What is a civil marriage, cohabitation? What is the difference between a civil marriage and cohabitation? Modern cohabitation against civil marriage: all for and against

What is a civil marriage, cohabitation? What is the difference between a civil marriage and cohabitation? Modern cohabitation against civil marriage: all for and against

The institution of marriage has existed for a long time, but how does it differ from cohabitation? This will be discussed in the article.

Currently, the institution of marriage in our country is becoming something not too popular. Increasingly, young people prefer to simply live together without registering their relationship officially. Many call this phenomenon a “civil marriage”, but how does this union that is not existing de jure differ from the usual “cohabitation”, which consists in joint living a man and a woman without a preliminary campaign in the registry office?

What is a civil marriage?

To clearly understand where such a thing came from as a “civil marriage”, and what it actually means, you need to return to one century ago. Then, in pre -revolutionary Russia (and in the rest of the world), any event in human life, from birth to death, was coordinated by the church. And the creation of a new family began precisely with a church wedding.

After the radical branch of the state from the Church (in Russia - after the October Revolution of 1917), the registry offices in which the newlyweds fastened their union with signature gradually began to create institutions in all countries of the world.

That is, it is precisely such a marriage - official, registered in the registry office, is actually “civilian”, i.e. recorded in a state institution and regulated by the Family Code of the Russian Federation.


By the way, people who are absolutely confident in their feelings, and today are married in the church. This rite is not a mandatory component for the conclusion of official marriage and is possible only after the presentation of the marriage from the registry office.

What is cohabitation?

As we have already found out in the previous part, a man and a woman, living together without registration at the registry office are cohabitants. To is a couple leading a joint farm. This is the difference between cohabitation and civil marriage. Unfortunately, it is precisely this type of relationship that has gained immense popularity among modern youth, which is explained by the lack of any responsibility for their partner, and even for joint children.

The fact is that any property, or other types of relations between cohabiting partners are not regulated by applicable law. Therefore, no matter how much strength, means, time and mental heat you put in the process of creating a joint nest, if your partner decides to get rid of you, then you will not be able to get a dime from him. Unless he will turn out to be a deeply decent person and he himself compensates for all expenses to you.


The same applies to the upbringing of joint children. If a man after the birth of the heir agrees to go to the registry office and write a statement that he is his father and asks the child his last name, then this is another half -bastard. And if the woe-father does not want to recognize the baby, then without that stamp in a passport, a woman will be very difficult to prove his paternity and subsequently receive alimony.

What is the difference between a civil marriage and cohabitation?

So, let's still highlight the difference between cohabitation and civil marriage:

  1. Responsibility for children. For jokes, she is automatically transferred to her mother, in the case of a civil marriage upon separation with her husband, in the future she can count on the allowance and certain benefits.
  2. Property issue. With cohabiting, a woman cannot count on receiving any property acquired during cohabitation. But with official marriage, the separation of property is quite legal.

Modern cohabitation against civil marriage: all for and against

In fact, in the joint accommodation of a man and a woman there are a lot of pleasant bonuses that attract young people.

  • Firstly, as many guys say: “Even when I buy cottage cheese, I try it. What is the worse marriage? ” Indeed, cohabitation gives a chance to a guy and a girl closer to each other closer, to figure out whether they are suitable for each other so much as to spend the rest of his life next to him.
  • Secondly, the lack of the need to arrange a magnificent ceremony can significantly save money and nerves. After all, the wedding in our time is a very cost event, many are even forced to take loans at the bank for its organization.
  • Thirdly, cohabitation creates the illusion of some freedom and personal space for each of the partners. This is in theory, but in practice it turns out that one of the cohabitants faithfully loves his soul mate, not paying attention to the lack of a stamp in the passport, and the second at the same time to the question of the representative of the opposite sex about whether he is free, boldly answers: " Yes!".
Attracts cohabitation
Attracts cohabitation

Thanks to the rapid development of society, the institution of marriage is constantly undergoing changes. For example, a type of relationship has appeared as "Guest marriage" - When people are officially married, but at the same time live separately and do not lead any household. With this type of relationship, husband and wife simply "go to visit each other."

The newest version of marriage is called " virtual ". Of course, it consists on the Internet and has no legal grounds, but at the same time it becomes more and more popular among the regulars of the “world web”.

Going to connect your life with another person-in the registry office, church or without any design of the relationship you need to think carefully. Indeed, in addition to the positive aspects, cohabitation has a number of disadvantages. Not only are partners without registration at the registry office are not protected by law (in any case, in the territory of the Russian Federation). Such couples, according to statistical data, are much more likely to break up than those that nevertheless officially went down the aisle.

Video: cohabitation before marriage: stupidity or the right decision?

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