Physiognomy: determining the character of a man and a woman in the shape of the ears

Physiognomy: determining the character of a man and a woman in the shape of the ears

Physiognomy in the form of the ears will help determine the nature, learn about health and other personal aspects of a person.

To create an opinion about a person, we look at his face. But often this is a mask that a man or woman uses depending on the situation. The more cunning a person, the more masks he has. Under the guise of a good man, a real predator can be hidden, a nympho will pretend to be a simpleton, and the boob will grow out of his associate professor.

Read on our website another interesting article on the topic: "Physiognomy: determining the character of a man and a woman in the shape of a head".

But there is the least obvious, but completely reliable (from the point of view of physiognomy) a method of determining the character of a person - by his ears. This part of the body is not lying, and the one who knows how to read it will have more victories in any psychological duel. From this article you will learn how to determine the nature of a man or woman in the form of ears according to physiognomy. Read further.

The structure of the auricle

The structure of the auricle
The structure of the auricle

But before studying physiognomy, you should understand how the body is arranged by which it is planned to determine the character. Here are a little anatomical details. Consider the main parts of the ear:

  • The outer upper handbag of the ear is called curl.
  • Inner hard cartilage - cutting up.
  • The lower fleshy part of the outer arc - lobe. On it you can say especially a lot about a person.
  • Sink -Rezonator cavity in front of the auditory hole. In a broad sense, the sink is called the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe ear inside the outer stuff.
  • The sink is bordered on top the leg of the curl, tough, like an contravita.
  • In front limits it knockman, a hard cartilage covering the auditory hole.

So, we proceed to the decoding of physiognomy. Read further.

The position of the ears according to physiognomy: Definition of the character of a man and woman

Physiognomic analysis of the ears begins with the study of this parameter - the position of the auricle. So, we determine the nature of a man or woman:

  • Upper tips of the ears above eye level - A person is most likely with a high IQ. Capable of analytical thinking and extraordinary approaches to solving problems.
  • The same parameter eye levelindicates medium intelligence.
  • Below level - low intelligence, sometimes with a deficiency of intuition, which should save with a lack of mind. If this location is fraught with a weakly expressed curl, then the situation is completely bleak.

In other words, the intellectual level is directly proportional to the level of the upper point of the ears. The position of the ears relative to the vertical plane of the head is also important in the definition of character:

  • The location of the ears is strictly parallel The side walls of the skull indicate the elephant calm of a person in any situation. The precipitation is indifferent to others and low ethical level.
  • Pulled back - They give out a frivolous person. But such people are pleasant in communication, love feasts and parties. Endowed with a sharp sense of justice. Typly dispersers.
  • Protruded and turned forward earsthey talk about the "human man", easily falling under someone else's influence. In the acts of mass riots and tantrums, most often these characters are involved. The ease of submission can be considered a positive moment. Irreplaceable quality in the army and large corporations.
  • Ears pressed to the head- A sign of a cautious and secretive person. He is stubborn and wayward, but he does everything quietly and calmly, without entering into conflicts.

The size of the ears also matters in determining the character of a person. Read further.

Physiognomic classification of ears in size

Big ears
Big ears

Everyone knows that the ears are different in size. If they are large, then this is noticeable right away. Small ears, as well as huge or lop -eared, sometimes look ridiculous and even funny. However, to determine the character, this also matters. Here is the physiognomic classification of ears in size:

  • Big, weighty pelmas with thick uriches will tell us that their owner is strong in character, purposeful and knows how to hold a blow without sour in any problems in his life. Such a person runs things slowly, but thoroughly. It can be an introvert, often unpleasant in communication. In the case of an imbalance of some qualities in character, it can even become a despot or maniac. A striking example of this is Hitler, on which nature has a little rest in terms of talents and positive human qualities, but with excess gave it negative. On the contrary, in the presence of large talents, we know such people with large ears as Napoleon and Einstein.
  • Medium, as a rule, slightly protruding upward, with ooles that have grown to the base, are characteristic of natural and narcissistic to natural and narcissistic. They are good in accurate sciences and administration. They have, in the presence of proper intelligence, excellent analytical thinking. Bright examples are Alexander Alekhin and Octavian Augustus.
  • Small Ears are a sure sign of a cheerful carefree person, cheerful, but vulnerable and extremely touchy. Small -upper - extroverts and choleraiks. They quickly grab for new things, but there are not enough of them for a long time. Rarely turn to abandoned projects. But short tasks, in the presence of talents, are solved on the move and with a bang.

The form also matters. Read further.

Physiognomy: determination of the character in the shape of the ears

Oval ears
Oval ears

All physiognomists also determine the nature of the shape of the ears. The main typology: round, square, oval, rectangular and even triangular. Read more:

  • Round Ears are a sign of creative nature. These are artists in the literal sense of the word. They are excellent to amuse the audience. Such a person will always be the soul of the company.
  • Ovalears - in dreamy people who are more often "hanging in the clouds."
  • Square- At the practitioners. No romance, only interests and deeds. Boring in communication.
  • Rectangular - Person with a solid character. Such people are usually fair and reliable.
  • Triangular"Elven" - indicate individualists and egoists. But this is creative and very capable.

Below even more interesting information. Read further.

Ears in traditional Chinese physiognomy: Analysis of the character of a person by appearance

The ancient Chinese determined not only the character, but also the fate of man, his karma. In the gradation of the characters, they adhered to the "elementary" system, correlating each form with one of the five elements. These five elements were present in all coordinates of the life of old China. For example, the twelve -year -old cycle, determined by the main animalistic signs of the calendar, was part of the sixty -year -old, complete and final cycle, where each animal sign passed all five elements. Hence, such concepts as the year of iron tiger or fiery dragon.

How did the elements affect the shape of the ears and the spiritual qualities of their owners? Traditional Chinese physiognomy is a very interesting science. For the people of this country, it is very important and stands on a par with other sciences. How is a person’s character analysis by appearance in China? Read more:

  • Metali gave rise to people with thick ears. The top of the curls is above the eye level. These are people capable of science, renunciation and hardworking, but usually boring. Officials came out of them, rising to many steps of the service hierarchy, court advisers.
  • Firei created triangular ears. In the case of good luck, their carriers were opened by wide horizons in science or trade, if excessive caution and indecision did not interfere.
  • Watercorrelates with thin curls and short uricobes of carefree healthy people and centenarians capable of military and diplomatic affairs.
  • Earthlong thick ears with a rounded curl and thick lobes correspond to. Their owners are characterized by the contemplative spiritual work of the monk or priest. Buddha is often depicted with thick and long lobes.
  • Woodmakes ears with a clear curl and a goat, slightly protruded upward. Such people have signs of abilities for free professions, such as a doctor or artist.

The earlobe can also tell a lot about the owner. Read further.

Form and dimensions of the earlobes in physiognomy

Fat dumbbile
Fat dumbbile

For a physiognomy specialist, the earlobe is a storehouse of interesting information about a person. If we consider the character of a person precisely by the ears, then you need to start with the description of the shape and size of the ooles. Read more:

Fat drooping lobes:

  • it  a sign of a strong -willed nature, determination, ability to hard work and a tendency to command.
  • Such people love to live according to the rules and routine, require the same from others.
  • Strict schedules, graphs, diets, and everything else, driving the human body and mind in strict framework adhere to.
  • Uninteresting in private communication.
  • Immemptuity to high art.
  • Unable to creative work.
  • They are not distinguished by creativity and the desire for changes, innovation, and breaking stereotypes.
  • They appreciate the family in a conservative plan: a strict family hierarchy, plans planned for years in advance, the obligation of children to continue the case of parents, etc.

These are managers, military, businessmen, bankers, high school teachers, small shopkeepers, private entrepreneurs and taxi drivers.

Thin lobes that have grown to the base:

  • Their owners are the complete opposite of the first.
  • High conceit rebels, justice fighters, revolutionaries and overthrows of recognized authorities.
  • They do not accept any framework, above all, they value freedom and independence.
  • Capable of creative work, creative search and inspired solutions.
  • They do not like the modes and restrictions of both flesh and spirit.
  • They lie down late and get up late, often work late at night.
  • In personal life, they are just as independent and freedom -loving, which is why they soon conclude marriage and burden themselves with obligations.
  • In the family, adherents of democracy and pluralism, respect the choice of children in terms of study and profession.

These are people of creative professions, artists, scientists, specialists in humanitarian and natural sciences, less often in accurate ones. Among them are many diplomats, university teachers, people of free professions.

Middle Lesser:

  • A certificate of tendency to compromises, unwillingness to conflict with stronger people in spirit: authorities, government and any other authority.
  • In controversial situations and conflicts, they always take the side of the strong.
  • Their main principles are the preservation of their position, slow, but faithful career growth, involved not so much on talents and abilities as in diligent work and fidelity to the authorities.
  • Usually obedient and flattering with those on whom they depend.
  • Often rude and unfair with subordinates.
  • In the family, their declared principles often diverge from business.
  • More often than others, they are embedded in adventures, but do it secretly and deliberately, since they are not located for reckless acts.

These are small and medium -sized employees, maintenance staff of large corporations, office and civil servants of lower and medium links, politicians, officials, exchange speculators, businessmen feeding at the expense of state structures (all kinds of contractors and subcontractors), dentists and journalists.

Sexual aspects of the ear physiognomy

Thin transparent ears
Thin transparent ears

The sexual views of a person according to physiognomy are also determined by ears with a considerable percentage of accurate forecast. Read more:

  • Persian ears,with a fluff on a curl and a lobe. A sign of great sexuality, a tendency to disclosure and craving for all possible pleasures.
  • Hairy sinks.The authority in sexual games, the desire for dominance, the requirement of respect and veneration. Big consumers of paid love.
  • Thin transparent ears -limited and inhibitory in bedding, indecision in heart.

Let's now consider a few examples. Read further.

Examples of a combination of the above features: physiognomy by ears

We continue to learn to determine the nature of the ears. Here are examples of a combination of the above features according to physiognomy:

  • Small ear with a lobe grown to the base- He has impulsive extroverts that can surrender with his head to a loved one or business. But they are extremely changeable, over time they cool down and with the same passion are given to new projects. Indispensable for solving emergency problems. Not suitable for a long and monotonous process.
  • Hero-tower with a thick lobe-its carriers are real mules. Strong, reliable kind and faithful. But, often, soundly stupid and poorly versed in moral matters. They are easy to deceive and simply, for example, force them to carry chestnuts from the fire. Rarely achieve career successes.  
  • A large or middle ear with a clearly defined curl and a leg.People that are not tolerated by subordination and official reading. Poorly adapted to commercial and production activities. Good in creative professions and work requiring loneliness.

And what can be said about health in the ears? Read further.

Diagnosis of health status: physiognomy based on the analysis of the structure of the ears

Bagrous ears
Bagrous ears

Among other things, you can diagnose diseases and health status by the state of the human ear. Physiogenomy based on the analysis of the structure of the ears pays great attention not only to determining the nature, but also to the analysis of health. Read more:

  • Even ears with clearly expressed elastic elements and a cold lobe- An indicator of excellent health and large margin of strength.
  • Red, in some places or completely - symptom of hypertension or threat of ischemia.
  • Pale earsthey talk about dystonia, hypotension and increased fatigue. Frequent satellite of the "syndrome of the office employee."
  • Blue color of the ears-cardiovascular problems or unhealthy lungs.
  • Bagrous ears - An excess of bile, problems with liver or kidneys.
  • Bugrous unclean skin- Diabetes mellitus, other pancreatic diseases are possible, peristalsis problems.
  • Often cold ears- Distonia or anemia is possible.

The most interesting thing is that eliminating problems in the body is the color of the ears to the usual one. Therefore, follow the health of your ears, perhaps this will even help to make an accurate diagnosis. But you can’t do without visiting a doctor. Diagnostics by ears is just a confirmation of conjecture or an already diagnosis by a doctor.

Ear acupuncture according to physiognomy

In the end, we will return to China and recall another great invention of this country - acupuncture, now supplemented by electric acupuncture. Certain points on the ears, "burned" with a needle, treat almost all organs of the human body. We add to the knowledge of health. Here is the ear acupuncture according to physiognomy:

  • Curl is responsible for the musculoskeletal system, primarily behind the back and shoulder belt.
  • The upper outer point of the curl -the organs of the abdominal cavity, especially the liver, pancreas and spleen are especially sensitive to it.
  • The middle of the curl - respiratory organs, including lungs, armor, throat and nose.
  • Slightly above the previous point - Treatment of the joints of the limbs, especially the brush.
  • Below the middle of the curl - The effect of this point is treated by the esophagus, stomach and intestines.
  • Point right in the earlobe- the cardiovascular system.  

Summarizing, ears are our everything. By them we learn the temperament and character of a person, determine his professional qualities, sexual preferences, learn about illness and try to treat them. This is interesting and informative. It is useful for each person to know this.

Video: Ear shape will tell you a lot about you

Video: earlobe and human character | Physiognomy


Video: The size of the ears and the character of a person | Physiognomy


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