Blood test for ferritin: what does it mean? Ferritin: norm in women, men and children by age: table

Blood test for ferritin: what does it mean? Ferritin: norm in women, men and children by age: table

The norm of ferritin is different at each age, and also differs in children, women and men. This indicator reveals information about human health.

A person without medical education does not say anything about analyzes. Many incomprehensible words and meanings are confusing and forced to nervous.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "Blood on ferritin to take: on an empty stomach or not?". You will find out what shows the analysis of ferritin whether it is necessary to do such a study at all and why.

Let's figure out what ferritin is and what its indicator affects. Read further.

Fereintinin, Ferritin, Iron: what is it?

Ferritin, iron
Ferritin, iron

Fereintinin - so ordinary people call ferritin out of ignorance. But to pronounce correctly ferritin. Iron is the most important substance in the human body, which affects many functions:

  • Ensuring oxygen transportation
  • The possibility of withdrawing toxins liver
  • Normal functioning of the immune system
  • Hormone support and production
  • Control and replenishment of the number of blood cells

The body absorbs everything 10% gland from incoming food and vitamins. There are a number of factors affecting the possibility of assimilation:

  • Pathology of the gastrointestinal tract
  • Tea and coffee in large number
  • The use of vitamins and drugs that contain calcium
  • Oral contraceptives manufactured in the form of tablets

Vitamin C, folic K-Ta and Vitamin B, on the contrary help relieve iron absorption without harm to the body.

Ferritin is a protein that accumulates excess iron, toxic for humans. All excess iron is enveloped in a shell and lose their danger, thus becoming an affordable margin of a safe trace element. Iron enters the body through the departments of the small intestine and duodenum, one part enters the bloodstream, the other is stored by turning into ferritin. The production of this substance is engaged in liver cells, enzymes of the small intestine, bone marrow cells, kidneys and white blood cells - leukocytes.

Ferritin in the blood is a table: the norm in women by the age of ICG/ml, what is the norm of 30, 40, 50, after 50, 60 years?

With age, the ferritin in the blood changes, this is due to changes in the body and aging processes. Below you will find a table with the norm of ferritin in the blood in women by the age of ICG/ml.

Age Meanings
After 18 years 10-100 mcg/l
20-30 years 10-120 μg/l
40 years 12-263 μg/l
50 years 12-263 μg/l
After 50 years 14 - 265 μg/l
After 60 years 18 - 380 mcg/l

The body consumes more trace elements to maintain life, and, therefore, needs more reserve. Therefore, with age, reserves of this substance increase, and, accordingly, the norms also change.

Ferritin norm indicators in the blood in men MKG/ml - table: by age

The indicators of the norm of ferritin in the blood in men are significantly different from the norm for women. Please note that when deviations of indicators from the reference ones, you must consult a doctor, and not self -medicate, choosing drugs and vitamins at random. Here is a table by age:

Age Meanings
After 18 years 12-180 mcg/l
20-30 years 15-200mkg/l
40 years 20-250 μg/l
50 years 25-250 μg/l
After 50 years 30-250 μg/l

Men have a lower dynamics of changes in ferritin.

The level of ferritin is the norm in children by the age of ICG/ml: table, what is the norm per year?

In children in the process of growth, a change in the indicators of the norm is noted, which is justified by the rapid development of the child's body. Further up to 15 years The norm remains stable. To 18 years old slightly reduced. What is the norm per year? Here is a table with the level of ferritin - the norm in children by age:

Age Meanings
Newborns 25-200mkg/l
Up to 6 months 200-600 mcg/l
6 months. - 15 years 30-140 mcg/l
From 15 to 18 years old from approximately 10 to 150-180 mcg/l

Ferritin: How much is the norm during pregnancy mcg/ml?

Ferritin during pregnancy
Ferritin during pregnancy

The period of pregnancy is characterized by a sharp drop in ferritin, because the embryo feeds on trace elements from the mother's body. In this period, many women suffer from anemia (anemia), weakness and poor health. The course of the process of bearing and the development of the child directly depends on the ferritin indicator. The norm varies depending on the trimester:

  • In the 1st trimester The norm is considered to be a decrease up to 90 mcg/l, in this period, the most intense changes occur in the body of the future mother.
  • For the second trimester a decrease in the norm is characteristic 20 units, the rate of the norm falls up to 74 mcg/l. At this time, the fetus is already feeding on blood from the mother through the placenta.
  • Third trimester Reduces the level of ferritin several more times, up to 10-15 μg/l. The fetus has already been almost formed and needs more nutrients than in the previous stages.

Remember: If there are deviations in terms of indicator, you must consult a doctor and think about a revision of the diet.

Significant deviations from the norm can cause asphyxia of the fetus, insufficient body weight, pathology of organs, oncological diseases and bleeding. Pregnancy is a serious blow to the health of the mother, so it is important to maintain it and make maximum efforts for the speedy restoration of all indicators.

Norma Ferritin under coronavirus

American scientists have proven that with coronavirus disease significant changes in indicators occur. The level of ferritin grows in 2, or even 3 times. An increase in the amount of protein in the body is a natural reaction of immunity to infection.

A critical increase in the level of ferritin, according to Chinese scientists, can lead to death. Studies have shown that all those who died from the virus had a critically high indicator of this substance in a biological fluid.

  • When the disease proceeds in a mild form, the indicator rises to 400 mcg/l
  • In an average form up to 800 μg/l
  • For those who died from coronavirus, this value reached 1400 mcg/l

Below even more useful information. Read further.

Research, blood test for ferritin: what does it mean?

The study of biological fluid on ferritin is prescribed with poor health of the patient. Thanks to this analysis, anemia, hidden iron deficiency can be detected, evaluate the level of indicators in the human body and the effectiveness of treatment for iron deficiency. Every year, do blood analyzing, check all the indicators and strive to bring them to normal.

Hemoglobin, iron is normal, ferritin is lower than the norm: what the analysis is talking about, the causes of low ferritin in the blood in women

The causes of low ferritin in the blood
The causes of low ferritin in the blood

With good hemoglobin and iron, but with a low ferritin indicator, latent anemia can develop, which eventually develops into classical anemia with a decrease in all indicators.

The main causes of low ferritin in women are pregnancy or malnutrition. After childbirth, over time, the level of ferritin returns to normal and the body is restored. It is important during pregnancy to be balanced and fully eaten and monitor analyzes, because the treatment of anemia is a long process.

Ferritin's testimony is higher than the norm: reasons for the increase

The readings of ferritin above the norm indicate the presence of deviations. The reasons for the increase can be:

  • Liver or kidney diseases that occur in acute or chronic form
  • Oncological diseases
  • Alcoholism
  • Inflammation in the human body
  • Severe anemia

With critically increased indicators, a comprehensive cure is necessary, aimed not only at a decrease in the level of ferritin in the blood, but also at the elimination of the cause. Without elimination of etiology, further treatment does not actually make sense, because the symptoms will return.

Symptoms, signs of deficiency, Ferritin deficiency

Types of Ferritin deficiency
Types of Ferritin deficiency

You can identify the deficiency of ferritin even independently, based on your own sensations. If you suspect a lack of ferritin, you must consult a doctor and take tests to confirm the assumption.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "How to raise ferritin in the blood: methods". You will find out if low ferritin in blood serum with normal hemoglobin, then what it means.

The main symptoms indicating the deficiency of ferritin:

  • Problems with attention, concentration and memory
  • It's hard to fall asleep, insomnia even after a hard working day
  • Unusual taste preferences, I want to try chalk, coal, etc.
  • Pain in the arms and legs caused by a lack of oxygen
  • Constant headaches, migraines, dizziness
  • Weakening of immunity, frequent diseases for no reason

Such signs can also observe:

  • Fast fatigue, inability to work for a long time, walk and play sports
  • Irritability, sharpness, depression and frequent mood swings
  • Excessive dry skin, peeling
  • Fragility of nails, deterioration of hair quality, loss and cross -section of the ends
  • The appearance of ulcers and wounds on the body, especially often in the corners of the lips
  • Increased pulse, shortness of breath, even in the absence of high load

Sort the analysis for ferritin and visit the therapist regularly, do not let the symptoms develop. It is much easier to stop the disease at an early stage than treating a serious illness.

How to raise the level of ferritin?

Food supplement with iron in the composition
Food supplement with iron in the composition

The level of ferritin needs to be controlled. With a reduced indicator, it is important to consult a doctor in a timely manner in order to get an adequate treatment.

Remember: Do not prescribe drugs yourself, it can be dangerous and ineffective.

The following methods will help to raise the level of ferritin:

  • Use food supplements with iron in the composition, they are sold in any pharmacy without a prescription. Consult a doctor and take them exclusively according to the instructions. You can order dietary supplements on the site Iherb. it natural additivesthat will not harm and will be a useful additive to food if you need to raise the level of ferritin.
  • Take the treatment. Intravenous input of vitamins C content of iron is necessary with acute ferritin deficiency. Most often, this method is resorted to with large blood loss or chronic diseases. Injection therapy is prescribed if the food supplements have no proper action.
  • Additives and drugs prescribed by prescription. Gluconate of iron, iron sulfate, iron gluconate, are more potent. various complexes with ferritin.
  • Change the diet. Iron in large quantities is contained in red meat, and is also much better absorbed. Add a large amount of plant products, they must be consumed 2 times more than meat. Peanuts, beans, spinach and wheat are excellent assistants.
  • It is necessary to limit the consumption of products that prevent the absorption of iron. Drink less milk, coffee, tea and red wine, the body will say thanks.

Having directed all the forces to increase the level of ferritin, do not forget that it is important to regularly take tests and control the condition of the body. Visit doctors in a timely manner, follow all their recommendations, eat right, play sports and be healthy!

Video: Analysis on Ferritin. Hematologist about ferritin, iron deficiency and anemia

Video: Ferritin - analysis, norms in men and women, reasons for increasing and lowering the level of ferritin

Video: High ferritin | Dr. Irina Mironovna

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