Homeopathy: how to prevent bleeding from the nose with homeopathic remedies

Homeopathy: how to prevent bleeding from the nose with homeopathic remedies

Homeopathy helps from bleeding from the nose. Read more in the article.

The inside of the nose is covered with a damp, highly sensitive fabric, which is extremely rich in blood vessels. These blood vessels are very fragile, so even minor wounds or injuries can lead to bleeding, which can sometimes become serious and life -threatening.

Read on our website article about curvature of the nasal septum. You will find out what complications are and whether it is possible to cure without surgery.

Sometimes nasal bleeding occurs spontaneously. Regardless of what a specific reason is, this is a very unpleasant and anxious state, although life -threatening the situation for life is extremely rare (especially in cases of bleeding from the front of the nose).

Types of bleeding from the nose

Nasal bleeding can be divided (depending on the strength of bleeding) into two types:

  1. Epistaxis - weak, drip outflow of blood
  2. Rinorgia - abundant, jet bleeding

It can occur (depending on the cause of bleeding) from the front or back of the nasal cavity. Read more more.

Bleeding from the front of the nose: description, cause

Bleeding from the front of the nose
Bleeding from the front of the nose

Bleeding from the front of the nose is the most common look and is 90% of cases nasal bleeding. Most often, it passes the nasal septum, which shares two nostrils. In most cases, this is not dangerous and can be stopped using light pressure and compression.

Remember: Only a doctor can establish the true cause of nasal bleeding. Therefore, when any unpleasant symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor.

The causes of bleeding from the front of the nose can be:

  • Drying the mucous membrane - As a result of the action of the air conditioner, hot climate or too warm room.
  • Infections and/or allergies - cause inflammation of the nasal mucosa, blockage and expansion of blood vessels
  • Mechanical damage - Frequent friction or picking of the nose, increased blowing during a cold.
  • Medicines and additives - Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Varfarin, clopidogrel bisulfate, garlic, tansy, ginkgo biloba, ginseng, vitamin "E", fish oil.
  • Exposure to chemicals and/or vapor - cigarette smoke, sulfuric acid, ammonia, gasoline and other chemical stimuli.
  • Constipation - As a result of difficult defecation.

This type of bleeding is considered not so heavy than from the posterior wall of the nose. Read further.

Bleeding from the back of the nose: description, causes

Bleeding from the back of the nose is characterized by the outflow of blood along the throat and back of the oral cavity (even in a sedentary position). This type of bleeding is more difficult to stop. Usually it occurs in older people, since with age, blood vessels lose their elasticity and flexibility. In combination with increased blood pressure, it can lead to the destruction of the vascular walls, thereby cause this type of bleeding.

Remember: Bleeding from the back of the nose can be quite plentiful and life -threatening. Therefore, if this happens with you, the blood does not stop for a long time, you must seek medical help.

The causes of bleeding from the back of the nose can be (in addition to bleeding from the front):

  • Diseases - renal failure, thrombocytopenia, hemophilia.
  • Drugs and harmful substances - Alcohol, cigarettes, drugs (especially cocaine).
  • Nose fracture - An old injury or a fracture of the nose, as well as scars or scars, can lead to a weakening of surface blood vessels that are located along the edges of the nose.
  • High blood pressure It causes very strong pressure on the walls of the vessels.
  • Psychological stress - Nervous tension enhances metabolism, thereby causing hormonal changes, tension, exhaustion, irritability, aggression and hypertension.

As a result of bleeding from the nose, a number of consequences may occur if measures are not taken to eliminate the cause. If bleeding is not associated with a serious injury or disease, then it can be stopped with various home remedies and homeopathy (without the risk of further damage or complication). Read further.

Homeopathy: How to prevent bleeding from the nose with homeopathic remedies?

Homeopathy treatment for nasal bleeding, first of all, is aimed at identifying the causes, taking into account the individual qualities and conditions of patients. Homeopathy can help reduce or stop bleeding by improving blood vessels, strengthening the nasal mucosa, preventing allergic reactions, increasing immune protection and much more. The choice of means for treating nasal bleeding should be agreed with individual symptoms and characteristics of the patient. The correct tool will help to achieve complete restoration and elimination of all related violations.

Important: Do not self -medicate. Contact the doctor when the first unpleasant symptoms appear. Homeopaths are doctors who, on the basis of examinations, make the correct diagnoses and prescribe adequate homeopathic treatment, which allows you to get rid of pathology forever.

There are various homeopathic medicines. They must be used depending on the cause, sensations and specific complaints. Homeopathic agents and their indications for use:

Aconitum napellus - homeopathy from bleeding from the nose
Aconitum napellus - homeopathy from bleeding from the nose
  • Aconitum napellus - with bleeding from the nose, which is accompanied by severe anxiety and anxiety, tension in the head, in young people.
  • Agaricus muscarius -weak bleeding from the nose in elderly people with a passive character, which occurs in the morning, immediately after awakening, due to fatigue. It is used in the presence of plentiful, poorly smelling secretion (discharge).
  • Aloe Socotrina-Nasal bleeding in bed after awakening, with redness of the nose due to cold air.
  • Ambra Grisea - Abundant bleeding from the nose early in the morning. It is often used to treat weak, painfully looking people, as well as with nasal bleeding associated with menstruation.
  • Ammonium carbonicum - weak bleeding from the nose every morning after washing the face, after lunch, after repeated sneezing, accompanied by mucous membrane. It is also used for nasal bleeding with inflammation of the nasal mucosa and severe nasal congestion, especially at night, when tilting the head, the blood is directed to the tip of the nose. In people with such symptoms, hands often look blue after washing cold water, and the veins swell.
  • Antimonium crudum - bleeding from the nose with dizziness, after headache.
  • Antimonium sulphuratum auratum - Bleeding from the nose when washing.
  • Antimonium Tartaricum - uncontrolled nasal bleeding, as in scurvy, as well as with the expiration of subsequent runny nose and sneezing.
  • Argentum metallicum - Strong, breakthrough bleeding with blowing, with tickling and creeping sensation in the nose.
  • Arnica Montana - slight bleeding from the nose, which is preceded by numbness, increasing from any tension or mechanical exposure. Perhaps after washing the face, with a whooping cough, a typhoid fever and others. Bleeding from the nose in growing children, bright red blood mixed with clots and a sense of damage to the mucous membrane.
  • Baptisia Tintoria - Nasal bleeding or the presence of drops of dark blood from the nose.
  • Baryta Carbonica - Nasal bleeding before menstruation, frequent bleeding from the nose, especially in emotional faces.
  • Belladonna - Nasal bleeding in young children at night, blood flows freely, sometimes from both nostrils, a drop by a drop, bleeding from the nose when awakening in the morning.
BORAX Veneta - Homeopathy from Bleading from Nasa
BORAX Veneta - Homeopathy from Bleading from Nasa
  • BORAX Veneta - Bleeding from the nose early in the morning and a pulsating headache at night.
  • BOVISTA Lycoperdon - Bleeding from the nose in the morning after getting up, with dizziness, each time with a nose or when sneezing.
  • Bromium - The nose is inflamed and swollen, the presence of crust in it, with pain and bleeding when wiping.
  • Bryonia alba - nasal bleeding associated with menstrual bleeding, after hyperthermia or anemia, bleeding from the nose in the morning after awakening, less often during the day, but sometimes during sleep or after exposure to strong sunlight, reddened face; Bleeding from the ears.
  • Bufo Rana - bleeding from the nose, leading to fainting, but relieves headache.
  • Cactus Grandiflorus - exhausting nasal bleeding associated with heart disorders such as hypertrophy.
  • Calcarea Carbonica - Frequent and abundant bleeding from the nose, almost to dizziness, more from the right nostril, with nasal congestion, sometimes associated with menstruation, often in the morning. Open children who often have nasal bleeding for no apparent reason.
  • Cantharis Vesicatoria - Nasal bleeding only in the morning.
  • Carbo Animalis - Nasal bleeding every morning preceded by headache and dizziness.
  • Cina Maritima - bleeding from the nose as a result of helminthiasis; A constant desire to rub or pick in the nose. Nasal bleeding with heaviness in the head and a bad mood.
  • COCCULUS Indicus - bleeding from the nose during pregnancy with hemorrhoids.
  • Crocus sativus -thick, hard, dark red or black bloody expirations from one nostril, with large drops of cold sweat on the forehead, are suitable for women who have long and abundant menstrual periods, often accompanied by seizures; Nasal bleeding in weak children. Periodic and chronic nasal bleeding, yellowish complexion, sour taste in the mouth.
  • Crotalus Horridus - Nasal bleeding occurs during fungal or septic diseases that worsen the condition of the blood, the blood is rare, dark and does not coagulate, dizziness, convulsive seizures. Nasal bleeding for diphtheria.
Dulcamara - Homeopathy from the bleeding of the nose
Dulcamara - Homeopathy from the bleeding of the nose
  • Dulcamara -warm, bright red blood, which flows under pressure from the nose. A feeling of increased pressure remains even after stopping bleeding.
  • Elaps Coralinus - bleeding from the nose after a blow or sudden, abundant bleeding while walking.
  • Erigeron Canadensis -bright red blood, with a rush of blood to the head, redness of the face and fever.
  • Ferrum metallicum - Abundant and repeated bleeding, the nostrils are constantly filled with curtailed blood, especially in anemic people with a pale face. Nasal bleeding in children with frequent changes in complexion.
  • Glonoinum - nasal bleeding provoked by sunny warmth, reddened face, swollen and heavy head, relief occurs in the open air and during sleep.
  • Hamamelis Virginiana - Suitable for passive blood flow, with a feeling of habiting nose bridges, abundant bleeding that occurs for no apparent reason, especially in young anemic girls, combined with hemoptysis.
  • Hydrastis canadensis - Nasal bleeding from the left nostril, with a burning sensation, followed by itching.
  • Baptisia Tintoria - Bleeding from the nose with clouding of vision, the right nostril easily bleeds, a feeling of compression in the heart and rapid heartbeat. Irritation and sensation of tickling at the base of the nose, with a dry cough.
  • Ipecacuanha -The abundant expiration of bright red blood, itching in the nose, preceding nausea, constant or periodic fever during pertussis, a pale, swollen face with blue circles around the eyes.
  • Kalium bichromicum -bleeding from the nose with dry rhinitis, which is preceded by a sense of pressure and constraint at the base of the nose, thick and dark red blood, constant sore spray in the nostrils.
  • Kalium carbonicum - periodic bleeding from the nose, repeated every morning or when washing the face.
  • Kreosotum -The expiration is rare, bright red blood from both nostrils in the morning or thick, black blood with an unpleasant odor.
  • Lachesis mutus -Nasal bleeding with bright red or dark blood, constant headache, often before menstruation or with menopause, with diphtheria. Bleeding manifests itself in the morning.
  • Lachnanthes Tintoria - abundant bleeding from the nose, pale blood, a sensation of bursting of the head, as if it is broken down with a wedge from the outside/inside, a cold body, it is difficult to warm up, a burning sensation in my head, with a strong thirst, wet and sticky skin.
  • Ledum Palustre - prolonged bleeding from the nose, then pain in the upper part of the nose and a burning sensation, pale blood, valve heart disease, tension in tendons in patients with gout.
  • Magnesium carbonicum - Bleeding from the right nostril, in the morning, edges of the nose in the evening. It is manifested by sneezing and tickling in the right nostril.
  • Mercurius Solubilis - Bleeding from the nose, which is preceded by increased pressure in the head. Bleeding from the nose provoked by cough and during sleep. Blood forms dark clots in the nose, edema of the glands, pain in the mouth, helminthias.
  • Mezereum -Bleeding from the right nostril in the evening before bedtime, bright red blood.
NATRUM muriaticum - homeopathy from bleeding from the nose
NATRUM muriaticum - homeopathy from bleeding from the nose
  • Natrum muriaticum - Bleeding from the nose with tilments or coughing at night, very frequent grindings and clots.
  • Natrium Sulfuricum - bleeding from the nose during menstruation, often repeated, especially in the early morning. Bleeding from the nose before menstruation, sometimes at night during sleep, bright red blood.
  • Nux vomica - bleeding from the nose in the morning, accompanied by headache in the frontal region, reddened cheeks and a feeling of increased pressure in the skull, during sleep, dark blood.
  • Pulsatilla Pratensis - bleeding from the nose, partially liquid, partially condensed. With a variable intensity, manifests itself when entering a warm room or in a lying position. Nasal bleeding with dry rhinitis in anemic women in whom menstrual periods are rare or irregular.
  • Rhus Toxicodendron -Frequent nasal bleeding during inclination, the presence of blood and in feces, occurs at night or early in the morning, coagulates quickly, the blood of bright red color.
  • Sarsaparilla Officinalis - Blood from the nose with a sensation, as if small bubbles burst in the nose, bleeding from each nostril with blowing, light blood.
  • Secale Cornutum - Dark, diluted blood, continuously flowing with severe exhaustion and low pulse, in older people, alcoholics or young and weak women.
  • Sepia Officinalis -bleeding from the nose during pregnancy or in women suffering from uterine damage, in which menstruation is absent for some time, bleeding caused by blow or pressure on the nose, blood begins to flow spontaneously and suddenly stops, bright red blood occurs in the morning, in the morning, in the morning, And also several times during the day.
  • Tarantula Hispanica - abundant bleeding from the nose, each drop of blood thickens and falls like a “bullet”, forming a large black clot in a vessel or on the surface, when washing the face, the left nostril bleed mainly.

You need to know that there are other homeopathic agents for the treatment of nasal bleeding. You should consult a qualified homeopath to get the most suitable and effective treatment. Good luck!

Video: Nasal bleeding: causes, first aid, treatment

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