Interesting tasks for quests for children and adults at home: Rules

Interesting tasks for quests for children and adults at home: Rules

In this article you will find tasks for quests at home. This is an interesting pastime for children and adults.

Whatever the reason for the children's holiday, it can always be supplemented with an interesting quest, the essence of which will be to solve secrets and win prizes. To conduct children's quests, you need to come up with tasks, performing which players will receive tips about the place in which the main prize is located.

Read on our website another article on the topic: “What are simple, funny, creative, sports, interesting contests and games for dads and children at the festival on February 23 in kindergarten?”. You will find a description, ideas, tips, questions and answers for quiz, video with contests for dads.

In this article, we will consider several interesting quests that can be easily organized with our own hands. Read further.

Do -it -yourself quest at home "Archaeologist": Tasks

Do -it -yourself quest at home
Do -it -yourself quest at home "Archaeologist"

A very simple game in the organization, which is great for young children 5 years old and younger. Rules for such a quest for home "Archaeologist" Simple. Here's how to make tasks:

  • In deep containers, such as buckets or bowls, some kind of cereal is poured into which several small toys are buried.
  • Then put the containers in front of the children who should try to find and dig up your toy before each other. The child found his “artifact” is the first to become a winner.

Such a quest will probably like any baby, and parents should prepare in advance for cleaning abundantly scattered cereals.

What to do at home with a child when boring is the game "Rebus": Rules

Often there are situations when you can’t go out with the baby - he is sick, or other circumstances. In this case, you can also come up with an interesting lesson. What to do at home with a child, when is it boring? Another simple game for children, with an accent on intelligence. Here are the rules games "Rebus":

  • In the beginning, all the players receive sheets with puzzles.
  • At the same time, as one of the options for guesses, you can use words, the first letters of which will need to be added in tips.
  • Additionally, the rules and conditions of the game can be selected in accordance with the age of the participants. For example, for children not reaching the age of age, simplify the task, making repeating letters with the correct answer. Conversely, older children should complicate the task.

In any case, the main thing is that the game really like the game and perceived them as entertainment, and not a difficult task that makes them strain and nervous.

Quest for children at home - “Disco dancer”: Tasks

Such a quest for children at home will be very pleasant for babies of all ages. The competition is called - "Disco dancer". Below you will find tasks for him. As you can guess from the name, the essence of this entertainment is in dancing. The rules are simple:

  • The presenter shows any movements, and the children must repeat after him.

Active and outdoor games are the best entertainment that can be invented for children. Such a pastime will certainly not leave indifferent any of the little participants.

Video: How to make a quest at home? Tasks for the quest

What can be done when it is boring at home - puzzles: rules

Quest game parks
Quest game parks

Another interesting task, if you do not know what you can do when it is boring at home - this is Puzzles. A very simple and exciting entertainment, which, if desired, can be organized at any time. Here are the rules:

  • In order to organize this game, you will need an ordinary children's puzzle.
  • Moreover, what is depicted on the puzzle will act as a hint in the main task of the quest. For example, a cup, a table, a kettle.

There is also one more option for such a game:

  • It is necessary to cut a sheet of paper into several parts, with a mystery written on it, the answer to which will be a hint.
  • The task of children will be to correctly collect a sheet with a mystery and solve it.
  • The first version of the game is more suitable for very young children - 5-6 years, and the second option is optimal for older children.

The main advantage of puzzles is an interesting image assembly process. But besides, they are very bright and colorful, thanks to which even more attract children of any age, and many adults too.

Quest-game "Relay": An interesting task

This is a fascinating sports competition, ideal for the New Year or May holidays. The task will seem interesting for babies of any age, because all children love outdoor games. Here quest-game "Relay":

  • The rules of the game are simple. Children are divided into two teams, each of which will have to go through an obstacle lane for the allotted time.
  • At the same time, passage options can be very different from running in bags to juggling, it is only necessary to take into account the age of the participants, selecting tasks.
  • In addition, it is worth taking care of the prizes for winners and awards for all participants.

Sports competitions are always exciting and interesting, but with gifts and souvenirs it is also pleasant. Especially for children.

"Fanta": tasks for the quest at home

"Fanta": tasks for the quest at home

This is a very famous game, the main attribute of which are notes with various actions. Tasks for such a quest at home is easy to do at home. On pieces of paper write different actions and let the participants pull them and perform them. Here are the rules for the game "Fands":

  • Notes with tasks for this game can be done both yourself and buy in the store, as a set.
  • If the game is planned on the street, then it is best to make tasks that will be related to activity and movement.
  • In addition, preparing tasks for playing phantas, it is necessary to take into account the age of the participants. If the kids from 3 to 5 years, then the tasks should be simple. Children are older - can be complicated.

In general, this is an excellent entertainment that can amuse any company and make a holiday unforgettable.

"Good shooter" - a quest at home with your own hands: Rules

Another interesting and very exciting task for the quest with your own hands, which can be held at home. The game "Good shooter" perfect for holidays with military themes, for example, 9th Mayor February 23. Here are the rules:

  • Tasks for this game can be very different, depending on the age of the participants.
  • For example, for very young players - aged 5-6 years, you can arrange a competition for getting the ball into the basket.
  • Older children - 7-8 years, Well replace the basket with a basketball ring.
  • For children who have reached age 10-12 years, It will be interesting to organize a shot-shot game with toy pistols, shooting plastic bullets or water.

There is a widespread opinion that the shooting games are popular among boys, but many girls like them. In any case, such entertainment will not leave anyone indifferent, which means that the success of the holiday will be, if not guaranteed, then it is very likely.

Tasks for a quest on the street

Quests are perfect entertainment for pastime on the street, in nature. However, tasks for these games must be selected taking into account the age of the players. Consider the most suitable quests for children in nature:

  • Sports - tug of war, running into the distance, outdoor games, various funny relay races and entertainment for kids.
  • Search for objectsin the images of pirates in search of treasures etc.
  • Armors - It can be a board game, computer or other. For example, you can hide something at home or on the street, and give children tips and they should go look for.
  • Orientation on the ground -Older children can draw a map with the designation of the area, and to marry the kids some objects and hide them in the area 5-10 meters.
  • Quiz"Answers and questions" - Such games are suitable for assiduous kids.

The special charm of children's quests in nature is that they can be arranged even in the forest. However, this version of the game will require especially careful preparation and compliance with all safety measures.

Quest-posting at home: Blinking Balls

Quest-posting at home: Blinking Balls
Quest-posting at home: Blinking Balls

This competition is an excellent entertainment for older children. At home, everyone will like such a quest, without exception. Blocking balls without hands - It is fun and exciting. Here are the rules:

  • A certain number of inflated balls will be required to conduct the game.
  • It is best to choose balloons with the same structure and size for the competition, this means take them from one package. In this case, the chances of all participants in the game will be equal and it will be possible to avoid discontent from the children.

The game process itself is very simple:

  • The balloons are distributed to children who get the task of bursting them without the help of hands.
  • This can be done in different ways, for example, sit on a ball or squeeze it between the legs and so on.
  • The organizers of the game only need to give a team about the start of the game and wait for the results of the competition.

It remains to add that it is best to conduct this game outside the city and in nature, then the sounds of bursting balls will definitely not hurt anyone. But, and if you live in a private house or in a large and spacious apartment, then you can hold a competition at home.

"Detective": quest rules for children on the street

Another fascinating quest that is best carried out in nature, somewhere outside the city. We immediately note that the right age of children for this game - 10-12 years. Here are the rules of the quest "Detective" For children at home:

  • The essence is to search for objects hidden anywhere.
  • The search subjects can be cubes, toysand Balls.
  • The most important when conducting this game is observation of children.
  • It is necessary to ensure that none of the little players is injured and is not lost.

Quest "Detective" And similar games are good for him not only what activity requires children. They also develop among small players such qualities as attentiveness and deductive thinking. What could be better than combining active games with developing? Both interesting and informative, and this is the most important thing.

Collecting a bouquet of balloons: quest rules for children

Collecting a bouquet of balloons
Collecting a bouquet of balloons

Here is another interesting game in which attentiveness will be required from children. Collecting a bouquet of balloons is interesting and exciting. Here are the rules of the quest for children:

  • The game will require several balloons filled with helium.
  • For each ball it will be necessary to tie a long bright ribbon.
  • After the balls with ribbons are ready, they will need to be well hidden on trees, among the branches.
  • In order for the balls not to fly away, it is best to tie them to the tree. The task of children will be to search and collect balls.
  • A child who has gathered the largest number of balls will become a winner.

It is worth noting that this game requires certain physical capabilities. Therefore, for very young children it will not work. In general, this is an excellent entertainment that will deliver a lot of positive emotions to the little players and leave pleasant memories.

New Year's game: quest at home

New Year It is definitely the most beloved children's holiday, which is always associated with a large number of gifts and fun games. We will talk about one of these games further. This is an interesting quest that can be carried out both on the street and at home.

  • According to the idea of \u200b\u200bthe game, children receive a letter from Santa ClausIn which he asks little players to help with the search for a lost bag with gifts.
  • After the children find the lost bag, it will appear itself Santa Claus And he will award gifts to all the little assistants.

Having decided to hold such a game, you need to take into account the factor of winter and, as a result, the fact that it will most likely be cold on the street. Therefore, a spacious room in the house will be a suitable place for entertainment. However, some stages of the game can still be spent in the open air, for example, modeling a snowman.

Quest-game "Emergency Christmas tree": Rules

Another simple, but at the same time cheerful New Year's quest game, which is easy to organize at home. It is called "An elegant Christmas tree". Here are the rules:

  • According to the rules of the game, children are invited to dress up a Christmas tree.
  • At the same time, the Christmas tree itself does not have to be real, it is quite possible to replace it with a small paper layout.
  • As one of the options, the task of the game can be gluttoning the tree of the Christmas tree with multi -colored balls.
  • In addition, depending on the number of players, you can prepare not one, but several small Christmas trees.

Despite the fact that this game looks simple compared to other entertainment from the collection, it nevertheless contributes to the development of creative thinking and abilities in children, which only adds pluses to it.

Quest-game "Composition": Rules

This is a very interesting, creative competition suitable for children of any age. Here are the rules of quest games "Writer":

  • Children participating in the game should write adjectives on a sheet of paper.
  • It is important that other participants do not see already written words.
  • Then all the written words will need to be organically entered into a pre -invented story. There can be two examples of history: for a boy and for a girl.

For girl:

  • The princess lived. Once she had a mood. And then the princess went to the forest, walk. And she met with ... (wolf). The wolf looked at the princess. And he says, look what ... with a bow. She thanked ... Princess ... Wolf and went home, ... gait.

For boy:

  • Once upon a time there was ... (Prince). And once this prince wanted to go on a trip, to ... (horses). But before going to ... (journey), he suddenly thought, but would he take with him ... (Bear)? No, I won’t take it, the prince decided and went alone on his horse. ... (good) He had a mood at that moment, even ... (sing) he wanted to. The prince went on, singing a song. And very soon it ended ... (journey), and the prince has left impressions ... (many).

Here is such a simple, creative game that will surely appeal not only to children, but also to parents. In addition, this entertainment contributes to the development of creative abilities in children, which is completely important.

Quest "Search for pirate treasures": Rules, tasks for home

Quest "Search for pirate treasures"

This is a very fascinating thematic game that will require the preparation of costumes. Here are the rules and tasks for the house of the quest "Search for pirate treasures":

  • According to the plot of the quest, one old pirate decided to share with the players the treasures that were once hidden by him.
  • However, everything is not so simple. The bold search engines will have to go through an exciting adventure of the full mysteries and secrets that will need to be solved in order to receive tips.
  • Actually, the children will learn all the details of the adventure from the letter of the old pirate. The game will begin from this message.

This game is more complicated earlier and will require a certain training, but it is worth it.

Read the article on our website on the topic of quests and games for children. You will find many interesting contests, quiz and entertainment.

Quest "Invasion of aliens": Rules

Another thematic quest, similar to a small theatrical performance. It is advisable to have costumes, accessories and the necessary equipment. Here are the rules of the quest "Invasion of aliens":

  • According to the plot of the game, the participants become assistants to the legendary agent involved in the investigation of cases related to aliens and will have to help him in the investigation.
  • Tasks for the game can be very different.
  • The essence of the investigation and the details of the case, which will need to be disclosed, the participants will learn from the letter at the very beginning of the game.

The special charm of this game is added by the fact that only a conceived setting is present in it, and the organizers need to come up with tasks on their own. Therefore, with each new conduct, the game itself will become completely new.

Tasks and rules for a quest at home to adults "Game in the office"

Despite the fact that quests are mainly associated with children, such entertainment is also popular in adults. There are a lot of quests for adults. One of these entertainment will be discussed later. Here are the rules and tasks for the quest at home to adults "Game in the office":

  • The essence of the quest is simple to disgrace, however, like all corporate entertainment.
  • The rules of the game lies in the team search for any objects hidden in the premises, with consistent use of alcohol.
  • As a result, the team that managed to find the largest number of hidden objects wins, until completely intoxicated.

Due to the existence of the risk of drinking a large amount of alcohol, this game can be attributed to extreme entertainment. Therefore, for nonsense, participation in this quest is excluded. The rest should like.



Another entertainment for adults, this time more intellectual. People will be happy to spend time behind such a game - fun and exciting. Here are the rules of quest games for adults "Detectives":

  • The meaning of the game is to collect the evidence and search for the hidden cache of the criminal, in which the main prize is located.
  • In addition, the game can be complicated by appointing one of the participants to the villain.
  • This game is a rare example of adult entertainment in which alcohol is not required, so absolutely everyone will be able to participate in it.

In conclusion, I would like to note that regardless of the age of the participants, whether children or adults, quests are able to captivate anyone with the head. Not surprising. After all, these are fascinating entertainment, consisting of a large number of puzzles and puzzles. Some quests are simple, others require more serious preparation, but in any case they are one of the most popular mass entertainment, both at home and in nature. The only important point that must be taken into account when organizing quests is the age of future participants. This is important not only for the safety of children, but also for a fair distribution of forces and equality of chances to win, for all participants in the game. Good luck!

Video: Interesting tasks for quests. Recommendations from Kvex

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