Chronic runny nose, nasal congestion in an adult and child: causes, types, symptoms. How to cure chronic runny nose with medicines and folk methods at home?

Chronic runny nose, nasal congestion in an adult and child: causes, types, symptoms. How to cure chronic runny nose with medicines and folk methods at home?

The treatment of chronic runny nose should be approached with special responsibility. In this article, look for methods for treating this ailment using drugs and traditional medicine.

A runny nose or rhinitis is one of the most common nose diseases.

  • People often suffer from rhinitis, but at the same time do not turn to doctors, try to recover on their own.
  • Nobody treats this disease seriously, and with the onset of winter, an inaccurate rhinitis goes into the chronic stage.
  • Is it possible to cure chronic runny nose? How to treat it? Look for answers in this article.

Types of chronic runny nose: symptoms

Inflammation in chronic runny nose
Inflammation in chronic runny nose

There are three types of chronic rhinitis that differ among themselves symptoms and methods of cure:

  • Ordinary chronic rhinitis - This is secretion in a small amount that is released from the nose, with a small edema of the mucous membrane or nasal congestion. Vasocusing drugs in the form of drops help to cope with such a disease.
  • Hypertrophy of the nasal mucosa - If, with rhinitis of chronic origin, the passages are narrowed and inflamed, then this type of cold is called hypertrophic. In this case, the drops will no longer help, it is necessary to eliminate the causes of this condition.
  • Atrophy of the nasal holes - When a runny nose of the chronic stage leads to atrophy of the inner shell of the nose. Dryness is observed in the nose, white lumps that are difficult to leave, hard to blow their nose - all this can appear with this type of disease.

Remember: Only a doctor can determine the type of chronic stage and prescribe procedures for recovery. Self -medication is dangerous to health!

Causes of chronic runny nose

Allergy is one of the causes of a chronic runny nose
Allergy is one of the causes of a chronic runny nose

Rhinitis can go into the chronic stage for various reasons. Often two or more reasons are combined. Here are a few factors, due to the influence of which ordinary runny nose acquires a chronic shape:

  • Frequent diseases of the cold. If you are sick with acute respiratory infections or ARVI 2 times a month, then the runny nose will not have time to pass quickly and rhinitis turns into chronic.
  • Dry air in the room can irritate the nasal mucosa. If plus the dust with allergens is added to this, then the stimuli enhance the blowing and rhinitis goes into the chronic stage.
  • Allergic runny nose It can also acquire a chronic form if the medications for cure are incorrectly selected.
  • Crooked nasal partition - Such a defect interferes with the normal operation of the respiratory system and the outflow of secretion, which entails the development of infectious flora. This pathology may be congenital, and can develop after injury. Corrected with surgery.
  • Different diseases with circulatory disorders, respiratory function, cardiovascular system.

A successful prognosis of complete recovery is possible only after identifying and eliminating the cause of the chronic stage. The patient's condition usually improves immediately after the cause of constant inflammation in the nasal passages disappears.

Nasal congestion in chronic runny nose: how to cure?

Nasal congestion
Nasal congestion

Nasal congestion is swelling of the nasal mucosa. With a runny nose of the chronic stage, nasal congestion often occurs. This condition does not pose a great threat to health, but it worsens the quality of life.

With rhinitis, the chronic form of microbes, viruses and bacteria easily multiply in the nasal sinuses. Because of this, swelling of the inner shell occurs and, accordingly, leads to a state as nasal congestion. For a successful cure for nasal congestion, it is necessary to eliminate the causes of rhinitis in the chronic stage. If the nasal passages are clean, then there will be no congestion. How and what can be cured by chronic runny nose and nasal congestion, read below.

Chronic runny nose in an adult and child: treatment

It is necessary to treat chronic runny nose
It is necessary to treat chronic runny nose

As mentioned above, in order to recover from rhinitis of the chronic stage, you need to eliminate the cause. For example, if there is a curvature of the nasal septum, then perhaps the doctor will prescribe it to fix it with surgery. Also, if the problem is associated with allergies or frequent colds, you need to eliminate the allergen or increase immunity so that the body is more resistant to colds. Alleviate the condition with a runny nose of a chronic shape Such medicines will help:

  • Local antibacterial drugs: drops, ointments. The product is selected depending on the microflora, which is populated by the nasal mucosa. First, the doctor must prescribe a bacteriological examination of a smear from the nose, and only then prescribe drugs.
  • Binding effects: Protargol (adults-3-5%, children-1-2%).
  • Washing the nasal cavity with a solution of a proteolytic enzyme: Lidaza, Dnaks.
  • Tablets that help against allergies: Erius, Loratadin. Assigned by a course for up to 14 days. Then, ketotifen of long -term reception for up to three months can be prescribed.
  • Antibiotics - If a bacteriological examination showed the presence of a bacterial flora, then tablets or injections of antibacterial drugs can be prescribed.
  • Laser therapy, UFO - effective for atrophy and hypertrophy of the nasal mucosa.
  • Polyvitamins To increase immunity.

Treatment of chronic runny nose with hypertrophic rhinitis It should be aimed at stopping the process of pathological growth of the nasal mucosa. The following procedures are performed:

  • Cauterization of the mucosa With the help of silver nitrate or trichloroxic acid.
  • Injections with hormones-glucocorticoids On the inner surface of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity.

Atrophy of the mucosa In a chronic runny nose, it is treated in a complex. First, the mucous membrane must be cleaned of crusts with sea buckthorn or eucalyptus oil. A Turunda is made, wetted in oil and inserted into the nasal passages. After 10-15 minutes, cotton wool needs to be taken out and peeled from limp crusts with a cotton wool. Additionally prescribed such drugs:

  • Washing the nose Spray with sea salt: Aquamaris.
  • Solcoseryl ointment On the mucous membrane of the nose.
  • The use of tools that help restore the tissue of the mucosa: Inosin, oratorical acid.
  • If hemoglobin indicators are low in the blood (this happens with atrophy), then iron preparations should be used: sorbifer, ferrum lek.
  • Tablets to improve blood circulation: Nicotinic acid, agapurin.
  • Drugs to improve the general condition of the body and increase immunity: polyvitamins, calcium gluconate in tablets, injections of aloe extract.
Poor health in chronic runny nose
Poor health in chronic runny nose

Vasomotor rhinitis - These are the attacks of sneezing with a runny nose of a transparent structure. This can happen in stress, change air temperatures, overwork, increase blood pressure. The nasal congestion and chronic transparent snot appears. It is necessary to treat vasomotor rhinitis as follows:

  • Drops in the nose or spray: Allergot, levokabastin.
  • Antiallergic drugs: Erius.
  • Hormonal spray with a course of 7 to 14 days: Bekonaza, Avamis.
  • Protargol and other similar drugs.
  • Physiotherapeutic procedures: Kuf, ultrasound, electrophoresis, UHF.
  • If medicines do not help alleviate the patient's condition, then the doctor recommends surgical intervention To destroy the areas of an overgrown mucosa. Laser therapy can also be used.

Important: Do not prescribe treatment yourself. Only the doctor should do this. He will evaluate the condition, make the correct diagnosis and select effective therapy.

How to recover from a chronic runny nose: folk remedies

Washing the nose
Washing the nose

Folk methods for the treatment of chronic runny nose can be applied as additional therapy for official drugs. Natural and independently prepared means help to alleviate the condition with nasal congestion and chronic runny nose:

  • Calendula solution. Make an infusion of 1 teaspoon of dry calendula flowers and 1 cup of hot water. Let the solution brew, strain and add 2 drops of eucalyptus oil. Rinse your nose 2 times a day.
  • Iodine solution. Add 2-5 drops of iodine per 1 liter of water. Rinse the nasal passages with this water 2-3 times a day.
  • Brine. In 0.5 liters of warm water, dissolve 1 teaspoon of sea or ordinary salt (without a hill). Rinse your nose, lowering the water temperature every day. This will help to harden the vessels of the nose.
  • Honey solution. In 200 ml of water, dissolve 1 teaspoon of honey. Rinse your nose in the morning and at night.
  • Drinking the nose with oils: sea buckthorn, eucalyptus, rosehips, thuja-no more than 1-2 drops in each nostril.
  • Inhalations over steam: Add a few drops of fir oil to hot water and breathe steam until the water cools completely.

In addition to the procedures for washing the nose, you can take the infusion of herbs inside:

  • Hawthorn - Pour 3 tablespoons of flowers with one liter of boiling water. Insist to cool completely, strain and take 3/4 cup 3 times a day.
  • Take one tablespoon of chamomile flowers, dryers, hawthorn and motherwort. Pour this herbal mixture of 0.5 liters of boiling water, insist until completely cooled and take half a glass three times a day.

During the treatment of a chronic runny nose, you can take a general strengthening potion from the root of ginger, honey and lemon. You can cook it like this:

  • Lemon and ginger root (150 grams) wash under water. Clean ginger, and together with a lemon (not necessary to clean from the zest) it must be chopped in a blender to the state of gruel. Add 300 grams of honey to the mixture.
  • Mix and transfer the mixture into a glass or other container, but not into a metal one.
  • Take 1 teaspoon of the product, having previously dissolved it in water or tea.
  • Such an infusion can be drunk 2-3 times a day.

Chronic runny nose is a serious disease that requires a serious approach from the patient. It is important to comply with all the doctor’s recommendations, since only the doctor can make a diagnosis correctly and prescribe adequate treatment.

Video: Chronic rhinitis: how to treat?

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  1. From a runny nose, the plant preparation of Edas 131 rinitol helps me and my child very well. It is completely on a plant basis, therefore it does not cause addiction and does not dry the nasal mucosa like many vasoconstrictor drugs. And I like its versatility - it can be both children and adults.

  2. There was such a problem ... I already thought everything, a runny nose with me forever. But no, still managed to get rid of him. Physiotherapy courses helped (I walked on the advice of Laura), well, aquamaster to bake. Ugh ugh, now I breathe calmly, which cannot but rejoice)

  3. a rhinolife device helps me and my child from a protracted runny nose, washing all microbes, infection, eliminates congestion

  4. I read the article carefully. We also suffer from a runny nose often. I am well helped with pushing with a solution with sea salt in the morning and in the evening. And if improvements do not occur in a few days, then I start taking the medicine. It used to be Sino -Champion, but now it has risen very much. Replaced with Orvis-Rino, 100% analogue of our production. For a price cheaper at times. You can give children from the age of 6, but be sure to consult a doctor.

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