Rules and places of introduction of insulin at home. How long does insulin work after administration? Is it possible to introduce insulin into the same place? Do I need to eat after the introduction of insulin?

Rules and places of introduction of insulin at home. How long does insulin work after administration? Is it possible to introduce insulin into the same place? Do I need to eat after the introduction of insulin?

How to introduce insulin at home: how to apply, what to pay attention to.

Diabetes mellitus ceased to be a deadly sentence after creating purified insulin. Today, insulin allows you to lead an almost full lifestyle and increases the life expectancy of this ailment tens of times. In this article, we will talk about how to inject insulin at home, what reactions the norm is, and after which immediate contacting is required.

When do you need to switch to insulin at home with diabetes?

So, it is worth starting with the fact that diabetes is divided into two types:

  • First type diabetes It develops most often in childhood and puberty, and is complicated by the forced constant use of insulin, since the body does not produce it independently;
  • Diabetes mellitus by second type Most often develops in adulthood and old age, and in some cases insulin is introduced, but most often the situation is regulated by nutrition and lifestyle.

It is necessary to switch to insulin at home with diabetes solely as prescribed by a doctor who will tell in detail the sequence of administration, and also advise possible reactions. The first time insulin is always introduced in the hospital under the control of the doctor, and only then at home.

Diabetes mellitus 1 and 2
Diabetes mellitus 1 and 2

Does insulin are dangerous?

Hearing from the doctor about the need to introduce insulin at home, most patients perceive this as the last, severe stage of the disease and a quick fatal outcome. Immediately, we assume that no, it is fundamentally dangerous. Since stress exacerbates the situation, and do not help return to an active and healthy lifestyle.

  • Insulin is prescribed when the body ceases to produce it on its own. These are not the last minutes before a terrible outcome, but making adjustments to the lifestyle. In other diseases, there are also drugs that are used by patients daily to improve and extend the quality of life;
  • Insulin, prescribed by a doctor, cannot be harmful to the body, on the contrary, he is responsible for the completion of insulin in the body, which himself ceased to produce it. Thus, a person has the opportunity to live happily and happily using the necessary substance that normalizes the amount of sugar in the blood;
  • First, a lot of sweet, then diabetes and insulin. Also error. With the acquired (with all the fact that type 2 diabetes mellitus may appear in those who do not like sweets, but have overweight) diabetes mellitus is extremely rare;
  • Insulin is addictive and each time you need to increase the dose. Also misconception, dosage can change, but according to completely different criteria;
  • Insulin causes complications - another myth, since, on the contrary, after the appointment of insulin, the risk of heart disease, kidneys, “sugar foot”, etc.;
  • After insulin, swelling will begin. And again by. Edema occurs from the increased blood sugar, while insulin helps to control sugar, and as a result, swelling goes;
  • Insulin is scary to prick for himself. Yes, and in the 21st century there are people afraid of injections. But today there are insulin syringes, and syringes-handrails that help to painlessly introduce insulin at home;
  • Having made a prick at home, bruises and traces of injections may remain. And again it is incorrect, because after observing the instructions, everyone can make insulin injections without significant damage to the skin and subcutaneous tissue, and avoid bruises and injuries.
Sugar control is the most important procedure for patients with type 1 and 2 diabetes
Sugar control is the most important procedure for patients with type 1 and 2 diabetes

Rules and places of introduction of insulin at home

In order to take insulin at home on their own, doctors developed the simplest instruction that helps to make life easier for those who were prescribed lifelong insulin substitution:

  • Insulin storage. The most important aspect when switching to insulin replacement. Insulin is stored at +2- +8 ° C. It is also worth noting that insulin should never be frozen. The syringe-handle and vials with insulin can be at room temperature for a month, so they can be worn with you without a cooler bag. Insulin must be stored in a paper bag, and hid a cap in a cap to limit light access. During transportation, store insulin in manual luggage to avoid overheating or hypothermia;
  • Insulin syringes should be with a built -in needle to avoid the "dead zone" with the loss of a part of the drug in it;
  • The syringe-handle is as convenient as possible, since the dosage is gained automatically in it, and the use is as simple as possible;
  • When typing insulin in a syringe, prepare the ampoule and syringe, clean and disinfect your hands;
  • Mix insulin, rubbing the ampoule between the hands until the liquid becomes homogeneous;
  • Dial in the air syringe in the number of units that must be introduced;
  • Enter the air into the bottle, and dial insulin into the syringe, in a slightly larger quantity than required;
  • Turn the syringe, knock on it so that the air bubbles are at the top near the needle, and release the remaining air and excess insulin back;
  • Enter one of the ways shown in the picture;
Insulin needle entry options
Insulin needle entry options
  • Make sure that the needle penetrates the subcutaneous fat, and does not remain only under the skin, since the speed and quality of absorption depends on this nuance;
  • With excess weight, subcutaneous fat is thicker, and therefore you can introduce directly, but the worse the person, the greater the fold and angle of inclination should be done, since if insulin does not fall into subcutaneous fat, but into the muscle, the absorption period increases, and the effectiveness decreases;
The correct formation of folds for an insulin injection
The correct formation of folds for an insulin injection
  • So, we form a fold, enter the needle and press it all the way, not unclenching the hand holding the fold;
  • We do not take out the needle right away, but leave for 5-10 seconds, after taking out the needle and unclench the fold;
  • Pay attention to what parts of the body it is recommended to introduce insulin: buttocks and the outer part of the hips, the stomach and the outer part of the shoulders.
In what parts of the body is it best to introduce insulin.
In what parts of the body is it best to introduce insulin.

IMPORTANT: Change insulin input places not to reduce the effectiveness of absorption of the drug.

Video: Short Guidelines for the use of Spring-handracks

Insulin enter before or after eating?

The most important question for insulin injections at home is when to enter it. Insulin is always introduced before meals, namely 10-15 minutes before meals (for ultra-short effect). During this time, insulin manages to absorb, get to glucose and continue to continue his path in the body.

How long does insulin work after administration?

Insulin at home is recommended to chop 10-15 minutes before the planned eating, unless otherwise discussed with the attending physician.

Injulin's injection with a syringe
Injulin's injection with a syringe

Is it possible to introduce insulin into the same place?

When the introduction of insulin at home, it is important to remember the following rules:

  • Each subsequent injection is a new zone until the zones end, then only in the first zone. The sequence of zones is not important;
  • Each time retreat at least 2 cm from the previous injection.

Let us give an example. An injection in the right side of the abdomen, then in the left thigh, then in the right shoulder, then in the left buttocks, then in the left shoulder, then in the right buttock, then in the right thigh, then again the stomach, but already in the left or lower abdomen.

Do I need to eat after the introduction of insulin?

It is important to remember when the introduction of insulin at home, that if you have an insulin injection, after 15 minutes you should start eating. Thanks to such strict recommendations, patients can continue a long -term active lifestyle.

Why does insulin throw it into sweat after an injection?

And in conclusion, another important nuance. With the introduction of insulin at home, follow your well -being. Signs of the hypoglycemic state are:

  • Throws into sweat and trembling;
  • General weakness;
  • Irritability mixed with fatigue;
  • Headache;
  • State of confusion and disorientation;
  • A strong sensation of hunger.

If this condition occurs, you should immediately consult a doctor to adjust the dosage or food:

  • An overdose of insulin (occurs extremely rarely);
  • Eating later than 10-15 minutes after the injection;
  • Eating insufficient amount of carbohydrates.

Even if it seems to you that you understand what the condition is connected with, still consult a doctor in the near future.

Symptoms of diabetes in children
Symptoms of diabetes in children

Insulin at home: tips and reviews

Mila: Type 1 diabetes was given at 18. Since then, I always go with an insulin pen, as convenient as possible for a modern lifestyle. Those who have just encountered a diagnosis may not advise not to worry, in the modern world we not only survive, but also live well. There is only one problem - not to create problems and not to be stressed. Smile, meditate, and strictly follow the recommendations of doctors.

Igor: When I was given type 2 diabetes mellitus, I tried to change my lifestyle, but I apparently tried not well enough, and reached the stage of insulin substitution. Probably, these injections have become a “bell” for me. And I began to move the other way, dropped the weight, walked a lot and began to follow the strict schedule of the day. Guys - dare, try and you “jump” from insulin, like me. Well, this, of course, is advice for the 2nd type.

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