How to cook cold gaspacho with tomatoes at home? How do you traditionally serve soup gaspacho?

How to cook cold gaspacho with tomatoes at home? How do you traditionally serve soup gaspacho?

The best cold soup for summer time is gaspacho. He will give not only a feeling of freshness, but also satiety with excellent taste sensations. It is not difficult to cook gaspacho. For preparation, you will need simple and affordable ingredients.

Gaspacho soup is cold classic, step -by -step recipe

Gaspachu soup has become unusually popular recently, but hardly everyone who is happy to absorbs this dish in a restaurant conceived about its history of birth. This is a traditional Spanish “ice soup”, which was created specifically in order to create favorable conditions and relief to a person in heat and thirst.

Gaspacho soup is a kind of exception, as it is very easy to prepare compared to other national dishes. However, with the sophistication and saturation of this recipe, it is difficult to compete and is happy to accept both high cuisine and folk cooking.

There is an opinion that Gaspacho was created by ordinary female peasants who, after a long and difficult working day, simply had no opportunity to spend the time in the kitchen for a long time and sought to feed their tired husbands as quickly and more satisfying as soon as possible.

Gaspacho soup
gaspacho soup

According to another version explaining the appearance of a soup, the assumption is that it was invented by shepherds. During the day they ate only what they took with them. They rubbed an ordinary clay pot from the inside with a mixture of oil, garlic and spices, and only then layers spread vegetables in it, which were pushed. The pot was wrapped in a piece of wet tissue and was placed in the sun when wet tissue became completely dry - the dish could be eaten.

In any case, Gaspacho has always been considered the food of a low -class people. Thanks to this dish, they had the opportunity to maintain their strength and maintain energy for a long working day. Gaspacho always necessarily included:

  • olive oil
  • garlic
  • crackers
  • water

And only then they began to improve it, supplementing with various spices, spices and various vegetables, which gave a soup more taste and calorie content. A large number of tomatoes were used: red and yellow, even green, and the sweetness of soup or sourness easily complemented acute pepper.

It is ripe red tomatoes that give a gaspach incredible taste, saturated red color and thin, fresh aroma.

Fresh summer soup - Gaspacho
fresh summer soup - "Gaspacho"

There are a great variety of variations and methods of preparing gaspacho today. Soup gains new taste and color shades:

  • white
  • green
  • yellow
  • red

Sometimes, not only vegetables, but also fruits are added to Gaspacho and then it “plays” in a new way. Modern recipes even contain ingredients such as:

  • spices
  • spices
  • chicken and quail eggs
  • seafood

The ingredients should remain unchanged in the Gaspacho as: olive oil, bread (or bread white crackers), garlic and vinegar.

  • It is difficult to imagine that initially the soup was far from the option that we observe today and looked like bread porridge. This soup saw vegetables only when Columbus introduced Europe to tomatoes and since then they are an integral component of the dish. At this stage, present a delicious and fresh gaspacho without red tomatoes and fresh pepper - it is simply not possible for a modern person
  • It is very simple to cook gaspacho: for this, you need to grind into the gruel or grind a set of fresh and juicy vegetables with a brander in mashed potatoes. Barred crumbs are added to the soup, or sprinkled with fried croutons (a more modern option). Serve the soup is accepted in deep (preferably clay) dishes and decorate with twigs of greenery: basil, cilantro, parsley
  • It is noted that in different regions of Spain, Gaspacho was prepared in different ways and the recipe was not rarely, then diluted with water, then beef broth, add flour from corn and even cream to the grave soup, it is not rarely decorated with rings of fresh onion and also often sprinkled with nuts, it is also sprinkled, grapes, seeds and even sesame seeds
Gaspacho - soup for the lazy
gaspacho - soup "for the lazy"

Gaspacho in the summer months is especially popular, so the menu of restaurants and cafes are filled with various variations of soup. If you have never tried this dish, try it in the classic version.

You will need: to prepare a classic recipe:

  • about 5-6 ripe tomatoes (depending on the size of the fetus, a larger amount will not harm)
  • garlic - no more than 4 cloves (otherwise the taste will become too sharp, it is possible less)
  • bulgarian or sweet pepper -about 2 pieces
  • one fresh medium size cucumber
  • two pieces white bread(preferably chosen more stale bread)
  • olive oil-2-3 tbsp.
  • tomato juice
  • water
  • spices: salt, a mixture of peppers or any acute pepper
  • fresh greens(to your taste)

Preparation of "Gaspacho" step by step, stages of cooking soup:

  • Choose the fruits (in this case: tomatoes and pepper) of saturated red color to give a soup of a juicy shade
  • Wash all the vegetables thoroughly and dry
  • Fold the tomatoes in the dishes and pour them with boiling water. In this state, they should be about five minutes
  • Heat the oven to an average or high temperature (it turns out faster at high) and send two peppers there for ten minutes
  • Remove the tomatoes from the water and easily remove the skin with a knife
  • After 10 minutes, remove the peppers and also clean them from the skin
  • The cucumber is thoroughly cleaned of the skin
  • All vegetables are chopped with a knife and folded into a blender bowl
  • Soak bread in the water in advance and send it to the blender to vegetables
  • grate the garlic on a grater or chop in a garlic -codium and in a separate bowl with the required amount of salt and pepper
  • Add garlic, olive oil and a little vinegar to the blender
  • The desired consistency can be created if you add water or tomato juice to the mass
  • All components are thoroughly grinded to a monotonous state
  • After that, the soup is placed in the refrigerator for two hours so that it cools down and thickened a little
  • Before serving, you can grease the dishes with butter and garlic, pour soup into it and decorate with fresh herbs on top

Video: "Classic Gaspacho"

What is the difference and how is the Italian soup of Gaspacho prepared correctly?

"Gaspacho" is a rather popular dish and therefore it is prepared in almost every country. Italy, which gave the dish “new sound” and diversified it with its ingredients, is no exception. It is worth noting that initially this dish belongs to Spain and in the original it is written as " gazpacho "(In Russian "Gaspacho"). If you notice the name “Gaspaccio” (with two “h”) on the menu, this indicates a dish of a dish to Italian cuisine.

It is the Italian recipe for soup that involves the inclusion of fresh bulbs and spicy herbs in the overall set of ingredients.

Soup Gaspaccio in Italian
soup "Gaspaccio" in Italian

For the preparation of Italian variation, you will need:

  • Ripe red tomatoes - about 5 pieces, depending on their size (not small)
  • Bulgarian pepper red - about 2 pieces (you can also take yellow, but the color of the dish will be orange)
  • One bulb (on onions)
  • Garlic -depending on the size: two large cloves or three small
  • Vinegar -it is best to use wine (one or two spoons-to taste)
  • Olive oil -first pressing, add about two or three spoons to taste
  • Spices:sea salt (any), mixtures of peppers, white or black pepper, nutmeg, a mixture of Italian herbs (Mayran, Oregano, Basil)
  • White bread -a few pieces
  • Fresh greenery:blue or green basil, oregano, rosemary (to choose from)

Preparations of Italian gaspacho can be divided into several stages:

  • First of all, you need to go to the market (it is to the market, because, unlike the supermarket, the vegetables are more sleeping there, tastier and fresh) and choose the most aromatic fruits for soup, as well as fresh soft bread
  • upon arrival home, the vegetables are thoroughly washed out, cleaned of the skin and seeds
  • all vegetables are finely chopped and folded into the black bowl, including the bulb (several rings can be left for decoration)
  • There is added bread soaked in water, squeezed from water
  • In a blender, all components are thoroughly chopped, spicy herbs are added to them: dried basil and oregano
  • The mass from the blender moves to the refrigerator for at least three hours to serve it in cold form
  • After this time, the soup should be poured into serving dishes: from clay or glass (iron dishes are able to oxidize vegetables)
  • Onions for serving can be used in the form of rings, you can finely chop
  • Soup is decorated with spices, onions and a sprig of green basil
  • Italian variation offers to serve gspacho with ice cubes

Video: "Gaspacho in Italian"

Spanish soup gaspacho with crackers and spices

To prepare a real Spanish soup "Gaspacho" you will need the following ingredients:

  • two large ripe and red tomato
  • two small cucumber
  • two sweet not sharp pepperred (large)
  • two or three cloves garlic(depending on size and acuteness)
  • one is not big bulb(not blue: on or white)
  • vinegar (you can use any, but best - wine)
  • oil(olive cold spin)
  • greens(different: cilantro, parsley or basil - at will)
  • bread for crackers
  • spices: salt, mixtures of peppers, spices
Gaspacho with crackers in Spanish
Gaspacho with crackers in Spanish
  • This version of the soup also involves thorough cleaning of vegetables and grind them in a blender
  • While the soup is boiled to be cooled, prepare crackers in a pan
  • Pour a small amount of olive oil into the pan
  • cut the bread (preferably callous) and chop into cubes and salt a little
  • Put the crackers in the pan and fry them until the brown brown, transfer them to another dishes
  • When serving, the dish is decorated with greens and sprinkled with crackers

Video: "Gaspacho - a recipe for a summer Spanish dish"

How to cook hot gaspacho vegetable soup?

  • Hot soup "Gaspacho" is a kind of type of traditional cold dish. This became an interesting curiosity for the table not only in the summer, but also in winter. The set of ingredients for hot "gspacho" remains unchanged, only a little preparation of this dish is different
  • All ingredients are thoroughly crushed in a blender: tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, onion and garlic
  • Further, all the ingredients shimmer into dishes with a thick bottom and is placed on a slow fire
  • At this time, it is worth warming several tablespoons of olive oil in a separate bowl and add fragrant spices to it: dried basil, oregano, rosemary, Mayran, caraway seeds, cardamom, coriander (optional)
  • Когда масло нагреется, а специи дадут аромат следует перелить масло в общую массу и тщательно перемешать, добавив соль
  • Hot gaspacho pour on plates
  • When serving gaspacho should be decorated with crackers, greens or onion rings
Hot gaspacho - very tasty and hearty soup
hot gaspacho - very tasty and hearty soup

Delicious and aromatic gaspacho soup with celery, recipe for cooking

Gaspacho soup with celery is an interesting variety for the everyday table, which will become an interesting and very tasty dish for each family member. Celery will give a grassy, \u200b\u200bslightly sharp shade to simple soup and add a spicy taste to it.

To prepare such a cold soup, you will need a certain set of ingredients:

  • large red tomatoes with a sweet ripe taste - 4 pieces
  • ripe cucumber cleaned from the skin - 1 piece
  • fresh stem of green celery - 1 piece (you can add very little root)
  • bulgarian pepper green and yellow - 2 pieces
  • Olive oil, warmed up with garlic in a pan
  • Spices to taste
Celery gaspacho
celery gaspacho
  • Vegetables are washed out and cleaned from the peel
  • All vegetables are finely chopped and reel in a blender
  • Oil and garlic are added to vegetables
  • The mass is sent to the refrigerator for cooling
  • When serving, the soup can be decorated with greens and finely small, chopped celery root

Video: "Cold gaspacho with celery and cucumber"

How to prepare soup from gaspacho tomatoes in an original way?

The excellent fresh variation of the cold soup "Gaspacho" is its preparation with unusual ingredients - it is in this case about zucchini. On a hot summer day, this recipe will be especially tasty and useful for humans, it will not only give energy, but can also remove the feeling of thirst!

For the preparation of zucchini gaspacho you will need:

  • A kilogram of ripe red tomato
  • Two ripe yellow or green pepper (Bulgarian)
  • One little thing chile pepper
  • One is not large and ripe zucchini (green)
  • One cucumber
  • A few cloves garlic(taste)
  • A spoon vinegar
  • A few spoons olive oil
  • Spices taste
  • Blue or white bulb
Gaspacho with zucchini
gaspacho with zucchini
  • All vegetables are thoroughly cleaned of the peel and seeds
  • Vegetables are folded into a blender bowl and grind
  • Spices and oil, garlic are added to the mass
  • Ready soup is cooled and decorated for serving

Video: "Green Gaspacho"

How should you prepare gaspacho soup on a ducan?

Diet on Ducan involves the exclusion of harmful and high -calorie products from the diet. That is why the variation of the "gspacho" on Ducan involves include unusual ingredients in the recipe. Such soup has a small calorie content and contains only 25 kcal per 100 grams.

The Gaspacho version of Ducan involves the inclusion of watermelon pulp in the soup, instead of tomatoes.

A set of ingredients for such a gaspacho:

  • The red part of the watermelon without bones - up to half a kilogram
  • About 100 grams of red currants
  • One large ripe cucumber
  • One green stalk of celery
  • Large Bulgarian pepper (any, but preferably red)
  • One blue onion
  • Lemon juice
  • A few leaves of mint
Low -calorie gaspacho
low -calorie gaspacho
  • The cartoon of the watermelon must be separated from the peel and cleaned of the seeds
  • The pulp is finely chopped and placed in a blender
  • Lemon juice and currants are added to the pulp
  • These components are thoroughly interrupted in a blender
  • The mass is sent to the refrigerator
  • Celery, cucumber and pepper are finely chopped and folded into dishes
  • Chopped vegetables are poured with watermelon mass
  • The dish is decorated with mint

How do you traditionally serve soup gaspacho? How to decorate the dish?

Gaspacho soup is already unusual only because it has a rich color, fresh taste and delicate aroma due to the content of vegetables, which did not give in to any temperature treatment. Such soup requires a beautiful and original design to delight not only taste receptors, but also eyes.

There are several variations of the design of the gaspacho soup:

  • The most traditional is the decoration of greenery: a twig of a cilantro or parsley, blue or green basil
  • Another jewelry involves preparing crackers from white bread in advance, which should be frying in a pan in a small amount of olive oil and salt
  • Another way of serving is to pour gaspacho into a wide glass and insert Grennka into it
  • Some recipes involve the decoration of the dish with whole or ground nut (almonds most often)
  • More often there is a decoration of their chopped vegetables included in the recipe for soup
  • Sometimes you can find an option for decorating and serving a dish with green grape berries
Gaspacho feed
gaspacho feed

It is worth noting that this soup is not rarely called a drink and offers its supply in the appropriate bowl.

Calorie content of the soup "Gaspacho"? How many calories are there?

Gaspacho calorie content is quite low only because it contains only natural components and fresh vegetables that do not lend itself to any thermal treatment. In addition, vegetables are easily absorbed by the body, which allow the dish to quickly turn into energy and give a person strength.

Depending on how Gaspacho was prepared and what ingredients are included in it, we can determine that:

  • gaspacho, prepared only from vegetables, has a calorie content of only 16 kcal per 100 grams of dishes
  • gaspacho cooked with olive oil - 47 kcal per 100 grams of dishes
  • gaspacho cooked with bread - about 115 kcal per 100 grams of dishes

Video: "Gaspacho soup"

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