Curvature of the nasal septum: is it worth underwent and what complications are possible, treatment without surgery

Curvature of the nasal septum: is it worth underwent and what complications are possible, treatment without surgery

If the doctor diagnosed you with “curvature of the nasal septum”, then read the article. You will find out what treatment is and whether it is possible to correct the defect without surgery.

The curvature of the nasal septum is one of the most common surgical diseases in society. Basically, each person has a certain degree of deviation of the nasal septum.

Read on our website an article on how can you change the shape of the nose - rhinoplasty. You will see the photo before and after the operation and you can evaluate the results of such surgical intervention.

An important clinical question is who has a curvature of the nasal septum leads to complications? This is written in this article. You will also find out how the treatment of this defect in the nose of the nose and you can cure without surgery. Read further.

The structure and functions of the nasal septum

The structure and functions of the nasal septum
The structure and functions of the nasal septum

The cartilage partition in the nose grows throughout a person’s life. In babies, the curvature of this cartilage manifests itself in the form of pale skin and an ajar mouth. As they grow older, such problems appear brighter. It is worth noting that not a single person has a perfectly even nasal septum. Though everyone has a little curvature. A person’s nose performs several important functions:

  • Smell
  • Purification of air that comes from the external environment
  • Warming the air that entered
  • Moisturization of this air

If the structure of the cartilage is disturbed, the performance of some functions can be lost. To restore them, the operation is often required.

What are the reasons for the curvature of the nasal septum of the nose in a child, an adult: a list, photo

Curvature of the nasal septum
Curvature of the nasal septum

The diagnosis of “curvature of the nasal septum” should only be made by a dotorinolaryngologist. This is done on the basis of the inspection - anterior rhinoscopy, collecting an anamnesis and additional research methods - X -ray, etc.

Curvature of the nasal septum
Curvature of the nasal septum

Such curvature, as in the photo and picture above, the doctor can see not only with an X -ray or computed tomography, but also during visual examination. There are several reasons for the curvature of the nasal septum of the nose in a child, an adult. Here is their list:

Physiological curvature:

  • It occurs more often than others.
  • The nasal partition consists of bone and cartilage. During the growth of the skeleton of the face, there may be an uneven growth of internal fabrics, that is, the lead or lag of one part from the other is obtained.

Due to injuries:

  • Such curvature develops due to birth injuries, microcracks during falls, damage to the external bones of the nose, as well as professional injuries (for those who play sports).

Caused by other diseases:

  • Polyps in the nose
  • Hypertrophy of the lower nasal sinks
  • The presence of foreign bodies (compensatory curvature)
  • Rickets, syphilis, etc.-the bones soften, which is why this or that structure of the nose is pulled or lags behind in growth

Further even more useful information. Read further.

What curvature of the nasal septum is considered big?

From the above it is clear that there is a physiological curvature of the nasal septum, but it happens due to injuries and other similar factors. A great and strong curvature is considered if nasal breathing is difficult and there is constant nasal congestion. Such a nose defect appears not only after injuries, but also due to diseases in the cavity and other conditions.

Signs and symptoms of curvature of the nasal septum indicating the need for surgery: with breathing impairment, nasal congestion

Anatomically, the nasal partition passes identically to the middle line of the body, and due to normal anatomical changes, each has its own degree of deviation in the nose. The curvature of the nasal septum, requiring surgical correction, leads to some problems. These are signs or symptoms of curvature, which indicate the need for surgery. Crowned nasal septum:

  • It can compress the nasal sinks, causing a reflex headache. Squeezing the middle nasal sink can lead to blockage of the hole of the maxillary sinus, which will lead to a recurrent infection of the sinus and thinning of the bone wall of the sinus. This causes a negative sinus pressure called the Silent Sinus syndrome. DRIVER of respiration occurs and there is often nasal congestion.
  • Often causes nasal bleeding due to severe tension of blood vessels passing through the curved part of the cartilage. This type of epistaxis may not succumb to drug treatment.
  • It can be represented not only by subjective criteria, but also by objective cosmetic signs. Here, surgery is more important, because the minimum changes in the shape of the nose strongly affect the overall appearance of the face.

The following is described what the degree of curvature of the nose septum exist. Read further.

Degree of curvature of the nose septum

Degree of curvature of the nose septum
Degree of curvature of the nose septum

The deviation of the nasal septum can be classified anatomically according to the rejected part, and functionally in the direction of the defect. Anatomically the nasal partition consists of the anterior cartilage and the posterior bone. The bone part is formed by the connection of various bones of the skull. In some cases, the defect affects only the anterior cartilage, and in other cases applies to the bone part.

Functionally deviation of the nasal septum can be directed in one direction of the nasal cavity - this deviation is called C-shaped. The deviation can be directed in both sides of the nasal cavities - called S-shaped. In the case of a S-shaped deviation, the symptoms and signs are more pronounced. The types of defects in the figure above are clearly visible. Read more:

Degree of curvature of the nose septum
Degree of curvature of the nose septum

Can a curvature of the nasal septum influence the ear, the appearance of rhinitis: consequences

The nose is connected to other organs. Can a curvature of the nasal septum influence the ear, the appearance of rhinitis. The nasal cavity is connected to the auditory pipe, maxillary sinuses, etc. The defect in this area can close the connecting channels and complicate the outflow of mucus. Therefore, mucus will accumulate in the lower sink and drain into the auditory pipe. This entails hearing impairment, the development of sinusitis, spenoiditis, ethmoiditis, etc. The consequences of a constantly laid nose are the appearance of rhinitis and other similar pathologies.

How to fix - treatment: operations with chronic curvature of the nasal septum

The curvature of the nasal septum
The curvature of the nasal septum

The problem of curved cartilage in the nose with the development of complications concerns many people. How to fix? The only correct treatment in this case is the operation. Read more:

  • In the case of a persistent bilateral or unilateral obstruction, a successful operation with a chronic curvature of the nasal septum can completely solve the problem.
  • But in the case of a persistent reflex headache, the result of the operation may not satisfy the need even in case of complete correction of the curvature of the nasal septum. The reason is still unknown.

The operation in this case is a complex procedure with large blood loss. The surgeon should be an experienced doctor who knows all the nuances. Surgical intervention lasts about 40 minutes.

It is worth knowing: There are many videos on the network for such operations. Doctors do not advise watching them, since the patient does not need to know what and how is happening on a similar procedure. People are often scared of a large amount of blood, a doctor’s manipulations and categorically abandon an operation that is vital for them.

In the case of cosmetic operations, the result depends not only on the skills of the surgeon, but also on the expectations of the patient. Many cosmetic nasal operations around the world are successful from a medical point of view, but sometimes they do not correspond to the expectations of the patient, especially in women.

Correction of the curvature of the nose with a laser: advantages where they do?

Correction of curvature of the nose with a laser
Correction of curvature of the nose with a laser
Laser septoplasty is a gentle method of surgical correction of the curvature of the nose, which, unlike standard technologies, completely retains the integrity of the organ. Here are the advantages of such a procedure:
  • The risk of infection is completely excluded, since such an operation is carried out without cuts.
  • The whole process is carried out bloodlessly.
  • The pain syndrome is small, so the operation can be carried out even under local anesthesia.
  • It is carried out without imposing postoperative seams.
  • There is no need to install large tampons in the nasal passages.

Do such a modern operation in private clinics. In the state hospital, such surgery is not made according to the policy, since it is expensive, and the patient pays for it on his own.

How much does the operation to correct the curvature of the nasal septum cost: Price

In the State Hospital, who takes patients by policies, you can do an operation to correct the curvature of the nasal septum for free. How much does such a procedure cost in a private clinic?

  • The price of a conventional surgery varies within 50,000-100,000 rubles. This is only for the procedure itself. Here you need to add a consultation of an ENT doctor, passing tests and conducting the necessary diagnosis.
  • The cost of laser correction varies from 280,000 to 350,000 rubles, depending on the clinic.

For the operation, it is worth looking for an experienced doctor who knows all the nuances of the procedure. After the operation, the patient spends a week in a hospital. Medical workers observe the patient and help in the postoperative period and in the process of recovery.

Possible complications after correcting the curvature of the nasal septum: after the operation, after the laser correction

Complications of operations on the nasal septum are currently less common due to the use of endoscopes, but the complications are still preserved. Here are possible complications after correcting the curvature of the nasal septum after the operation:

  • Perforation of the nasal septum

It occurs due to energetic manipulations during surgery affecting the front cartilage of the partition. An annoying problem in this case is a constant whistling sound with each inhalation, plus continuous formation of crust along the boundaries of perforation.

  • Bleeding

It is one of the most common complications of operations on the nasal septum. Although the method of hypotensive anesthesia currently reduces the frequency of intraoperative bleeding, the bleeding is still preserved in some cases, because the nose is a strongly vascularized space. Intraoperative bleeding is mainly a problem for surgeons, while bleeding after surgery is a complication for surgeons and patients. Although the loss of this biological fluid after surgery is mostly minimal, patients and their relatives can perceive this as a terrible catastrophe. Such a process is stopped with cotton turunda, handkerchiefs and drugs that increase blood coagulation.

  • Adhesion between the mucous membrane of the nasal septum and the mucous membrane of the side wall of the nose

These adhesions can be easily avoided during the operation, if you do not make energetic manipulations and using silicon sheets that prevent contact between the mucous membrane of the nasal septum and the mucous membrane of the side wall of the nose. If adhesions are noticeable after surgery, they can be treated surgically.

After correcting the partition with a laser, there are no complications. Therefore, many patients choose this type of surgery.

Curvature of the nasal septum: CT assistance during the operation

All of the above complications when correcting the curvature of the nasal septum are currently less common due to the use of computed tomography (CT). It acts as a navigation system that helps the surgeon to determine its path and allows you to get around the dangerous areas during operations on the nasal septum.

Nasal septum surgery in children

Previously, operations on the nasal septum were carried out in extreme cases in children up to 16 yearsbecause before this age, the centers of ossification in the nasal septum are actively growing. Therefore, any injury can affect the growth of the nasal septum, which in turn affects the entire development of the face.

Now, after using endoscopes and special tools for children's surgery, age does not play a role. Currently, there is a large medical industry called child otolaryngology, which is engaged in the treatment of childhood diseases and performing operations, even if such complex ones.

Is it possible to correct the curvature of the nasal septum without surgery?

Correction of curvature of the nasal septum without surgery
Correction of curvature of the nasal septum without surgery

Indeed, this is possible. There are some folk and conservative methods of correcting the curvature of the nasal septum without surgery:

  • Washing the sinus of the nose - you can use pharmacy products or a solution of water and salt (on 1 cup water, 0.5 tsp. salt and 3 dropsiodine). Rinse in the morning and evening.
  • The use of various sprays.
  • The use of drugs that narrow the vessels.
  • Antibacterial therapy for blocking infection.

In addition to such drugs and home drugs, you can use the physical effect on the field of pathology:

  • Osteopathy - light massage of cartilage of the front area.
  • Laying on the nose - A special clip in the form of a butterfly is attached to the nose for 2 hours. It has an effect on the cartilage, aligning it.
  • Treatment of causes - It is used if the defect is provoked by viral diseases, swelling and polyps. When such reasons are eliminated, the partition is corrected independently.

But remember that consultation after such treatment is still necessary to exclude the progression of pathology and avoid undesirable complications of curvature.

If there is a curvature of the nasal septum, are they taken to the army?

The curvature of the nasal septum
The curvature of the nasal septum

There are several categories in the military enlistment office, which are assigned to the conscript after passing the medical commission.

  • With a mark "BUT" There are no restrictions for the service at all.
  • Mark "B" indicates that the conscript has a restriction on the type of armed forces.
  • The right to delay the guys with a category "G" and "AT". They do not serve in peacetime. The reason for the assignment of such categories are diseases of endocrinology, respiratory system disease, malignant tumors, epilepsy, heart diseaseand Congenital vices.
  • Owners of the mark "D" Do not have to serve at all. A similar category is assigned to persons with HIV, AIDS, sah. diabetes And if a person no arms or legs.

As you can see, the curvature of the nasal septum is not a reason for delayed from service in the army. It is believed that such a pathology does not pose a threat to human health.

Juried the nasal septum: do the operation?

If the doctor diagnosed " the curvature of the nasal septum»A difficult degree and prescribes surgical treatment, since the patient has breathing difficulty, the operation needs to be done. Any doctor will tell you about this.

With the permission of the doctor, you can try other treatment methods. But, in this case, the patient takes all risks for health and life, and if they do not bring the desired results and relief, then you can’t do without surgery.

Curvature of the nasal septum: reviews about the operation

The curvature of the nasal septum
The curvature of the nasal septum

The curvature of the nasal septum is a normal variation in people, unless it is complicated by the constant congestion of the nose, headache, nosebleeds or any other complication. The complicated deviation of the nasal septum is a surgical problem that requires surgical intervention, and not a medical problem that can be solved medication. Read the reviews of other people about the operation and about the general condition when curving the nasal septum:

Dmitry, 35 years old

Operations on the nasal septum can now be carried out at any age thanks to the latest surgical means, and this pleases. I was diagnosed at the age of 12, when I fell from my grandmother from the roof of the barn. But the operation was not done, as they said that they were small. I had a 5th degree. There was almost no nasal breathing, the nose was forever laid, nasal bleeding was worried. The operation was carried out 2 years ago. Now everything is fine, I feel like a full -fledged person.

Vasilisa, 23 years old

The surgery of the nasal septum has its own specific complications, which are currently less common due to the use of nasal endoscopes. Almost everyone knows this. But the result of the operation on the nasal septum depends not only on surgical equipment, but also on the expectations of the patient. I thought that after the operation the nose would become completely even, but this is not so. Although my relatives say that I find fault with my appearance and everything is perfect with me. I am glad that after the operation, problems with the nasal breathing, and in general with health, left: a runny nose disappeared, headaches passed.

Vladimir, 49 years old

I have been tormented with a curved partition for 5-7 years, since I got into a fight. He turned to the doctor with the problem only now, but the doctor said that it was not too late and at that age the operation to correction is not performed. I am very sorry that I did not turn immediately when age still allowed the procedure. Now you only have to alleviate the state of folk methods and come to terms with your condition. I advise your friends who has a similar problem not to pull with the operation, otherwise there will be complications and health problems.

Video:  Nose septum curvature: test for the need for surgery

Video: Correction of the nasal septum. Health

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