Ureaplasma: Influence on pregnancy and child, what is the peculiarity?

Ureaplasma: Influence on pregnancy and child, what is the peculiarity?

The hidden infection of ureaplasma has a huge impact on the process of pregnancy and fetus. Read more in the article.

Recently, families planning pregnancy are increasingly checked for diseases that are transmitted sexually. This situation is based on an increase in the level of awareness of the population about the negative effects of infections on the reproductive functions of future parents, as well as on the health of the unborn baby. In addition, complex examinations for sexual infections become more accessible. Those girls who are responsible for their health, pass the necessary tests before pregnancy have less risks, but most of the women come to test their health as pregnant.

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Below we are talking about ureaplasmosis and partially mycoplasmosis, which negatively affect the health of parents and their future babies. These diseases have become studied not so long ago, so now many controversial points and issues regarding the asymptomatic course of infection and its pathogenicity are not resolved. Read more more.

What is ureaplasma, mycoplasma: what is the peculiarity?


Consider why ureaplasmosis and mycoplasmosis cause so many questions. Some experts note that ureapaplasmosis is a kind of mycoplasmosis. Some indicate that both microorganisms belong to one family, but represent two different kinds. However, a common person does not care about these classifications, it is much more important to know how dangerous these diseases are. What is the peculiarity of these infections?

  • Ureaplasma and mycoplasma enter a group of one type of microorganism - mOLICUTES class.
  • Now these bacteria are considered conditionally pathogenic. So, in a healthy person, they may not show themselves in any way, and during the period of weakening of immunity - they begin to actively multiply and provoke urogenital inflammation.
  • The peculiarity of these microorganisms lies in their extremely small size, they do not have a cell wall, but the membrane resembles membranes of the human body cells.

Ureaplasmas are divided into 3 types, and mycoplasmas are 100 types. In the human body, they live on the mucous membrane of the genitourinary system and the mucosal of the oropharynx. The most pathogenic are 3 pathogens of data from microorganisms:

  • Ureaplasma is Urealicum
  • Mycoplasma Hominis
  • Mycoplasma genitalium

The last pathogen is the most dangerous of the listed. However, more often women suffer from ureaplasmosis, which negatively affects the course of pregnancy. Therefore, we will consider in more detail this pathology.

How often can a woman be a carrier of ureaplasma?

Women with strong immunity are carriers of ureaplasma in 80% of cases of the entire female population. Basically, this infection is transmitted to sexual contacts, but women are more often than men carriers of bacteria data. Researchers conducted an analysis and found that little girls who did not come by age to sexual maturation in 25% of cases are carriers of mycoplasma and ureaplasma. Most likely, these bacteria were transmitted by him from his mother in intranotone or during childbirth.

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How can you become infected with ureaplasma?

Bacteria of infection settle in the human body on the mucous surface of the genitourinary system, where they practically do not give themselves out. How can you become infected with ureaplasma?

  • Infection occurs during sexual contact without the use of protective agents.
  • However, experts argue that in rare cases, infection can occur through individual household objects of an infected person.

From a pregnant woman to the baby, ureaplasma is transmitted by a vertical way, in this case the infection spreads through the ascending, namely, bacteria of ureapaplasma penetrate from the vagina into the appendages and the uterus. During pregnancy, through amniotic fluid, ureaplasma enters the amniotic space and the lungs of the baby. This method of infection of the embryo occurs in the early stages of pregnancy, but not often. Also, a transplacental method of infection is not common, that is, through the placenta, but it can occur at any stage of pregnancy.

Ureaplasmosis during pregnancy is dangerous in that it provokes inflammation, fetoplacental insufficiency, which increase the risk of termination of pregnancy, the death of the fetus or the onset of early birth. For the baby himself, an infection in the process of childbirth is a great danger. During passing through the birth canal, bacteria fall on the mucous membranes of the child, and there is a danger of the appearance of sepsis, meningitis, pneumonia under the influence of ureaplasma.

Ureaplasma: signs and symptoms


Often ureaplasmosis does not show any symptoms. Microorganisms themselves are found when taking analysis for hidden infections. But some women, nevertheless, complain of inflammation in the genitourinary system. Ureaplasmosis can cause the following diseases:

  • Cervicitis is an inflammatory process in the cervix area
  • Urethritis - inflammation in the urethra
  • Kolpit - inflammation of the vaginal zone

In some difficult situations, it is manifested by an endometritis - the inflammatory process of the uterus, problems with uterine pipes and salpingophoritis - inflammation of the ovaries. But these diseases mainly occur with a comprehensive infection of ureaplasmosis and chlamydia, gonococcus, trichomoniasis. What are the signs of ureaplasma? Women's complaints differ in where the inflammatory process occurs and how much it progresses:

  • Some do not notice inflammation.
  • Others complain of burning, itching in the intimate area.
  • There may be stretching pains in the lower abdomen, greenish secretions.
  • When infection enters the genitourinary system - frequent and unpleasant urination.
  • If a secondary infection is accompanied, then the symptoms are even brighter.

The most accurate diagnosis is PCR test. On an ordinary environment, it is impossible to sow ureaplasma and mycoplasma. So, through an analysis on an ordinary environment, the result will always be negative, despite the presence of inflammation in the patient. In pregnant women, the relapse of the disease and its acute course occurs in 60% of cases.

Ureaplasma: Causes

When the quantity and quality of the microflora of the genital tract is disturbed, we should talk about dysbiosis. A number of microorganisms are initially neutral, for example, gardnerella, but they make favorable conditions in the vagina for the occurrence of pathogenesis of coexisting bacteria. As a result, the copulation of ureaplasma and gardnerella during pregnancy increases the risk of propagation of entire colonies of microorganisms and, as a result, inflammatory processes develop. The reasons for the development of infection are described below.

  • Ureaplasma is Urealicum It has an intermediate structure, it is not a virus, but is also not recognized as a typical bacterium.
  • Due to the function of ureololysis, the disease arises in the genitourinary system. Therefore, most often infection occurs through sexual path.
  • Men can also be carriers of this microorganism, although they suffer from this disease much less often.
  • Infection can occur through the use of public places - pools, baths, toilets. Although scientists exclude the possibility of transmitting ureaplasma infection in this way. Therefore, it was established that infection, first of all, occurs through unprotected sexual relations.

From the time of conception, the body undergoes significant hormonal changes, the woman’s protective forces decrease, hidden microorganisms can go into the active state of pathogenesis. Those microbes that until that moment existed quietly in the body begin to manifest themselves and multiply. The conditions for the occurrence of inflammation become favorable.

Most women are wondering: "Is it possible to get pregnant with ureaplasmosis?". The answer is obvious:

  • Ureaplasma does not interfere with pregnancy.
  • But the developed inflammation due to ureapaplasmic disease can cause some complications that negatively affect the functions of a woman’s reproduction.

In advanced cases, the obstruction of the fallopian tubes develops, spikes are formed.

Is ureaplasma dangerous during pregnancy: what is the effect on conception, fruit?

Ureaplasma is dangerous during pregnancy
Ureaplasma is dangerous during pregnancy

As mentioned above, in the body of a healthy woman ureaplasma is Urealicum Often does not show itself in any way and does not cause discomfort. Is ureaplasma dangerous during pregnancy? What is the impact on conception, fruit?

  • The danger of this microorganism begins to represent precisely during pregnancy.
  • At this time, bacteria propagate above the limit of normal or when immunity weakens, for example, due to stress, hypothermia of the body, hormonal failures.
  • If the disease has already been found at the stage of pregnancy, then there is a danger of harm to the physical and mental state of the fetus.
  • Various intrauterine abnormalities in the development of the baby may also appear.
  • In rare cases, the infection affects the termination of pregnancy, especially in the early stages.
  • If the pregnancy was successful, then the risk of infection of the child in the process of childbirth is very large. Once on the mucous membranes of the baby, the pathogen can cause inflammatory processes in the respiratory system, in the reproductive system, even meningitis sometimes develops.

Therefore, it is very important at the stage of conception planning to undergo the necessary tests, and in case of revealing treatment. Diagnostics are still at the stage of conception planning. Knowing risks in advance helps to prevent the onset of negative consequences. If you destroy the pathogen of infection before conception, then the health of the unborn child and mother will be safe.

Diagnostics for ureaplasma

Initially, ureaplasmosis during pregnancy is diagnosed by collecting subjective and objective data. Complaints of patients who characterize the clinical picture of infection are heard. The objective side is important: the analysis of the discharge, the presence of them on the posterior wall of the vagina, the condition of the mucous membrane, it can be hyperemic or have a pale appearance. If when analyzing on 1 g There are discharge less than 10 in 4 degrees of microorganisms, then there is no danger, and if the concentration is higher, then the probability of developing infection is great. How is diagnostics carried out?

The analysis of the analysis for the identification of ureaplasmosis is carried out by the following methods:

  • From the walls of the vagina and the base of the cervix, a scraping is taken and plunged into a special environment for diagnosis.
  • Using a solution of sodium chloride, flushing is made from the urethra or from the walls of the vagina.
  • A smear for ureapaplasma is made by Urealicum for further sowing of bacteria.

These methods can identify 2 types of pathogens of this disease:

  1. Ureaplasma is Urealicum. Not so aggressive microorganism that is capable of located on mucous membranes without any manifestation. Activity occurs when immunity falls, but during pregnancy it is a very dangerous bacterium, since it is able to overcome the placental barrier and cause significant harm to the fetus.
  2. Ureaplasma Parvum. It is the most malicious variety of this type of pathogens. It is able to split the urea, while highlighting ammonia. In this regard, inflammation is activated, and uric acid salts appear in the urine, which can penetrate the rising path into the kidneys.

In some cases, both types of bacteria live in one space. In order to more accurately diagnose, the analysis of venous blood is used.

Ureaplasma: treatment during pregnancy

Ureaplasma: treatment during pregnancy
Ureaplasma: treatment during pregnancy

During pregnancy, ureaplasmosis is usually treated with outpatient. Ureaplasma is able to quickly adapt to antibiotics of various kinds. Therefore, treatment begins with more gentle drugs, and ends with potent. In order to increase the effectiveness of treatment, in advance, analysis of the sensitivity to antibiotics of the pathogenic environment.

  • During pregnancy, not every antimicrobial agent is allowed to use.
  • Therefore, treatment is limited only to the drug and woman with drugs.
  • To get rid of ureapaplasmosis, it is necessary to carry out treatment simultaneously with a sexual partner. In addition, during treatment, it is recommended to refrain from sexual intercourse or in extreme cases to protect condoms. Otherwise, mutual infection will last endlessly.
  • Among antibiotics, relevant are macro -cast drugs (phosphate oleandomycin, erythromycin) and lincosamides.
  • The course of antimicrobial treatment continues from 10 to 14 days.
  • Along with antibiotics, auxiliary drugs are prescribed against protozoal diseases and antifungal drugs.

To help the immunity is also prescribed:

  • Vitamin complexes
  • Interferons
  • Peptides

For local exposure, physiotherapy and applications with drugs are prescribed. Candles are often also used:

  • Neo-Penotran
  • Genferon
  • Terzhinan

In the process of treatment, it is important to observe a special diet. Exclude:

  • Smoked meats
  • Sharp and salty products
  • Sweets
  • Alcohol

It is favorable to use fruits and vegetables, dairy products for health. Upon completion of the course of treatment, it will be necessary to clearly follow the rules of personal hygiene, not to allow unverified sexual contacts.

If unpleasant symptoms occur, it is recommended to get advice from a specialist. Following all the rules, you can easily take out the child and give birth to him healthy. It is important to realize what to find out about ureapaplasmosis during the period of gestation is not a sentence, now everything can be cured by observing all the recommendations of specialists.

Ureaplasma: conclusions

Ureaplasmosis is widespread throughout the globe, this disease is often detected in the population. Basically, the infection is asymptomatic. Ureaplasma is the causative agent of ureaplasmosis. The microorganism itself is very chalk and specific, does not have its own cell wall. Initially, it was considered an intermediate microorganism between the bacteria and the virus. Therefore, the conclusions are:

  • Ureaplasma is attached to the mucous surfaces of the organs of the genitourinary system, there are comfortable conditions for it to live and multiply.
  • But now there are long disputes about the pathogenicity of ureaplasma, because it is often detected, and the connection with inflammation is rarely proved.
  • Therefore, at present, ureaplasma is considered conditionally pathogenic microorganism.
  • However, during malfunctions in the immunity of ureaplasma, he behaves aggressively and causes inflammation in the genitourinary system.

During pregnancy, the protective forces of the female body weaken, due to this, hidden infections begin to come into effect and negatively affect the course of pregnancy and the condition of the fetus. Sometimes a child’s inexhaustment or infection occurs due to ureapaplasmosis. More often this infection is found in women at a childbearing age. Therefore, experts advise before planning a child to be examined on hidden infections, including ureaplasmosis. Good luck!

Video: ureaplasma - its effect on pregnancy and fetus

Video: “commercial” diagnoses: chlamydia, mycoplasma and ureaplasma - Dr. Komarovsky

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