How to release a person you love, out of thoughts, souls, heart, life: a psychologist, exercises, meditation

How to release a person you love, out of thoughts, souls, heart, life: a psychologist, exercises, meditation

From our article you will learn how to let a person out of your heart and survive this gap as easily as possible.

Throughout his life, a person is experiencing a lot of meetings. Meetings are always good. But, unfortunately, there are partings for meetings. It is always difficult to part, especially when you have to do this with the most beloved and close people. Where to get the strength to let a person? How to do this when the heart breaks in pain - read about these and other moments in the article.

How to let a person out of the soul, life - what does this mean?

To let a person out of his life does not mean to take, and forget a person once and for all. Let's figure out what it means to release a person:

  • to release is to become free from him;
  • be able to forgive;
  • say thanks for everything, because there were good moments that you experienced;
  • do not control his life, monitor what he does, track his life on social networks;
  • start get pleasures from life;
  • open for new people, because there is a person who will love you and you all your life.
Letting go - this means becoming free
To release is to become free

Can a loved one be easy to let go?

At first glance, it seems to let go of a loved one is very easy, you just need to take and tear off the connection, but no, it is much more difficult. To break the connection with a person, you must first understand what you feel for him and why he sunk into the soul.

  • If a person did you, something bad, or hurt, you will involuntarily experience a feeling of resentment. This feeling destroys a person, it is difficult to live with this load in the soul and you need to get rid of it. The first thing to do to easily release a loved one is to forgive him, at first it will not be easy, but time heals, and in the near future it will become easier.
  • Very often, when people begin to meet, they attribute to each other qualities that they do not possess. Against this background, expectations begin to form, which cannot always be justified. In such a situation, you fall in love and get used not to the person himself, but to the created image. No need to build illusions, you need to take a person as he is, and everyone has disadvantages.
  • Often there are people who believe: if mine, then-mine. But people are not a thing that can only belong to someone alone, people belong to themselves, and have the right to do the way they want. If a person decided to leave you, then he has the right to do it , accept his choice and continue to live on for yourself.
  • Another reason why it is difficult for a person to part - he is trying in every possible way to keep or return his beloved. In this situation, you do not open for other people, meetings, you live the past. Do not do this. There are several statements about this: "You will not be forcibly sweet." "Wearing - will fall in love." Rave. Now, for example, you will forcefully offer you to do something that you do not want, or eat what you do not like-you will not even love it by force. Trying to keep someone by force, you will just look sorry for, you will fall into depression, lose interest in life and finally miss the priceless time. A person needs to be returned only if you are sure that he also suffers from a break.
  • Thank your beloved for those happy moments that you had. It is very important.

It is for these reasons that it is difficult to forget the feelings that you experienced for a person, hopes for the future and man himself. Having survived the parting, people get experience for life. Even if this experience is painful, you do not need to look for guilt in space or fate, you just need to stop attaching to people and learn how to build other relationships.

If you want to understand what is really yours - let go of everything, and yours will stay with you
If you want to understand what is really yours - let go of everything, and yours will stay with you

How to let a person out of thoughts, hearts: tips

To liberate consciousness, a person needs to release the past correctly. For this, it is worth letting a person out of thoughts, but first you need to go through several stages:

  1. The first and most probably important is emotions. You need to let them out, do not keep them in yourself. You can get angry, sob, scream. This will be the first step towards letting a person out of thoughts;
  2. Sincerely wish the former or former happiness. Say mentally this person thanks for everything, and live on;
  3. No need to look for the perpetrators, delve into yourself, you just need to calm down;
  4. Many girls, having survived parting, decide to radically change their appearance: dye and cut their hair, change a wardrobe, lifestyle. You can start going to the gym, this will give self -confidence;
  5. It is necessary to remove the past, in the literal sense of the word. Change the number so as not to wait for the call from the former, remove it or even throw out all gifts, joint photos and not get carried away with sad films, on the contrary, watch light films, comedies only with a good end;
  6. Write in a notebook or on a sheet of your desires and begin to fulfill them;
  7. If it becomes easier for you when you eat a cake or ice cream - eat;
  8. Start traveling. New impressions are the best way to release a person.
  9. Dream of true love with a new person.
Let you let go of the past - you will get the future.
Let go of the past - get the future

Learn to enjoy life, and see happiness in the little things. If you fulfill all these stages, you will definitely feel better. The whole process can take some time, the sooner you start, the faster free yourself from this cargo. Relations should be a joy for both.

How to let a person go: a psychologist's advice

When a person is not able to cope on his own from thoughts, from the pain that was caused by relations, when it came to a dead end to turn to a qualified psychologist. It is the psychologist that will be able to help.

You need to tell a specialist as much as possible so that he can provide you more complete help - namely, not support. No need to hide anything from him, be open with him. It is very important to go through all the stages of breaking relations with a person, so that in the future emotions do not prevail over you.

Attachment is the energy of negativity.
Attachment is the energy of negativity

Psychologist's advice:

  • Most often, psychologists advise you to start more time to close and family people, because a loved one occupied most of your time, and there was no left for others. Go to visit relatives, spend the weekend with them, go out of town.
  • Call your girlfriend in the cinema, sit with her in a cafe, spend time and money on shopping, go to the entertainment park and ride on carousels, you need new emotions, a complete reboot.
    The next important advice that psychologists give is to find a hobby, a new hobby, can even open some kind of business, become a volunteer or care for stray pets, help children-orphans. Psychologists argue that a feeling of resentment will replace a true love of business or others.
  • Meditation. This method of psychotherapy is one of the common ways to cleanse their minds from everything unnecessary, because after parting a person, and mostly girls begin to think that they will never be able to love for real, because they are afraid to experience pain again, a sense of loss , inseparable. But without love, life becomes gray and not very interesting.
  • No need to engage in self -flagellation, you need to start therapy with the help of meditation, the methods of which we will analyze in more detail a little lower. Based on all tips, in conclusion, psychologists advise to find harmony. In order to protect yourself from relations that destroy life in the future, you need to learn how to live in harmony with yourself. You can meet a real, worthy person only if you accept and love yourself.
Only by love yourself will you gain harmony.
Only by love yourself will you gain harmony

How to release a person: meditation rules, exercises

There are two effective methods of meditation, let's analyze them. The first way is aimed at yourself:

  • First you need to find a quiet, secluded place so that no one can interfere with you.
  • Take a comfortable pose and muffle the light. Psychologists advise using aromatic candles with soothing aromas, such as: orange, cedar, lavender, ylang-ylang, bergamot, mint, incense.
  • Close your eyes and concentrate. Focus on breathing, it should be rhythmic, inhale and exhale, and again inhale and exhale. This breathing exercise will be pleased with your body.
  • Your thoughts will most likely distract you. This is a normal phenomenon. But still try to concentrate and feel. You must find in which part of the body the feeling is hidden - love. When you find it, radiate heat from there and try to give them a loved one or animal.
  • Having completed all the stages, you will feel heat in the part of the body in which you found love. You will want to do something good for a person or animal to which you directed the light of your love.
The best remedy for resentment is forgiveness.
The best remedy for resentment is forgiveness

The second method is aimed at breaking the connection between people.

  • Satch more comfortably in a quiet place, calm down and concentrate.
  • Closing your eyes, imagine that you are at the top of the mountain, and your offender is at the foot.
  • Concentrate on it, introduce him in front of you in the flesh to the very little things.
  • Try to feel everything you feel for him.
  • Feel what connects you, a thin thread or a thick rope, which part of the body connects this thread.
  • Try to analyze what this person is missing, as hell in character, rod, courage.
  • Imagine another person who has all the qualities. What did you feel? Joy? Warm? You became pleased and comfortable.
  • Stay focused, raise your head to the top and look at the sky. Contact the Lord with a request to give you a person with the qualities that the previous person did not possess.
  • Ask such as this stranger who made you smile in your subconscious.
  • Then look at the person at the foot of the mountain, he no longer seems to you a god that you have offered over everyone, he is now just a gray mouse.
  • If you have a desire to talk to him, he gave you any experience. You can ask him for forgiveness, even if he himself is to blame for everything, and forgive him.
  • Now you will feel how the connection between you is torn, cut it down or cut it with scissors, exhale, now you are free.

Do this exercise every day, and then you will feel that love has replaced the insult from your heart and thoughts. No matter how much we love a person, sometimes there are times when we need to let him go. No need to resist this, do not be alarmed by the new one. It’s better to just let go of the situation.

Video: How to release a person?

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