Chlorhexidine and hydrogen peroxide - is this one and the same or not, what is the difference between them? Is it possible to mix hydrogen peroxide and chlorhexidine?

Chlorhexidine and hydrogen peroxide - is this one and the same or not, what is the difference between them? Is it possible to mix hydrogen peroxide and chlorhexidine?

Chlorhexidine and hydrogen peroxide: similarities and differences, is it possible to mix and is it worth it?

Wounds, cuts, scratches are daily satellites of people. In the home, car and working first -aid kit there should always be a tool that will disinfect the wound and prevent malicious microorganisms inward. In this article we will talk about chlorhexidine and hydrogen peroxide - is this one and the same or not, what is the difference between them?

What is chlorhexidine?

Considering the issue of similarity and difference in chlorhexidine and hydrogen peroxide, let's figure out what these substances are.

  • Chlorhexidine is a classic, as common as in hospitals and in domestic conditions an antiseptic that destroys bacterial membranes, as a result of which bacteria die and do not pose a threat to a person.
  • In the diluted state, chlorhexidine is no longer able to destroy the bacteria shells and destroy them, but is able to prevent the spread of bacteria. Thus, it is indispensable in domestic conditions as a mild antiseptic effect.

Chlorhexidine has two just chic properties:

  • A wide range of action to destroy and block the spread of microorganisms and bacteria;
  • The effectiveness of action is up to 4 hours!
  • It does not cause addiction, you can use on a regular basis.

The price of chlorhexidine in the region of 12-22 rubles per 100 ml and higher, depending on the concentration of the substance, etc.


What is hydrogen peroxide?

In order to understand what is the difference in chlorhexidine and hydrogen peroxide, let's figure out what kind of substance is hydrogen peroxide.

Hydrogen peroxide is a traditional antiseptic that belongs to the group of oxidants. When interacting with the skin, the substance emits active oxygen, due to which mechanical purification of the wound is released, releasing pus, blood, and shallow dirt from the wound.

In addition, hydrogen peroxide helps to release protein and stop blood. That is why hydrogen peroxide is used for open wounds, during operations, etc.

Important: Hydrogen peroxide does not sterilize! Only “washing away” microorganisms and bacteria from wounds.

The price of hydrogen peroxide in the region of 9-13 rubles per 100 ml and higher, depending on the concentration of the substance, etc.

Hydrogen peroxide
Hydrogen peroxide

Comparison of chlorhexidine and hydrogen peroxide

Having understood what chlorhexidine and hydrogen peroxide are to consider the similarity and the difference in chlorhexidine and hydrogen peroxide.

Chlorhexidine Hydrogen peroxide
Antiseptic Antiseptic
Active substance - chlorhexidine bigluconate Active substance - hydrogen peroxide
Solution only for external use Solution only for external use
Sold in various concentrations Sold in various concentrations
Does not interact with concentration and does not interfere with driving Does not interact with concentration and does not interfere with driving
Active even with an admixture of other substances, including blood, pus, etc. Active for a short time, regardless of impurities or not
An excellent antiseptic, both for operating rooms and public places, works after applying up to 4 hours An excellent wound cleaner can be used as an antiseptic, to contact with new microorganisms
Categorically cannot be allowed to get into the eye Categorically cannot be allowed to get into the eye
There is a special eye solution  —

Cleans and completely disinfects the skin, and also protects against lipophilic viruses, gram -positive bacteria, vegetative forms of gram -negative, dermatophytes and yeast.

With an increase in the temperature of the substance, it also destroys the spores of bacteria

Classic antiseptic with a hemostatic effect

Prescribed for:

· Processing of the instrument and hands of doctors and other medical staff, as well as patients themselves during medical manipulations and surgical interventions;

· For disinfection of replaceable prostheses;

· With bacterial gynecological diseases;

· With thrush, itching of vulva, etc.;

· As a prevention of veins. diseases;

· Cervical erosion;

· Trichomonal colpitis;

· Gingivitis and stomatitis;

· Purulent sore throat;

· Processing of inflammatory and purulent areas in the ENT;

· Paradontitis;

· Processing of purulent and open wounds;

· With nasal bleeding;

· Processing after burns;

· Treatment of acne and other rash as an destroyer of bacteria;

· In diluted state as an antiseptic for handling hands with mass pandemias.

Prescribed for:

· Disfection of fresh wounds and cuts;

· When processing purulent wounds;

· Processing of inflamed mucous membranes;

· In case of bleeding, including from the nose;

· In some gynecological diseases;

· With stomatitis, purulent tonsillitis and tonsillitis.

We summarize: Despite the cheapness and visual resemblance - chlorhexidine and hydrogen peroxide is used in various situations, and has a completely excellent spectrum of action.

Is it possible to mix chlorhexidine and hydrogen peroxide?

Today, at the time of world pandemia, there is an urgent need to constantly have an antiseptic with them, and many decide to reduce the cost of the product, making it on their own. Given all the similarities and differences of chlorhexidine and hydrogen peroxide, as well as many recipes on the Internet, the question arises - is it possible to mix chlorhexidine and hydrogen peroxide? And what is the effectiveness?

Chlorhexidine and hydrogen peroxide
Chlorhexidine and hydrogen peroxide
  • So, we will immediately answer the question - you can mix, the chemical composition allows. But why?
  • Hydrogen peroxide is quite aggressive for the skin, and at the same time ineffective for disinfection for pandemia. At the same time, chlorhexidine copes with this task independently.
  • It also makes no sense to mix chlorhexidine with vodka or alcohol, as this gives only the “alcohol aroma” from the antiseptic.
  • It is enough to dilute chlorhexidine with water to a percentage of 0.05% and pour into a portioned bottle with a spray. Please note that such a tool will disinfect your hands in transport and public places, but you need to wash your hands before you sit down to eat, and also visit the restroom and touch your mucous membranes.
  • It is also recommended to lubricate hands with cream more often in order to avoid overdrying and the formation of cracks.

Similarities and the difference in chlorhexidine and hydrogen peroxide: tips and reviews

Marina: Since I met a chlorhexidine, he has become an indisputable favorite in my first -aid kit. Of course, to treat purulent wounds, hydrogen peroxide is needed, but in other cases I always use chlorhexidine. During the pandemic, I make solutions independently and give out the whole family. By the way, it is very convenient to pour in former perfume bottles - the aroma at the output is amazing!

Inna: I am sure that the action of chlorhexidine and hydrogen peroxide is completely different. Chlorhexidine - for disinfection, hydrogen peroxide - for wounds and bleeding. I read folk recipes for antiseptics when mixing chlorhexidine and hydrogen peroxide is ridiculous, because hydrogen peroxide, applied several times during the day, will give such dryness that you will walk in gloves with cream under them.

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