How to understand whether you need a man: signs, tips on behavior

How to understand whether you need a man: signs, tips on behavior

The woman in love is blind - rarely anyone can see reality, often in front of her eyes stands the image of a chosen one with positive character traits, this is an ideal, it was he who was waiting for his whole life! Very often, having talked with the boyfriend for some time, disappointment comes - it turned out that for him it was another intrigue, or you are being held as a mistress.

To understand the seriousness of the relationship, you should find out how much you are needed? Does his beloved cherish your feelings? Or maybe it's just a game or a scam? After all, life goes on, why spend time on empty relationships.

How to understand what a man needs you: characteristic features of frivolous relationships

  • Acts are the best indicator of a man’s attitude to a beloved woman. It is according to the behavior of a young man that one can understand what role a lover plays in life, and that he really needs a woman.
  • A woman blinded by feelings cannot avoid a fatal mistake - to understand the seriousness of intentions. The characteristic behavior of the boyfriend will help to understand this.
It is important to remove pink glasses and look at the behavior of a man
It is important to remove pink glasses and look at the behavior of a man

The following factors signal the frivolity of the partner:

  • Beloved is in no hurry to get acquainted with your relatives, as well as present to his loved ones. He will have a new serious reason every time to postpone the meeting for later.
  • Meetings take place on neutral territory. The man is in no hurry to your house and does not lead to him. It is worth considering why? Perhaps he has a family, and you are just a toy.
  • Often in the last second it cancels plans for a meeting with you.
  • Constantly criticizes appearance or behavior.
  • The complements sound false, played.
  • During the conversation, it allows you to use opp -axial vocabulary. In a conversation, gross expressions are often found. Although it should be noted that for a certain category of men, mat and rudeness is the norm of behavior.
  • Pay attention, meetings only happen, when he needs something from you. This may indicate that the “beloved” is needed only to satisfy the carnal pleasures.
  • Dates occur only when it is convenient for a boyfriend.

How to understand does a man need or his main goal is sex?

  • Sometimes a man is drawn to a woman Animal instinct of copulation, that is, sex. He sees his sympathy only as an object for sex.
  • Relations can last a long time, but there is no affection. In some cases, the guy collects sexual victories, so he sets himself a goal - in any way to drag his favorite person to bed.
Often men perceive a woman only as a sexual partner
Often men perceive a woman only as a sexual partner

In order not to become only an object of satisfying male needs and understand whether you need a man as a person, pay attention to the following factors:

  • How does he represent you to friends? "Friend", "Familiar", "Colleague" - This indicates a frivolous attitude. A loving guy will never call his soul mate a “girlfriend”.
  • After passionate love, the partner becomes indifferent, cold, alienated.
  • Do you have joint hobbies except sex. If not, then you are used, for the sake of satisfying carnal desires.
  • If sex occurs at his house, and after the boyfriend removes all the evidence of what has happened, this indicates that the beloved is not fully honest. Most likely he is married.
  • All conversations are carried out only on sexual topics. He does not tell anything about himself, his work, relatives. During frank conversations about feelings, the partner does not show any interest and emotions.
  • He praises only yours physical data: chest, legs, hips, ass. All complements for the period of relationships are sexual. This says that a lover perceives you as a sexual object. You, as a personality, do not interest him.

Thus, if you notice at least one of the above sign, you should think about relationships with this person. Perhaps he is not the one with whom I would like to live all my life and die in one day.

Indifference or modesty: how to distinguish and understand whether you need a man?

Women sometimes confuse men with seriousness or severity. Justify this behavior with an unwillingness to show themselves weak. But is it really so, it is important to understand whether you need a man or a transotor relationship?

Pay attention to whether he is interested in your life or only talks about his
Pay attention to whether he is interested in your life or only talks about his

The absence of love feelings will indicate characteristic behavior:

  • Conversations are carried out arrogantly and with distrust.
  • The guy constantly finds fault with hobbies, appearance, lifestyle, etc. Often nit -picking Girls confuse with straightforwardness.
  • In the boyfriend there is no interest In solving common problems.
  • Constant comparison With friends, former partners. The boyfriend is flattering the current passion due to the humiliation of former lovers.
  • Does not forgive small misconduct, which is not typical for a guy in love.
  • Secretity testifies to the distrust of a man. For example, he does not tell where he works, what he did throughout the day, etc.

In rare cases, the attitude can be indifferent, but people unite common interests, there is respect for each other. The only shortage is the lack of intimate relationships. Such a connection is called proven friendship. All aspects of this type of relationship are specified by a couple.

How to understand whether you need a man after parting?

It happens that lovers part in stupidity. The girl does not mind returning everything back. But before that you should find out if you need a man after a break. Perhaps he forgot about everything.

The following methods will help to find out how the young man feels:

  • The former actively visits the gym, although he did not do this before. After parting, the young man began to lead an active lifestyle. At the end of the working day, he visits the gym, runs in the morning. Physical activity helps to cope with emotional shock. It is in a stressful state from what happened.
  • After parting with his beloved man, all contacts often break off. This indicates that the woman did not mean anything to him. But if, the young man continues to insist on meetings and friendship, this says that the guy still loves and hopes for the revival of the relationship.
  • Messages come from the former, he calls regularly. This signals that you are an outlet for him, and sometimes a vest. Communication on the phone occurs more often than once every 7 days - he needs you.

Before you start acting and resurrecting relationships, remember why you parted. Soul wounds, do not heal quickly. Even if the desire to resume the connection is mutual, this does not say that everything will be different. Perhaps you will be convinced once again that the gap was the right decision.

How to understand whether you need a man at a distance?

  • There is a phrase: "The longer the separation, the stronger the feelings". But is it really so, do a man need you if the separation is too long? Is there love at a distance?
  • This topic is relevant for ladies who like to get acquainted and fall in love with resorts. Or for girls, students in another city and for those who are waiting for a guy from the army or another business trip.
  • The situations are different and the result will also be unequal.
A man’s actions in any conflict situation - a priority point for analysis
A man’s actions in any conflict situation - a priority point for analysis

Consider the most common life scenarios:

  • The acquaintance occurred in an entertainment institution in another country during vacation. The development of long -term relationships will most likely not be.
  • Often lovers have to part due to study, army, business trips. If the girl conquered the guy’s heart, then messages, letters and calls will be frequent. The young man on time of the call will tell how his day went, and also will definitely take an interest in the affairs of his beloved. If his girlfriend is not interested, there will be a lot of things and reasons why he could not call. A seriously -minded guy will always find a minute for his beloved.
  • Bad sign when a man rarely calls first or writes. Most likely you do not interest him.

To make sure of feelings or confirm fears, the following recommendations will help:

  • Do not show interest in his affairs. Talking about work with whom and where do not. If the guy experiences feelings for you, he will definitely notice changes in behavior and ask what happened.
  • Jealousy - One of the effective guns of women. Make the boyfriend be jealous. Ask the employee to hold home. During the conversation, hint, but do not go into details. Calls or SMS who come to a mobile phone can also hook the guy for the living.
  • Change your image. A new outfit or hairstyle is an occasion to think about what or who influenced the chosen one. Why did she decide to change her image?
  • A little pregnant. To test the guy’s feelings, you can lie about pregnancy. Pay attention to his reaction. The chosen one is horrified - your relationship is just fun for him.

No need to spend precious time in touch, which are far from ideal. Some young people like free relations. As a result, the most better years are wasted. It is better to attach all your strength to search for a real, loving and caring partner. Successful serious men will never get involved in some adventure, but will create a real happy family.

How to understand whether you need a man according to the zodiac sign?

Find out if you need a man and how he can show it by looking into a horoscope. Each zodiac sign shows feelings and emotions individually.


  • Aries are impatient. They want everything and do not hide it.
  • This zodiac sign is persistent, but do not believe their sweet speeches.
  • Aries confirms the seriousness of the intentions an attempt to create coziness, not inhibiting the development of events.


  • Taurus immediately admit their feelings. They will constantly remind themselves of calls or messages.
  • Unique courtship methods will conquer any female heart. Taurus will begin to give present, invite to various events.
  • The disadvantage is Taurus lack of self-esteemWhat can drag out romantic courtship.


  • Gemini love to flirt. The lady of the heart will not have to be bored, because they are approaching courtship with imagination.
  • Twin men often idealize their chosen one. If they are disappointed in a relationship, they begin to quickly look for new love.


  • Guys-racks are homebody. They put a family in the first place. In order not to make a mistake, they first find out how the chosen one relates to female duties at home and only then begins to meet with her.
  • A truly in love cancer will fulfill any wishes of a girl. A man born under this sign appreciates devotion and fidelity.

a lion

  • Leo does not like to bustle and deceive. Men born under this sign instantly have people. In the candy-bouquet period, noble behavior intrigues women.
  • Do not instantly melt from the courtship of the lion. It can be a deception, it is easy to learn about it. The man begins to share success, but at the same time does not ask anything about your life.


  • Men-girls love to analyze situations and always give correct advice.
  • This sign will not talk about the secret, but will show his love and sympathy with hints.
  • Men born under the sign of the Virgin can trust secrets.


  • Guys born under the sign Libra are positive and non -conflicting personalities.
  • Do not like to rush events, since afraid of responsibility.


  • Scorpions have impeccable charisma and charm. They are ready to give tenderness and affection for a lover.
  • Men under this sign will tell her incessantly compliments. But in reality, sincerity is zero. They are quite egocentric, so it is important for the girl not to dissolve in a partner, but to monitor her development and beauty.
  • Always keep Scorpio in good shape, the only way your relationship can become long.
The zodiac sign will also tell a lot about the partner
The zodiac sign will also tell a lot about the partner


  • Sagittarius shows his affection Courting and gifts. Personal independence in them in the foreground. Sagittarius love adventures and adventures.
  • If the guy spends all his free time near his beloved, this indicates sincerity.


  • Capricorns are incredulous persons, so constant double -checks are waiting for the girl they like. They are afraid to show their feelings.
  • It is hard for them to trust the woman, but if this happens, the Croperog man will begin to consult with his lover and provide various signs of attention.


  • Aquarius have good charisma, love to talk about their emotions out loud, but not to act.
  • At first they become friends of the girl, and then conquer her heart.


  • Fish are very sensitive and emotional. In relations, they can arrange an emotional scandal, but reconciliation will be just as violent.
  • Fish are touchy. But, if the guy does not like, he will immediately break the relationship after a quarrel without hope for reconciliation.

TOP-9 characteristic features in the behavior of a man to understand that he needs you

A truly in love guy is visible at once. He values \u200b\u200brelations. It is easy to determine a loving partner.

The following characteristic features are sincerely in love:

  1. Present - a sign of the desire to win the heart of the lady. Frequent presentations indicate seriousness young man.
  2. A trembling attitude The girl indicates that the partner appreciates her lover. He treats her with tenderness and affection.
  3. Simple attention signs, for example, opening doors, compliments, assistance in leaving the car, etc. These behavior manners indicate respect the weaker sex.
  4. After meeting you, the partner began to change for the better, that is, you serve for him inspiration. He began to learn English, signed up for the gym, asked his authorities to increase salary, etc.
  5. The guy wants to communicate regularly and see his sympathy. He shows strong interest. Even if he is very busy, he will still find time to spend the time with his beloved couple of hours.
  6. A young man who has serious intentions, will never hide Beloved from friends.
  7. A seriously -minded man will introduce a girl to relatives. Acquaintance with her parents is not a problem for him.
  8. The guy in love will be interested in the thoughts of his chosen one about children. Frank conversations about the future help to understand the intentions of a loved one. But interest should not be perceived as plans for a joint future.
  9. A man who respects and loves his chosen one will never be rush Its regarding intimate communication. But it is worthwhile if a lover is a passive for a long period and only conversations are enough for him. Perhaps your connection is just friendship?

Sometimes indifference is justified by the fact that a young person needs time to realize whether he loves you or not. But in reality, the real sparking of feelings is unrealistic to hide. The woman sees very well how his beloved relates to her and whether he needs her. If a young man does not want to create a family, then it makes no sense to continue relations with him.

To understand the situation whether or not needed by a man, female intuition will help. You can seek help from a close girlfriend or loved ones. But only female intuition will tell you the correct answer.

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  1. The husband began to stay from work, became colder in relation to me, began to hide the phone. In general, his behavior has changed very much ... It turned out that my husband has another

  2. The man became cold, everything is wrong for him, rude, does not pay attention

  3. The husband began to linger from work, became colder in relation to me, began to hide the phone. In general, his behavior has changed very much ... It turned out that my husband has another family in which two minor children grow up .. now it turns out how it happens in life. Do not convey pain in words

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