Developing games for children from 4 years old for the development of imagination, attention and memory, logic, speech. Games for children 4 years old for the development of the ability to count, read. Active games for children 4 years old

Developing games for children from 4 years old for the development of imagination, attention and memory, logic, speech. Games for children 4 years old for the development of the ability to count, read. Active games for children 4 years old

This article will help parents of 4-year-old peanuts choose the most interesting and useful games.

The four -year age is considered quite active - the kids seek to know themselves and the world around him. The task of adults during this period is to offer the baby such games that will help direct his energy into a peaceful direction.

Games for a child 4 years old for the development of imagination

In order for the baby to grow in curious, smart, he must be able to see in the ordinary and familiar unusual. In other words, to develop your imagination. What games can this be achieved?

  • "Traveling in the dark." The child needs to blindfold, and then go with him to travel in the usual apartment. The task is simple and complex at the same time - the baby has to guess what objects he meet. Can be guessed by any signs - To the touch, by smell. A person gets used to using mainly vision, and this game will help to properly develop other senses, as well as work well on the imagination.

Important: during this game, it is preferable to be in the reach zone in order to, if necessary, protect the baby from some falling object.

Research of objects with closed eyes is a good game for a child 4 years old
Research of objects with closed eyes is a good game for a child 4 years old
  • "Such a different blot." Many of us are familiar with the psychological test of Rorshah, during which a person is trying to understand what or to whom a blot is like. This game is built on the same principle, but only it has no psychological background. You just need to drop with gouache on a tight paper sheet, then fold it in half, expand and invite the child to come up with what a blot is similar to. It is preferably that the baby calls At least five associations. And you need to make sure that associations belonged to different categories - For example, people, animals, cars, flowers, birds, etc. A similar approach will develop multitasking and flexibility of thinking.
  • "A new life of the usual things." The essence of the game is that the child closes his eyes, picks up the first thing in his hands, and then tries to come up with a new application to her. For example, he must decide what can be done with a handle in addition to drawing it or writing letters. Do not limit the baby in time - Let him think as much as he likes. The main thing is the result!
To come up with a new application to the handle is an excellent game of imagination for a child 4 years old
To come up with a new application to the handle is an excellent game of imagination for a child 4 years old
  • "Young Master." New toys are, of course, nice. But the imagination with this approach will not develop. Why not offer the child to come up with a new application for old things? The game, by the way, is similar to the previous one. With the only difference being that in this a new life will be given to broken objects. For example, from a cracked teapot you can make a flowerpot for flowers.

Important: at the same time, such a game will accustom frustration from childhood.

  • "Creative duet". You can invite the child to connect together, for example, a brush and a pencil. Fighting them with tape. And then draw with such a device. Then it is worth inviting the baby to think about what can still be connected as productively and interestingly.
  • "Magic reincarnations". You can play this game anywhere. Pointing to any object, you need to invite the child to imagine that the object suddenly had eyes. And now, for example, the picture opens her eyes - what does she see? What can she tell about? The advantage of such a game is colossal - it is not only develops imagination but also serves as a prevention of the appearance of egocentrism in a child. From childhood, the baby will be accustomed to look at the world not only with his own, but also with other people's eyes.
Fantasy about how the world looks through the eyes of a particular object is a good game for a 4 -year -old child
Fantasy about how the world looks through the eyes of a particular object is a good game for a 4 -year -old child

Games for a child 4 years old for developing attention and memory

In order to properly develop these qualities, it is worthwhile to offer the child a number of exercises in a playful way. For example:

  • "Multi -colored transport." To begin with, an adult should prepare cards depicting transport - motorcycles, ships, cars, aircraft, etc. Moreover necessarily of different colors. Then the baby should be asked to choose, for example, exclusively red cars or only blue planes. Another option for the game is to choose exclusively cars or only planes.
  • "What sounds?" For this game, you should stock up on a wide variety of objects that make sound. It can be not only musical instruments, but also well rustling paper, bell, rattle, etc. Then you need to ask the child to turn away, after which it is a joke with some subject. The child’s task is to guess the source of sound.

Important: naturally, you need to make noise of those objects that the child knows.

Bell - a good item for playing for a child 4 years old
Bell - a good item for playing for a child 4 years old
  • "Shopping." You need to ask the child to go to an imaginary store and make purchases there. But not any, but quite defined, indicated in oral form. As soon as he successfully brought the necessary objects, without forgetting anything, you can increase the list.
  • "Young Detective." Before the baby, seven toys need to be laid out. Then you need to ask him to turn away or leave the room. In the meantime, the adult needs to have time to remove one of the toys or replace it with a similar one. Will the child notice a substitution or disappear upon return?
  • "Entertaining walk." And you can play this game on a walk, on the way to kindergarten. Let the baby get used to paying attention to something new every day, which has not yet been in the usual landscape yesterday. For example, on a blossoming lilac or a crow landing on a neighboring tree.

Important: at first, of course, you will have to prompt, drawing the attention of the baby to daily changes around.

Attentiveness and memory, a 4 -year -old child may well train while walking
Attentiveness and memory, a 4 -year -old child may well train while walking

Games for a child 4 years old for the development of logic

These games in the future are very useful to the baby:

  • "Sort objects." For this game, you will need empty matches and a variety of small objects. For example, pins, buttons, beans. In a word, everything that can fit in boxes. Then the child is invited to lay out all these items by types by boxes. Beans - in one, buttons - in the other, etc.
  • "We illustrate the fairy tale." From the parent, it is necessary to prepare the picture cards illustrating in stages some kind of fairy tale. For example, Kolobok. The kid must decompose these cards according to the logical order of the fairy tale. The game develops at the same time both logic and memory.
  • "Puzzles". Old as the world, but a very effective game. An adult makes a word, and the child guesses him by asking leading questions. This game allows the child to learn to formulate questions clearly and most capacious as possible.

Important: of course, the word should not be too complicated for an understanding by a 4-year-old baby.

The game of riddles is considered one of the best for the development of logic in a child of 4 years
The game of riddles is considered one of the best for the development of logic in a child of 4 years

Games for a child 4 years old to develop the ability to count

Preschool age is just the time when you need to start acquaintance with numbers. So, what games of this plan can interest a 4 -year -old child?

  • "Launch the rocket." Which child does not dream of becoming an astronaut? The game of launching the rocket will definitely like many! For starters, an adult should draw this missile on a large sheet of paper. Then an explanation is given that the rocket will fly only when all passengers are shedding. To do this, you need to write on the rocket in order, all numbers are from 1 to 10. The numbers will indicate at the same time and the place and the number of passengers. Passengers are small toys or small objects. However, passengers can be drawn. Then a button drawn on the rocket is pressed - and an imaginary start occurs!

Important: this game is truly comprehensive-it teaches the account in order and such a concept as “quantity”.

A rocket game will appeal to a 4 -year -old child, and at the same time will teach him his account
A rocket game will appeal to a 4 -year -old child, and at the same time will teach him his account
  • "Sticks and cards." Previously, an adult should prepare sticks and cards with various numbers. One card is one digit. One of the cards is shown to the child or he can choose some kind of random. Then he is invited to choose so many sticks so that their number corresponds to the number on the right card.
  • "We are looking for the difference." For this game, magnets for the refrigerator are useful. Let them be in the form of fruits, vegetables, funny little animals - the main thing is that the baby likes them. Then you need to attach on a row on the refrigerator, say, 2 magnet, on the second - 5. It is also necessary to come up with a story related to them. For example, one squirrel has 2 magnet-Orech, and the second has 5. Then you need to ask how many pieces have more nuts than the first? The kid will find it difficult to answer at first, but it is not difficult to help him - you can cover the matching nuts of the first and second row with your palm - there will be just the difference.

Important: this game will tell the child about such concepts as “more” and “less”.

Funny magnets will help a 4-year-old child in a game studying
Funny magnets will help a 4-year-old child in a game studying

Games for a child 4 years old for the development of speech skills

How to talk a child? And with benefit? We offer the following games:

  • "Description". The child should ask to describe maximum number of adjectives Some kind of object or any animal. Of course, the very concept of “adjective” the baby will meet later, at school, but he will understand the meaning of the game. The task will help to enrich the speech of the little man and will develop attentiveness. If the child still does not understand at first what they want from him, an adult can suggest. For example: “The ball is light, round. What else does the ball happen? "
  • "Exciting journey." You need to take the habit of commenting on everything that he sees with the child. For example, walking in the park, you need to constantly ask questions like: “Who sat on the branch?”, “What is under a tree?”, “Where did the squirrel run away?”.
  • "What does anyone need?" An adult should name the animal or the profession of a person who is associated with something in the imagination of a child. The kid, respectively, calls associations. For example, he probably already knows that the hairdresser needs scissors, and the hedgehog - apples and mushrooms.

Important: it is necessary to give such games as much time as possible.

If a 4 -year -old child helps his mother, he can already name in the process of playing that a cook needs
If a 4 -year -old child helps his mother, he will already be able to name in the process of playing what the cook needs

Games for a child 4 years old to develop the ability to read

How to interest a child with reading? Given the fact that he has already studied the alphabet. You can try to instill this passion for the game:

  • "Fairy Tale." The parent must write simple words On the cards. Each card is a separate word. Then you can start telling a fairy tale, pause so that the baby reads the word. For example, an adult says: “I lived” - and gives a card. The child reads - "Fox". After the successful completion of the task, you can continue the fairy tale. It turns out a kind of puzzle from a fairy tale. Children are usually very pleased with such phased stories.
  • "Smart cubes." The simulator is cubes from cubes that can be twisted. There are letters on the faces of the cubes. The child is given the task of collecting some word, which he must do with any chain.

Important: such a game will help the child to wean from passing letters in words.

Smart cubes for playing with a child 4 years old
Smart cubes for playing with a child 4 years old

Outdoor development games for a child 4 years old

What outdoor games can please the child and benefit him?

  • "Hide and seek under the trees." This game will give an occasion to show activity, and will teach his types of trees. During the walk, the adult says, for example, the following: "Under a white birch, our Masha runs." Masha should frolic at that moment near the birch. Then the adult says: "Hide under the birch from the dog!" - Pointing to a toy dog \u200b\u200btaken for a walk. The child quickly hides under a tree, after which the parent with the dog finds him there. In a similar way, you can beat various scenarios with different trees.
  • "Day and night". This game, in addition to activity, is useful that disciplines and develops imagination. When an adult-leader pronounces "day", the child runs, jumps - in a word, behaves as actively as possible. From time to time, the presenter gives the task portray someone - For example, a butterfly, a cat. Then he suddenly pronounces "night". This word is a signal to the fact that you need to freeze and not move. As soon as the baby moves, he leaves the game.

Important: especially this game will be interesting to a whole group of children.

Active games in the fresh air are very useful for children 4 years old
Active games in the fresh air are very useful for children 4 years old
  • "Cockerel." Another game that is interesting to play a children's group. One child who will be a cock is chosen. You can put a red cap on it for the completeness of the image. The rest of the children should hold hands and start to drive a round dance around the cockerel. As soon as the presenter gives a sign, the round dance flows and the children scatter where. The task of the cock is to catch up with everyone and touch him - that is, “peck”. The one who “pecked” is from the game.
  • "Bright umbrellas." For this game, you need to choose bright umbrellas of different colors. They are laid out on the street or indoors. The adult says that the sun came out, the children are walking. The game can be, however, single. Further, the presenter says that the sun bakes stronger and becomes hot. Further, the child is invited to relax in the mustard under an umbrella of a particular color. The child should construct the instruction as quickly as possible. If he ran under an unnamed -colored umbrella or ran past, then the game is over for him.

Important: such a game and physically develop the baby, and will push attention, strengthen the knowledge of the color palette.

Games with bright umbrellas will really like children 4 years old
Games with bright umbrellas will really like children 4 years old

It is a mistake to think that the child will receive all important skills at the same time as going to school. The most important work is carried out by parents in preschool. We hope that the list of developing games in the article will help parents.

More about developing games that are suitable for children 4 years old:

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Comments K. article

  1. Developing games are a magnificent thing, we are constantly playing with the child, he is just delighted and I, too, because the result is on the face, though in addition to the games I still give vitamins of the multi, probably everything together and gives such an excellent effect, in general the child has become much more smart. You can only envy his memory)

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