How to inspire your thoughts to another person at a distance without his knowledge, by photography: technology, exercises, tips, reviews

How to inspire your thoughts to another person at a distance without his knowledge, by photography: technology, exercises, tips, reviews

From this article you will learn how to suggest a person’s thoughts at a distance works.

The suggestion of thoughts to a person is a rather interesting topic. It would be interesting for many to find out how to do this correctly, and indeed, whether such an influence technique works. Let's find out.

How to inspire a person thought, action at a distance: exercises

How to inspire thoughts at a distance?
How to inspire thoughts at a distance?

To inspire thoughts at a distance to a person, it is important to constantly train. There are several simple recommendations for this. You should start all this to do before you try to inspire a thought for the first time for the first time.

Often people are upset when they cannot influence others. Always remember that experience is important in any business, and therefore train constantly, but in moderation, so as not to overstrain.

The best options for training are:

  • Images. Remember any familiar person and try to focus on all the details of his appearance, as well as thoughts and sensations. To do this, close your eyes and do not distract anything. Over time, you can complicate the task and represent a stranger.
  • Train your neighbors. Concentrate on a person nearby. Feel him and give the order. For example, order to approach you. Phrases can be used, most importantly, short and clear.

These simple exercises will help you learn how to manage people. The main thing is to perform them correctly, you must learn to concentrate as much as possible.

There are several recommendations that must also be observed to learn how to suggest:

Suggestion of thoughts at a distance
Suggestion of thoughts at a distance
  • Choose a quiet and cozy room for the procedure. The light should be muffled
  • Faith is no less important. You must believe that your order will reach a person
  • Breathe deeply and slowly. At the same time, imagine that thoughts are leaving 3 eyes and directed to the right person
  • The best time for the procedure is evening or night. It is more difficult to train during the day
  • You must train every day
  • You should not have any negativity during suggestion, refuse discontent for this time
  • In your free time, take yoga. She teaches proper breathing and concentration
  • Choose a person for suggestion correctly. For learning, do not take strong people
  • In the background, turn on light music for relaxation

All recommendations must be carried out by the mandatory if you want to get the maximum result in a short time. Keep in mind that suggestion requires a lot of energy, and therefore let's relax.

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How to influence a person’s subconscious and inspire him with thoughts at a distance without his knowledge?

So, in order to inspire thoughts at a distance, it is important not only to learn how to do this correctly, but also to master the technique:

The technique of suggestion of thoughts
The technique of suggestion of thoughts
  • To get started, prepare the room. The conditions should be comfortable for you. The situation should help you relax.
  • Prepare yourself. Take a position convenient for yourself, turn off everything that can distract you. Focus on your breath - inhale at 4 counts, and exhale at 8.
  • Tune in to a person. Imagine him - how he looks, moves, feel him. To make it easier, look at his photo.
  • Only when you tuned in to a person And it seems to you that he is nearby, then start a telepathic effect. Send him a clear request. Confidently, hard, as if you are not accepting a refusal, make a request. It is better to do it out loud. You should not just say, but feel what you need to do. At this stage, highlight 3-4 minutes, but no more.
  • Now come out of your condition. This is important to take into account, because you must return to yourself. Hug yourself or pinch yourself. Look around the familiar objects.

After completing the procedure, it would be nice to relax. To do this, take a walk, drink tea, in general, do what is pleasant for you.

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The method of unobtrusive effects at a distance without orders: Features

How to inspire thoughts to man?
How to inspire thoughts to man?

In fact, it is quite difficult to inspire thoughts at a distance, but you can learn everything. Often people want to learn to act softly, and not in an orderly order, as if hooking their thoughts so that a person thinks that this is his decision,

In this case, the technique itself is used the same as the previous one. The only thing that differs is your phrases. They should not be ordered, but softer. You should seem to be in the head, for example, “to eat something”, “Can you call Natasha?” and so on.

Methods of suggestion of thoughts at a distance: Methods

There are several ways to inspire thoughts at a distance. Let's talk about the simplest.

  • Using a photo. This method is ideal for those who are still difficult to visualize images or focus. For communication, use a picture of a person you want to inspire thoughts. Then you do not need to close your eyes, but look at the photo all the time. Imagine how an invisible thread appears between your 3 eye. Start saying the thought you want to inspire. With each repetition, the ray should become brighter.
  • Transfer of thoughts at short distances. For training, this method is also suitable perfectly. Ask someone to help. Dismiss in different directions and ask a person to tune in to you. Focus and try to convey thoughts. For example, the image of the animal. Do not expect what will work out right away. This takes time, at least 15-20 minutes per day for 3 months will be enough.
  • Quick message. Sometimes I want to convey the message quickly. This is possible, but a lot of energy is required. This method is only possible for people with experience. To transmit vividly, imagine a person and briefly formulate a thought, and imagine it. Sharply direct the message on a deep short exhalation. At this moment, imagine an energy ball and direct it to the object.

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How to inspire your thoughts at a love of love about love?

How to make your beloved think about you?
How to make your beloved think about you?

Keep in mind that you can inspire thoughts about love, but you can’t fall in love with a man in this way. You can simply make a person think about you, inspire interest and position it to yourself.

Carry out the ritual when you have a lot of energy and you are healthy. If you are sick, it is better to postpone the ritual until recovery, because otherwise you will not get a result.

Go to bed around the time when your beloved is going. Relax as much as possible and throw out unnecessary thoughts from your head. It is worth turning on pleasant music. Mentally imagine your man, contact him and penetrate his consciousness.

Next, say short phrases - “miss”, “remember” and always add your name. If you make suggestion efficiently, the man will definitely think about you.

The technique of suggestion of thoughts at a distance to attract a loved one: Features

There is another way how to inspire thoughts at a distance, but only at a small one. For this method, a man must be with you in the same room. Mentally connect with him and send signals, for example, “you are in love with me”, “You want to meet me.”

When you send the thought, imagine that a beam comes out of your forehead and penetrates the forehead of your loved one. This is a special energy channel and all thoughts are transmitted through it. Do it confidently so that everything works out.

How to make a guy think about you?
How to make a guy think about you?

Understand that the method works by heat during the procedure. Well, a burning sensation or unpleasant heat speaks of receiving an answer. So, a man will call you soon. In this way, you can make a man think about you constantly.

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How to act, how to influence the power of thought on a photograph in order to attract a loved one?

An equally interesting way is to use a photo. This way to inspire thoughts at a distance is suitable when a person is very far from you. Moreover, as we have already said, this method is more suitable for a beginner.

Try not to disturb you and sit comfortably. You should be convenient, and each of your cells should relax. When you are focused on the object, start sending him signals. Remember that as a result there is no doubt. You must be sure of it.

How to inspire trust by the power of thought?

As we have already said, it is possible to inspire thoughts at a distance and that a person begins to trust. The techniques of impact on the subconscious do not differ. In this case, you must choose the right thoughts that will be broadcast. For example, during the session, say: "You trust (name)!" and so on.

There is a close effect. The main thing is that a person is next to you and you concentrate on him as much as possible. Send the same thoughts as at a distance, but in this case it will be much easier for you to concentrate.

How to inspire a person with a thought after sleep?

As a rule, technology, how to inspire thoughts at a distance, often works for sleep. But is it possible to do this after waking up? In general, of course, you can. When a person wakes up, his head is just starting to work and filled with thoughts after the night. So, in principle, this is even one of the best ways to set a person for a day! You can even set him a mood, if you want.

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What does a person feel when suggesting thoughts?

Does a person feel the suggestion of thoughts?
Does a person feel the suggestion of thoughts?

Many are interested in what will happen if you inspire thoughts at a distance. Will this feel? As a rule, a person does not feel that they make his way to his subconscious. His thoughts simply flow smoothly, but yours will arise unexpectedly. Many people do not even know what they influence them and therefore accept other people's thoughts for their own. Moreover, not every day they make their way to your mind, many do not even know what this is possible.

Protection from suggestion of thoughts at a distance: what needs to be done?

By the way, if you know how to inspire thoughts at a distance, it is important to learn how to protect yourself from such an impact.

To protect it, it is important to adhere to several simple rules:

  • First of all, learn to refuse. Observe the distance and do not let anyone get close
  • Behave unpredictably
  • Do not brag about unfamiliar companies
  • Do not show others your weaknesses

The best prey for people who inspire thoughts are people who are not able to say no. If you open your soul, then transmit valuable information yourself so that you can be hidden on you.

Do not ask strangers. Better use cards, navigation smartphone or something else. Otherwise, you are vulnerable.

Never frankly in the office or large companies. People can always use this for their own purposes. So, it is better to leave such conversations for later.

In an unfamiliar company, behave so that you can not be calculated. For each action you should have several options. And do not try to boast, first of all, it is ugly, and can also make you a victim of suggestion.

As a rule, suggestion is usually carried out just using passion or weakness. For example, this is a thirst for money, curiosity and so on.

Remember that you can not lose self -confidence, because it is easy to manipulate uncertained people.

When the suggestion is carried out at a distance, then, of course, it is more difficult to protect yourself here. But you must distinguish your thoughts and strangers. The subconscious will help you with this. You won’t believe it, but it can be very surprised at you. The fact is that when thoughts inspire you, the subconscious mind still remains with your own. It does not change instantly, this takes time. You can protect yourself easily if you learn to control it. Then no suggestions are afraid of you and you will not succumb to someone else's influence.

Is NLP possible at a distance?

What is NLP?
What is NLP?

NLP is a way to model success. Some people are very successful and everyone would like to open their secrets. NLP is just engaged in the secrets of skill and introduces them into the masses. And there are already many successful models in various fields - sales, personal growth, negotiations, and so on. But is it possible to inspire thoughts in this way?

In this case, it is unlikely. The fact is that this method of programming consciousness requires visual contact and personal communication. For example, the coach communicates with the audience. He conveys thoughts to everyone in the room, but at a distance he will not be able to inspire anything if they leave him. So, NLP is not suitable for use at a distance.

How to telepathically inspire love thoughts at a distance: reviews

Many are interested in reading reviews before inspiring thoughts at a distance. Practice shows that not everyone is able to perform the technique, and the results are not achieved in the end. This is normal, because in many ways it depends on the faith of the person himself, his training and perseverance. In fact, techniques are available to everyone and learn everything, most importantly, have enough perseverance to achieve the desired.

Video: Telepathy: Transfer of thoughts at a distance

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