How does joint accommodation before the wedding affect relationships: advantages, disadvantages, helps to live before the wedding together in the future marriage?

How does joint accommodation before the wedding affect relationships: advantages, disadvantages, helps to live before the wedding together in the future marriage?

Over the past couple of decades, many couples are wondering whether it is worth living together before marriage. Elder people, in the years of their youth, did not have to think about it, since this type of joint residence was not widespread.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "Signs for marriage, groom". You will find information about how to find out if the wedding is soon, what the groom looks like, whether the chosen one loves, and whether happiness will be in marriage.

Today, civil marriage is becoming more acceptable and popular. But many things need to be taken into account before, with your partner. From this article you will learn about the advantages and disadvantages of cohabitation, as well as about whether it helps to live before the wedding together in the future marriage. Read further.

Decide on your intentions: to live together before the wedding or not?

We decided to live together before the wedding together
We decided to live together before the wedding together

The first thing to do is to both decide on your intentions in a relationship and make sure that you want the same thing in them. In other words, why do you need to live together before the wedding: to check whether you can get along in the same apartment or because you want to avoid (postpone) marriage? Why would you want to do that?

Ideally, you need to openly talk why you want to live together and not be married.

  • Perhaps one of you plans to get married in the future, and the other does not want to.
  • Maybe one of you has a certain period of time to marry, and the other wants to get married soon.
  • Or someone believes that your relationship is quite serious, but there is no thoughts about the wedding.

It is very important to discuss these issues, since the mismatch of intentions will lead to problems in a future life. However, in the framework of the following article, let's assume that both people know about the ultimate goal - marriage, and not just about the fact of its conclusion, but about the happy, healthy and complete love of life after registration at the registry office.

Now let's discuss all the advantages and disadvantages of co -living. Read further.

Advantages: How does joint accommodation before the wedding affect relationships?

It is worth noting that joint accommodation before the wedding really affects the relationship between a man and a woman. How exactly, let's understand. Here are the advantages:

  • Joint budget

This is one of the most common causes for cohabitation. Just think about it: most couples who have entered into a serious relationship, one way or another, practically live together. They come at each other at home, and even keep clothes and other personal belongings with a partner, and can spend more time there than at home. In this case, it will be reasonable to stop paying for two rented apartments, the Internet, utility bills and so on.

This, of course, is a great advantage of life together, but you need to be sure that both of you can handle money. It is very tempting to take additional money from the stash, and even really not know where you spend it. A much better idea is to save together to your future from those money that used to go to the second apartment.

  • Less unknown when marriage

Living with someone can be very tiring. It doesn't matter who to live with - with their parents, brothers, sisters or friends. The bottom line is that each person is able to infuriate you if you live with him 24/7. This is the truth of life. But when you meet or just be in a romantic relationship, you have less time to find out the habits and way of life of each other. At first, you do not notice the relationship and lose sight of some annoying habits of each other. And if you notice, you can count them cute and funny. But time passes, and what used to be the norm now begins to nervous.

Therefore, imagine that you have not gathered before the wedding. When the time comes for cohabitation in marriage, you begin to go through the stages of the crisis and find that this person drives you crazy because he never washes dishes. Therefore, if you eat before the wedding, you will go into marriage with wide eyes, already knowing what awaits one person in everyday life with another.

  • You get closer and set a more solid connection

Proximity is important for any relationship, but even more its role after registration. But this word here is not understood as physical/sexual intimacy. There are other, the same important types of intimacy, for example, intellectual, spiritual and empirical and voluntary.

Let's talk about voluntary proximity. This type includes obligations that two people take on. For example, if you decide to purchase real estate, a car or a dog together, it means that you both take on obligations (regardless of whether you are married or not).

If the couple is able to successfully combine all these types of proximity, then the relationship can be called good and very strong. Therefore, joint accommodation helps to check whether you are able to create and maintain such a level of relationship before the wedding celebration. If you can, then you will be more confident in the issue of marriage.

Disadvantages of residence together before the wedding

Disadvantages of living together before the wedding - disagreement may appear
Disadvantages of living together before the wedding - disagreement may appear

Despite the fact that many people believe that living together before the wedding has only pluses, there are still shortcomings. Here is some of them:

  • Other people may not approve

Each person has all his own opinion. And many people love to express it when no one asks them about it. Therefore, it may be very difficult to do what friends and family do not approve. Even the religion of your loved ones can stand on this way. Many people look down on people who live together before marriage. For example, the Catholic Church does not approve of this. Perhaps you have grown in a family that regularly attends the church and in good faith follows its teachings. If you decide to move away from spiritual landmarks, then your family may turn away from you.

  • Lack of support can weaken the relationship

Living with your partner is a serious decision, regardless of whether you are married or not. Even living not alone, but with anyone, is not always as easy as it seems. Of course, if you have a companion, it becomes not so alone in the apartment, but at the same time there are many challenges and problems. Therefore, if you do not have strong support and understanding among yourself, this will affect your relationship, and not for the better.

There may be stress and resentment between you, they are noticeable and hover in the air. This can be expressed or not expressed, and may not even have anything in common with you two, but external forces can still lead to the emergence of a conflict. Life with someone is already a struggle and challenge. If you had neighbors before, then you understand what is about. Therefore, without good support inside the couple, you put your relationship under the jeopardy, which in turn will create new difficulties that you have not yet encountered.

  • Different views on spending from a joint budget

When you live alone, you know about all the costs of watching your finances. No one will command what you spend money on and what not. But when living together, the couple has this issue significantly. Of course, you can still have separate bank accounts, but you share your expenses. You need to immediately clarify such issues as payments for communal services and products, and who will pay for them, because different points of view can be found.

Also, do not forget to take into account the problem of personal or individual expenses. Perhaps one of you loves to spend money, and the second, on the contrary, is trying to save money. Anyone who copies will be upset that his partner spends money irresponsibly.

Does cohabitation help before the wedding in the future in marriage?

Many people want to get a unequivocal answer to the question, does co -stay helping before the wedding in the future in marriage? But the studies are contradictory.

  • The observations that were carried out in the last century indicate that couples that live together before registration are most often divorced.
  • But it should be borne in mind that in these decades, the joint living of people was not as socially acceptable as now.

The latest studies do not show the same result, but do not differ much:

  • According to them, the percentage of steam divorces that live together before registration is not necessarily connected with this.
  • The results obtained indicate that there are many other nuances that contribute to divorce. For example, the age of partners is important. The older they are, the more likely it is that the marriage will be long.
  • Other factors include personal characteristics, such as the ability to obligations.

Given all of the above, you can understand that there is no unequivocal answer to the question of whether it is worth living together before marriage or not. This is more dependent on people, both individuals and on the couple as a whole. In the end, the decision to go or not, completely on you two. It is important that both partners weigh for themselves all the pros and cons, and understand what they need.

Video: Can't you live together before the wedding? What is the danger of cohabitation for a woman? Psychology of relations

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