Pregnancy: How often can you do an ultrasound when it is safe to do a second ultrasound, how many times can an ultrasound scan during pregnancy?

Pregnancy: How often can you do an ultrasound when it is safe to do a second ultrasound, how many times can an ultrasound scan during pregnancy?

Pregnancy is the dream of many women, during this period it blooms. Inside it is a small life, which is easy to interrupt with careless deeds.

In order to do not threaten nothing to the intrauterine development of the child, gynecologists of obstetricians prescribe an ultrasound (ultrasound) to future mothers to undergo an ultrasound. How often do you need to do it?

At what periods do the ultrasound make?

  • Ultrasound study plays a major role during observation and determination of pathologies in the early stages of pregnancy. The study is done 4 times, but provided that there are no deviations in the mother or the child. The amount of ultrasound increases in case of suspicion of pathology of the development of the fetus, or the occurrence of problems during pregnancy in a woman.
  • This procedure is mandatory for all pregnant women. Do not refuse this study, since this is the only way to observe the process of the development of the fetus and the detection of pathologies.
  • The first ultrasound is carried out on 5 or 6 weeks. With its help, the doctor determines whether the conception has really occurred and where the fetal egg was attached, as well as the exact gestational age. This period is the most important in controlling the development of the fetus.
  • The following study is carried out on 10-14 weeks. During this period, the doctor examines the beating of the heart, and also determines the early diagnosis of deviations in the development of the fetus. The study will show the exact gestational age, the size of the fetus, the gestation period. An ultrasound will also show in what condition the uterus is and whether there are deviations from the norm in the development of the baby. With the help of ultrasound, chromosomal pathologies of the fetus are found, including incompatible with life (Down syndrome, Patau syndrome, Edwards syndrome).
  • 19-23 weeks of pregnancy - The period for passing the third ultrasound. Now the development of the baby’s organs is being examined, whether there are pathologies that were not determined in the early stages. During this period, you can almost accurately find out the gender of the child.
A very important study is carried out in the middle of the term
A very important study is carried out in the middle of the term

The doctor during the study draws attention:

  • Does the development of the fetus correspond to the gestational age.
  • Is there any intrauterine slowdown in development.
  • The size and location of the placenta, determination of the degree of maturity.
  • The volume of amniotic fluid (lack of water, multi -guide).
  • Vessels of the umbilical cord.
  • On the size of the cervix and the width of the cervical canal.

32-36 Week fourth planned ultrasound is carried out before childbirth. During this period, the presentation of the placenta, the correct location of the child are determined.

The following indicators are investigated:

  • The presentation of the fetus. The safest is the head presentation of the fetus. Pelvic and transverse - is the reason for the cesarean section.
  • The size of the fetus: weight, size of the limbs, the circumference of the head, the structure of the internal organs.
  • Accommodation, structure, degree of maturity of the placenta.
  • Diagnosis of the uterus and birth canal.

Sometimes a doctor for insurance can prescribe an additional examination. Do not worry prematurely. These are just additional procedures to make sure that everything is in order with the baby.

What ultrasound during pregnancy do you need to take place?

To make sure of good cardiac activity and blood flow the following varieties of ultrasound during pregnancy are used:

  • Ultrasound dopplerography of uterine-placental circulation (UZDG) Helps to see blood circulation in the arteries of the uterus and umbilical cord. UZDG makes it possible to diagnose improper development of the placenta, and check the absence of fetal distress. UZDG is prescribed in the third trimester in accordance with the indications.
  • Echo-kg It is an ultrasound of the heart, which helps to timely diagnose congenital defects of the heart of the child. It is done from 20 weeks, that is, in the second trimester. But the longer the gestational age, the better the structure of the small heart is visible. Unfortunately, not all deviations can be detected by echo-kg. So, the “open oval window” is diagnosed only after the birth of the baby, since in the womb it should be open, and after the appearance of the light it is delayed from one month to 3 years.

When is unscheduled ultrasound during pregnancy?

  • Unscheduled ultrasound during pregnancy is prescribed by a gynecologist when deviations were identified in the first weeks. The study can be carried out when a woman in a position complains of pain in the lower abdomen, isolation in the form of meager menstruation, etc.
  • The doctor with ultrasound provides the dynamics of the development of deviations during pregnancy. And also he foresees the patient's condition and, in the event of a deterioration in her state of health, can provide assistance in a timely manner.
Need to be carried out to identify problem aspects
Need to be carried out to identify problem aspects

The reason for an unscheduled ultrasound study may be:

  • Pelvic presentation of the child.
  • Premature detachment of the placenta.
  • Hypoxia (lack of oxygen) fetal.
  • The painful state of the mother that threaten her life and the life of the child. It can be painful sensations in the lower abdomen, blood discharge.
  • Availability chronic diseases: hepatitis, diabetes, AIDS, oncology, etc.
  • If the future mother has congenital pathologies of the genitourinary system and the pelvic organs.
  • Disassembled bearing the fetus in the past, for example, a frozen or ectopic pregnancy, premature delivery, birth of children with deviations, miscarriages.

Thus, unscheduled ultrasound is prescribed at any time. The frequency of this procedure helps the gynecologist in time to take the right actions in order to protect the life of the mother and the baby.

Can an ultrasound during pregnancy harm?

  • Future mothers are concerned about the harm of ultrasound during pregnancy. Will ultrasound can negatively affect the health of the baby.
  • We dare to assure you that this study is completely safe for both the mother and the child. It is based on harmless ultrasound fluctuations in high frequency.
  • When pregnancy leakage without complications and pathologies, ultrasound is carried out once a trimester. But if there are complaints about poor health or the doctor suspects the deviation of the development of the fetus that can be the cause of complications, the study is carried out as many times as your attending physician will say. This is necessary to control the dynamics, diagnosis and determine the correct treatment strategy.

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