Physiognomy: chin and character of a person

Physiognomy: chin and character of a person

The fact that by the structure of the face we can judge the character of a person was known in antiquity - such thinkers as Hippocrates and Aristotle wrote a lot about this in their scientific works. In our times, in some eastern countries, the diagnosis of traditional medicine is based on physiognomy, because health problems are also easy to “read” on the person’s face, even by chin.

A very good indicator for determining the character of a person, his inclinations and talents, as well as possible behavioral problems, is a chin. It is interesting that the chin becomes finally formed only after the age of thirty - and it is then that you can make the conclusions correct, from the point of view of physiognomy.

Physiognomy - chin in women

According to physiognomy, the character of its owner can read the character of the open book:

  • Spicy - gives his owner politeness and courtesy, but at the same time - secrecy, tricks, insincerity.
  • Very long and sharp - The woman will be vindictive and vengefulSometimes even cruel.
  • Round - says that his mistress lacks hardness in character, but at the same time she is an excellent organizer who can make everyone work for her good.
  • Oval - is considered ideal for women who possess artistry and love. But life forces and health in old age, unfortunately, are very weakened by them.
  • Square - does not paint a woman too much, but gives her strong character and perseverance, increased practicality and desire for career growth.
  • Bifurcated - in a slight form gives a certain piquancy to its owner, says About the passion and sensuality of its owner.
Chin and character in women
Chin and character in women

Physiognomy - chin in men

  • On the basis of a person, a chin - you can conduct an analysis of a male nature. And so that it is as accurate as possible, inspect the chin of the man of interest to you and Anfas and the profile.
  • Generally in the shape, size and characteristics of the male chin of physiognomy judges the stamina of its owner, its endurance and the ability to concentrate on something. The expressiveness of the whole face as a whole depends on the significance of the chin.
  • To size: powerful, well -defined chin - have confident men who are ready to fight; small - In sensory, painfully perceiving criticism of guys who need praise.
  • By width: wide - in strong, hardy men who easily overcome all obstacles in their path; Narrow - in delicate, soft men, characterized by delicacy, romanticism in relationships.
  • By form: rounded - with responsive, caring men with a big soul, ready to help those who need it; angular - in those striving for high ideals of male representatives, avid debaters; pointed - Fans of free life, like lonely wolves, which are extremely difficult to manage.
  • In appearance from the side: beveled -The lazy, limp men who are ready to keep silent about something and even lie in order to avoid conflict; protruding - in very strong personalities who are ready to overcome any obstacles on the path to success; double - In men endowed with power, strong character, causing respect for others.
The chin in men
The chin in men

Physiognomy: chin form and character

Physiognomy and analysis of the shape of the chin is an excellent indicator for a masculine nature:

  • Circularly - It happens in men responsive, indifferent, bakery, generous and open. For such people, the concern for others, the solution to their problems is in the first place. They are also called kind -hearted.
  • Angular -It is inherent in ideological men who have been in motion all their lives to achieve some high goals, the desire for ideals. These are principled people who are ready to prove their innocence to hoarse, to argue selflessly.
  • Pointed - Such a man is very independent, not subject to any influence from the outside, and the advice and recommendations of others always perceive bayonets. An exception may only be the case if the adviser can clearly argue the need to perform certain actions and convince such a man.

Video: physiognomy and chin

Physiognomy: Double chin in men - character

  • If a double chin is observed in a man with excess weight, then it is quite a natural phenomenon that should be eliminated in the framework of the general struggle with unnecessary kilograms.
  • But the tight representative of the stronger sex physiognomy of a double chin It tells about good advanced years, surrounded by children and grandchildren, in abundance and respect with good health.
  • And here are the owners small, but overly fleshy double chin, - These are noble volumes.
Double chin
Double chin

Physiognomy: a square chin in men - character

  • Square chips give the face masculinity, hardness, strong masculine beginning, Which is undoubtedly attractive to women.
  • It must be remembered that, in addition to such courageous features, Physiognomy of a square chin It may speak about enchanting stubbornness and way of man. And if he just stands forward and sticks up, then add to this practicality, even some mercantile, as well as crazy to power.
Square chin
Square chin

Physiognomy: chin forward - character

  • Looking at a person in a profile, we can evaluate how his chin protrudes forward.
  • In men with a strongly protruding chin, according to physiognomy, Such qualities as stubbornness and perseverance They will purposefully move towards the goal, are very oriented towards success.
  • The motto of such men: “Only victory - and nothing else!” neither obstacles nor difficulties on the way to the result are scared.

Physiognomy: wide chin - character

  • The width of the male chin, by physiognomy, is directly dependent on its strong -willed character traits. That is, a man with a very wide chin will be amazingly hardy, physically strong, stress -resistant, able to fight with an aggressive outside world.
  • Such a man will not be a romantic or talk a lot about his feelings, but, believe me, he will do a lot.
  • Serving positions are well suited to such men, since they can take on responsibility for large groups.
A wide chin
A wide chin

Physiognomy: Acute chin - character

Physiognomy - acute chin:

  • Man with a sharp chin need extremely carefully give advice or tasks - He can react to this extremely negatively. And the stronger the pressure will be, the more furious you will get a rebuff. It may even seem to you that you “sword the beads in front of the pigs”, but in fact, in this case, it is better not to unfound to insist on fulfilling your requirements, but to specifically explain to a man with a sharp chin, why should a certain task should be completed and what will be for all for all benefit.
  • Such debaters - candidates for the development of diseases "on nervous ground": problems with the gastrointestinal tract, allergies and so on. Therefore, the owners of a sharp chin should work on themselves and avoid conflicts with others. And also - learn to relax, relax from irritating factors (best - alone in the bosom of nature).

Coward chin - physiognomy

Small chin - physiognomy:

  • Looking at the man in profile, you can see small chin. Unfortunately, for representatives of the stronger sex, this not a very good sign which indicates laziness, lack of a certain inner rod.
  • These are people who "And yours and ours", That is, they want to stay good for everyone, and this is simply impossible. As a result, you can hear a half -truth from them, a convenient trick for them.
  • They rarely enter into disputes, are in no hurry to defend their innocence, preferring the thin world of a good war.

Little chin - physiognomy

  • The size, in case of study physiognomy chin, It is fundamental.
  • So, men with a small chin Usually very self -critical (even excessively), therefore, having added to this a negative assessment of their activities from the outside, you can get real hysteria or depression as a result.
  • Therefore, if you do not want to hurt such a man, then better than him once again praise, morally support. After all, he very poorly adapts to aggressive reality, simply organically cannot stand rivalry.
Little chin
Little chin

Bifurcated chin - physiognomy

  • Men with a strong, strongly bifurcated chin, as physiognomy says - beautiful lovers, Just sparkling sexuality. The masculine principle is very pronounced in them.
  • If men's chin slightly bifurcated and poorly outlined, then its owner passionate nature, ready for experiments and strong experiences.
  • Strongly bifurcated But a poorly defined chin in a man signals his craving for loneliness, homebody, even some reclusion.

A man on a man’s chin - a meaning, physiognomy

  • A dimple on a male chin, according to physiognomy, says that the owner of such an anatomical phenomenon will purposefuldecisive in achieving the tasks, persistent.
  • These are men with a strong character and iron willpower - and the deeper the hole, the stronger these qualities will appear.
  • Women simply adore such men, as they intuitively recognize them bright temperament and love of love.

If you are interested in physiognomy, we advise you to read the following articles also:

Video: physiognomy - a hole on the chin

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