How to sprinkle with chlorhexidine with thrush? Is it possible to douch chlorhexidine during pregnancy?

How to sprinkle with chlorhexidine with thrush? Is it possible to douch chlorhexidine during pregnancy?

Chlorhexidine for thrush: how to apply, is it necessary, is it possible during pregnancy?

Chlorhexidine is a universal antiseptic that destroys bacterial membranes, thereby destroying them and disinfecting the skin and mucous membranes of a person. In this article we will tell you how chlorhexidine works with thrush, whether it can be used, and how effective it is.

How does chlorhexidine work with thrush?

So, let's get along with how chlorhexidine works:

  • When applying chlorhexidine to skin or mucous membranes, it destroys the membrane shells of bacteria and microorganisms, thereby destroying the populations, as well as stopping the growth of bacteria;
  • After applying the drug, its effect lasts another 4 hours;
  • If the chlorhexidine is divorced, it ceases to kill pathogenic microorganisms, but envelops them and prevents reproduction.

Chlorhexidine with thrush has a wide sector of action:

  • Works as an antiseptic, destroying pathogens, including pathogenic candidates and other fungi;
  • Relieves inflammation and itching;
  • In combination with other substances (in candles) eliminates discomfort and helps to return the normal healthy state of vulva and labia.

Important: In the treatment of thrush, chlorhexidine is an auxiliary rather than the main drug.

You can wash yourself with chlorhexidine up to 3 times a day during treatment, and 1 time a day after recovery, in order to avoid relapse.


How to wash with chlorhexidine with thrush?

Thrush is hell for women, which is not always quickly treated, and sometimes returns again and again relapses. In this article, we will tell you how to wash it properly by chlorhexidine with thrush to alleviate the condition and avoid relapse:

  • The first and basic rule of using chlorhexidine for thrush is not to combine with soap, since in this case the action of chlorhexidine is zero;
  • Dilute chlorhexidine with water at a concentration of 0.05%, or buy a ready -made solution of chlorhexidine for washing and douching during thrush;
  • Wash the genitals with warm water, without soap, shower gel, etc.;
  • Spread legs wide so that the external lips are open as possible, and the drug treats all the skin;
  • Wash all the covers with a solution of chlorhexidine, as well as the entrance to the vulva, washing off all the discharge and white plaque;
  • Do not wipe, let it absorb and dry the drug in a natural environment and only then, put on a dry, ironed or steamed cotton underwear on a dry body.

Is it possible to douch with chlorhexidine with thrush?

Chlorhexidine with thrush can not only be washed, but also sprinkle. You need to do this in this way:

  • Purchase or dilute chlorhexidine in a concentration of 0.05%;
  • For douching, you can use a medical bowl with a long nose, a rubber pear or a large syringe without a needle;
  • Wash the labia and entrance to Vulva with warm water, removing the main amount of contamination;
  • Wash off chlorhexidine as indicated in the previous section;
  • Take the maximum horizontal position in the bathroom or shower and introduce the nose or pear or syringe into the vagina;
  • Gradually, in the most comfortable conditions for yourself, to introduce the liquid into the vagina, making sure that the main amount remains inside, and does not come out right away;
  • Remove the device for douching and squeeze the muscles of the vulva with force to delay the solution inside;
  • If possible, let the substance work for 15 minutes;
  • Take a vertical position and let the liquid come out;
  • Once again, wash the outer part of the labia with a solution, let it dry without wiping with a towel and put on cotton underwear clean after the iron.

It is recommended to carry out douching before bedtime so as not to go to the toilet after at least 2 hours. You can douch once a day during an illness and once every three days the next two weeks after recovery.

Chlorhexidine in gynecology
Chlorhexidine in gynecology

Candles of chlorhexidine with thrush

In addition to a classic solution, today in a pharmacy you can purchase candles of chlorhexidine with thrush. They replace douching, and combining with douching is not recommended, so as not to give excess load on the mucous membranes.

  • Always put at night;
  • Go to the toilet;
  • Take a shower by raining the genitals without soap;
  • Wash off a solution of chlorhexidine;
  • Lie down in bed and put a candle;
  • Do not go to the toilet for the next 2 hours.

In the morning you can wash with soap if you do not plan to process open areas with chlorhexidine.

Is it possible to douch chlorhexidine to virgins?

Thrush is a disease that happens with virgins. There are no direct contraindications of douching with chlorhexidine with thrush, but because of a young age and some unidentified fear, many girls refuse this procedure.

If you are comfortable, you can douch. No - replace the treatment with candles.

Is it possible to douch chlorhexidine during pregnancy?

Pregnant women have a lot of prohibitions and restrictions on medical indicators. Many have a question - is it possible to douch chlorhexidine during pregnancy?

No, douching during pregnancy is contraindicated:

  • The pregnant organism does not function as usual, and instead of leaching and disinfecting the vagina, you can, on the contrary, bring the infection deeper;
  • If chlorhexidine gets into the uterus, inflammation may occur, which will lead to negative consequences for both the mother and the child.

Chlorhexidine with thrush: tips and reviews

Mila: I have a chronic thrush that occurs from hormonal jumps and weakened immunity. The gynecologist recommended the course of treatment, which was presented by douching and washing by chlorhexidine. Having passed the course, as well as changing my food habits and daily routine, I do not remember the thrush for more than six months.

Inga: It seems that I attract all pathogenic infections as a magnet. It is worth visiting the beach, a pool, driving in a short public transport - and good afternoon thrush. Chlorhexidine has been saving for many years. Of course, he simply fights with the consequences, and in order not to return it is necessary to raise immunity and be more attentive to his lifestyle to be. But in general I am satisfied, I recommend it.

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