Developing games for children from 3 years old on the development of speech, phonemic hearing, thinking and logic, memory, fine motor skills, the ability to count

Developing games for children from 3 years old on the development of speech, phonemic hearing, thinking and logic, memory, fine motor skills, the ability to count

In this article we will talk about the most interesting games that can be offered a baby at 3 years old.

It is well known that the preschool period of life is very important. It was then, and not during going to school, skills are laid, which will be useful to a little person in a future adulthood. Three -year age is no exception. We offer to get acquainted with games that will contribute to the correct development of the baby.

Games for children from 3 years old to develop speech

The following games will allow the child to learn to talk more coherently and correctly:

  • "Opposites." Invite the baby to name the words-convergence to the pronounced. At school, they will become known to him as “antonyms”. For example, “cheerful-large”, “white-black”.

Important: according to psychologists, at 3 years old children most often show stubbornness, harmfulness. Such a game will allow them to direct energy to a peaceful and, moreover, useful direction.

  • "Description of the walk." During walks, you need to teach the baby to describe everything that he sees. And let the crumbs of the crumbs will not limit, but so he will learn to build competent proposals faster. This must be traced with special attention.
It is necessary to teach a 3 -year -old child in the form of a game to describe everything that he picks up or what he sees around
It is necessary to teach a 3 -year -old child in the form of a game to describe everything that he picks up or what he sees around
  • "We study the world together." Adults must teach themselves to describe everything that the baby does. For example, “Vanya takes a spoon. Look, you picked up a spoon. ” Such a lively example of the correct speech before the eyes is necessarily useful to the baby who will try to repeat after an adult.
  • "Wood". The game is that the child is invited to describe what is above the tree and under it. For example, above the tree - clouds, the sun, under a tree - grass, mushrooms. Such a game will teach a baby free take advantage of pretexts.
  • "Lullaby for the doll." The kid will gladly sing a song for a doll or some other toy. An adult needs to explain that it is time to sleep to the toy, and after a lullaby, you should invite the child to say quieter. When developing such a feature, it is worth talking for some time with a child in low colors. Then you need to announce that the doll slept, which means that you can talk as before.

Important: do not tire of a 3-year-old child for a long time with a request to speak in a whisper.

A 3 -year -old child is happy to lull his favorite toy - this is an excellent game for the development of speech skills
A 3 -year -old child is happy to lull his favorite toy - this is an excellent game for the development of speech skills
  • "Finish the word." Saying a word not completely, the adult should offer a responsible case to make the end of the baby. For example, “Roads”, “bird-ka”.
  • "Funny rhyme." For this game, you need to choose some kind of rhyme that the child will like. After its repeated reading, the adult makes a pause before the rhymely word and offers the baby to remember and pronounce the missing part of the rhyme.
  • "Plans for tomorrow". Before going to bed, you need to speak with the child, what awaits him tomorrow. This, in general, adult planning is certainly useful in life. In addition, he will talk to the baby.
  • "Beasts." This game is that the child calls which of the animals who was in childhood. For example, the dog is a puppy, a ram - a lamb.
  • "Description". It is necessary to offer the baby to describe any subject. For example, the table is hard and brown, the pillow is soft and white.

Important: such a game will develop both speech skills and attentiveness.

A 3 -year -old child should carefully describe in the process of playing what he sees
A 3 -year -old child should carefully describe in the process of playing what he sees

Games for children from 3 years old for the development of phonemic hearing

This hearing allows you to subtly To capture the phonemes of a language close to a person, to distinguish shades. For example, the child should clearly distinguish between sounds similar in sound, but different in meaning the words “sleep” and “nose”. In other words, to capture the smallest differences in the pronounced. It is for this purpose that you should resort to this kind of games:

  • "Guess the speaker." The child must be put with their backs to the people who will speak. By the way, there should be several people - at least three. It is desirable even more. One of the adults pronounces the name of the baby or tells him something else. The child must guess the speaker.
  • "Sounding objects." If at home there are various musical instruments - excellent! If not, it doesn’t matter, because it is quite possible to take ordinary objects that reproduce sounds. The child again turns his back to an adult, but this time he is trying to guess his voice, but an object that made a sound.
A 3 -year -old child should know how objects sound - this will come in handy in the game
A 3 -year -old child should know how objects sound - this will come in handy in the game
  • "We will voice animals." The essence is clear from the name - the baby should show how different animals can talk. But there is a small nuance: you need to portray animals of different ages! For example, to break loudly - it will be an adult sheep, or quietly - it will already be a small sheep. The child is so learn to distinguish between intonations.
  • "Repeat the melody." A rather perky game, which is that an adult is tapping some melody. The child, of course, repeats. As a rule, such a game is perceived by the younger generation with great enthusiasm.

Important: naturally, melodies should not be intricate at first.

It will be useful for a child 3 years old to be able to play melodies in a playful way
It will be useful for a child 3 years old to be able to play melodies in a playful way

Games for children from 3 years old to develop thinking and logic

In order to grow a wise child, you should resort to games for the development of logic and thinking. For example, as follows:

  • "Young cook." Before the child, you need to place all the pots that will only work out. Moreover, both real and toy. The main thing is that to them the kit included covers. By the way, they should be put separately and invite the child to compare the cover of the pan. You will have to focus on many factors - color, size, shape.
  • "Leaflets." In the process of walking with the child, you will need to pick up the leaves from a variety of trees in advance. Of course, first with the baby, it is worth talking about what kind of trees are. Returning home, it is worthwhile to outline the leaves along the contour, and hide the leaves themselves. Further, the child is invited to guess along the contour, which is circled.
Guessing the sheet contours - a useful game for logic for a child 3 years old
Guessing the sheet contours - a useful game for logic for a child 3 years old
  • "Fruit abundance." In this game, the baby should blindfold and give him some vegetable or fruit. The player must guess to the touch what was given to him.
  • "We are looking for excess." The child is offered cards with drawings of various items. Moreover, those among which almost all belong to one category, and one item is superfluous. For example, a tomato was lost among dishes. The baby's task is to guess what is superfluous among the proposed.

Important: a small child should not exercise too often with games for logic too often. For a 3-year-old, it is enough to allocate once every couple of days.

The game for searching for extra picture always likes 3 years old
The game for searching for extra picture always likes 3 years old

Games for children from 3 years old to develop memory

Despite the fact that school is still far away, the memory must be developed now. So, what games can you familiarize yourself with this purpose?

  • "Shopping." Many of us in childhood loved to portray purchases and sales in the store. A healthy game for memory training is enough if Compose lists. You need to offer the child to purchase a certain list of goods in a virtual store. The list when fulfilling the target should be expanded.
  • "Draw patterns." The game is simple-an adult needs to draw a pattern and ask the baby to remember to repeat it. To begin with, it is not recommended to experiment with complexity. Of course, at the time the child is played the original should be hidden.
  • "Important permutations." The game lies in the fact that the child needs to well remember how the main objects are located in his room. Then the owner of the room comes out, and returns after the parent made a change-he rearranged something in places. The child’s task is to guess what exactly is rearranged.

Important: this game, in addition to the development of memory, will provide another important quality - cleanliness.

The game with the rearrangement of objects will help a 3-year-old child to order, remember the place of each object in the room
The game with the rearrangement of objects will teach a 3-year-old child to order, teach to remember the place of each object in the room
  • "Young flower grinder." Different flowers must be cut out of colored paper. Only not just any abstract, but quite definite species. Several copies of each species. Then they need to be mixed and ask the baby to collect a bouquet of, for example, roses. Then you can ask to collect a bouquet from various representatives of the flora, but a certain color.
  • "In the animal world". This cheerful game will surely appeal to the child, because you need to actively portray representatives of the fauna! True, at the same time, the baby will have to strain his memory to remember how they move and what sounds make the objects of imitation proposed by parents. Of course, an adult should keep in mind that the child should know about the proposed animal - To see him on the street, in books or in the programs.
  • "What is missing?" An adult needs to draw things well familiar to the baby or animals. But not just to draw, but as if accidentally forget something to portray. For example, the dog does not draw a tail. And then the baby needs to ask if everything is drawn correctly, ask to draw the missing parts.

Important: in the event that the child has not coped with the task, an adult should finish the picture. But you do not need to proceed to the next stage without explanation of the previous one.

A good memory game for a 3-year-old child is to invite him to draw something missing
A good memory game for a 3-year-old child is to invite him to draw something missing

Games for children from 3 years old for the development of fine motor skills

Games for fine motor skills should take far from the last place in the list of games of 3-year-old peanuts. We offer to enrich this list with the following games:

  • "Collect a puzzle." A wonderful opportunity to develop motor skills, collecting the baby's favorite motive. It will certainly be intrigued by the view of the gradually collecting picture. Naturally, you need to rely on age - For the smallest, simple puzzles of large sizes are provided.
  • "Panel from the cereals." It is necessary to stock up on a cardboard box and various cereals. Having scattered them on the lid, you need to ask the baby to collect some patterns, figures. The motive does not play a special role, because the main thing is that the sorting of cereals perfectly develops the motor skills of the hands.
  • "Magic modeling." This pastime is very useful for the development of fine motor skills. Put the next goal in front of the child - sculpt one character every day. And it doesn’t matter who it will be - the favorite character of a fairy tale or a dog seen in the yard in the yard.

Important: not only plasticine, but also dough, clay is ideal for modeling.

Modeling - Great form of game for a child 3 years old
Modeling - Great form of game for a child 3 years old

Games for children from 3 years old to develop the ability to count

With what games can you teach the baby to count?

  • "Useful cards". It is necessary to prepare cards on which several items will be depicted. Moreover so separately that it is easy to calculate them. For example, not a schematic mountain of apples, but 5 separate apples.
  • "In search of numbers." First you need to create cards with numbers. Images should turn out bright, noticeable. Each figure is its own card. They are shown to the baby with comments. After he remembers the information, you can start checking the game. Cards are laid out in different places of the room, after which the child is invited to bring a certain figure. As a rule, kids are happy to begin searching for the treasured card. And the brightness of the CEFIs will definitely help in the search.
Bright numbers used in the game will help a 3-year-old child learn to consider
Bright numbers used in the game will help a 3-year-old child learn to consider
  • "Elevator". On a sheet of A4 format, you need to draw a vertical line and several horizontal. The vertical will symbolize the elevator, and the horizontal ones will. On each such horizontal line, numbers are depicted. Respectively, one floor is one digit. Then the elevator booth is built - a matchbox is suitable as it. You can put a small passenger toy there. Next, the child needs to be asked to take the passenger to a certain floor.

Important: you should not draw too many floors-3-year-old crumbs can get confused.

  • "Courier". If the child has a machine, you can ask it to bring a load on it. For example, a certain amount of sweets.
  • "The ball." Given that children love to play the ball, you can combine the pleasant with useful and teach to count the crumbs. The rules are simple: an adult throws the ball to the child to one account, and to the next account, he returns him back.
Since children of 3 years are very fond of balls, you can use the ball to instill the skill
Since children of 3 years are very fond of balls, you can use the ball to instill the skill

The game is a type of activity to which the child gives most of his time. Naturally, part of this time should go with benefit. I would like to hope that the above list of games helped adults in the difficult issue of raising a child.

A little more developing games for children 3 years old:

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