How to treat the throat for pregnant women: proven methods

How to treat the throat for pregnant women: proven methods

Treatment of throat during pregnancy is simple methods that are safe for the future mother and her child. Read more about proven funds in the article.

The period of pregnancy is complicated by the one, especially if health fails, that doctors allow not all types of drugs to take. Therefore, any disease from a banal cold to a serious flu is doubly test, because a woman is responsible for herself and the unborn child.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "The best vitamins with iherb for pregnant women." You will find a list of good and popular drugs that you can and should drink women in a position.

If you have a sore throat during pregnancy, how to treat it correctly and safely, you will learn from this article. And also find out what can be pregnant with sore throat from drugs and how to prevent viral diseases. Read further.

What is the dangerous sore throat for pregnant women: laryngitis, pharyngitis

A pregnant woman has a sore throat
A pregnant woman has a sore throat

In the question "How to treat sore throat during pregnancy?" negligence is your number one enemy. Remember that even the usual pain in women in a position can provoke unpleasant and probably deplorable consequences without treatment. What are the dangerous sore throat for pregnant women?

  • Even the minimum inflammatory process is able to develop into purulent tonsillitis or other complications. Often, it is the sore throat that begins like laryngitis, and then a purulent plaque appears.
  • Pharyngitis, which has not been completely cured, is able to even lead to a threat of premature birth.
  • Processing in treatment is another dangerous situation if the throat hurts during pregnancy.
  • It can provoke the aggravation of the disease, the progression of symptoms and deterioration of a general condition.

If you do not want to risk your health and the future baby, you must know what to do if the throat is sick during pregnancy, as well as the main causes of the disease.

The causes of sore throat during pregnancy

In addition to diseases, there can be several causes of sore throat during pregnancy. These include the following:

  • Dry air

Dry air is a common cause that provokes redness, tightness in the throat, cough and pain. If you experience the listed symptoms in the early morning and they pass over time, then your sore throat during pregnancy must be treated simply: buy an air humidifier and put it at home.

In addition to unpleasant sensations, dry air is dangerous to health. The fact is that it provokes violations of the mucous membrane of the throat, makes it vulnerable to pathogens, which means that it can cause infections that have more serious consequences.

  • Bacteria

The most common cause of pain in the throat during pregnancy is infection. When viruses fall into the mucous membrane, it inflams and causes discomfort. Increased body temperature, swelling of the throat and mucous membranes during pregnancy - along with pains, all this can be harvesters of pharyngitis, which is more difficult to treat. This is acute inflammation of the throat, much more dangerous than ordinary SARS, so it requires immediate seeing a doctor.

  • Foreign body

A rather rare situation, due to which the throat hurts during pregnancy. How to treat such a problem? If a foreign body falls into the throat, you will immediately feel a sore, bouts of coughing. In this case, you need to get an item and apply a special tool to calm the mucosa.

Remember: It is almost impossible to confuse sore throat from a foreign body with other causes.

A foreign body can fall into the throat in different ways. For example:

  • You consumed fish the day before and did not notice how you swallowed the bone that was stuck in the throat. After that, the throat will hurt parish and very strongly.
  • Often people, using oysters and other similar delicacies in restaurants and cafes, manage to swallow pieces of shells, which are very sharp. They can injure the mucous membrane and even cause even greater harm. If such a piece stuck in the throat, then attacks of suffocation may occur.

Note:During pregnancy, it is extremely important not to start the disease, whatever the reason. In order to quickly eliminate clinical manifestations of sore throat in pregnant women in the initial stages, you need to make an appointment with a doctor as soon as possible. If the situation is acute, then call an ambulance.

The specialist will examine the affected area and prescribe drugs that will not harm the fetus, or eliminate the problem if it concerns the entry of a foreign body or others.

How to protect yourself from sore throat during pregnancy?

So that the throat does not hurt during pregnancy, you need to eat right
So that the throat does not hurt during pregnancy, you need to eat right

If you are already in a position or only plan a child, it is important for you to know how to treat the throat during pregnancy. 1 trimester or two other special differences have no other differences. But the best security measure is prevention. How to protect yourself from sore throat during pregnancy?

Experts include classical recommendations:

  • Spend more time in the fresh air, enjoy walking
  • Eat properly, monitor the recreation and labor mode
  • Minimize pastime in places of large accumulation of people
  • Ventify the house
  • Breathe with your nose if it is cold outside
  • Minimize contacts with sick people, and even better wear a mask
  • Take suitable vitamins and minerals
  • Observe the doctor

Compliance with these rules will not insure you from viral diseases and sore throat, but will reduce the risk of getting sick during pregnancy as much as possible.

Treatment of a sore throat, surge, runny nose, coughing in the early, late pregnancy - 1, 2, 3 trimester: drugs, Lugol, other means

Treatment of sore throat, surge, runny nose, coughing in the early, late pregnancy
Treatment of sore throat, surge, runny nose, coughing in the early, late pregnancy

If the throat hurts during pregnancy, how to treat depends on the root cause. The easiest way to resolve the issue with external factors, for example, dry air. Just buy a humidifier - and your symptoms will pass in a few hours. If the case is in a foreign body, then it should be obtained and treated with the mucous membrane with a healing agent.

Important: If you are worried about coughing, sore, runny nose, then this may be a consequence of a serious pathology - viral or bacterial. Therefore, do not try to treat these conditions separately, but consult a doctor. It will make the correct diagnosis, and if it is associated with the throat, it means that other unpleasant symptoms - consequence or complication. In this case, cure your throat, other unpleasant symptoms will pass.

How to cure a sore throat in the early, late pregnancy, if the cause is viral or bacterial? In this case, the doctor will prescribe sparing drugs, such as Lugol or other products that gently but effectively eliminate microbes and bacteria. So, in 1, 2, 3 trimester Women who bear a child usually prescribe such drugs:

  • 0.1%solution of chlorhexidine or miramistin

These funds are considered absolutely safe for the child. They are used to rinse the throat or irrigation of the oral mucosa. A distinctive feature of chlorhexidine is a bitter taste, so most doctors prescribe Miramistin.

  • Lugol solution

This is another remedy than to treat the throat of a pregnant woman by prescription of a doctor. It is permissible to use it for manifestations of purulent plaque, traffic jams and other pathological complications. It contains iodine, glycerin and iodide potassium.

  • Furatsilin

The drug is used to prepare a solution for rinsing. To do this, you can use a tablet form or a finished solution - 2 tablets or 1 tbsp. a spoon (if it is a finished solution) per 1 cup of warm boiled water.

Folk remedies for throat pain during pregnancy: how and how to treat?

Folk remedies for throat pain during pregnancy
Folk remedies for throat pain during pregnancy

Folk methods are what you can treat the throat for pregnant women. Their merit is in relative safety, and the largest minus is in low efficiency. Turning to a specialist is much wiser and safer, therefore, in the issue of treating sore throat during pregnancy, traditional medicine will not help so well.

But such funds will be an excellent addition to the treatment:

  • Lemon

The presence of vitamin C in its components helps to strengthen immunity and in general positively affects well -being. The slice of lemon in warm tea invigorates, tones, relieves sore throat. You can just chew a piece of this citrus fruit without singing or not jamming. After a couple of hours, it will become easier and the pain will begin to retreat. But remember that there is a lemon only after eating. On an empty stomach, he can irritate the gastric mucosa.

  • Honey

This product gives the body energy, regulates metabolic processes, and enhances immunity. This is an effective tool that eliminates soreness symptoms - safe and fast.

Important: The use of honey is permissible only if the patient does not have allergies and contraindications to beekeeping products.

  • Baking soda

It can be pregnant with throat. Used for rinsing, having previously dissolved 1 tsp. Without a slide in a glass of warm boiled water.

  • Chamomile flowers

The infusion has a slight anti -inflammatory effect and antibacterial in nature. They gently and painlessly treat the throat during pregnancy.

  • Soda and soda solution with iodine

This tool can even cure tonsillitis. You can do it like this: pour half a liter of water into a saucepan and put it on the gas. When the water begins to boil, pour 1 tsp. (without a hill) Soda and soda. Stir, let it boil for a moment and turn off the fire. When the solution has cooled, pour it into a jar and bring the volume with boiled water to 0.5 liters. Add 5 drops of iodine and mix. Half up the throat with this solution during the day (every hour). The very next morning you will feel relief.

Important: The use of folk remedies also has the opposite side: they help eliminate the symptoms and alleviate the condition of the patient, but are not able to quickly and quickly cure the infection. Therefore, it is wiser to learn from the doctor in advance than to treat and what to do if the sore throat is worried.

It is also worth noting that all these funds are what can be pregnant with a throat without a doctor’s prescription (within reasonable limits). But the effectiveness of lemon, honey, chamomile and other means is not comparable with modern medicines. Do not put off a trip to the doctor if your throat hurts and there are other symptoms, for example, increased body temperature. What to do and how not to harm the baby - only an experienced specialist will help you protect yourself and minimize all the risks. Read more more.

Sore throat during pregnancy and elevated temperature: how to treat?

How to treat a sore throat for a pregnant woman if her temperature rises? Firstly, in no case should an antipyretic drugs without the appointment of a doctor. Most drugs are strictly prohibited for women during pregnancy, especially It is unacceptable to drink:

  • Coldrex
  • Ibuprofen
  • Analgin
  • Acetylsalicylic acid
  • Antigrippin

They not only negatively affect the fetus and its development, but can also provoke a violation of placental blood circulation, uterine bleeding and other dangerous consequences.

After examination and tests, the doctor may allow the patient to accept a separate category of antipyretic - this is paracetamol or his analogues:

  • Panadol
  • Efferalgan

But no more than 4 times a day. Such funds not only reduce the temperature, and also reduce headache, aches in the body and eliminate general malaise.

note: Body temperature up to 38 ° C does not go astray! In this case, the body produces interferon, which helps it fight infections on its own. Therefore, antipyretic substances can play against you if you take them wrong.

Remember, if you are worried about how to cure the throat during pregnancy, then the temperature is not always bad. If you are worried about heat below 38 ° C and this does not cause discomfort, apply a cold compress. It will help more easily transfer unpleasant sensations without harm to health. An alternative to cold compresses - vinegar rubbing. To do this, you need to add 2 tablespoons of vinegar (9%) per 1 liter of warm water.

Why is it necessary to see a doctor with a sore throat during pregnancy?

With a sore throat during pregnancy, you need to consult a doctor
With a sore throat during pregnancy, you need to consult a doctor

Due to the characteristics of the human body, pathogenic bacteria can freely penetrate the child’s body through the placental barrier and cause it to develop deviations in it.

An independent diagnosis and the selection of medicines can be even more dangerous than a negligent attitude to the disease. Having no experience and the necessary knowledge, you risk harm to your healthy medicines. You can give you advice in a pharmacy than to cure, but a pharmacist is not a doctor: he is not responsible for the effect of the drug for your body. All that he can do is advise you a tool that is often bought. Therefore, be sure to see a doctor with a sore throat during pregnancy?

It is worth knowing: You can prevent and minimize risks during pregnancy only by going to the doctor. And let your throat slightly hurt, but you will be calm because of the correct treatment: nothing will threaten your baby’s life and health.

Throat treatment during pregnancy: video

You are waiting for the baby and suddenly felt unwell and fell ill? Do you have a sore throat and other unpleasant symptoms appeared? Do not try to find the answer to the question yourself "How to treat the throat during pregnancy". Each case is special, so going to the doctor is required. He will conduct a comprehensive examination, listen to complaints and give answers to your questions. Self -medication and self -diagnosis do not guarantee the selection of effective treatment and rapid recovery. If you do not want to harm yourself and the unborn child, trust the specialist. Good luck!

  • Video: We treat pregnant women - Dr. Komarovsky

Video: Treatment of SARS and influenza during pregnancy. Elena Nikologorskaya. Obstetrician-gynecologist

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