Interesting games and activities for rallying in the camp of the children's team: 10 best games and competitions

Interesting games and activities for rallying in the camp of the children's team: 10 best games and competitions

The article contains examples of games that will help to double the children's team. Thanks to them, schoolchildren will learn to act together, help each other, not be indifferent.

In order for the child to develop, learn to communicate, he will not interfere with his free time to participate in social activities. In the summer, in order not to spend time near a computer or TV, it will be useful to leave for summer camps, on tourist ranges, attend creative meetings. However, not all children are able to immediately relax and find a common language with peers.

In order to overcome the threshold of shyness and conduct entertainment games, their goal is the rally of the team and the rapprochement of the children. Experienced counselors are able to organize their wards into a single friendly team thanks to their experience in conducting all kinds of events.

The game "What do we know about Sergey?"

The game is designed for acquaintance between all participants in the team. It is best to conduct it in the early days, when the children are still little familiar with each other. For this, the counselor must divide all participants into teams. Each child needs to give several sheets of paper and a simple pencil. Immediately before this, children from one team quickly get acquainted with each other. Then the counselor asks questions, then about one member of the team, then about the other, the rest write answers on the sheet.

Examples of questions:

  • What city does it live in?
  • What are the child’s hobbies, a favorite thing?
  • Which class graduated from this year?
  • Month, year of birth?
  • The name of?

The team that takes more points for the correct written answers on paper wins.

Incomital games for children
Incomital games for children

Collective game "Impulse"

This collective game is better to play when there are many people. Then actions will develop more interesting. The bottom line is that someone begins to set an impulse, the rest pass it to a neighbor as soon as possible. For example, you can slightly squeeze the hand of a friend of a nearby, then in turn should also squeeze the hand of his neighbor and so everyone, until the impulse returned to the one who set it. After that, you can transfer the wave, but already with your eyes closed and observe what the pulse speed will be in this case. They also convey sounds, words, movements and anything.

Games for rallying children
Games for rallying children

Pautinka for children

A great game in order to show your sympathy for one or another participant. To carry out it, you will need a ball of yarn. Children should form a circle. The first bold participant is given threads, he wraps the end on his finger at the same time the child needs to list his positive characteristics aloud, then he says that he likes another participant in the game and indicates the reason why this participant causes sympathy.

He throws a ball to this person. The next one does the same, but already calls another player who is like him. And so the action continues until all participants receive a ball. It is permissible to choose the same person several times, but it is impossible for no one to go without attention, the counselor must take care of this.

Game for children and adolescents - a web of friendship
Game for children and adolescents - a web of friendship

Figurative game "Living things"

Any items are considered inanimate. But if you turn on the imagination, then things can speak. And the most interesting thing is that they can say a lot about their master.
This game is as follows:
  1. Everyone chooses three items that he likes. These items are given to choose from the counselor. You can include shoes, comb, pen, smartphone, a cup, a book, a ball, a t -shirt, pants, a laptop, a jacket, a sweatshirt, a hat, a hat, a towel, a bicycle and others.
  2. Then, for creativity, the leader gives the task to draw three of these items in twenty minutes.
  3. Children after such an action need to make a story about themselves. It is to write what these things can think about their master.
  4. Now the counselor let all participants break into groups of four people and discuss their stories together. Then break into the fours and show each other your drawings and stories. The guys in groups will discuss their works and choose, where the text turned out to be more interesting and entertaining.
Kolenic Games for Children
Collective games for children

Game for rallying "Geometry"

Thanks to trust and mutual assistance in the game, “geometry” can be achieved high results. Its essence is as follows:

  1. All participants take up the rope in which the ends are connected.
  2. Then pull it and form a circle, and you can hold on to it with two hands or one.
  3. After you can make a rhombus, having previously calculated who will be the peaks of it.
  4. It is also not difficult to make a triangle, square, rectangle, the main thing is to act united and discuss who will take the place of the corners and who will hold the straight line.
Games with a rope
Games with a rope

Collective game for young children "Migop.

For this group entertainment, many participants will need. After all, you need to form two circles. The first inner is a little smaller, the second is larger. But the number of children in that circle and in another should be the same.

Participants from the inner circle look at the counselor who is in the center. And children from the outer circle look at the feet in front of standing participants. At the same time, they need to take their hands back - behind them. The counselor winks at one of the participants in the inner circle, he tries to run away from his place and not be caught by his comrade that stands behind him. If he manages to do this, then he becomes behind the partner. If it does not succeed, then the counselor winks through another player.

Outdoor games
Outdoor games

Sushful play

It is advisable to divide the participants into groups. All the first players from each team should be assembled and shown in the picture what sport they should show with movements, facial expressions to their team.

Moreover, all this is done as follows:

  1. All groups are built along the chain one after another. The first player to the second shows the second sport.
  2. The second person does the same third. And so, until the line comes to the last.
  3. The latter calls the sport that he was shown. Whoever guesses is the winner.
Children's collective games in the summer camp
Children's collective games in the summer camp

Collective game "Sculpture"

The team is divided into groups. In each group, the sculptors are chosen. The master should come up with a sculpture from all members of the group. Then each group makes its own sculpture. When everything is ready, the master tells what he wanted to create, and what happened. It is desirable that the master has a vision of the beautiful and can eloquently describe his masterpiece.
The winner is the one who received the most interesting result.

Dancing with ribbons

This game is suitable for teenagers. The counselor takes as many ribbons as there are steam and takes them all in the middle. It is desirable to use different colors. One end is given to the guy, the other girl. Then the host lets the middle, and young people find themselves in pairs. After that, they should dance a slow dance.

Dancing for steam
Dancing for steam

Games for trackers

Before you start this game, you need to prepare. The counselor goes to nature and with him his detachment. He leaves some traces after his campaign, which the children then must find. It can be broken branches, a bunch of grass, a small fossa, etc. There should be twelve marks.

Then the children should go back on these marks. They should be attentive and find all these marks. The one who found all these marks first will win.

Collective game - quest
Collective game - quest

Of course, collective games are just an occasion to get acquainted with the team. They are aimed at achieving general results. Thanks to them, one team is formed. Participants in the team show better qualities. Children with different characters are ready to support each other in difficult times, to help.

Video: Games for children in camps, schools

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