Developing games for children from 9 years old for erudition, attentiveness, imagination. Active developmental games for children 9 years old

Developing games for children from 9 years old for erudition, attentiveness, imagination. Active developmental games for children 9 years old

This article talks about games that you can offer a 9-year-old child so that he not only brighten up leisure, but also benefits.

Nine years old is a time of self -awareness. The child at this time already fully knows how to express emotions, thoughts, and realizes himself. However, the support of parents is still necessary. Including support in terms of education. For example, developing games will be of great benefit.

Active developmental games for a child 9 years old

Movement is life. Especially for the younger organism. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you familiarize yourself with the following outdoor games:

  • "Rodeo". A group game in which participants need to be divided into pairs. The one who does not get the couples may act as the leader. It is also worth stocking up with balls - the amount depends on how much steam is involved. Still need marks. Anything can act in their roles - cubes, kegls, etc. In the couple, two people stand nearby, clutching the ball with their heads. They should get to the nearest mark in this position and return to the starting point. Then they already get to the second mark, etc. The fallen ball is a disqualification. The fastest couple will win.

Important: each mark should not be located close, but at a distance of about 2 or 3 meters in relation to each other.

Such bright, funny mars are perfect for this game for this game for 9-year-old children
Such bright, funny mars are perfect for this game for this game for 9-year-old children
  • "Tumbleweed". The child is given a ball and a hoop. He must move the ball in the direction of a pre -agreed mark. But not just roll, but so that the ball was within the hoop - That is, in fact, rolling must be carried out precisely by the hoop. The game can also be group-in this case, move the improvised rolling floor at speed.
  • "Cart". A team game in which couples take part. One participant becomes on the floor with his hands, and his legs are held by the second participant. A kind of trolley is formed, the task of which is to get the most carefully as possible to the assigned label and go back. Wherein speed \u200b\u200bis taken into account.
  • "Flying ball." In this game, the participants need to stand in a circle, and one child - inside the circle. The guys throw the ball to each other, and a separate player should pick it or at least touch your hand. The participant whose serving managed to recapture was trying on the role of repulsive and becomes in the center of the circle.

Important: players should remember that you can’t throw the ball too high - the repulsion should always have a physical opportunity to touch it.

Children of 9 years old are very fond of ball games
Children of 9 years old are very fond of ball games

Developing games for a child 9 years old for erudition

Games for erudition for schoolchildren are very useful. For example, the following:

  • "Guess the name." The game is collective, in it the host makes any word and tells him in his ear to one of the children. The child is trying to explain this word to friends with the help of gestures. You can not only use the movements of the hands as hints, but also the movements of the rest of the body, views. It is forbidden only to prompt verbally. It is also impossible to show on the subject if he is in the room in which the children are sitting.
  • "Cracks." An adult should make some proverb or line from a famous song. Antonyms serve as a hint of a child The words that make up the mocked phrase. For example, a well -known proverb “You can’t easily stretch out a fish from the pond” can be encrypted as “you can hardly get a bird from a tree”. It turns out quite funny phrases that will definitely have a lot of a child, and at the same time allow him to learn a lot of new things.
The shift game will be perceived by 9-year-old children with great enthusiasm
The shift game will be perceived by 9-year-old children with great enthusiasm
  • "I know 10 names." A group of children, which becomes in a circle, is given a ball. The first of them pronounces, for example, the following phrase: “I know 10 names of cities” - and passes the ball to a neighbor. He must list such a number of cities, and then, in turn, to say: "I know 10 names of rivers." Accordingly, the ball is already leaving his neighbor. And so on the chain. However, you can complicate the task to more words.

Important: this game not only develops erudition, but also allows you to work on memory, reaction speed.

  • "Animals in history." An adult prepares in advance pictures depicting animals. The child must guess how this or that animal affected history. What was its importance, for which people it was of particular importance?
  • "Trip around the world". The child is invited to imagine that he works in a well -known media. And then it is necessary to make a report on some city. There should be a report not too long, but informative and interesting.

Important: let the student use various sources of information - this is even welcome.

The playing of the reporter will probably appeal to a 9 -year -old child, and at the same time will teach him to look for the necessary information
The playing of the reporter will probably appeal to a 9 -year -old child, and at the same time will teach him to look for the necessary information

Developing games for a child 9 years old for attentiveness

The student just needs to arrange games that develop attentiveness from time to time. For example, the following can be recommended:

  • "Inside out". The child is given a piece of paper with a pen. The adult meanwhile reads some word or even a whole phrase backward. The task of the student is to write the original.
  • "Young Rastype". On the sand, traces that can leave this or that living creature are drawn. For example, an animal like a deer or even an insect like a caterpillar. The child must carefully look at the image and make his verdict. By the way, traces may well be human. In this case, let the researcher conclude whose male, female, or perhaps belong to the child.
  • "The ABC Morse." Children at the age of 9 probably already know what the ABC Morse is. But what if you try to convey not a secret message, but a song? The adult tins a certain melody, and the child is trying to guess what was made.

Important: an adult should write down the correct answer on paper in advance - this will serve as a confirmation that he did not change the idea during the game.

A game for 9-year-old music lovers will develop carefully
A game for 9-year-old music lovers will develop carefully
  • "Living picture." An adult reads a poem-for example, you can choose something From the work of Agnia Barto. The schoolboy must depict with a leisurely reading of the poem movements, facial expressions What he hears. Thanks to this game, the child will learn to take attention to various shades of feelings and, in general, what I tell him.
  • "Hot and cold." A game beloved by many generations is a game in which one player needs to hide any subject, and the second to find. The adult should at the same time give tips for the child about where to conduct searches. With a careful reaction to the tips, the treasure is quickly found. If a schoolboy will begin to move in the right direction, He needs to give the landmark the word "hot", and if he dodges the right course - "cold".
  • "Guess emotion." The rules are very simple, and they are that an adult demonstrates some emotion thanks to his facial expressions. The child is trying to guess it, and then reproduce it.

Important: this game is especially useful for shy children who are afraid to once again show emotions to others. It is likely that such leisure will help to overcome constraint.

A good game for a 9 -year -old child for attentiveness is a game of emotions
A good game for a 9-year-old child for attentiveness is a game of emotions

Developing games for a child 9 years old for imagination

If you want to grow a creative personality, you cannot do without the development of imagination. The following development games will help to achieve this goal:

  • "Drawing blindly." The child is blindfolded. In front of him are paper and pencils or felt -tip pens. An adult asks to draw something-for example, a summer clearing. But at the same time hipples should be given gradually. That is, first you need to ask to portray the sun, then - grass, etc. Otherwise, it will be difficult for a student with blindfolded eyes to navigate everything at once.
  • "Fairytale." A collective game in which each participant contributes to drawing a fantastic animal. The first child sits down at the table and draws, for example, his head. Then he the leaf bends so that the pictures are not visible, and in the open area makes tags For the next participant. The second student is instructed to depict, for example, a head. He will navigate just on the left marks. The result is a funny fairy -tale character.

Important: you need to bend the leaf carefully - so that all parts of the animal do not turn out to be separately painted.

Drawing a fantastic animal - a good game for imagination for a 9 -year -old child
Drawing a fantastic animal-a good game for imagination for a 9-year-old child
  • "Guess who am I". An adult makes a subject and begins to tell a story on behalf of this subject. The surrounding environment, emotionsand - all this should be told on behalf of the subject. The child is trying to guess what is at stake. After a successful answer, the players change roles-now the student’s task includes a presentation of himself some kind of thing.
  • "We are looking for general." One of the players calls two words. The second player tries to guess what can be in common between them. If the task is completed, he calls his word. The next child will look for general points between the second and third words, and then call his own.
  • "Club of poets." The first participant in this collective game should sit for paper with a pen and write any two rhyming lines. Then he wraps the sheet so that these The lines were closed. The next participant sits at the table, who, in turn, writes two more lines with rhymes. And also closes his creation. And so on the chain. After writing his lines, the last child unfolds the sheet - and reads that common verse that was created by joint efforts.

Important: not necessarily the lines should belong to some famous poet. The child can show creativity by inventing something of his own.

A 9 -year -old child will be interested in trying on the role of the poet during the game
A 9 -year -old child will be interested in trying on the role of the poet during the game

Despite the fact that nine years are relatively conscious, developing games are still useful. I would like to hope that the above list can help.

A small selection of active developing games for children:

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