How to get rid of iron deficiency and prevent its development: how to make up?

How to get rid of iron deficiency and prevent its development: how to make up?

More than 2 billion people around the world suffer from iron deficiency. This violation is most often caused by a disorder of food behavior.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "How to determine anemia yourself without analyzes: Test". You will also find out what analysis you need to take for anemia.

From this article you will learn how to prevent such a condition as iron deficiency, how to get rid of it? Read further.

Symptoms of iron deficiency in the blood in women, men

Symptoms of iron deficiency in the blood in women, men
Symptoms of iron deficiency in the blood in women, men

Although it is impossible to independently diagnose iron deficiency in the blood, there are some of its preventive features. These symptoms are in women and men:

  • Unusual fatigue - It often occurs just like that, and not after, for example, work or physical labor.
  • Pale skin
  • Weakness
  • Dyspnea
  • Thoracic pain
  • Frequent infections
  • Headache
  • Dizziness or cupboard
  • Cold arms and legs
  • Inflamed or painful tongue
  • Brown nails
  • Cardiopalmus
  • Bad appetite
  • Unpleasant tingling or feeling of goosebumps (restless legs syndrome)

Read on our website another useful article on the topic: "How to raise ferritin in the blood: methods". Do you learn what low serum ferritin means with normal hemoglobin?

The first and most important measure to ensure an adequate concentration of iron in the body is serious attention to the food consumed. In more mild cases, this may be enough. You need to try to adhere to a well -balanced menu that includes plant and animal products rich in iron. This is important, since in addition to iron, the body needs other trace elements and nutrients to ensure normal metabolism.

How to get rid of iron deficiency anemia: how to fill up?

Meat and other foods help to make up for iron reserves
Meat and other foods help to make up for iron reserves

The lack of iron causes such a serious disease as iron deficiency anemia. If your body needs more such a substance, then the easiest way is to get it from products rich in iron. So, how to get rid of anemia, how to make up for iron reserves in the body? Here is a list of useful products that should be present in the diet:

  • Lean meat

The iron contained in red meat, poultry and fish is known as hemic iron, and is much more easily absorbed by the digestive tract. It is recommended to add a portion of lean meat to your daily diet, if it is suspected that you have a shortage of iron. Animal products with a high iron content:

  • Liver
  • Veal
  • Yagnitina
  • Oysters and mussels
  • Eggs and turkey meat

It is worth noting that the eggs are not so high concentrations, but still higher than in other products, for example, plant origin.

  • Steamed vegetables

Despite the presence of iron in plant sources, such as soy, spinach and other dark leafy vegetables, it should be remembered that the substance in them is in a more difficult to evaporate form. The preparation of vegetables for steam increases the bioavailability of iron. It is important not to “digest” them, as this can lead to denaturation of many delicate nutrients that they contain.

Plant products rich in iron:

  • Dark green leafy vegetables, especially spinach (best cooked steamed)
  • Beans and legumes - beans, lentils, chickpeas and others
  • Soy
  • Some dried fruits, especially apricots, as well as dried peaches, plums and raisins
  • Kinoa
  • Pumpkin and sesame seeds

Other sources of iron:


  • Spirulin contains a large amount of algae.
  • Nori (type of red seaweed), duls (dried wild seaweed) and kelp (brown seaweed) are also suitable.
  • You can add these algae and spirulina powder to cocktails and juices.
  • Nori leaves can be eaten slightly fried and salty, as well as in the form of land.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "Why do you need a spirulina, what does it treat?". You will also learn how to take spirulina in case of thyroid disease, psoriasis, diabetes mellitus, anemia, etc.

Herbal teas and infusions from nettles:

  • The leaves of this plant must first be dried. Then you can use for the preparation of tea or infusion.

Spring leaves:

  • Soups are cooked from this plant.
  • Well add chopped egg and other greens to the dish. It turns out tasty and vitamin soup.


  • This plant uses flowers (for the preparation of jam), leaves (for soup), roots (for cooking tea and infusion).

Melasses (Blackstrap Molasses):

  • One of the oldest sources of iron used in shortage.
  • It is not only rich in iron, but also contains a high level of folic acid and other B vitamins, which, as you know, increase the production of red blood cells and help in the treatment of anemia.

If you do not like the usual products rich in iron, for example, meat or spinach, then try to diversify the menu with unusual dishes - dandelion jam or fried nori leaves on a side dish with the addition of salt and pepper.

How to prevent the development of iron deficiency anemia?

Vitamins help prevent the development of iron deficiency anemia
Vitamins help prevent the development of iron deficiency anemia

In order for the body to make iron supplies, you need to eat right. In addition, it is important to have those products that help this substance to absorb. How to prevent the development of iron deficiency anemia? To get iron naturally, it is necessary:

  • Take vitamin "C"

Iron contained in plant products (the so -called non -meter iron) is not so easily absorbed by the digestive system. Ascorbic acid, better known as vitamin C"greatly facilitates this process. Therefore, plant sources of iron with products rich in vitamin “C”, such as citrus fruits, berries and others, should be combined. It is useful to add sweet red or yellow pepper to dishes rich in protein. You can also take vitamin “C” in the form of food additives before or after eating products rich in iron to improve their absorption.

  • Use vitamins

Folic acid (vitamin B9) and cobalamin (B12) help restore or prevent iron deficiency anemia. Vitamin “B12” can easily be obtained from fish, poultry and red meat, which are also good sources of iron. Vitamin “B9” is contained in high concentrations in vegetables, such as avocados, oranges, dark leafy vegetables and many legumes, which are also good plant sources of iron.

  • Be careful with inhibitors

There are some nutrients that help the body better absorb and use iron, but there are those that prevent this. Minerals such as calcium, magnesium, zinc and copper compete with iron for assimilation. Fitinic acid contained in grain products, legumes and vegetables is associated with iron and transfers it through the digestive tract to not absorbed form. In addition, products with a high fiber content can contribute to the passage of iron through the intestinal tract without assimilation.

Another inhibitor of iron absorption is tanny acid, which is often used in the production of beer and wine, as well as some non -alcoholic drinks and juices to give them a more appetizing taste. It is necessary to reduce the use of black tea and coffee, especially a few hours after eating food rich in iron. Milk can interfere with the absorption of iron, so do not simultaneously consume dairy products and foods rich in iron.

  • Avoid taking antacids

Antacid agents (drugs against gastric acids, heartburn) contain high concentrations of calcium and magnesium, and they, as mentioned above, compete with iron for assimilation in the digestive tract. To avoid this, you must try not to take such medicines for about two hours after eating food rich in iron.

  • Try not to inhale cigarette smoke

It's no secret that cigarette smoke is extremely harmful to the body. Refusal of smoking will have a positive effect not only on the level of iron, but also on all other aspects of your health. It should be remembered that the effects of tobacco smoke, as well as inhalation of toxic vapors, can be very harmful.

  • Recovery of the digestive tract

Iron is difficult to process in the digestive tract, and for the normal course of this process it needs a lot of hydrochloric acid. Even with an absolutely healthy digestive system, the human body absorbs less than 20% of the total bioavailable iron from the food consumed. In the presence of digestive disorder, this percentage is significantly reduced. Adding probiotics to the diet and a decrease in the amount of sugar helps to improve the intestines.

Iron deficiency in children can harm their growth and development, so if your child is suspected of a lack of this substance, then it is worth carrying out all the necessary examinations and take measures. The best that a nursing mother can do for her child is to use a sufficient amount of products rich in iron to provide the necessary level of iron in breast milk. An adult needs to look for the reason for the lack of iron. It can be malnutrition or gastrointestinal disease.

Video: How to make up for iron deficiency | Doctor and

Video: Iron (Fe): Analysis on ferritin is more important than iron itself! 3 Causes of iron deficiency and how to raise it?

Video: iron deficiency: symptoms and causes ☝️

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