Afobazole: Instructions for use. Is it possible to take Afobazole without a prescription?

Afobazole: Instructions for use. Is it possible to take Afobazole without a prescription?

Stress is an integral part of a person’s life. It is almost impossible to prevent it, but there are drugs that help to cope with it.

One of the effective preparations for stress is Afobazole. More information about the features of its application will be described in this article.

Afobazole: What does it help from?

This drug has an anti -alert and stimulating effect. With its help, you can facilitate or get rid of a sense of anxiety, which manifests itself in poor foreboding and concern.

There are enough reasons for taking apobasole
There are enough reasons for taking apobasole

In addition, Afobazole also helps with other symptoms, among which:

  • severe irritability;
  • tension (desire to cry, fear or anxiety). Because of this symptom, a person sleeps poorly;
  • depression;
  • violations of the autonomic system (dry mouth, excessively sweating, dizziness);
  • disorders of the cognitive system (memory deterioration, impaired concentration);
  • adaptive disorders;
  • a sense of anxiety, neurosis or asthenia;
  • panic attacks;
  • vegetovascular or neurocirculatory dystonia;
  • PMS;
  • period in front of menopause;
  • apistine syndrome, manifested against the background of traction to alcohol.

Quite often, this drug is prescribed to patients who suffer from anxious imaginary and self -doubt. Such people are very vulnerable, and emotionally unstable. They show a tendency to emotional stress reactions.

Afobazole does not make the muscles weak. This drug does not worsen memory or attention. After admission, you will not be addictive.


Afobazole: How many times a day to take?

  • The drug should be taken after eating. At a time you need to take no more than 10 mg of apobasole. The maximum daily dosage is 30 mg. They need to be distributed in 3 doses.
  • If necessary, the doctor has the right Increase the daily dosage to 60 mg per day. However, this happens only after a thorough examination, so as not to cause side effects, and not provoke an overdose.

How long does the aphobazole work?

  • This drug is not used for urgent help. He has accumulative effectTherefore, therapy should be carried out by the course. Periodic application will not give the proper result. During the first few days you will not feel improved well. Some patients even stop taking, and ask the doctor to prescribe other medicines.
  • You can notice the first positive effect in a week. Over the next 2-3 weeks, you will lose signs of disorders. As soon as you stop taking the medicine, the effect of treatment will remain for several more weeks.

Afobazole: What is the course of treatment?

  • According to the instructions, you need to take apofobazole during 14-30 days.
  • If there is an acute need, the doctor can increase the course of treatment to 3 months.

How much can you drink Afobazole without a break?

  • You can take medicine without a break during 90 days. The duration of the break between therapeutic courses is individual. It all depends on the state of your nervous system.
  • A doctor who has evaluated your condition must prescribe treatment courses. You can not self -medicate so as not to worsen the condition.

How much is Afobazole removed from the body?

  • Afobazole drug quickly spreads through internal organs.
  • Most of the medicine is excreted by the kidneys. On average, this process occupies 50 min.
  • In some cases, the drug is completely excreted only after 2 hours.

How long can you drink apobasol?

  • Doctors are convinced that repeating the course of taking apobasole through 3-4 weeks.
  • Given that the effect of previous therapy will persist up to 2 weeks, you will not have time to encounter a number of negative symptoms.
  • However, the breaks between the methods of apobasole are prescribed by the attending physician.
The drug has enough advantages
The drug has enough advantages

Afobazole and alcohol: compatibility

  • Afobazole is considered tranquilizer. Despite this, it does not affect the action of alcoholic beverages. With a combination of medicine and alcohol, you will not face strong intoxication. However, the results of treatment may suffer from this.
  • Alcoholic drinks have a similar effect with depressants. They inhibit the functions of the central nervous system. If you drink against the background of the intake of apobasol, then taking the medicine makes no sense.

Afobazole: contraindications and side effects

You can not take the drug in such cases:

  • age under 18 years;
  • intolerance to the components that make up the composition;
  • pregnancy and period of breastfeeding;
  • intolerance to galactose and monosaccharides;
  • lack of lactase in the body.

Afobazole is quite easily tolerated by the body.

However, in certain cases, the following side effects may develop:

  • rashes and itching of the skin;
  • dermatitis;
  • nasal congestion;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • pain in the head.

If you notice at least one of the above symptoms, stop taking the medicine. After immediately seek help from your doctor.

You should also study the information regarding an overdose. Afobazole is easily absorbed into the digestive system, and is quickly excreted from the body. That is why the drug does not accumulate in the body. If you exceed the permissible daily dosage, you may encounter an overdose.

This is fraught with such symptoms:

  • attacks of drowsiness;
  • strong weakness of the whole organism;
  • violation of motor activity;
  • the decline of muscle tone.

To alleviate the symptoms of an overdose, you need to introduce 1 ml of a 20% solution of sodium caffeine. Injections must be administered three times a day.

Is it possible to take Afobazole without a prescription?

  • Afobazole is a soft tranquilizer. It can be taken without a prescription from a doctor.
  • However, remember that this drug is not aimed at treating serious mental disorders.
  • If you are faced with severe depression or manic states, stronger drugs will be required. The latter are sold only by prescription from the attending physician.

Now you know that Afobazole is an excellent soft tranquilizer. It helps to cope with anxiety, panic attacks and depression. Despite the fact that the medicine is sold without a prescription, it needs to be taken only as prescribed by a doctor. After all, there is a risk that you will only aggravate problems with the psyche.

Application of Afobazole: reviews

  • Zarina, 32 years: Due to the problems at work, I encountered excessive tension. Because of this, she constantly cried, and could not fall asleep. After a few days of consumption of chamomile tea, which did not give the desired result, she turned to the doctor. He appointed Afobazole. The first week was difficult. However, after my condition improved, and I was able to solve all the difficulties.
  • Karina, 26 years: After a complex break in relations with the guy, psyche problems began. Only alcohol helped to cope with depression. However, after consulting a doctor, Afobazole was prescribed to me. Somewhere after 5 days it became easier for me. After the whole course of therapy, I completely forgot about stress.
  • Larisa, 53 years old: When the daughter went to the university, she was very worried. She could not sleep, which caused disorders of the cognitive system. I had to consult a familiar doctor, who advised me to drink the course of Afobazole. Literally a week later, the daughter was able to cope with the stress, which annoyed her for almost a month.

We will also talk about the use of such drugs:

Video: On the reception of Afobazole

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