How and when to tell about the pregnancy of mom to the first -born, other children in the family: prepare, playing, tips

How and when to tell about the pregnancy of mom to the first -born, other children in the family: prepare, playing, tips

If you do not know how and when to tell about pregnancy to your first -born or other children in the family, then read this article. It has many useful tips.

Having learned about the second pregnancy, a woman begins to think about how to tell about the situation of her firstborn. Of course, if the child is already an adult, then there will be no problems with this. However, with a baby of preschool age or primary school student, a lot will need to be discussed. How to do this right? Read useful tips below.

When, at what period you can talk about the second pregnancy of mom for children, first -born: tips

When, at what time can you talk about the second pregnancy of mom for children?
When, at what time can you talk about the second pregnancy of mom for children?

Small children are very difficult to oriented in time. Therefore, having learned about such an incomprehensible event, the baby will have a long expectation, which will lead to a lot of various questions, and sometimes whims. When and at what time can you tell about the second pregnancy of mom to children, first -born? Here are the tips:

  • Do not rush events And tell the baby about pregnancy from the first weeks.
  • So that the baby is clearthat he will soon become an older brother (or sister), postpone joyful news until the pregnancy becomes noticeable.
  • Will improve the situation if you can orient the child in time, comparing the date of birth with any event that he knows. This is necessary so that the baby does not languish in anticipation of a miracle.
  • It is important to inform the pleasant news of the baby at that momentWhen the stomach has already begun to grow. It is still difficult for the child to understand that someone lives inside mom. But if the child sees the stomach that increases, then it will be easier for him.
  • During the message news, do not feel guilty and do not make excuses. No need to say that you give birth to a baby so that the elder is with someone to play. Your position should be solid and understandable to the child.

You need to choose the right words so that you do not experience great excitement and the baby is clear. If you are nervous and worried, then the baby will not be calm and he will have more questions.

How to tell about the second pregnancy of mom to the first -born and other children in the family correctly: tips

We talk about mom's pregnancy correctly: we show clearly on other families
We talk about mom's pregnancy correctly: we show clearly on other families

Further, the question arises of parental attention and love for children. Therefore, you need to report the news correctly. How to tell about the second pregnancy of mom to the first -born and other children in the family? In order for the children to prepare the appearance of the baby correctly, you need to know some aspects of the psychology of the child. Here are some tips:

  • Report the news joyfullyEven if you are disturbed by any experiences about this. The child should see that this is good.
  • Explain to the first -born that he is also involved in such an event, since you are waiting for the appearance of the child with him, you will take care of him together, choose a blanket, clothes, toys.
  • Go to visit friends or relativeswho have several children in the family. Then, talking about the news, emphasize that it will be also interesting for him, as in that family: joint games, helping mom.
  • Throughout the gestational age, you talk about the appearance of a new family member as often as possible with your eldest son (daughter). It is precisely those your close relatives or friends who already have two or more children that can serve as a good example. Make a visit to them more often. Thanks to this, the child will be able to evaluate the picture from the side.
  • No need to tell the baby that his newborn brother (or sister) will love him very much, play with him. So, you will fill the consciousness of the crumbs with empty promises, and then the appearance of the baby will disappoint the first -born. Indeed, in the first weeks after the hospital, the newborn will only sleep, eat and cry.
  • Best when preparing a child for replenishment, say that a newborn baby will be completely helpless, so the baby will need to pay a lot of attention and care.
  • Immediately focus the firstborn The fact that love for him will not change in any way.
  • When you are going to go for a walk, As often as possible, pay attention to the firstborn to very young children, to what tiny, defenseless, weak they are. Tell us that they need the support of their parents, as well as brothers and sisters.

So that the child does not cease to feel love and necessary, you need to gradually prepare him for the role of an older brother (sister). To do this, you can entrust him with some responsibilities:

  • Walk with mom every day.
  • Go shopping with her in search of gifts for the younger brother (sister).
  • Ask your child to help you pack your things in the hospital.
  • Upon returning from the maternity hospital, arrange a holiday in honor of the birth of crumbs, but do not forget to buy a gift to your first -born. Thus, he will not be jealous of you, and doubt your love.
  • As often as possible, let's take care of the baby, but this should be done only under your supervision.

So the first -born will feel that the baby also needs his help, and will understand all the responsibility that has switched to him as an older brother (sister).

Who should tell the child about pregnancy - father or mother?

Both he and father, and together, can talk about her mother’s pregnancy
Both he and father, and together, can talk about her mother’s pregnancy

Often the family does not understand how to tell the child about replenishment. Therefore, the question may arise: who should tell about pregnancy to the child - father or mother? It should be noted that it will be better if the parents are reported together. Start talking to the baby from the words that you want to tell him the great news that the baby will be born soon and you are very happy.

Advice: After the message, you do not need to ask the first to ask the first to ask if he is happy. Give time to accept and digest this information.

Should I talk about the second pregnancy to the first -born, if it is problematic or not?

Mom’s problematic pregnancy needs to tell the first -born and other children in the family carefully
Mom’s problematic pregnancy needs to tell the first -born and other children in the family carefully

Many families hide pregnancy for as long as possible, especially, if not entirely confident in a successful outcome. Should I talk about the second pregnancy to the first -born, if it is problematic or not?

If you hide such news from others for this reason, then do not rush and talk about it. However, psychologists still advise talking to the baby, but a little different way. For example, you can say the following:

  • "I suppose your brother will be born in winter ..."
  • “We are waiting for your sister to be born at the end of summer ...” And so on

If, nevertheless, the mother will have a miscarriage or other problems, and the pregnancy will end unsuccessfully, then you should not tell the baby all the details. Just explain that the baby will not be born and from this your dad is sad.

Advice: At such a moment, it is better to tell about the whole dad. After all, it is harder for mom to do this, she can begin to cry, which will lead to sadness and tears of the child.

Is it possible to talk about pregnancy to the first -born is interesting, original: we prepare, teaching

Tell us about pregnancy to the firstborn in an original and interesting
Tell us about pregnancy to the firstborn in an original and interesting

From the story of the first -born of pregnancy, there can be many benefits. Prepare the baby for the appearance of his sister or brother, teaching. Thanks to this idea, you can tell the first -born about pregnancy is interesting, original. The child will already know clearly where the children come from, and this example is much brighter and more interesting than in developing books. Here are a few examples of such an educational process:

  • The baby will be interesting To hear from mom a story that he also lived in her tummy and what he was when he was born.
  • A small child will be able to learn the months of the year, if you tell him when you are waiting for the appearance of crumbs. For example, birth in August, and what months are ahead and follow it.
  • An older child will learn with interest alreadyConsidering the days before the appearance of crumbs.
  • You can talk about holidays. For example, the baby will be born after the New Year or the birthday of the older child.
  • Parents can also use such an event as an educational moment. For example, to explain to the first -born that the baby will be still very small, and nothing will understand. He will be able to pull the toy in his mouth and therefore you need to clean up and clean the toys in place.

Set the firstborn nearby and talk with the tummy together. You can learn some new song or verse, compose a fairy tale or draw a drawing.

I don’t want to, I'm afraid to tell the first -born about pregnancy - what to do: a story after an ultrasound, choice of name, gifts

A story about pregnancy after ultrasound
A story about pregnancy after ultrasound

It may be that I do not want to report on pregnancy to others. For example, so that there are no problems with work or not all relatives will like it. Accordingly, you should not speak to the firstborn, since he is still small and is unlikely to be able to keep a secret. But still, the child will have to say about pregnancy. After all, it will be unpleasant if one of the strangers finds out about the interesting position of the mother, and they will tell the baby, because he wants to learn such news from his mother or dad.

Advice: You can tell the first -born about the upcoming event, but by focusing on those people who do not need to say this. It may work. But, if the baby is blabbed, do not scold it.

If you do not want or are afraid to talk about pregnancy to the first-born for the reason that he will perceive this news somehow wrong, then to the above recommendations, you can add a few more tips:

  • Tell the baby about pregnancy after going on ultrasound. Show him the first photo of his future brother or sister. Tell him about the similarity of his photo from Ultrasound And the second child.
  • Choose the name of the second child with the baby. This will be an interesting process, since the first -born will offer its options - ridiculous and funny, but significant for it. Offer your namespit options, and you will see which one will like the first -born.
  • Give small gifts to the baby in every occasion related to the second child: after Ultrasound, choosing a name, maternity hospital. This will help to configure the baby to positive and understand that the appearance of a second child in the family is not so bad and scary.

The main thing, do not forget about the older baby and give him love at all stages of life. So he will feel protected and necessary in this family, which means that he will love his brother or sister with love.

Video: Birth of a second child. How to prepare the first -born? The project "Our children". Svetlana Besyarina

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