Physiognomy: determining the character of a man and a woman in the shape of a head

Physiognomy: determining the character of a man and a woman in the shape of a head

Physiognomy in the shape of the head helps to determine the character of a person, his distinctive features. It is interesting.

In modern society, you can increasingly hear the phrase "determine by physiognomy." What is the concept? How can the character of a person be determined with its help?

Read on our website another interesting article on the topic: "How does the hair length reflect your character?".

From this article you will learn how experts define the nature and other qualities by physiognomy, for example, by the shape of a head. You will also find out what other secrets the shape of our heads keep. Read further.

What is physiognomy?

Physiognomy is a definition of certain psychological qualities of a person according to the characteristics of the convexity of the skull, shape and color of the eyes, the height of the eyelids. But the concept itself is not something new. Even in ancient Greece, philosophers proposed their classification of the qualities of people, similar to modern physiognomy. It is very interesting. Read further.

How to determine the nature of a man and a woman in the shape of a head, skull?

The shape of the skull can tell a lot about the nature and psychological characteristics of a person. It is biologically laid down that all people have the same structure of the skull. Any differences are genetic deviations. But the shape of the head and skull may vary.

How to determine the nature of a man and a woman in the shape of a head? This is what you should pay attention to when determining the character by the skull:

We determine the nature of a man and a woman in the shape of a head, skull
We determine the nature of a man and a woman in the shape of a head, skull
  • Indicators "height" and "width" of the skull

This can tell about a person’s belonging to a certain race. Based on belonging to it, two types of character definitions (eastern and western) are distinguished.

Developed forehead in physiognomy
Developed forehead in physiognomy
  • With a strongly developed forehead and underdeveloped occipital part (“cut” nape)

Such a person has a tendency to egocentrism or loneliness. Such a person needs constant reclusion, even with loved ones it is very difficult for him to maintain communication. A person with this structure of the skull protects personal boundaries and rarely perceives joint living with other people.

A pronounced number in physiognomy
A pronounced number in physiognomy
  • With a pronounced, raised crown

The person is influenced by the highest mind and has a dedication from him. A man with this structure of the head is a born leader. He is able to lead people. His rule is competent, fair and usually successful.

A smoothed number in physiognomy
A smoothed number in physiognomy
  • Smoothed, cut crop

There are people who do not dream of leadership. Such people are good performers, but leading positions are very burdened. If, nevertheless, it happened to accept a leading role, this does not promise success for this person or his subordinates.

Knowing this classification, you can easily study a person, even if you are not yet familiar.

Physiognomy: face shape in men and women

The shape of a man or woman can also roll a lot about a person. Here are a few markers, what should you pay attention to to decipher the norms of physiognomy:

Wide face according to physiognomy
Wide face according to physiognomy
  • If the width of the face is morethan the width at the lip level, this is an indecisive person.
  • It is often right in different situations, but uncertainty makes you look for approval in other people.
  • A person capable of performing positions.
  • In the family, such a man or woman is looking for a stronger partner in spirit.
Wide face according to physiognomy
Wide face according to physiognomy
  • If the lower part is wider, then this is a strong person in spirit.
  • This type of structure of the face speaks of an authoritative person who has his own opinion and outlook on life.
  • He rarely accepts someone else's opinion, is able to convince any person of his innocence.
  • Usually this type of people are good speakers.
Elongated, oval face according to physiognomy
Elongated, oval face according to physiognomy
  • A noticeably elongated face speaks of uncertainty.
  • Such a person needs other people. But he can trust others, however, to take responsibility in the competence of the owner of an elongated person.
  • These women often become addicted to a partner. If this is a healthy relationship, then the woman will become the mistress in the house, the guardian of the hearth, but the solutions of important issues will completely fall on the shoulders of the partner.
  • A man with similar facial features is often infantile.
  • In relations, they do not show a persistent character. But such guys are endowed with excellent company qualities.
Narrow face according to physiognomy
Narrow face according to physiognomy
  • A narrow face speaks of a small percentage of information perception. That is, such a person can fulfill small goals in stages.
  • People with similar features do not highlight the inclinations of the leader.
  • But they will be the best performers, they can follow clear instructions, but they do not show the initiative in decisions.
Broad face according to physiognomy
Broad face according to physiognomy
  • Wide face Indicates a good percentage of information perception.
  • Such people are able to perceive and perform a large amount of work, can take up several projects at once.
  • Often achieve high career growth.

All these facts were classified, based on the centuries -old observations of philosophers, doctors, psychologists, as well as physiognomy specialists. Such a classification is a generalized distribution of types. The differences between a person and a description of his face shape can be. But this is more often an exception to the rules, and some individual factors influenced the personality.

What other secrets does the shape of the head keep according to physiognomy?

It is worth noting that the character reflects not only the structure of the skull, but there are other features that play an important role in the work of physiognomists. What other secrets does the shape of the head keep according to physiognomy? In addition to determining the nature of a person in the shape of a face and skull, experts classify people in the shape of the eyes. This is what they pay attention to:

Big eyes according to physiognomy
Big eyes according to physiognomy
  • Big eyes

Holders of large eyes, as a rule, are also those dreamers. Often very creative people in different areas of life. Very optimistic men and women. They have an emotional, explosive character. They are hot -tempered, but quickly calm down.

Small eyes according to physiognomy
Small eyes according to physiognomy
  • Small eyes

The owners of small eyes are endowed with a sharp mind. Always logical in their decisions, are not amenable to stress and panic. They remain cold -blooded in their work. Clearly perform the tasks assigned to them. People are wary, as they value devotion very much, but will experience betrayal for a long time.

Convex eyes according to physiognomy
Convex eyes according to physiognomy
  • Convex eyes

Holders of convex eyes are endowed with excellent intuition. Capable of acting according to circumstances. Always rely on their own flair. Very ambitious people have a wide horizons. Often such people become travelers, sailors, pilots. They are not able to stay in one place for a long time.

Knowing the basics of physiognomy, you can better understand not only other people, but also yourself. Self -knowledge allows you to improve the quality of life, add bright colors to different spheres of life. Physiogenomy will also help to study other people. When choosing a partner, when applying for a job or hiring new employees in a company - in any situation, the basic classification of physiognomy will become useful.

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