Rules of etiquette, behavior at a table for children, schoolchildren in Russia: video, photo

Rules of etiquette, behavior at a table for children, schoolchildren in Russia: video, photo

This article talks about the rules of etiquette at the table for schoolchildren and adults.

Each parent wants his child to behave appropriately at a party, at a table in a restaurant or even at home for a regular dinner. Indeed, by the behavior of the baby, they often judge the parents. But so that the baby does not force his parents to blush, he must be taught the rules of etiquette and good manners from an early age. Read more below.

Rules of etiquette, behavior at a table for children, schoolchildren in Russia when eating in a restaurant: video, photo

Before taking the child with him to the festive feast, for example, to a restaurant, he must first explain how to behave. You should start with the fact that you should not make at the table. Here are the rules of etiquette, behavior at the table for children, schoolchildren in Russia when eating:

Etiquette for schoolchildren
Etiquette for schoolchildren
  • You can start eating only after everyone has sat down at the table. If the child had reached before everyone else, he does not get up from the table until the moment all those present finished the meal.
  • It is forbidden to lick food from the knife.
  • It is considered a bad tone to swing on a chair or try to keep balance on two hind legs.
  • At the table, you should not speak with your mouth even for adults. Let the child carefully eat food, and then begin to speak.
  • It is also indecent loudly. Burn food exclusively with a closed mouth.
  • The elbows on the table are also prohibited.
Etiquette for schoolchildren
Etiquette for schoolchildren
  • The child should not interrupt adults during the conversation. Rough words and gossip are also unacceptable.
  • According to the rules of etiquette, it is forbidden to indicate with a finger or cutlery to one of the people. On those present at the table that sit next to the child, it is also not worth directing knives, forks or spoons.
  • Devices should be either used only by purpose, or lie next to the plates. The photo below shows that the boy holds the fork incorrectly.
Etiquette for schoolchildren
Etiquette for schoolchildren
  • If the child wants to pick up the last piece from a common dish, he must first offer it to other present - adults or children. You can take it to you only if everyone refuses.

It's important to know:Even a first -grader should already understand how to use a knife and a fork. Accordingly, he should not bite off a piece that it is difficult for him to chew. Food must correspond to its capabilities. Adults should follow this aspect.

Watch the video. It tells in detail about all the basic rules of etiquette for children. Thanks to this lesson, the child will quickly learn to behave correctly at the table.

Video: etiquette lesson at the table - for children. Rules of etiquette.

Etiquette Rules for schoolchildren: Lesson, how to use cutlery to the child correctly?

Etiquette rules for schoolchildren: proper use of cutlery
Etiquette rules for schoolchildren: proper use of cutlery

The rules of etiquette for schoolchildren were described above. But it is important to know not only this, but also how to use cutlery.

The child should know the following:

  • The fork is always located on the left side, and the knife on the right.
  • If there are several forks and knives, then here they are dependent on the priority of the supply of the dish, that is, those devices for which the dishes will be brought first will be the first to lie from the plate. For example, the extreme fork is designed for salad, and the one that is more and closer to the plate is already used for the main dish.
  • If the prepared food is supposed to be eaten with a knife, it is always taken in the right hand.
  • It should be borne in mind that the index finger is placed on the dull side of the blade, and the thumb should hold the handle of the device. It is necessary to ensure that its end touches the place where the palm begins.
  • The fork is taken in the left hand, and the teeth always look down.
  • The straightened index finger is placed on the back of the fork almost at the base, but the finger should not touch food. The rest of the fingers hold the device by the handle.
  • No need to cut all the food right away. Each time you need to cut off a small piece for yourself, put it in your mouth, then cut it off again. The flip side of the fork always looks up.
  • Do not hold your elbows on the table. They must be located outside.

At first it seems that everything is complicated. But you need experience, let the child train at home and then it will be easier for him to use his knowledge in practice.

Rules for setting a table for etiquette in pictures: how to cover the table correctly?

Correctly laid table
Correctly laid table

The art of serving came to us from Tsar Peter I. The obligation of every mistress, to know the basics of the correct setting of the table by etiquette, in accordance with the rules of good tone.

Below you will find the rules for setting a table for etiquette in pictures. She delights and contributes to a comfortable pastime. How to set the table correctly? Here are the main aspects:

Tablecloth on the table:

The tablecloth should be clean and ironed
The tablecloth should be clean and ironed
  • The tablecloth should be clean, stolen and stitched.
  • The color of the tablecloth is selected for the interior of the room.
  • At the wedding ceremony, it is advisable to give preference to a white tone.
  • A large cage is in perfect harmony for home holidays.
  • Bright tones are suitable for children's events.
  • According to the etiquette, the tablecloth should hide the legs of the table 35 centimeters, and do not touch the seat seat.

Serving plates:

Proper serving of plates
Proper serving of plates
  • A large small dish is installed in the central place of the table.
  • During the feast, a plate is placed on it: snack, soup, dining room for hot.
  • To the left of the center is a breadbacket.
  • Then individual devices are distributed, and serving dishes are distributed to empty seats: salad bowls, a dish with a cut, a snack, a herring and so on.


Cutlery lie according to the rules of etiquette
Cutlery lie according to the rules of etiquette
  • On the right, the plates of the spoon (deepening down) and knives (blade to the plate), to the left place for forks (teeth up).
  • Devices are distributed according to the rules: table, fish, snack.
  • They start using a meal with the latter.

Important: On the one hand, the plate can be three or more of the device, less - is considered a bad tone of etiquette.

Serving of napkins:

Serving of napkins according to the rules of etiquette
Serving of napkins according to the rules of etiquette
  • Napkins must be selected in tone with a tablecloth.
  • Napkins are folded and inserted into a napkin ring.
  • Do not forget, on the table you need to put several napkins.

Devices for spices:

Devices for spices according to the rules of etiquette
Devices for spices according to the rules of etiquette
  • Sneds, peppers and mustard are placed with a triad, distributing in free space, but on the table they should not be in a single copy.
  • The bottles with various seasonings are placed on the table when they serve the dish with which they are combined.
  • The saucer can be served, both general and individually.

Bocals for drinks:

Bocals for drinks placed according to the rules of etiquette
Bocals for drinks placed according to the rules of etiquette

IMPORTANT: No subteces or turbidity on the glass!

  • The glasses are installed strictly from the right edge, in front of a glass for alcohol, then a glass for red wine or a glass of water, the last is the stack for white wine.
  • If glasses are over three, according to etiquette, served in 2 rows.
  • Two glasses are usually placed for children - for a sweet drink and ordinary water.

The set table according to all the rules of etiquette is an indicator of sophistication, aristocracy and a sign of a good manner. The ability to properly use serving items, an indicator of culture, and all together is a sign of good tone.

What are the rules, norms of behavior at the table, good etiquette for teenage girls, for a lady: how to use a fork, knife?

Good etiquette for teenage girls, for a lady
Good etiquette for teenage girls, for a lady

A real lady at the table should behave restrained. Throwing inappropriately behind the dish, even if it seems to you too tasty or exotic. But for a long time to study the plate on the table, before choosing and taking the best piece of dishes, is also not worth it.

These are the rules, norms of behavior at the table, good etiquette for teenage girls:

  • If you came to a restaurant with a satellite, then he must offer to choose food first and only then he studies the menu and orders.
  • A girl should start food when everyone will bring an order. You can do this earlier, if those sitting nearby, and waiting for their dish, themselves will offer to start a meal.
  • It is unacceptable to blow for food, smell it and smack it.
  • It is forbidden to lay out the elbows and hands on the table.
  • The true lady does not pick a fork in his teeth and does not eat from the knife. If this is done, it will be the biggest miss.
  • Do not stuff a tablespoon in the mouth.
  • If you need to eat soup from a plate, then tilt it from yourself.
  • If the girl accidentally dropped something from the table or from her hands, there is no need to immediately jump up and correct the situation. The waiter should raise the fallen item from the floor.
  • Do not look like crumbs from the table to the floor. It is better to assemble them in a napkin.
  • If pieces of food fell on the clothes, take them on the table unnoticed, without focusing on this.

How to use a fork and a knife correctly described above in the text. The rules for the etiquette of the use of cutlery for everyone are the same. Therefore, study them and you will be able to behave in any public catering establishment correctly and mannerly.

Remember: If you were invited to a restaurant, then avoid such extremes: ordering too expensive dishes and manifestations of excessive modesty.

Rules of etiquette at the table - Presentation: Text

Often in schools, other educational institutions, teachers set to make a presentation on the topic "Rules of etiquette at the table." You can arrange it as you like, but the text should be correct, as it will mean that you have learned the material on the topic. Here's what you need to reflect in such a presentation:

Rules for etiquette at the table
Rules for etiquette at the table
Rules for etiquette at the table
Rules for etiquette at the table
Rules for etiquette at the table
Rules for etiquette at the table
Rules for etiquette at the table
Rules for etiquette at the table
Rules for etiquette at the table
Rules for etiquette at the table

How to behave at the table: etiquette rules for real men, boys

A real man is not a lump of pumped muscles and a cool car. This is a gentleman with the ability to behave in society, as well as knowledge of the rules of modern etiquette. It is a pity, but many men neglect the rules of conduct at the table and do not know about good manners. The correct behavior at the table indicates the civilization and intelligence of the young man. The culture of behavior has been vaccinated since childhood.

Etiquette rules for real men, boys
Etiquette rules for real men, boys

So, consider how to behave correctly at the table. Basic rules of etiquette at the table for men and boys:

  • The representative of the stronger sex enters the restaurant first (if this is dinner for two), this means that he pays for a meal.
  • If the place is not ordered in advance, a man is engaged in choosing a free table.
  • The young man stands until a woman sits down. The gentleman pushes the chair for the lady and helps her sit down, and he sits down opposite. If this is a banquet, then men sit on the left of the ladies and take care of the woman sitting on the right.
  • It is worth taking on a meal when they voiced the beginning of dinner. According to the rules of etiquette, a strong half cares for a woman, helps to fill a plate or glass. You need to start food when everyone has plates.
  • Pouring alcoholic drinks is a functional duty of the stronger sex, primarily for women sitting nearby.
  • If the lady gets up, push the chair, when returning, help me sit down.
  • If dinner for two, the man reads the menu aloud and offers the satellite of the dish to choose from.
  • Do not put your elbows on the table, this can only be done if there is no food on the table. Bad tone to unfasten the shirt or weaken the tie. You need to sit straight, do not lean over the dish. During the conversation, only the head turns.
  • A fallen table device or a napkin should not be raised, this must be done by the waiter.
  • Food is taken with a closed mouth, in small portions. Do not knock on a plate with a tableb, chew loudly and use a toothpick.
  • After eating, cutlery is laid on a plate in parallel. Do not push the plate until everyone eats.
  • If you remain the last, to detain others is not culturally, it is better not to get it.
  • The first men get up from the table, helping the ladies.

Almost all the same should do the same boys if they sit with the girls at the children's table. If adults and children are sitting at the same table, then read the rules of etiquette for boys, schoolchildren, higher in the text. Naturally, there will be no alcohol at the children's table, so these rules apply to drinking children's sweet champagne, carbonated or ordinary water.

It is worth knowing: The easiest and most reliable way to learn good manners, daily practice at home. It is so important to comprehend the basics of good manners and instill them with their children.

Swedish table: etiquette rules for a student

Swedish table: etiquette rules for a student
Swedish table: etiquette rules for a student

Almost every Russian person is familiar with such a type of service as the “Swedish table”. It is used in many hotels, hotels and tricks. Therefore, you need to know the rules of etiquette for adults and schoolchildren for eating food from the Swedish table:

  • It is not appropriate to come to the dining room in a swimsuit or pareo. This is not a beach, so you need to dress decently for lunch.
  • Adults, schoolchildren and young children should behave with dignity: calmly, restrainedly, not pushing in line.
  • Also, you should not talk loudly, shout, and the children cry. If the child is locking, then the parent must leave the dining room with him until he calms down.
  • If you see friends in the dining room, be sure to welcome them.
  • Do not worry about the fact that you will not get any food. In such institutions, employees always care about the timely submission of dishes for the distribution.
  • Use cutlery correctly. All rules regarding the use of forks and other devices are described above in the text.
  • If you or the child do not ate, then you can come up again for food. The plate can be changed to clean, especially if the bones from bird or fish, crumbs or gravy are left on it.
  • Put as much food in a plate as you can eat. Remember that in some hotels they are even fined for the fact that the food remained on the plate.
  • While applying food in a plate, do not sort it out on a common dish. It is indecent and humiliates you and other people standing in line. It is not allowed to do this to the child.
  • Meat or fish is laid in the central part of the plate. On the side - a side dish, herbs, salad.

Remember that it is forbidden to take food from a restaurant with a Swedish table. It is necessary to remove for yourself if it is provided in this place. If there is no self -service in this restaurant, then give a sign to the waiter with a fork and knife. They need to be put on a plate parallel to each other.

What is the difference between the rules of etiquette at the table visiting men and women from the rules of conduct at the table for schoolchildren?

The girl behaves at the table incorrectly
The girl behaves at the table incorrectly

The behavior at the table is one of the indicators of human culture. It is not necessary to know all the rules of etiquette, but everyone should adhere to the main ones. Many people think that the rules of conduct for adults and children are different. Let's figure out how the rules of etiquette at a table visiting men and women differ from the rules of behavior at the table for schoolchildren.

Etiquette for men and women:

  • After the hostess’s invitation, women are the first to sit at the table.
  • A man helps the lady sit at the table pushing her chair. Even if a man is not familiar with a nearby woman, during a feast he cares and pays attention to her: he pours drinks, offers treats, entertains a conversation.
  • A man sitting opposite the common treat, first of all offers him to all sitting, after which he puts it for himself.

During a meal, it is considered a bad form:

  • Put the elbows on the table, phone
  • Pave the napkin by the collar
  • Swallow food and loudly champion
  • Gesticulate and poke in a neighbor with a table
  • There is a straight of the common dish
  • Look for "best" pieces
  • Pull over the whole table at the dish
  • Tackle
  • Comb out or correct makeup
  • Use toothpick

It is advisable to try all the proposed dishes. The hostess will be pleased to hear praise to the prepared treats. But, if something did not like something, a well-mannered guest tactfully remains silent about it.

Etiquette Rules for schoolchildren:

  • Sit down at the table and start to eat together with adults.
  • It is forbidden to put the elbow on the table.
  • Before starting the meal, you need to wish you a pleasant appetite to all sitting at the table.
  • You can’t indulge at the table. It is necessary to eat silently, chew with an mouth closed.
  • During meals, you can not crunch loudly, champion, pick in your teeth.
  • Unknownly drink a full mouth with food. If the pieces of food are large, using cutlery should be divided.
  • If necessary, during a meal you need to use napkins.
  • You can’t stretch through the desired dish through the whole table, you need to ask that it be served.
  • An empty plate cannot be licked.
  • After the meal is ended, thank you.

As you can see, the rules of conduct at the table for schoolchildren are almost no different from the rules of adult behavior.

The rules of etiquette, good manners - elbows on the table: how to keep, where should they be?

Here's how to hold the elbows and hands at the table if the food has not yet been served
Here's how to hold the elbows and hands at the table if the food has not yet been served

Above has already been said that the elbows must be removed from the table. You need to keep them down below the level of the table, where it is more convenient for you, without straining your hands. You must behave at the table freely and at ease, so as not to strain other people sitting nearby.

The rules of etiquette and good manners prescribe that your hands can be put on your knees if the food has not yet been served. Be sure to explain to your children how to keep and where the elbows should be on the table, since it will be much easier for the accustomed child from childhood later in adulthood.

Rules of etiquette at the table in English with translation

For those who study English, you need to know the rules of etiquette. Below you will find a topic of etiquette at the table in English with translation.

Rules for etiquette at the table in English
Rules for etiquette at the table in English
  • Here is the translation of all the rules described above in English:
Rules of etiquette at the table: translation from English
Rules of etiquette at the table: translation from English

Video: 25 etiquette rules that every educated person should know

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