How and what to distract after parting with a girl, woman - ways

How and what to distract after parting with a girl, woman - ways

In our article you will find ways to get distracted after parting with a girl so that mental pain is minimal.

Parting with a person whom you love with all your soul always is difficult for everyone. During this period, a person feels a whole gamut of negative feelings - anger, disappointment, despondency, unwillingness to make plans for the future. He generally begins to see the world gray and faceless, and cannot find joy in life. Sometimes men, losing love, fall into depression, or even worse, begin to abuse alcohol. Thus, you should definitely not do, because this behavior will not help you establish a normal life. If you are in a similar life situation and do not know how to get out of it, then be sure to read this material. In it you will find advice on how and what to get distracted after parting with a girl or woman in order to regain joy in life.

How to get distracted after parting with a girl - methods

As well as distracted after parting with a girl - methods
As well as distracted after parting with a girl - methods

How to get distracted after parting with a girl - methods:

  • Try yourself to convince yourself that there is nothing in the world to last forever - Think about how many your friends built a strong relationship the first time. Surely, most of them were also in your situation, and you also comforted them. No matter how regrettable it was to assert this, but the world around us is arranged in such a way that everything in it is modified in the shortest possible time. And it happens that the feeling of love disappears without a trace, and a person cannot affect this. Of course, in the end, his former lover suffers, but time will pass and the pain will subside, and again he will want to live his former life. Therefore, give yourself an installation to be a persistent tin soldier, and if possible do not become sour, until your psycho -emotional state returns to normal.
  • Immediately after parting, change the girl’s name in contacts to less intimate. Surely your former lover is signed in your contacts with some nice nickname that you came up with in a fit of warm feelings. If so, then this must be dealt with quickly and ruthlessly. After all, picking up the phone in your hands, and stumbled upon this sweet nickname, you will immediately remember your loved one, and this will cause you mental pain. Therefore, so that you do not constantly have memories of past relationships, it is better to rename the girl in contacts - choose the most neutral or official name for her.
  • Be sure to keep emotions under full control - Such advice will be difficult to adhere to, especially in the first days after the break, but it is necessary to do this. After all, if you allow anger and despondency to upper you, then your depressive state will remain with you for a long time. It is clear that you just can’t just throw your former beloved out of your head, but try to think less about it. Do not get hung up on mental pain. And in no case do not try to drown out the pain from alcohol parting. This will definitely not help you. Moreover, it can add unnecessary problems for you. Alcohol makes a person more aggressive, and in this state he can do a lot of bad. And if anger is added to alcohol aggressiveness for the failed relations, then the “mixture” is explosive. Therefore, do not give yourself a slack, and keep negative emotions under control by all means.
  • In no case do not start a new relationship without surviving the pain of parting completely - Be sure to adhere to this advice if you want to build a strong relationship with a fair sex. Some men believe that new relationships will definitely help to quickly forget the former girl, woman. In fact, this is not so. Think, if it is still painful and unpleasant, then you have not completely loving the girl, and feelings still live in your heart. And this means that you simply cannot fully open to another person. It is also worth looking at this situation from the ethical side. Entering a relationship with the new representative of the fair sex, you give her hope that you will be her partner all your life. Surely the girl agreed to meet you because of great sympathy. But you definitely cannot give her what she dreams about. As a result, you will have to leave, and it will be in the same situation as you. Do you think you have the right to spoil the life of another person, in order to amuse your pride? Of course not. Therefore, forget about the new relationship until you completely fall in love with the former.
  • The places that you visited together are banned, find a new place to relax - At least in the first months of parting, bypass them. Surely you and your former beloved had your places where you spent most of all joint time. They witnessed your happiness, and it was in these places that you felt the greatest emotional upsurge. In order not to arouse these feelings in yourself again, bypass them for a while. If there is no way to do in this way, then go through them as quickly as possible, without stopping your gaze on any details. Do everything so that your eyes do not focus on what can return your thoughts in previous happy times.
  • Do not keep your feelings in yourself and talk to someone “Otherwise, they can destroy you from the inside, and you will never become the same.” Modern men live in a stereotype who claims that a man in any life situations should remain strong, not allowing himself to fall into despondency. Of course, a man should be like that, but he also has the right to sadness, mental pain, and even tears. They are an ordinary person, and sometimes he also wants to scream and cry. Therefore, do not be afraid to talk about your separation from your loved one, there is nothing wrong with that. Moreover, having said, you will feel relief, and this will favorably affect your emotional state. Yes, and if you want to cry and scream, do it, especially if you know that the person who will be embedded at the same time will not condemn you.
  • Convince yourself that the former lover is far from the ideal “Even if this is exactly what she remained in your memories.” Of course, this will be difficult to do, since in your memories she is the most beautiful creature on the planet - ideal in everything, the most beautiful, sexy and attractive. Now try to remember if you always liked everything that she did or spoke. Surely in your relationship there were moments that you did not really like - when she annoyed you and angry. You just didn't tell her about it. Here on them and concentrate. You must understand that she is an ordinary person who also has his drawbacks, which means that it cannot be considered ideal. Believe me, as soon as you understand this, it will immediately become easier for you.
  • Do not sit all your free time at home, it is better to spend time with benefit - Adhere to this advice, even if it is very difficult for you. Most men immediately after parting with a girl close in themselves and refuse to communicate with the outside world. Some presented the stronger sex so much that go outside only for food. It is definitely not necessary to do this in this way. After spending time exclusively alone with you, you only exacerbate your situation. All this time you will engage in self -digging, you will recall meetings with the former beloved, be sure to begin to look for the guilty. In your situation, you definitely don’t need to behave like that, because you need to quickly get rid of your “little” problem. Therefore, try to spend as much free time as possible among people. Meet your friends, relatives, just have a nice time - at the concert, at the presentation in the theater. In short, get positive, and relax both soul and body.
  • Try to understand that your relationship with the former lover has just exhausted themselves - This is difficult to accept, but you will have to do it. When we lose our love, and relationships collapse, then our first impulse is the desire to return pleasant moments again. Of course, for this we are trying to reconcile with our soulmate. Thus, our feelings blind us, and we continue to sacredly believe that if we manage to persuade the former lover to start from scratch, then happiness will return to our lives. Of course, sometimes people manage to return past relationships, but this happens extremely rarely. After all, if people break up, then there are many reasons for this, and as a rule, all the problems that have led to parting reappear in relationships, and repeated showdowns, and clarification of relations begin. And this means that the relationship has already outlived themselves, and it was definitely not worth resuming them. Therefore, if you do not want to re -experience such problems, accept the fact that the relationship has ended, and just live on.

How to distract after parting a woman - methods

How to distract after parting a woman - methods
How to distract after parting a woman - methods

How to distract after parting a woman - methods:

  • See yourself that you are innocent in breaking up a relationship with your loved one - Try to get rid of such obsessive thoughts as quickly as possible, and your life will begin to improve a little. Most people immediately after parting with a loved one begin a deep analysis of what happened to them. And, as a rule, they begin to blame themselves for the fact that the love union has broken up. It begins to seem to them that with his wrong words and actions they wounded a man, and he could not stand it and tore off the relationship. Now think, if your second half really loved you, then at first I would tell you that she was not satisfied, and would try to solve problems. And she certainly would not break the relationship that she was dear to. If she did this, then it doesn’t really value them. For this reason, you should not blame yourself in parting with your beloved, how not to turn, but you both made a decision, and it is your mutual behavior that led you to the sad finale.
  • Be sure to forgive your beloved for what she hurts you - Perhaps the most difficult advice is for a man who still continues to love the fair sex. Yes, it will be difficult for you to do this, but you can’t do without it. After all, if you continue life with resentment in your soul, you simply cannot return the old happy life. The anger and resentment living in your heart will surely poison your life, and will interfere with new happy relationships with other representatives of the fair sex. Moreover, it is the unwillingness to give forgiveness of the former lover that can prevent you from meeting your true love. After all, living life with resentment in your heart, you will think that all women are like that, and you will treat them with a biased. Therefore, be sure to find the strength in yourself and forgive the woman so that the beautiful bright future can “knock on your door” as soon as possible.
  • Give yourself time to calm down - Be sure to do this, and then you look more adequately at what happened. After parting, we begin to live in another, harsh world that we do not really like. And all because we lost the person who gave us peace. And in such an emotional state, we can make many not the most pleasant mistakes. So that this does not happen to you, highlight yourself a couple of days to calm down a little. But no more, so as not to start self -digging. During this period, you have the right to be alone with you, and rest your nerves a little. As a rule, a couple of days are enough for the first shock to go from parting, and a person can adequately make further decisions.
  • Try to plan your life for the near future - You definitely need to do this, since you will have to live life without a former partner. Plan trips to the cinema, the park, a trip to your family, and be sure to do it. Make yourself move on, even if you feel strong internal resistance. You must continue to lead a normal life, otherwise you will fall into a depressive state, and you will suffer a longer period. Yes, and encourage yourself if you managed to adhere to the plan. You can even celebrate your little victories - just pamper yourself with the fact that you love very much.
  • Be sure to let new acquaintances into your life - This must be done in order to slightly change the situation around you. If you want to change your life for the better as quickly as possible, then be sure to make new acquaintances. You will meet new people, which means you will receive new emotions. And they are very necessary for you at such a difficult stage of life. A little clarification, now we are not talking about new love relationships, but about friendly. Having met a new person, you will try to recognize him better, which means that you will have to pay your attention to him, and thereby you will be distracted from bad thoughts. But remember that you need to let people close to you in your personal space, and then a pleasant pastime will be guaranteed to you.
  • Try to write a letter to the former beloved “But you don’t have to send him anywhere, it’s more likely to put your thoughts on paper instead of telling someone from relatives or friends about your feelings.” Take a blank sheet of paper and just write everything you think on it. You can turn to the former beloved and try to explain to her that you were both wrong, you can write to her about your feelings and experiences, in short about everything that your soul wants. Having laid out everything on paper, fold the sheet and hide away, or burn, mentally putting a point in your relationship. Writing such a letter is best when the pain will dry a little and you will already begin to realize that the old relations cannot be returned.
  • Forbid family and friends and talk about the former lover - Perhaps the simplest advice, you can resort to it immediately after parting. Sometimes our loved ones and native people are not mentioned, trying to support us, remind us of past relationships, and thereby renew our pain. Ask them, at least for some time not to remember in your conversations about your former soul mate. Explain to them that even the spoken name returns you at that time of your life, which you want to forget about. Let your request become an unchanging rule for all the time while you are near them. Of course, you cannot completely ban them to tell them about this person. But they can restrain themselves in your presence, and talk about it when you are far away.
  • Do not watch emotional films and melodramas, give preference to comedies - Such advice may seem inappropriate to you, but believe me, in your situation, such a pastime is prohibited. And categorically. Why, you ask? The fact is that your nerves are already tense to the limit. After all, at the moment you are experiencing a rather difficult period of your life. And watching a melodramatic film is an additional shake for your psycho -emotional state. Especially if you watch a movie about unrequited or unsuccessful love. Your subconscious mind will begin to project all this negative on real life, and you will certainly return to your unsuccessful relationship. And this means that mental pain, anger and confusion will definitely return to you. Therefore, at least for some time give preference to funny films - film comedies that will be perfectly distracting you and will raise your mood. In your situation, positive emotions are the best way to return to a normal life.

What to distract after parting with a girl, woman - ideas

What to distract after parting with a girl, woman - ideas
What to distract after parting with a girl, woman - ideas

What to distract after parting with a girl, woman - ideas:

  • Runs - Make them regularly, and then you will feel better. Why? Firstly, you will be in nature, and during a run, you can admire its beauty, this alone will positively affect your nervous system. Secondly, you will improve the physical condition of your body-you will lose weight, you will look better. And this will certainly give you self -confidence.
  • Departure to nature - Another great way to distract from bad thoughts. Of course, you should not go there alone. Take your friends, or relatives with you, and have fun. Barbecue, fishing, just walking through the forest - all this will help improve your mood.
  • Decide on something new - Surprise yourself and try to get new emotions. Climb into the sky in a balloon, jump with a parachute, go down to the sea bottom. You will feel what you still have not felt for sure, and these emotions will really surprise you.
  • Try to change yourself in appearance - Especially if you dreamed about it for a long time. A new shirt, jeans, a couple of fashionable T -shirts, and you will again feel like a horse. But buy only those things that you really like, because only in them you can feel confident and beautiful.

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