Litius tablets: Instructions, why are adults and children appoint? How to buy lithium iHerb (Aigerb)?

Litius tablets: Instructions, why are adults and children appoint? How to buy lithium iHerb (Aigerb)?

Lithium tablets: instructions, how to drink, Iherb lithium.

Lithium is a drug that is heard even by those who have never encountered psychosomatic diseases. It causes a lot of controversy, but is a key medicine in the psychiatric sphere since 1949. In this article, we give detailed instructions for the use of this drug.

Lithium history as a medicine

The first sources about the use of lithium salts are drawn from the ancient world. In those days, they did not have the opportunity to conduct a biochemical analysis of water, but the healers noticed that people drinking water from certain sources feel at times better, their emotional calm was returned, and many psychiatric problems were solved. Later, depressive and nervous people, with convulsions and attacks, were directed to the waters. Where they watered a mineral water course, also including lithiums.

Litius Tablets: Composition

In 1 tablet Overotate of lithium iherb it contains 5 mg of lithium (daily dosage for an adult), silicon dioxide and cellulose shell with rice extract, for maximum comfort when consuming.

Iherb lithium release form

iherb Offers several options for a food additive - in capsules and drops.

Iherb preparations
Iherb preparations

Pharmacology of lithium in tablets

Lithium is responsible for normalizing the mental state, helps to overcome the serious states of depression and alcoholism. It also helps in the regeneration of brain cells, protects them from overstrain, is responsible for inhibiting apoptosis, regenerates blood vessels, both heart and brain. Litius also helps with insulin resistance, with autoimmune diseases and removing inflammatory processes. In addition, it helps to remain young to the body, and minimizes aging.

It is worth noting that the drug is accumulative, and the first results reaches 9 hours after use. Litius is displayed by 95% of the kidneys with urine, by 4% then and only by 1% feces. The drug penetrates into breast milk, so it is worthwhile to use, given this factor.

Indications for the use of lithium

They use lithium as a food supplement, to improve the quality of life by replenishing the necessary substance in the body. And also as a medicine that helps to cure a number of diseases and relieve pain in chronic pain.

  • Depression and depressive states of different degrees;
  • Manic and hypomanic states of various genesis;
  • During treatment for alcoholism;
  • Prevention of affective psychoses;
  • Migraine;
  • Treatment of affective psychoses;
  • Drug dependence;
  • As an assistant in autoimmune diseases;
  • As an additive to nutrition for insulin resistance;
  • Meniere syndrome;
  • All kinds of sexual disorders.
Lithium - the drug helping to survive stress
Lithium - the drug helping to survive stress

Dosage of the drug lithium

Lithium is taken in two methods - prevention and treatment:

  • As a prevention, 5 mg of an adult drug per day is enough (1 capsule iherb);
  • As a treatment. The dosage is prescribed individually, depending on the preliminary analysis and general history of the patient.

If lithium does lithium have a side effect?

Like any medicine, lithium has side effects. If there are such, stop the use of the drug and consult your doctor:

  • Muscle weakness and tremor of the hands;
  • Drowsiness;
  • Leukocytosis;
  • Thyroid disorders;
  • Constant fatigue;
  • Adynamia;
  • Dyspepsia;
  • Hyperreflexia;
  • Heart rhythm disturbances;
  • Violations of the articular apparatus are possible;
  • Constant thirst and excess weight.

Direct contraindications of lithium use

If you have one of the diseases, lithium is categorically contraindicated to you:

  • Before and after operations, as well as in severe states associated with surgical intervention;
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • Leukemia.

Is it possible to use lithium to pregnant women during lactation?

No, lithium is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation.

Is it possible to use lithium in violation of the functions of the kidneys?

Litius is prescribed to patients with difficulties in the work of kidneys and adrenal glands. But strictly under the supervision of a doctor.

Thanks to lithium, a person begins to see the colors of life again
Thanks to lithium, a person begins to see the colors of life again

How to use lithium for children?

Litius is not assigned to children as a food supplement and an auxiliary element up to 12 years. From the age of 12, as well as in adults - 5 mg per day.

As a medicine, lithium is prescribed according to the results of analyzes and exclusively under the supervision of doctors.

Is it possible to use lithium for older people?

Yes, lithium is prescribed for older people, but exclusively as prescribed by a doctor after preliminary tests.

Is it possible to drive a car when taking lithium?

It is not recommended to drive vehicles and engage in extreme sports when taking lithium, as it slows down the reaction speed and suppresses the work of the central nervous system.

Lithium compatibility with other drugs

Litius should be carefully used, and previously coordinated lithium compatibility with other drugs used:

  • Tiazide diuretics in the company with lithium can lead to a high concentration of the latter in the blood and lead to intoxication of the body;
  • The same effect can be achieved when combined with ACE inhibitors, NSAIDs and iodine preparations;
  • Combining lithium with sodium with bicarbonate and sodium chloride, lithium efficiency can be reduced.

This is only a small list of non -compatibility of lithium with other substances, so before taking, coordinate with the doctor all the drugs that you use at this moment.

A sufficient amount of lithium in the body cancel headaches, migraines and depression
A sufficient amount of lithium in the body cancel headaches, migraines and depression

How to buy lithium iHerb (Aigerb)?

In order to buy lithium on iHerb, it is recommended to consult your doctor first to understand what dosage and form of release is optimal for you. iherb offers a number of lithium preparations that can be found by link.

Lithium in tablets: reviews and recommendations

Marina: suffered a breakdown and depressive states. The doctor recommended to take tests, including lithium. According to the results, she said that the situation is not terrible, but for prevention, it is worth drinking. A month has passed, and I have a deeper sleep, I am active and cheerful. Thoughts about badly left me.

Inna: She began to cooperate with Iherb and began to take drugs more responsibly. Always and in everything - first tests, then appointments. This year, my attending physician recommended lithium to improve the body, I have an autoimmune thyroid disease and the condition of pre -hard diabetes. I drink for six months and the result on the face. I did not change the lifestyle and nutrition, I dropped another 10 kg! The condition is a butterfly.

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