earlier than his beloved spouse. But this does not bother many.

Male helping: girls like old men

Mature and elderly men are not chosen for the athletic body, not for the cute face of the guy from the cover. In general, women are excited not so much by the physical aspect as the old men and the image of a wise teacher. The assistant man is always there, he will not leave and will not leave in trouble. Therefore, girls like old men.

An elderly partner knows life and gives advice. He helps the girl in those aspects where she makes mistakes. He is always intelligent and courteous. This is very captivating. Favorite, in turn, helps a man maintain leadership. In such a relationship, an elderly man leads, and the girl obeys him.

A man is a little older than the girl: replaces his father

Often, young young ladies choose mature men for another reason. They need a daddy who will give expensive gifts, take care and lick, replaces his father. A different option is possible: “dad” will take care of the daughter in the career part. It will help to get a promising position in your company. However, if a man is a little older than the girl, then the role of daddy can help him with paternity in reality. After all, as you know, paternity at different ages is different.

Older man will be able to provide sexual harmony in relationships

Older man will be able to provide sexual harmony in relationships
Older man will be able to provide sexual harmony in relationships

Perhaps a young handsome man boasts a sports body and impressive "dimensions". But what is the better low and pot -bellied uncle with glasses? Yes, perhaps it will differ from young man with endurance and physical imperfection. Years, alas, do not paint people outwardly. However, such a man will have the most important thing - experience. A mature man knows different techniques in sexual life and skillfully caresses. He will be able to provide sexual harmony in relationships.

  • However, sometimes girls are bored. Sooner or later they are drawn to their peers.
  • The bottom line is that the difference in generations, nevertheless, affects.
  • Often, there is nothing to talk about young young ladies about the “daddy”.
  • But for a man in years, a young partner or wife is an incentive to take care of himself, pull up their health and remain young as possible as long as possible.

The mature man begins the second youth. He feels that for about 30 years lived as if it had been blown away by the wind. Of course, everything is individual. Even famous family psychologists claim that it all depends on the couple. In some cases, an elderly man and a young girl get along and happy, and in some relations sooner or later suffer collapse.

The advantages of relations in which a man is older

While for some young ladies of their father, their father is a terrible shame and a bad option, for others, such relationships are salvation. What are the advantages of relations in which a man is older? Here are a few of them:

  • An adult man stands firmly on his feet. With him you can be confident in tomorrow.
  • An adult man knows how to handle a woman - Both in the family and sexual terms. He knows when to compromise, when to express his position. Young guys only gain their experience. Therefore, they often make mistakes.
  • A mature man will always patronize his young protege, and life for her will become an analogue of the existence of the princess. In other words, the wealthy mature man will give her expensive gifts, carry her to the resorts. The girl will not deny herself anything. While young guys often apply the rule “with a sweet paradise in a hut”. Not every girl is ready for this.
  • An adult man tries to please the chosen one. He perfectly understands that age gives him a certain lag, so he will try to become better and “crush” the girl so that she forgives him age -related features.
  • He will help her in life. While the young sometimes needs to help.
  • A 50-year-old man and older takes on the role of his father. Feeling care is very pleasant.
  • The eldest man appreciates calmness and harmony in everything. He needs a quiet and happy life, not adrenaline and risk. He is unlikely to make the girl jump with a parachute in a lake full of crocodiles. Most likely, the vacation will be in a lying with a cocktail in a deck chair.
  • Such a man does not nourish illusions, he thinks really. However, this is a plus. With him, the girl will not disappear in every sense.

Of course, older men get advantages from relationships with a young girl. In addition to rejuvenation, this is prestige. Thus, grooms in age can amuse their ego. It is enough to proudly walk along the street with your chosen one.

Wow! He is already 70, and lives with a 23-year-old! So, he is at least in every sense - This is what the peers of the man may think, by chance seeing such a pair. Of course, such rumors will be pleasant to a man.

The disadvantages of marriages and relationships in which a man is older  

Older man
Older man

Relations and marriages with a large age difference also have disadvantages. If a man is much older, then in the end a young woman can remain a widow. Not only that, no matter how young he is, quite often men after 60-65 cannot physically satisfy young girls. The betrayal of such wives with young secretaries, deputies, bodyguards begin. Moreover, quite often older men themselves know about these connections. But they do not want to deprive themselves of the happiness of life with a young woman. After all, this is the second youth.

Elderly men in this case are divided into 2 types:

  • Yarny jealous people who are ready to kill a young lover, but can not catch him “on hot”.
  • Those who tolerate for the prolongation of youth, pretending not to notice how they are cheating on.

Another minus of relations with an elderly man is the condemnation of society. People immediately begin to think that between 80-year-old and 20-year-old There can be no love that this is all a cold calculation. Few people believe in love in this case. Of course, if a girl 20and man 40 (and at the same time you will not give him more than 30 years), the situation is considered differently. Although this is also a difference in age.

In fact, the older the man and the younger the girl next to him, the more condemnation. However, mature ladies with young boys cause the same reaction. It is enough to recall many situations that arose around the stars of show business.

Why do old men like young girls?

The reason for such traction is very simple: a man does not want to humble himself with the fact that he is already in years, that male power is leaving him. I would like to remain young and desired. Often, laying down in bed with a young girl, an elderly man proves to the world and to himself that it is still too early to write off the accounts that he is not so old. We can say that an elderly gentleman is getting younger next to his chosen one. Why still old men like young girls?

  • Another reason why old men love young people is the freshness of the female body. Naturally, it is more pleasant to be with a young girl than with an old woman. The last wrinkle has a flabby body that does not attract it at all.
  • In some cases, a man in years even manages to become the first partner, and this is a great consolation of his own ego. However, in the 21st century this rarely happens. For one simple reason: it is rarely possible to find a virgin who would be more than 18-20 years old, and who would agree to sleep with an elderly man. However, the exit is in the person of young secretary, waitresses, etc.
  • If the man is respectable, he has more chances to find a young mistress than a poor pensioner.
  • Another reason. Even among older men, there may be insecure. A young, inexperienced girl will not laugh, and will not point to the man to his shortcomings.

She will turn to him respectfully, to "you". This also amuses the ego of elderly lovers and womanizers. In addition, such a man had a relationship with peers more than once. And with a young one is always more interesting.  

Why do men like girls a little older?

Men like girls a little older, not 18-year-olds
Men like girls a little older, not 18-year-olds

Almost all men 18 to 100 years old divided into 2 categories:

  1. Some adore when a woman has to teach everything, and when you look like a giant and a guru against her background.
  2. Others prefer that the lady is more experienced, but not old, as they say, not 18 years old, but not 50. For 55, 30-year-old girls are well suited for 55 and they know what they want.

Why do men like girls a little older? In fact, everything is very simple:

  • It is much easier with an experienced girl - Especially this applies to young men. If before meeting with a peer or girl younger they can worry about whether they can impress her, how they will do everything. Then, in the case of a mature woman, sometimes nothing needs to be done. The so -called woman is a teacher. That is why many men prefer to “develop” experience with ladies who are suitable for them in mothers. But then relations with peers are given to them much easier.
  • Mature lady loves to turn on "Mommy" -If a young girl wants to have fun in the club, dance until you drop, and ride after a dozen cocktails on the wheel wheel, and then go on foot in a hop in Amsterdam, then a 30-year-old woman will meet at home, feed-steal, put to sleep. In the morning, the man will wake up - and on the table there is already breakfast, a shirt and pants are carefully stroked. They will also give pies to work on lunch to eat. In other words, such a lady will take care of her young (and not very young) lover as a child. It is suitable for some men.
  • She will not blame Since he understands that relations with a young man are already luck for her. This is a confirmation that it is still very attractive. Therefore, unlike the 18-year-old, she will not cut the guy for a small salary (or something else not very large), will not rest against his height, weight, the presence of the press and similarity with delirium nurse. For her, the holiday is the very fact that a man drew attention to her, albeit a little older.
  • With a mature woman do not need to have children - Many men do not like and are afraid of offspring. A woman for 30-40 and above, she will not get out with questions "Honey, let's get a child with you?", "Honey, when will we get married?". Especially if she was already married and she has her own children.

One way or another, everyone chooses a person with whom he is comfortable. And age is already a secondary matter.

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