The signs that a colleague is like you. How to understand what you like the boss, colleague to a man?

The signs that a colleague is like you. How to understand what you like the boss, colleague to a man?

Signs of sympathy by the man colleague.

Relations at work for many companies are a taboo. Some organizations in the Labor Code indicate that employees cannot have personal relations among themselves. In this article, we will tell you how to understand what a colleague likes to a man. 

How to understand that a woman likes a colleague?

The manifestation of sympathy looks different, depending on the type of man. If it is very modest, then all attempts to show their sympathy will be shy and indecisive.

How to understand that a woman likes a colleague:

  • Such an employee will try to help in every way. He is ready to stay after work to help finish the report or complete a difficult task. It is these men who most often fall into the French zone, from which it is very difficult to get out. Girls perceive them as friends and assistants. Initially, the girl is very convenient that a man will always come to the rescue. A modest man will try to bring you to a frank conversation to find out if there is a guy, if your heart is busy. Most often, attempts to find out the marital status will be quite modest, from afar. Such a man will never ask directly, whether there is a young man. The man tries to spend lunch together, often catching the eye in the office. 
  • A more decisive man will make enterprising and vivid attempts to win your heart. In the company of colleagues will be interested in your opinion, ask about working moments. This is not at all because it is important for him to correctly do the work. He needs to hear your voice, look at the reaction. Very often, such employees translate the conversation into an intimate direction to find out the details of their personal life. The man will go with you for lunch at one time, try to pay for him. 
  • Be prepared that early in the morning flowers or coffee will appear on your table. Such men are confident in their courtship, they will spend maximum time, money and effort to get what they want. Such men usually do not hide what they want. Therefore, the whole team will soon learn about a special attitude. 
  • There is a third category - this is a detailed man who approaches the case seriously, with all determination. Such a man is not ready to gossip about him, so he tries to provide signs of attention only in private. In the company of employees, he behaves standardly and removed. Often waiting for from work to give up, to carry it home. Trying to provide his help, listens carefully what you are talking about. The lover may appear at home at the most unexpected moment. Especially if the girl mentioned in the evening that it was necessary to hang a shelf, but no one. Such a man will do everything possible to make life easier, but he will be glad of gratitude, a special attitude. 
Communication in the office
Communication in the office

How to understand what you like the boss?

According to statistics, the mass of official novels end with a wedding, a joint life. However, there are other points. Sometimes people cannot build a joint life, despite the service novel. The main problem is that it is difficult for a woman to trust a man at work so as not to spoil her reputation. Therefore, in most cases, women try to hide their sympathy, rejecting feelings from employees.

Despite the lack of a relationship, a man can be jealous of a lover, or other men. Therefore, a colleague painfully reacts to flirting from other male representatives to the object of lust. He will try to constantly meet after work, completely distract attention from other men. It is worth highlighting a separate category of men - bosses. In most organizations, official novels are not welcome. Therefore, the man will hide his feelings.

How to understand what the boss likes:

  • In most cases, the man will make every effort so that you are constantly nearby. Be prepared that not a single meeting will begin without you. The leader will be interested in the opinion of a lover regarding any questions, even if they do not concern her professional activity.
  • He is interested in the opinion as a person, and not as an employee. Often beloved women are sent to various conferences, on business trips. Although some managers act on the contrary, hindering the advanced training of an employee so that she does not go to another department, does not climb the service ladder. 
  • Especially if you work as a secretary, and a man as a leader. But in most cases, if the company is small, then the boss seeks to improve the financial situation of a woman, can increase the service ladder, write out various bonuses. A special attitude is not always noticeable in the company of colleagues, but the woman feels or sees sympathy for the amount of wages and bonuses. 

How to understand what a married man likes to a married man?

There are both indirect and obvious signs of sympathy by a colleague of a man who is married. Recognizing the signs of sympathy is quite simple. If we take into account family status, the presence of a stamp in the passport, then most likely, it is unlikely to show attention signs. It is the ring on the finger that slows down his desires.

How to understand what a married man likes to a married man:

  • An indifferent attitude towards a woman, restraint. If a free man tries to show sympathy, show his attitude, then the married man, on the contrary, will hide it. He in every possible way avoids contact with the subject of lust, despite the fact that his views are all the time directed in your direction. He is unlikely to suit and speak with you. Participates in a woman’s life indirect ways. If a woman needs help, a married man will provide her, but through someone else, not with his own hands, watching the execution from the outside. He does this to hide his sympathy, is afraid that his feelings will see his colleagues. 
  • A married man will not offer a date, but will organize random meetings in the circle of colleagues or friends. 
  • The desire to be in the circle of an object of adoration is manifested unconsciously, since passion is suppressed inside, so as not to be declassified. If a married man behaves very boldly, this indicates a free character, frivolity of intentions. Most likely, this is an affair. 
  • Sympathy from a married man can be determined by verbal signs. Such a man often jokes in the presence of a woman who is pretty to him. After all, at a subconscious level, he wants to like her. 
  • He can touch the object of lust with accident. He gives his hand, can hold behind his back. 
  • A man can speak pleasant words, but not straight, but veiled. Look at the attitude of a colleague to other women. If he speaks compliments to all women, then this is a feature of his character. 
  • You can determine sympathy from a man by the movements and voice of the body. The man tries to turn to you with the whole body, while the palms are open. 
  • A married man is shy to look point blank, he will hide his eyes to hide his desire. A smile on his face appears spontaneously at the sight of an object of lust. He will touch his hair, tie, belt, engagement ring. This suggests that he is a little nervous, he does not feel quite comfortable. He can blush, pale, tremble, often swallow. 
  • If there is sympathy from a married man, you should not rejoice, because only 1% of married men get divorced with their wives, go to their mistress. The main goal of a married man is to satisfy his sexual needs, to diversify his personal life. 

Often a man leaves the family after 40 years. This is exactly the age when they say: “gray hair in a beard, a demon into a rib.” The departure to the mistress is associated with a psychological crisis, a kind of line. It is during this period that the man sums up the results of the life. If there are moments that do not suit him, he perceives the present time as the last chance to completely change his life. 


I like a married man colleague, what to do?

If you decide that you want to plunge into a service novel, you can choose one of several strategies that depend on the marital status. 

I like a married man for a colleague, what to do:

  • If both employees have a family, it is best to devote any of the colleagues to their relations and feelings. Despite the fact that some colleagues are able to keep secrets, extremely improving to disclose their feelings. 
  • In no case should you build relationships with a married man through his family, even if you are familiar with his wife or children. You can not write or call on a mobile phone. Do not contact with social networks, Instagram. Try to go to the end.
  • The official romance between people who have families is appropriate only if both of the partners are ready to leave the current family. If the chosen one reciprocates, it is advisable to change the work. If the relationship takes place in the eyes of colleagues, very soon the secret will become clear, which can turn into additional problems in both labor activities and for the family. In no case should you flirt with a man in the presence of colleagues, as well as provide signs of attention when around others. 

Like a colleague for work man, what to do?

The situation is greatly simplified if both partners are free. But you can not devote to your relations of colleagues and acquaintances. Perhaps a man also sympathizes with one of the employees.

Like a work colleague man, what to do:

  • To attract attention, it is necessary to understand the features of his character, as far as he fits in temperament. No need to ask questions in the forehead. Be sure to provoke joint conversations, ask about something the whole team, but not a colleague that you like.
  • Perhaps he will express his opinion. Try to attend cafes, fitness clubs, other establishments in which there is often an adoration.
  • Be sure to determine how the man relates. If the sympathy is mutual, in no case can we talk about indifference, or pretend that it is all the same. 
  • A service novel is a frequent phenomenon, because people spend the third part of their lives at work. How to respond to sympathy from a colleague will tell you feelings. If a colleague is married, it is best to avoid rapprochement. The exception is only a deep mutual feeling, as well as the willingness to change the place of work, to break off relations with your spouse.
  • If you are not interested in a colleague, then it is best to flirt from him to ignore. If you do not want to use it, say thanks and refuse. If a man does not retreat, try to translate your attention to another topic.
  • If you like a colleague, then demonstrate your sympathy. Be sure to support the conversation on personal topics, be interested in his hobbies, and also pay attention to details and trifles. Be sure to spend time together. It is believed that joint pastime brings people together. If a man does not understand your sympathy for a long time, but you are sure that he does not breathe evenly, be sure to talk frankly. If a man is confident and responsible, he will be responsible for his actions, he will be able to bring relationships to a new level. In fact, recognizing sympathy from a colleague is quite simple. Very often men behave according to the classical scheme.

Signs that the man likes a woman colleague

The behavior of a man depends on his social status, age, marital status, the company in which he works. 

The signs that the man likes the woman colleague:

  • A man in love tries to keep you in sight. He will occupy the situation for a better review of your office. You will often catch your eyes on yourself. 
  • If a man does not hide sympathy, looks at you intently and does not look away, he is ready for active actions. If a man looks furtively, he constantly looks away when you meet with his eyes, he does not ripen, or he has a family.
  • If the man is a leader, it is not permissible to show sympathy for colleagues. If a man looks at his face, you are interested in him as a person. If the look wanders through appetizing forms, this indicates a sexual attraction and passion. 
  • Be prepared for the fact that the man to whom you are pretty will remember every word said. Do not be surprised if in a cafe, not far from your work, he will order a cappuccino with two tablespoons of sugar, as you love. 
At work
At work

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A man in love can speak too loudly, lively, or vice versa, stray, stutter. Sometimes the timbre of voice changes when talking with a woman who is pretty. It becomes softer, low, sometimes with hoarse. The man seeks to tell more about himself, and find out about the object of lust. 

Video: Signs of sympathy from the male colleague


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