How to understand that the girl does not respect you, does not value, does not value relationships: signs

How to understand that the girl does not respect you, does not value, does not value relationships: signs

Human relations are a rather complicated process, which is not just to understand. In the last century, the man was respected for the ability to earn money, for strength, courage, and now the priorities have changed significantly.

The female floor became independent, learned to earn money and do without male power in everyday life. As a result, every year the number of men who complain that there is no respect from the fair sex. Why is this happening?

Why do not girls value, do not respect and do not value guys?

A civilian or official marriage is a relationship between a man and a woman. A married couple shares responsibilities, raising children, making money, enjoying communication, satisfying carnal desires and supporting each other.

Nowadays, such a model of male and female relationships is not always relevant. Most functions are less important. Women ceased to appreciate, respect, cherish men. What was distorted and went wrong?

  • Women have learned earn at the level of men. Previously, the strong floor was a breadwinner in the family. This was one of the reasons why they did not get divorced. The woman believed that she would not pull the economy and child on her salary. Now there is no need to man in a man. Often, during a divorce, he pays child support or the house is divided in half. This is all smooth out the lack of a breadwinner in an incomplete family.
Women have become more self -sufficient
Women have become more self -sufficient
  • To raise a child Maybe one parent. Children no longer strengthen marriage. They do not serve as a stumbling block for divorce. Father can easily be seen with nannies, grandfathers, grandmothers, kindergartens.
  • Status in society. A lonely girl no longer causes a pity of others. In the modern world, lonely young people are full -fledged participants in society.
  • Search for a new stall. Now no one condemns that the girl has long been over 20, and she is still looking for her happiness. Perhaps she needs men to satisfy carnal desires. Or a woman is looking for the only one with which you can build a strong relationship. Thus, a lonely woman is no longer a reason for society condemning.

Now the priorities in relation to the family have changed very much, which influenced the relationship between the male and female sex. The fairer sex became stronger and freerWhich negatively affects respect for men.

How to understand that the girl does not respect you, does not value, does not value relationships: 10 signs

In relations, the main role is played by the respect of partners to each other. A beautiful sex expects all -consuming love from a man, while he wants only respect from the lady of the heart. Often young people do not understand this truth. The girl should realize that opinion, judgment and feeling are important for her partner.

Watch how the girl behaves
Watch how the girl behaves

Understand that the girl does not respect you, does not appreciate, does not value the following signs will help with relations:

  1. During the conversation, the lady of the heart does not listen to you. Each person has the right to express his opinion. But talking to you, the interlocutor regularly interrupts and does not agree with what has been said, so there is no respect.
  2. Beloved does not respond well to your family. Often, a woman’s relationship with the relatives of a fan is not smooth. When a woman respects a man, despite nothing, she will reckon with his relatives. Negative reviews about the family indicate a disrespectful attitude towards the chosen one.
  3. Constant discontent Women when trying to stay with her.
  4. Coarseness From the side of the beloved.
  5. There are no ideal people in the world. Everyone has negative aspects of character. And, if a girl regularly indicates the shortcomings of your nature, this indicates disrespect.
  6. Young woman compares you with other guys.
  7. The chosen one is ashamed to appear in society with you.
  8. Mixing Men in public. No need to be confused with teasing. A respecting woman will never make fun of a man in front of friends.
  9. The guy does everything she wishes for the girl. But no matter how hard he tried, in response, not a word of gratitude. She perceives everything for granted.
  10. Threatening conversations - This is one of the signs of disrespect for a man. Therefore, if you hear threats and rude words, think about whether it is worth connecting your life with such a special one.

What to do if a woman does not respect you, does not value, does not value relationships?

  • If a woman does not respect you, does not value, does not value relationships - this leads to destruction of personality. Over time, behavior is changing. A man begins to doubt himself.
  • Attempts to prove that it is the main one lead to the opposite effect. As a result, a loss of self -esteem.
  • Therefore, at the first signs of disrespect for the beloved, it is necessary to solve the problem.
  • Relations have changed - the wife compares with other men, your opinion is no longer interested in her, frequent quarrels, etc. These are the first signs of disrespect. Why did this happen? Review your actions and habits lately. Perhaps they are to blame for this?
  • If the reason for changing female behavior is a man, then he must correct everything himself.
  • Dominate! Women strive to be strong and independent. But somewhere deep down, they want to be weak, they want someone else who is stronger to take part of the problems and difficulties. In ancient times, a woman chose a dominant man, one who did not allow himself to command. Ladies, who are at the head of the family, quickly lose interest in spouses.
  • But a man should not impose his opinion and do everything opposite. He respects the lady of the heart, but at the same time requires respect for himself. He cares about her beloved, does what is important to her. The reason for this is not her whim, but because he decided so.
It is important to be confident and be able to take responsibility
It is important to be confident and be able to take responsibility
  • A man must decide everything for himself. In no case, the girl should choose which friends to spend time with, what to do, what shirt to wear, etc. The main task is to maintain her personality and relationship with her beloved. It may not be easy, scandals are possible. It is necessary to endure.
  • Often men make the same mistake. Having achieved something in life, they are located on the couch with a can of beer and watch TV. After a while, complaints are pouring that it is not possible to develop, something interferes with all the time.
  • What did you do to change the situation? A man should always have goals in life. A young man who has goals causes respect among the female.
  • Remember when your second half she sincerely laughed Above the jokes? A woman should be with you easily. After a time spent with her beloved, she should be inspired with a positive mood. Tell us a simple joke, surprise with a surprise, etc. The negativity in a relationship will decrease by half.
  • No need to be a tyrant, that is, do not insult, do not shout. Transfer the incident into humor, so show that it has values \u200b\u200bfor you. Make a compliment, change the communication manner, do for your woman what she does not expect. After a certain time, notice how the relationship has changed for the better.

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