How to answer a man to answer household women's questions? What does a woman mean by her question?

How to answer a man to answer household women's questions? What does a woman mean by her question?

A smart man answers correctly to household female questions. You will find the right words in the article.


The words of a woman do not always coincide with her real thoughts. Sometimes the ladies say completely not what they really think. How to be men? The main task is not to arouse a storm of negative emotions in the girl with your answer.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "How to recognize a perverse daffodil man in the early stages of relations?". You will learn about the 10 features of the emotional manipulator.

The article below shows several examples of how to answer a man to female questions in order to maintain mutual understanding in relationships. Read further.

Do you love me: how can a man answer this female question?

The guy loves a girl
The guy loves a girl

What does it mean: Under this female question, a misunderstanding often lies why a man does not express his love for a woman. She is not enough to hear once that he loves her and remember it for a long time. She needs such words constantly. This is the natural need of any woman, because she is so arranged. If a man ignores this fact, serious doubts crept into her heart regarding whether he really loves her, or only pretends to be. Do you love me? How to answer this female question?

Reply correctly: You need to assure the woman that you love her for real- "I love you so much".

It is wrong to answer: “On the day of our acquaintance, I told you about how much I love you. Have you forgotten? ” Women need constant assurance of love.

Hi, where are you now: what should a man answer?

What does it mean: Such a phrase from the mouth of a woman can often serve as a greeting. At the same time, she wants to know if her lover really is where she should be now, and whether there are suspicious female voices next to him. This became possible with the advent of mobile devices in our life. Perhaps such thoughts arose in connection with the fact that a man once already gave a reason for jealousy. What should the man answer to "Hi, where are you now?".

Reply correctly: It is better to honestly say where you are and why - "I ran to the shopping center to look at the gifts, on the eve of the holiday there will be no time to run around the shops".

It is wrong to answer: "And what you need?"

I am very fat: what should a man answer to a woman?

What does it mean: If a woman asks the question: “I'm very fat?”, She just wants to hear a compliment addressed to her about how slim and beautiful she is. If for a man the fact of his beauty is obvious and does not need constant confirmation, it is important for a woman to hear about it constantly. It's like with assurances in love. A woman should see and hear what a man likes. For her, this is not a whim, but a natural need. If he does not satisfy this need himself, the girl will most likely look for such support on the side, thereby giving the man a reason for jealousy. Such a development of events can turn into both of them very sad for them. What should a man answer to a woman?

Reply correctly: "Your figure cannot be spoiled by any food."

It is wrong to answer: “You won’t call you thin, but in general terms everything is very good.”

I can't like that: what does a man answer a woman?

What does it mean: A refusal of intimacy can imply many reasons, and far from always a woman voices them. These can be internal beliefs, embarrassment, critical days, a banal lack of mood, and so on. If she speaks "I can't do that, it is worthwhile to gain patience and perhaps once everything will work out. At this moment, it is not worth it to pester her in question, why she does this that he does wrong. This can only push the girl even more from him, and she will lose all confidence in him. What does a man answer a woman?

Reply correctly: "I understand you very well, however, feelings sometimes ahead of sound thinking".

It is wrong to answer: "What do you order me to do?"

We will have a baby: a man's reaction

Which means: Children are always wonderful. But not always for a man, the child is welcome. And although its appearance is associated with certain difficulties, it is best to be happy right now with a woman. The negative reaction of a man can be taken by surprise. She will be confused and most likely will say to him a lot of unpleasant things. And of course, you do not need to put the whole burden of worries on the fragile female shoulders, but also take part in preparation for the appearance of a child. So, the woman says: "We will have a baby" - Men's reaction:

Correctly answer:"It's great. You need to discuss some points. ”

It is wrong to answer: “On what nearest day will it be convenient for you to go an abortion? I have a good discount in a local female consultation. ”

We are familiar with very little time: what should the man answer?

Which means: A woman still cannot completely trust a man. In addition, she has certain life principles, and a man needs to respect them. If this is the first or second date, a man is definitely worth holding himself in his hands. In addition, this behavior of the girl speaks of her sanity. In the future, this fact will only strengthen their relationship. They will learn to trust each other faster. They will not constantly have reasons for jealousy. So, if she says: "We are familiar with very little time"What should a man answer?

Correctly answer: "I have a feeling that we have already known each other for many years."

It is wrong to answer: “Now I’ll get away for a while, I’ll be back, this will be our second meeting.”

Please buy gaskets to me: men's things that women do not know about

A man buys a woman gaskets
A man buys a woman gaskets

Which means: The moment came when a woman began to completely trust a man. She can easily say: "Buy, please, I have gaskets". Now he can afford some weaknesses, for example, in the form of a goute with garlic. But the main thing is not to overdo it. The fact that a man can also relax a bit does not mean at all that it is allowed to immediately demonstrate all his weaknesses, thinking that he trusts, he will not abandon. We must work on weaknesses, trying to eliminate them, and not present them to a woman with words, "love me as I am." There are different men's things that women do not know about. He wants her to fight with weaknesses, especially those who irritate him very much.

Relations should improve qualities and character, both men and women. If each of them thinks how to satisfy each other's needs, this will only strengthen their joint relationship.

Correctly answer: "Of course, what exactly?"

It is wrong to answer: "To go to the gynecologist, too, go instead of you?"

What do you think about now: how to respond to female manipulations?

Which means:So a woman can express her uncertainty in how a man now applies to her. She is afraid that his opinion about her is changing for the worse. Such words reflect uncertainty in their own attractiveness. She is afraid that she behaved not as he expected from her. So, she is worried about something and the question arises: "What are you thinking now?". How to respond to female manipulations?

Correctly answer: "I think about how great it was", at the same time give the girl a gentle kiss.

It is wrong to answer: "I think about cold beer, that would now swallow it".

You need to be examined: the correct reaction of a man

Which means: Most likely, the girl was made some kind of diagnosis, and she is not sure which of them infected this disease. In any case, everything is not as scary as it might seem the first time. Do not forget that she also worries about this and needs support for support. If she says: "You need to be examined", this is the correct reaction of the man:

Correctly answer:"Of course, I examine, and I will do as you say."

It is wrong to answer: "Do not rush, I'll explain everything now."

And where were you: how to answer a man to a man?

What does it mean: Most likely, a woman has a reason for jealousy. Anxiety intensified due to the fact that he did not answer her calls. During the absence of a man, she took some actions in order to make sure that he does not change her. Perhaps she called his friends, work colleagues or parents to those with whom, it seems to her, he should have been at these hours. "And where were you?" - This is an unpleasant question. But how does a man need to answer him?

Correctly answer: “I just from football, imagine, an account 3: 1 in favor of ours! But I seemed to have lost the phone. ”

It is wrong to answer:"It seems that I am not obliged to report to you."

Something my head ached: how to react to a man?

Which means: It is not a fact that the girl really has a headache. Perhaps she simply has no mood, and she came up with a headache as an excuse. This means that a man will have to do without her today. The most important thing is not to put pressure on it and not to beg, not to persuade. It will only be worse. So, the woman says: "My head was exhausted"How to react to a man.

Correctly answer: “It is probably your brain growing. I can offer a pill. "

It is wrong to answer: "It's OK. If you lie on your stomach, your head will not be worse. ”

Didn't you notice anything: how to answer this question to a man?

Which means:The girl made some changes in her image or in the house. But he did not notice anything of this. Because of this, she became very offensive. Most likely, the man will feel awkward from his own inattention. However, sometimes changes are so small that a man, due to his employment, is simply not able to notice them. For example, I changed the shape of the eyebrows, trimmed the ends of the hair, hung another tulle, which, literally a couple of tones brighter than the previous one. For a man, such changes are not striking, and it is important for a woman that he will notice, appreciate and praise. He must in the answer to this question evaluate or make a compliment.

Correctly answer: “Of course, I noticed, it became much better!”

It is wrong to answer: “What exactly did I have to notice? A new hairstyle? ”

I'm really not so fat: the correct answer of the man

I'm really not so fat
I'm really not so fat

What does it mean: This suggests that a man does not make compliments to the girl so often, especially that concern her appearance and figure. As already mentioned in previous points, it is not enough for a woman to know that she is beautiful and this man likes. She needs to hear this from him, and regularly, possibly every day. Therefore, if she asks you a question: "Am I really not so fat?", the answer of the man should be correct.

Correctly answer: “It seems that all your things are great for you. It's time to update the wardrobe. "

It is wrong to answer: “How much can you ask about this? Next time you will hear the whole truth from me, and you really will not like it! ”

Let's just be friends: what should the man’s answer should be?

Which means:Most likely, she met another man. She is actually very sorry, but she does not want to continue her relationship. She is afraid to cause unnecessary pain with her directness, so she tries to smooth out sharp corners, as far as possible. But at the same time, he expects to hear the words of understanding from him. So she says: "Let's just be friends". What should be a man’s answer?

Correctly answer: “No, not worth it. I'm afraid you just can't stand it ".

It is wrong to answer: “Excellent, we will go shopping and cafes together. I hope that one day you will return to me. "

I don't understand what you found in it: the answer of a man

What does it mean: In any work team there are girls who behave with the opposite sex too brazenly. As a rule, it is they who become the main object under discussion among the male part of the team. Not a single girl will like it when her man is happy to participate in such discussions. It may seem to her that he compares that she is much better and more interesting in the eyes of her man. In this case, a woman may even begin to be jealous of her man - "I don't understand what you found in it?".

Correctly answer: “I found nothing in it at all. She behaves too defiantly. By the way, did you seem to lose so much? ”

It is wrong to answer: “Come on, it’s interesting with her.”

Well, you are a man: should a man help a woman around the house?

Which means: There are things that can only be done by a man: to repair something, move the cabinet and so on. And there are things that a woman can do, but if there is a man nearby, she will hope for him. For example, convey heavy bags, return to turn off the iron and so on. So she tells you: "" Well, you're a man. " Should a man help a woman around the house?

  • Of course, it should, because a woman is a weaker sex.
  • It is allowed to do it in this way to manage weakness.
  • It makes no sense to pull the whole burden of worries on yourself, when there is a man nearby - a reliable support.

Correctly answer: "Of course, do not worry, I will do everything."

It is wrong to answer: "I can’t do this, my nails are painted."

I didn't stop you: a man's reaction

What does it mean: Everything is simple. The girl does not want a man to discuss such topics with his friends with her, but without her and even more so. Most likely, for her such a conversation is extremely unpleasant, causes negative feelings and emotions. And perhaps even puts in an awkward situation to others. It is important not to forget about her feelings, to respect the opinion of a woman. And of course, to honestly change the topic of the conversation, and not continue to whisper behind her in the hope that she will not hear and know anything. If she says: "I didn't stop you?"here is a man reaction:

Correctly answer: "I am so sorry. So, maybe we will return to the issue of German quality mixers under discussion? ”

It is wrong to answer: "If you are not interested, then do not listen, but I want to finish."

Remember what day today is: what to answer a man to a household female question?

The man does not know what to answer the woman
The man does not know what to answer the woman

What does it mean: Most likely, today is some important day for her. But she never waited for a man, neither gifts, nor congratulations. There is only one thing left here: to remember what an important date is today. And it’s good if this is some kind of famous holiday, for example, March 8, her birthday or the anniversary of your wedding. But women can celebrate very inconspicuous dates for themselves, such as the day when he kissed her for the first time or the day when they had the first date. So, what to answer a man to a household female question: "Remember what day today"?

Correctly answer: "Of course, I remember, and you?"

It is wrong to answer: "Today is Wednesday".

I thought here, and what will happen next: what does a woman mean by her question?

Which means:Most likely, the dating period was too long. A woman expects more specific actions from a man that directly affect their joint future. It's time to make an offer to the girl. Well, or at least some of its actions to make it clear that this will happen very soon. So she asks a question: "I thought here, what will happen next?". What does a woman mean by her question?

Correctly answer: “It seems to me that our future is great. Maybe we’ll go somewhere on the weekend? ”

It is wrong to answer: “I see no reason to think about the future at all, because everyone has one end.”

I'm very tired, I want to go home: a man reaction

Which means:Most likely, in this place, the girl feels extremely uncomfortable. She lacks attention, and in general she was a little bored. Perhaps she does not like the society that surrounds her. Or she just does not know what you can do here, how to win yourself. Men's reaction to a woman's statement like: "I'm very tired, I want to go home", there should only be this:

Correctly answer: “Of course, I’ll take you home now. By the way, do not want to meet Michael's wife? She has a very interesting job. ”

It is wrong to answer: “Can you rest a little rest here on the sofa? As I get home, I will wake you up, we’ll go together. ”

I'm my head now: the answer of a man

What does it mean: At the moment, the girl is not ready to meet. In fact, washing the head is not an obstacle to a meeting. Each girl knows how to gather quickly. There is another reason why she does not want to meet a man now, but prefers to not voice her. If he can interest her in the upcoming meeting, she will do everything possible to meet him after all. Of course, this is possible if there are no serious obstacles at the moment for their meeting.

Reply correctly: "It's OK. So, I cancel the ordered table in a cafe, pour champagne and cancel the reservation in a spa for two. ”

It is wrong to answer: "Do not forget to wash it from the inside."

Maybe you will better leave your phone: how do men answer such female questions?

Which means: The girl does not want to meet and meet such a man. But her educated conscience does not allow her to say this directly. Perhaps a man should think about what to change in himself, so that the next time the girls wanted to continue acquaintance with him. Well, now he has no other choice but to show understanding and not to be intrusive. The stubbornness of the man will only push the girl even more from him. He will not achieve anything good. After all, she has the right to choose to respect. If the girl says: "Maybe you will better leave your phone"How to answer a man to such a female question correctly?

Correctly answer: “Yes, write down, however, it’s not a fact that you can get through to me.”

It is wrong to answer: «I’ll leave it, but promise you to call. ”

I understand everything perfectly: what does a woman want to say?

A man in confusion from a woman's question
A man in confusion from a woman's question

Which means: For the sake of continuing a relationship with a man, she is ready to make certain sacrifices and give a bunch of promises. If she speaks "I understand everything perfectly", most likely, she is determined and wants to fight for her happiness. What else does a woman want to say?

  • In fact, all the promises given by her will soon become obsolete, and with the inconvenience there will be tired of putting up.
  • She wants more - that this man initially could not provide her.
  • Quarrels, resentment, tension in relationships will begin. Not the most pleasant prospect.
  • It is better not to bring to this, but immediately act decisively, but at the same time tactful.

Correctly answer: "I appreciate that you understand me."

It is wrong to answer: “Maybe you will use these spirits? My wife just uses them. ”

You always say so to girls: what to answer a man?

What does it mean: If devehka declares: "Do you always say so to the girls?", This means that she does not trust the man, his promises. The reasons can be different. In any case, a man should work on shortcomings and his confidence. It is best if he can understand why specifically a woman does not trust him. Although this can be very difficult, and sometimes impossible. But of course, never give a woman empty promises. What to answer the man in this case?

Remember: Playing with her feelings is dangerous.

Correctly answer: “I generally rarely make attempts to approach the girl and get acquainted. You are the first with which I got it so easily. ”

It is wrong to answer: "Are you all conspired?"

I think I'm too drunk: a man’s answer to a household situation

A competent man knows what to answer the words of a woman:
A competent man knows what to answer the words of a woman: "I think I'm drunk."

What does it mean: Perhaps the girl honestly admits that she used the superfluous, and therefore says so: "I think I'm too drunk." But another option is possible. She hints that since the man has given her, can seduce her. She will not mind. At this moment, she shifts all responsibility for what is happening to him. A man should be extremely attentive so as not to make stupid things, because he will have to answer, then he will have to.

The correct answer to this household situation: “Place and close your eyes. I will make you artificial respiration. ”

It is wrong to answer: “I seem to be too. Do you know where the toilet is? ”

Now you know how to answer the tricks of women. It will be easier for you to communicate with the girl, because you know in advance what to say, and she will not dumb you with her statement. Good luck!

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