What is visualization and how does it work?

What is visualization and how does it work?

The creative power of thought is a scientifically proven fact. Our thoughts create our reality. Learn to manage your thoughts, and you can control your life.

What is visualization of desires and how to correctly visualize the desired reality?

Visualization is a detailed reproduction of your desire in imagination. Such a technique has been practicing in the East for many centuries, since recently it has become very popular in Europe, including with us.

Our mind consists of consciousness and subconscious. The consciousness includes all the mental processes related to logic, analysis, all consistent actions are conscious activity.

The subconscious controls more subtle spheres: intuition, spiritual practices, dreams, imagination. The subconscious is also responsible for instincts. In a sense, the subconscious is higher than the consciousness, since the instincts are primary in relation to knowledge. Animals do not have knowledge, but have intuition. In a minute of danger, a person subconsciously reacts so as to save life.

How to visualize desires

In other words, consciousness is our rational “I”, the subconscious is the irrational “I”.

The correct technique of visualization of desires, video

  • Suppose you have a dream that you consider unrealizable. That is, you do not allow the thought that the subject of your dreams may appear in your life. Accordingly, your consciousness (rational “I”) does not see the reasons to look for ways to achieve it, and you are not taking any steps to its embodiment, your dream exists for you in a different reality
  • Now let's try to connect the subconscious to the problem (your irrational “I”), namely, turn on the imagination. It does not matter to him how unattainable your dream is, the imagination knows no boundaries. You begin to represent the subject of your dreams in detail, in colors, imagine its smell, color, sensation from touch, your emotions from having a dream. That is, you are creating a reality in which you and your dream are connected
  • The subconscious mind activates the work on the search for the achievement of the desired ways. Consciousness will no longer perceive your idea as something unattainable and unreal - you have experienced real emotions from possessing your dream. Consciousness will also connect to work on the embodiment of dreams into reality

Video: The power of thought and its secret

As a result, the dream will move from ephemeral substance into the category of a specific problem for solving.

How to apply visualization correctly

How to visualize the desired reality?

It is better for beginners to choose small specific goals for visualization. It will be easier for you to work out equipment and comply with all the rules below. As the target skills improve, you can complicate.

  1. Specifically.The goal set to achieve through visualization should be as specific as possible. If you have a lot of desires, choose one most important thing. If your desire is abstract (“I want to live better”), you need to specify it: what exactly do you want to improve? ("Close apartment" \u003d "I want to buy a new apartment")
  2. Subject.During visualization, it is necessary to mentally very clearly and objectively represent the reality in which your desire is fulfilled. If you imagine a car, you need to see a car brand, model, color, material of seats, smell in the cabin, sound sound, feel the sensation of touching the steering wheel and brake pedal under the sole. Images should not be blurry
  3. Involved.During visualization, you need to be a direct participant in what you think. Do not become in the position of the viewer. For example, if you represent a new apartment, you need not just to look at new interiors, but to see how you live in it, open the door with a key, watering flowers on the balcony. If you imagine a car, imagine yourself at the wheel - where you are going, what you see in the window, on which parking do you leave it
  4. Emotionally.Be sure to fill the visual picture with bright emotions and the confidence that it is real. Faith is a necessary condition for success. Strong positive emotions carry a very large charge of energy that accelerates the work of your thoughts

Technology of proper visualization

Affirmations and visualization. How do they work?

Affirmation is a short positive statement aimed at consolidating a certain conviction in the human mind. That is, this is a kind of self -hypnosis.

Do not confuse it with visualization, as these are different in meaning of technology.

When visualization, you work with imagination. Your mental images can not always be described in words, since the human language is much poorer than the imagination.

However, by the power of influence, the word is a very powerful tool. Numerous studies of scientists prove that words can cause physiological reactions that change the internal nature of the living organism. Positive words literally improve us and everything that surrounds us. Therefore, affirmations will serve as an excellent addition to visualization.

Affirmation and visualization

Several rules for compiling affirmations

  1. The statement is compiled only from the first person, since this technique is useless when exposed to other people. That's right: "I am loved and desirable." Wrong: "My husband loves me"
  2. The approval is used only the present. The phrase should sound so that you have already received what you want. That's right: "I wear Baldinini shoes." Wrong "I can buy Baldinini shoes"
  3. Do not use ready -made templates. You must make an affirmation yourself, since your words will affect your subconscious. The nature of speech in each person is individual
  4. The statements should cause you a sincere charge of positive, a surge of joyful emotions. The stronger and brighter the emotions, the better your affirmation. If the approval is compiled "for the box", it will not have an impact
  5. When compiling a statement, negative particles and words like “never”, “nothing”, “not”, “no” cannot be used. That's right: "I earn 300 thousand rubles a month." Wrong: "I earn at least 200 thousand rubles a month"
  6. Avoid blurry formulations. The goals should be indicated very clearly. That's right: “I earn 300 thousand rubles a month”, “I have a great three -room apartment with a view of ....” Wrong: "I earn a lot of money", "I have a new apartment in a good area"

For the best effect of affirmation, it is necessary to repeat at least 2-3 times a day.

Proper affirmations

Visualization and meditation. Calm to fulfill desires

Meditation is a type of exercise in which consciousness reaches the required state of peace.

In the usual state, our mind is in a constant bustle. It is overloaded with information: scraps of thoughts, internal dialogue, experiences and emotions, current deeds, plans - which is not there. It is impossible to qualitatively concentrate on a single thought in the presence of such a noise field.

But with the usual effort of will to make thoughts to leave our head will not work. Meditation helps to calm down and tune in to the desired wave.


How to do meditation correctly

It is best to practice meditation several times a day at the same time. On average, meditation lasts 15-20 minutes, experienced practices meditate for an hour.

  • To begin with, you can try to highlight in the morning for 5-10 minutes at the same time. Gradually, as the skill is found, you will feel how long and at what time it is best for you to do meditation
  • The room should be well ventilated and without extraneous noise. You need to meditate with your eyes closed
  • The main condition for meditation is that you should be comfortable. The place where you are sitting, the temperature regime, your pose, clothes, hairstyle, jewelry - nothing should distract you or disturb you

Classical pose of meditation

  • There can be any pose for meditation. The most suitable is the classic lotus posture, since it is optimal from the point of view of the energy flow through the body. But if you cannot sit like that or experience severe discomfort, you can sit down or lie down as it is convenient
  • During meditation, the spine should be straight from neck to tailbone. This is a very important condition for proper meditation. The head is slightly lowered so that the head continues to continue the back line along the back of the head
  • For most of us, keeping your back absolutely for exactly 30 seconds is quite difficult, so you can find an external support, the main thing is to observe the principle of comfort
  • During meditation, the hands also occupy strictly defined provisions (wise) depending on the purpose of meditation. Since your meditation is not related to spiritual practices, you can put them in the wise of peace, as shown in the photo

Happy hands during meditation

  • Breathing is an important part of meditation. Two main rules: you need to breathe a nose, and if possible, the stomach (that is, when inhalation, not the chest is expanding, but the stomach). No need to resort to some special methods or artificially change the pace of breathing. It self -regulates as your consciousness calms down during the session
  • We begin to calm the mind. The easiest way is to feel your breath. To feel how, when inhalation, the air draws into the nostrils, how it tickles the skin on the tip of the nose, how the cilia on the mucosa move, how the air passes through the larynx further into the lungs. Then, in the reverse order, track the exhalation. After 5-7 breaths you will feel how the head gradually brightens
  • To cope with extraneous thoughts that will definitely bother you at first, use such a technique. Imagine that you are sitting on the side of the road and watching the flow of cars. Each thought that came to mind is a separate car. So the car drove “I have to pay for the school”, in this car it goes “Tomorrow I will get up tomorrow”. And so on. It is important that at the same time you stay away and do not get involved in understanding what comes

Rest in meditation

  • At some point, you will feel that you have reached a state of maximum peace. As meditation is practiced, this condition will be more fully. A characteristic feature of the state is a sense of goodness and peace, which is literally poured in waves into the body. This is the state of the silence of the mind, or the state of contemplation
  • Now imagine your visualization and listen to inner sensations. You can represent the flows of sunlight directed directly to your picture. Do not forget that you are the main character of visualization, you feel solar heat, your picture is voluminous and not static. Stay in this state exactly as much as it will be comfortable
  • The way out of meditation should not be sharp. No need to jump right away, move too energetically. From meditation you need to “wake up” as from night sleep - gradually joining the surrounding reality. You can reach out, make a few circular movements with your head, hold your palms over your face, as if washing. Give yourself a couple of minutes to recover

Meditatsu and visualization

Why is visualization not working? Errors of visualization of desires

  1. Doubts about achieving the result. The principle of visualization is similar to the principle of the “placebo”, which is recorded by official medicine for a long time: it does not heal the medicine, but the patient’s belief that he will heal
  2. Fuzzy formulations in the description of the target. The concepts of “big money”, “beautiful house”, “good work” and the like are very relative. Such formulations will not work for your subconscious, since each person at different moments of time has his own purely individual idea of \u200b\u200b“big”, “beautiful”, “expensive”
  3. Concentration on secondary things. Often people mix the goal itself and methods or consequences of its achievement. For example, if you visualize the amount of money, you do not need to imagine how you will receive it or then spend it on. Concentrate
  4. Unfinished goals. It is important to visualize your “suffered” dreams, and not imposed templates. Listen well to yourself and your desires. If at heart the brand of your phone is not important to you, you should not dream of buying an iPhone 6s just because it is fashionable. Dream of what you are breathtaking from

Visualization of love

Everyone wants to meet his long -awaited soul mate and find happiness. Below is an example of the correct visualization of love.

Video: attracting love

Visualization to attract money

Financial well -being of an important component of happiness. The money is an excellent tool to achieve important and pleasant things, help others and just travel. The video examines a very interesting technique for attracting money to your life.

Video: attracting money


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Comments K. article

  1. I tried 100 times, anyway, poverty from everywhere and rushes! And visualization of the tower blows! Do not deal with this nonsense!

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