How to determine the hand of your hands on how many marriages, children will have? Could there be a lines of marriage in the palm of your hand?

How to determine the hand of your hands on how many marriages, children will have? Could there be a lines of marriage in the palm of your hand?

Not all people are fond of palmistry, so it is not surprising that the majority has no idea where the line of marriage is or what it is also called the line of love, marriage, relationships, and how to look for it. Therefore, for starters, let's deal with this moment.

Hiromania is one of the oldest fortune -telling systems, which allows you to find out the individual characteristics of a person, the features of his character, to see those events from his life that have already been or will be. The main tool in this type of fortune -telling is the palm of the hand and its relief. Today we propose to talk about how in the palm of your hand you can determine the number of marriages, children, etc.

How to determine in the palm of your hand how many marriages will have a person: how to find a line of marriage, relationships on the arm?

  • I must say right away about which hand is better to choose for fortune telling. It is generally accepted that as a working tool you need to consider the hand that you work. Therefore, people who work with the right hand examine it, the left - the left hand.
  • By palm, the hands are determined by the line responsible for personal life, unlike many other lines, is quite simple. So, look at the palm of your leading hand. The upper to the fingers, a fairly long line on your hand, is a heart line. Find it to orient it correctly.
  • Now look at the palm between the previously described line and the beginning of the little finger.
  • It is in this place that will be linewho will answer you all your questions regarding marriage and family life.
  • You need to know that only clear and brightly distinguished lines, since it is they who carry the most correct information.
  • Lines of marriage There may be several or one. Sometimes it happens that lines responsible for personal life, not in principle. That its absence promises a person, we will find out later.

How to determine the hand of your hands on how many marriages will have: the number of marriages and their characteristic will

To find out how many times you are lucky enough to experience bright and serious love relationships very simple, so any fortuneteller will cope with such a task. But you need to understand that the marriage lines are indicated not only by the number of times to enter into an official marriage, but also to its quality.

By the palm of your hand, determine the line responsible for marriage as follows:

  • I must say right away that the marriage lines do not necessarily indicate an official marriage. Moreover, they do not always indicate even civil cohabitation. The lines responsible for relations with the opposite sex can carry information about how many times you will experience strong feelings for someone, attachment, etc.
  • So, if you have only one line of relations, then most likely you will be lucky to have only some love relationships But they will be sincere and sensual. Perhaps this will be a marriage, perhaps not.
  • Accordingly, seeing two and more lines It is logical to assume that in your life there will be two or more marriages/serious relationships.
  • If you see a lot of small dashes on your hand, be prepared for the fact that there will be many novels on your life path. Most the highlighting dash will symbolize the longest and most vivid of them.
  • It happens that there are two lines of marriage They are very close to each other, they almost merge. At the same time, one is more clear, the second less. This may indicate that in your life at a certain stage there will be a double relationship. That is, either marriage and novel on the side, or marriage and strong affection To someone else or, as an option, free relations with several partners at the same time.
  • It is generally accepted that the presence of one brightly dedicated line Relations indicate that in your life there will be one strong and passionate love that will end with a happy and the only marriage in life.

The owner of whatever number of lines of relations you become, remember the following:

  • Brightly distinguished lines Against the background of other lines - a sign of strong, passionate and sincere feelings.
  • If the line is initially deep and clear, but at the end is barely noticeable - feelings will not become as ideal as at the beginning of the relationship, but, perhaps, will disappear completely.
  • If such lines are too wide - a bad sign. Most likely, your partner uses your feelings.
  • If the line is painted in bright red color, then the relationship will be very passionate, pink, white, gray - calm, measured, dark bard, purple - too emotional, sometimes even scandalous.

We also draw attention to the fact that sometimes marriage lines can intersect with other lines, branching. What does this mean:

  • If a the line of marriage At the end, it diverges, divides into two or more parts, this means that in some period of the relationship, partners will move away from each other. As an option, someone third intervenes in a relationship and therefore the couple will have disagreements. The further the lines diverge, the farther the partners will be and the greater the likelihood that the relationship will end.
  • It happens that the line of personal life At the end it has the so -called "brush". She also symbolize the disagreements of partners, different views on love and family life.
  • But at the same time, such a “brush” can symbolize another - cohabitation with a celebrity or simply authoritative and rich. This value will be if this “brush” will stretch from the line of marriage to the hill of Apollo. This hill is under the base ring finger.
  • If a take a look at the marriage line, you can see that small dashes often depart from her. Such dashes can help understand what marriage will be: happy, calm, with quarrels. So, if you see the rising dashes on the line, then marriage and relationships will be happy, calm and comfortable. If the dashes are downward - there will be quarrels, misunderstanding, disagreements in marriage.
  • If the marriage line is at the end sharply wrapped in the line of the heart (earlier we wrote where it is), this may indicate that you will live a longer life than your partner. Please note that we are not talking about the early death of the partner, unfortunately with him. It is only said that you will survive him.
  • It also happens that the marriage line is depicted with ruptures. Such a sign may indicate that periodically relations with a partner will stop and resume again.

How to determine the hands of your hands on how many children will be?

Marriage, relationships - all these moments are inextricably linked with the theme of children. That is why, talking about the marriage line, it is necessary to mention the fact that by the palm of the hand you can determine the number of children and, as experts say, even their gender.

  • Look at marriage line And find the branches up to the fingers on it.
  • How many such branches, so many times you can potentially become a parent.
  • If a the line is clear and highSo you will have a boy.
  • If a the line of children barely noticeable pale or light pink, So you will be the parent of the girl.
  • If in your palm there are two same line lengths that are located close to each other, but at the same time they differ in clarity, depth, color, etc., this may indicate that you will have twins.
  • And if such lines are identical, you can count on the birth of twins or same -sex children.
  • Also that in your life, the birth of twins may indicate the branch from the marriage line in the form of the English letter "V".
About children
About children
  • It is worth noting that a woman has the number of such dashes indicates how many times she will give birth to children. That is, these dashes show the number of exclusively her native children.
  • But in a man, such dashes speak not only about the number of native children, but also to all those whom he, in principle, will educate, and consider his own. Respectively on the male hand dashes They may not show blood children.
  • If the lines are far from each other, then most likely your children will have big difference in age, if close - small.
  • Also, by the location of these dashes, you can find out about the age at which you will have a baby. If a the dashes are located close to the edge of the hand, then you will become a parent at an earlier age, if closer to the center - at a more mature age.
  • You can also find out additional information about children by palm by looking at the line of life. Processes extending from this line and other lines will symbolize children. How many processes are so many children.

How to determine your hands in the palm of your hand at what age will you marry?

Experts argue that by the palm of your hand you can determine not only the number of marriages and children, but even the age in which you will marry. So, to determine at what age you will create a family:

  • The whole space between the line of the heart and the base of the little finger is conditionally divided into 3 horizontal parts.
  • The first part will be responsible for marriage at the age of 18-24 years.
  • The second part will be responsible for marriage at the age - 25-34 years.
  • And the third, respectively - 35 and older.
  • If you do not talk about a specific age, then the line of marriage placed immediately above the heart line indicates that you will create a family very early. It can be in 15, and at 18, and at the age of 20.
  • If the marriage line is located between the base of the little finger and the heart line, then the marriage will be created in adulthood. Again, adulthood can be attributed and 25, 30, and 35 years.
  • But if the line of the relationship is directly under the base of the little finger, then expect marriage at a later age. Most likely after 40-45 years.

Is it possible to find out by the arm if there will be a marriage at all?

Unfortunately, for some it may fortunately, but sometimes it happens that a person does not find his soul mate or finds it, but does not enter into marriage with her and someone else. How in this case By the palm of your hand, determine the line responsible for personal life?

  • The fact that in your life there will be no marriage and serious long -term relationships may indicate The line of relations, which by the end twists and wraps up to the fingers.
  • However, it should be understood that the presence of such a line in the palm of your hand cannot 100% indicate that in your life there will be no place for love, novels and affection.

Could there be a lines of marriage in the palm of your hand?

  • This question worries many people, because looking at their hand, they simply do not see a line of marriage. Indeed, not everyone has a marriage line, but this does not mean that a person will not live in a marriage.
  • Yes, one of the options for interpreting that a person does not have a line of relations in the palm of the palm of his palm - This is that a person will never enter into an official marriage, and in civilian, most likely, will not cohabit. However, this is only one of the possible interpretation options. Maybe such that a person without a marriage line will live in marriage, but it will be doomed to quickly decay.

The marriage line may not be in a person who is not created for family and love. Such people can fall in love and even love, but they will not be able to live with someone’s family due to some circumstances.

  • Another option - a person is waiting for a marriage by calculation. In this case, you, too, will not see the line of marriage in the palm of the hand, since such a marriage exists only on paper, and it does not imply spiritual intimacy and feelings.
  • Perhaps the palm will not be displayed and that marriage that will be created against the will of two people, since they also have no emotional or spiritual proximity to each other.
  • And it also happens that at some stage of life there is no marriage line in the palmand then appears and draws. Experts say that this really is possible and happens quite often. Why? Because we ourselves are the creators of our life and, therefore, we ourselves can change the course of our life and fate.
  • As you can see, our hands can tell about us a lot of interesting things. And often we can get general information thanks to palmistry on our own. However, it is not necessary to draw unequivocal conclusions from the information that you received yourself, since we cannot always correctly understand and interpret it.
You can contact a specialist
You can contact a specialist

If you have any doubts left about how to determine the line in the palm of your hand responsible for personal life, contact a specialist who will help you answer all your questions. Only in this case can you trust 100% what is “written” on your hands.

If you are interested in palmistry, we also advise you to read the following articles:

Video: What does your marriage line mean?

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