How to get rid of bad thoughts in your head, learn to cope with obsessive thoughts and negatives: exercises, tips, errors

How to get rid of bad thoughts in your head, learn to cope with obsessive thoughts and negatives: exercises, tips, errors

In this article, we will consider methods that will help get rid of bad thoughts in the head.

Negative thoughts can be exhausting. They burden, deprive the joy of life and distort your idea of \u200b\u200breality. Therefore, it is often recommended to replace negative thoughts positively in order to establish any sphere of your life. It sounds great in theory.

However, in practice, getting rid of bad thoughts is not so simple, especially if there is also a reason to be upset. After all, one cannot stop your negative thinking with one click of a button or a wave of a magic wand. Therefore, in this article we will consider psychological proven tips that will really allow you to get rid of this kind of thoughts and close the door to any negative in your head!

How to get rid of bad, obsessive thoughts and negativity: recommendations of psychologists

The nature and reason for the negativity in your head can be different. Someone really experiences a serious injury and cannot pick up himself in order to enjoy life again. And someone on the basis of neurosis leads to himself negative. But it is important to understand that you need to get rid of bad thoughts without mandatory and any order!


Important: the bad habit of many, which becomes an incentive for the appearance of obsessive thoughts on each issue - This is conversations with oneself. Yes, they can already be just in automatic mode. But teach yourself as soon as the voice appears in your head, immediately switch your attention. For example, call someone on the phone to talk. This is precisely what causes reusable scrolling the problem in your head, which you yourself came up with. Just with different scenarios, but always with an unsuccessful end.

By the way, before, such conversations were alone with themselves were considered communication with evil spirits!

The first rule will be exactly the struggle against the scrolling of the plot in the head and the suppression of your voice. If you get rid of this habit, then you will spend much less time on a clock monologue. But other methods of combating bad thoughts will help you with this:

  • Drink with chamomile or mint tea with honey regularly (not with sugar) every evening (and not coffee after 18:00) to calm down, no matter how trite it sounds. If we talk about more radical methods, then you can connect Valerian or glycine, But also on an ongoing basis for about 10-14 days. It is this method that is in the first place, since only having calmed down, you can restore order in your head. Moreover, often neurosis and movie sessions in the head are the result of abundance of caffeine and poor sleep.
  • Now we are betting on Psychotherapeutic distraction from bad thoughts and even their persecution! And for this you must stop identifying yourself with your thoughts. In other words, we block ourselves from their influence - they should not control you and take your time and attention. Remember - this is only an echo of a living day, tense at work or quarrels in the family. This is neither truth nor your reflection! This is just a lump of your different thoughts that mixed up.
Dress right!
Dress right!
  • Next is necessary Accept them! It sounds at first glance like nonsense, but you should not be afraid of your bad thoughts. As soon as you can let go of the situation that you scroll in your head, it will stop pursuing you.

How to get rid of bad, obsessive thoughts and negativity: exercises

  • Exercise "In the eyes of fear."You must imagine everything that bothers you and scares you! And you must survive this emotion of adrenaline and fear. We are afraid of unknownness, but if you decide to step, you will receive relief. By the way, remember the first lesson of Rimus Lupine from the film -filmed serial book Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, which took place on the basis of the fight against fear. He is afraid of laughter! Take a note for the fight against bad thoughts, which, like fear, are born only in our head!
  • It can also help you with this Record of your thoughts on paper! You must subtly describe all the facets of your thoughts and plots of problems. At the same time, sometimes, the decision will come by itself, and bad thoughts disappear. If there is an opportunity, talk to someone close to people, but do not turn these conversations into a habit of constantly complaining. And remember one thing - It should be the voice acting of your bad thoughts, but not complaints!
  • Now we go to blocking bad thoughts. This will help to do positive visualization. Of course, not everything is so easy, but when visiting poor thoughts, reprogramming your brain as follows: either even such or a bad outcome from your position/problem will bring you experience and benefit; Or you act differently and get into the winnings again. By the way, we offer you an article for reading "Visualization: what is it and how to do it correctly?"
    • Exercise "Rubilik".We take our fears and bad thoughts, imagine them in all colors! Mash them under the guise of a switch or a chipper (can be placed inside). And when you outline everything in the details, click on the switch and close these memories in your head.
Let go
Let go
  • We solve this algorithm and find a way out! Bad thoughts become obsessive only when you cannot solve any question! It doesn’t matter what your problem is, but all this only suggests that you do not like such an outcome. Although you do not correct anything. Let us turn, for example.
    • You are gnawing at the idea that you do not see your family, you don’t have time around the house, but your salary does not increase. And all because you cannot refuse colleagues or boss to help with some kind of project. And most of the time sit at work just like that. This is the easiest option to understand the essence of the task. That is, you need not to be afraid to express your dissatisfaction or the reason for the refusal, or to require additional compensation.
  • Get it a rule every evening To relax your body and thoughts. Ideally, do meditation, but it will be enough if you just lie down for 10-15 minutes to relaxing music (you can do it without it, but it’s so harder not to think about anything) without movements and thoughts. Disconnect your consciousness and perception!
    • Exercise "Breathing".Correct and conscious breathing helps to relax, calm down and drive away bad thoughts. But there is a little trick. Sfue and sit in the lotus pose (or as it is convenient for you). From 5 to 10 breaths, it depends on the degree of your anxiety. Slowly inhaling and exhaling, we say “I inhale the courage, and exhale fear”! As an option, you can say your thoughts/problems and find a solution to them or calm yourself with their insignificance!
Falls are also needed
Falls are also needed

Do not try to run away from bad thoughts, but learn to defend yourself and get rid of negativity in your head and life: methods, exercises

The first time to get rid of bad thoughts, do these exercises for 15 minutes every day or 30 minutes 3 times a week. But in any case, there should be a system.

  • Be grateful for everything in your life.Gratitude is a magical weapon of positive psychology. It changes your brain and immediately gives you positive energy. Try to thank everything! And you will see that your negative thoughts will be less and less in your head. The worse your words are from your mouth, the more chaos inside the head.
    • An exercise: Do not forget - all your thoughts and words are materialized. Yes, this is already a hackneyed topic. But she works if everything is done correctly and not throw it on half the journey. Therefore, we are engaged in the reprogramming of our thoughts: “I will work out all”, “I can do everything”, “I have a good job”, “kind mother -in -law”, “caring husband and obedient children”, etc. It is important to direct your thoughts to positive, then you can see the good. That is, It is necessary not to mourn the problem that has arisen, but to turn it inside out and see the pluses from the current situation. And most importantly - to say “thank you” the universe for such a lesson!

Important: pronouncing positive words, touch our throat. By this, you activate Chakra Vishudha, which is responsible for our words and thoughts, as well as their correct stream.

We offer an article for reading "What are chakras and how to clean them yourself?"

Thank you!
Thank you!
  • Learn to stay alone and alone with yourself.Salting will help you better understand your inner life. Only thanks to the regular practice of attentiveness can you truly perceive and recognize your negative thoughts. And as soon as you recognize them, it will be very easy to make friends with them. You should relax to special music, you can even use a classic theme or sounds of nature, taking a convenient lying position. This method does not work right away, you should practice. But he will give you a good mental reloading.
  • Goodbye yourself when you make mistakes and other people.Forgiveness of oneself, like the forgiveness of a friend, is an important part of training how to cope with negative thoughts. If you are dealing with the negative thoughts that occur due to errors you made, you need to learn how to forgive yourself. Also, do not forget to let go of a stone of resentment against another person. This lump of resentment only corrodes you from the inside!
    • An exercise: We connect the mind and logic. You must realize, speak and even write down on paper, what emotions overwhelm you, what thoughts visit and what does not suit you. You must completely trust yourself in order to understand why you did this and not otherwise (or your offender). And the most important thing that you should come to, any mistake is part of the experience to extract a lesson! If you have not surrendered such a test, life will set up such a bayonet again. When you recorded all the parties errors and conclusions obtained, burn the paper and sorry mentally!

Important: in our life there is no judge who would criticize everyone for mistakes. Our life consists of stripes of correct and wrong actions. Even so, not knowing bad, you will not know the good! Take the situation, scroll through your head several times in your head mental forgiveness and farewell to your offender. This is not a load that needs to be carried, this is a valuable experience that you should be proud of!

There can be no good without evil, as well as the right actions without errors
There can be no good without evil, as well as the right actions without errors
  • Love yourself!Yes, just love. Regardless of how you look - you are beautiful. Your weight, nose length is not you. This is just a shell. You should understand that you are created by the Creator and he loves you just that.
    • An exercise: Waking up in the morning, look at yourself in the mirror and tell yourself: “I love myself, I accept myself like that (oh)!” And do not forget to tell yourself compliments for these hair, eyes, figure, even if they are not quite perfect. No, this is not a joke, it really works. Very soon you will see yourself with different eyes, and your friends and employees will begin to compliment you. And here you will understand that your negative thoughts have left you.
  • Congratulate yourself on a little victory.Another way to combat negative thinking is to congratulate yourself when you are doing something good, or remind yourself that you did well in the past. From time to time, slightly patting yourself on the back, you can focus on your positive qualities and stop thinking about negative thoughts and feelings.
    • An exercise: Analyze your day yourself, you can write it on a piece. And write out all your affairs. But instead of dwelling on something bad, choose one or more positive things and congratulate yourself.
  • Surround yourself with positive people.Remember that your friends have a great influence on you, regardless of whether you recognize it or not. If you surround yourself with negative people, you will have negative thinking. Look and develop friendship with people who are happy and positive.
Choose the right environment
  • Enjoy life and live this moment.Sometimes we can be so absorbed in our daily routine and the employment of life that we forget to stop and feel the smell of roses. Use small moments of life and do not let them pass by you. If your friends invite you to go dancing after work, go! Forget sometimes and examine the new areas where you live so that you can find even more opportunities to be spontaneous.
  • Use humor.Life becomes even more pleasant and easier when you regularly laugh and rejoice. Find the ways to include humor in your life so that you often laugh. Watch comedies, spend time with your fun friends, and also learn to laugh at yourself. The less seriously you feel about yourself, the easier it will be to get rid of negative thinking. We also offer to read the article “How to learn to enjoy life?»
  • Seek for help from a professional.If you are not able to get rid of bad thoughts yourself, you should seek help from a professional psychologist. It is important not to delay the visit to the consultant. The solution to any problem at an early stage will simplify its consequences. Know that seeking help is a sign of power, and not a sign of personal failure or weakness.

How to distract from bad thoughts: tips

Thanks to these tips, you will understand how to learn to close from bad thoughts, developing persistent immunity to them.

  • Distract yourself with a positive activity that you really like!Yes, it sounds a little corny and it seems difficult. But employment gives you less time to focus on your thoughts, and can also remind you of what you like. Look for classes that you like, or try something new.
  • Have your hobby! A lot of psychologists insist that it is precisely such trifles that make us a person. Let your thoughts, plunge into creativity and give up to the impulse! You will not just close negative impulses, but also get a inspiring charge of positive!
  • Go to the run. This tires your mind and helps to reduce stress due to physical activity.
  • Walk in the fresh air Or where you like, for example in the park. In general, take it a rule to yourself - every day go for a walk for at least half an hour, and not sit on 4 walls alone with your thoughts.
  • Watch a funny movie/series or read a fascinating book. This method, of course, will not save you from scrolling the problem, but will help to be distracted, and if there is also an interesting plot, then you can even endure the lesson for yourself, as you can do.
  • Spend time with a friend, family member or social community.Remaining in touch with others, you can feel more positive and be distracted from yourself.
  • Do good.If you are very difficult and thoughts attack you, do something good. You probably see poor, destitute people or animals every day. Just take them some of your things, feed them, devote time and attention. You can also go to a children's shelter or a boarding school, take fruits, cereals, mixtures or diapers there. Having done a good deed, it will become much easier for you in your soul. And your negative thoughts will be squeezed, because you will think about these people and about this situation for more than one day.
The power of kindness
The power of kindness
  • Put on your house in your house. Yes, cleaning itself calms, but even unnecessary things attract negative energy to your home. And she, in turn, causes negative thinking in your head.
  • Risk and get a share of adrenaline!It is he who will help get rid of bad thoughts in the head. Any new impressions make new colors in our lives and give a charge of positive!  
  • Take care of yourself.Good care of yourself can help you deal with negative thoughts. Good nutrition, enough sleep and regular physical exercises can help you feel better mentally and physically. In addition, let yourself sometimes go for a massage, make a mask or just buy a new thing. This is a trifle, but it can bring a drop of joy to your life!
    • Try to adhere to a balanced diet, including many fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains and lean protein. Avoid unhealthy food, as well as excess sugar and fat.
    • Sleep for 7-8 hours.Keep in mind that this is a recommendation for adults. Some people can sleep less and at the same time feel great.
  • Drink enough water! It is she who is responsible for the proper nutrition of cells with oxygen, as well as the proper functioning of the brain. And, incredibly, she cleanses our thoughts and gives a feeling of lightness and vivacity.
  • Check your health. Pass blood tests for biochemistry, thyroid gland, hormones. Rent urine to amino acids and trace elements. Contact the doctor for a nutritionist who will help you choose the missing elements identified using analyzes. Or go to the IHERB site And select dietary supplements for yourself. After all, problems in health most often cause negative thoughts. Remember the saying - there is healthy mind in a healthy body!

Important: give up bad habits! They do not calm down and certainly do not solve problems, but they take a lot of energy and potential!

A vicious circle that needs to be broken
A vicious circle that needs to be broken

How to drive away a rapidly bad thought: Technique

1 method:

As soon as you notice what you think about the bad, order yourself to delete this thought, just as you delete unwanted text from the computer screen. Order yourself: Delete !!! You can say to yourself: worn out, erased !!! In order for this to work for you, there must be blanks with good thoughts (events), so that after these words you can rebuild in another way and think about the good work that you have. If you transfer it to a computer, you just closed the old, bad tab and opened a new one that you like. Over time, the body itself will be rebuilt to a new tab after words to remove or erased, erased.

2 method:

Often some melody with bad words spins in my head. It is so arranged that negative songs are in great demand. And this song in the head will attract the negative situation that it broadcasts about. Therefore, you should have a workpiece that should interrupt the melody of the unsuitable song. For example, the song “I love you life”, “The world in which I live is called a dream ...”, “I am happy like no one!” It is enough to sing the first verse several times until an undesirable melody disappears. You can turn on a positive melody or instrumental classical music.

3 method:

If bad thoughts simply overcome and cannot be rid of two methods described above, apply the Hooponopono system. They ate briefly, then you must pronounce a few phrases to yourself:

  • I'm sorry
  • I'm really sorry
  • I love you
  • Thank you

These phrases can be addressed either to God, the universe, the creator, or to the person who excites you, maybe you offended someone and now regret it. If someone offended you, or something happened, contact the Creator with these words. Words should spin in your head almost all free time. Do not focus on forgiveness. Repeat the words most of all I love you«.

We get rid of bad thoughts: mistakes that should be avoided

There are small steps that certainly will not save you from bad thoughts:

  1. Pity for yourself! Once again, we focus that all our thoughts are materialized, including pity. You just plunge into your problems, moving away from the way out of the situation.
  2. Excessive severity to yourself. It works according to a different principle, but the result has the same. She will not solve the problem, but will only take a new fear.
  3. Multiple scrolling of an unsuccessful ending. Remember - this is only the work of your imagination! But she will prevent you from acting, because in the soul there is already fear of failure.
  4. Constant deposit for tomorrow. This is not only work on yourself, but also any important things. Their cluster creates the luggage of employment and negative thoughts.
  5. The fight against negative thoughts.Never fight with negative thoughts intentionally. Thus, you declare war on them, and they will shoot in response. You cannot win this battle!
  6. Condemnation of oneself for negative thoughts.There are simply negative thoughts. They are part of our lives. However, it is important that you return to normal and feel positively.

Negative thoughts are a normal process of the brain and its combat regime. You decide which approach you will use with this struggle with negative thoughts. But never let them take dominance over you. After all, the way out can always be found!

Video: How to get rid of bad thoughts - Sadhugur

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