Diet 6 porridge for weight loss: rules, menu and contraindications, reviews

Diet 6 porridge for weight loss: rules, menu and contraindications, reviews

For those who want to lose weight, there are a huge number of diets: separate, vegetable, protein, buckwheat. And if earlier diets presented restrictions on food for medical purposes and prescribed by a doctor, today the diet is primarily perceived as a means for weight loss.

The main thing, choosing this or that type of diet for yourself, determine what caused overweight, for which it is better to undergo a comprehensive examination and consult with a nutritionist. This rule also applies to the 6 cereals proposed below.

Diet rules 6 cereals

  • A similar diet is designed for those people who have not gained too much extra kilograms, about 5-6. Those who have already tried it claim that the result is noticeable after almost a week.
  • A characteristic feature of the diet 6 cereals - In its simplicity and low cost. It is based on the eating of food alone, which replace one another in strict sequence.
  • Before the first technique of porridge, you should drink a glass of boiled water - this must be done on an empty stomach. Then you can eat in several tricks during the day when you feel that you were hungry.
  • It is permissible to supplement the diet a small number of vegetables or fruits, cottage cheese, feta cheese or hard cheese. Of the drinks, sugar tea and mineral still water are acceptable.
  • After 19 hours, there is no longer one. Thus, your body receives more complex carbohydrates, but fats and proteins enter it in a much smaller amount.
Only cereals are used on the diet
Only cereals are used on the diet

This diet has been popular for 10 years, and, according to the testimony of people who used it, really gives good results, the main thing is not to use semolina, it is categorically excluded from the menu. Apply a diet for no more than ten days in a row, and repeated-no earlier than after 2-3 months.

Diet menu 6 cereals

When using a diet 6, the following order is observed:

  1. First day The basis of the diet should be wheat porridge. It contains proteins, many vitamins and trace elements, minerals, it has low calorie content and easily digestibility, helps to improve fat metabolic processes, remove toxins and toxins, as well as a decrease in cholesterol.
  2. The second day is based on millet porridge. Its calorie content is higher than that of wheat, contains carbohydrates and proteins. The use of millet porridge has a good effect on the work of many body systems: digestive, cardiovascular, on the musculoskeletal system. It is well rejuvenating the skin, contributes to the metabolism and the removal of toxins, and in addition - a decrease in swelling.
  3. Porridge of the third day is oatmeal. You can use both grain and flakes. It contains carbohydrates that are one of the sources of energy. Thanks to oatmeal, the level of cholesterol is normalized, the process of thrombosis slows down, the level of acidity of the stomach decreases, the liver and thyroid gland work better. And the nervous system is also normalized.
  4. On the fourth day we eat rice porridgecontaining many carbohydrates that fill us with vigor and energy, vitamins and trace elements. Its absorbing properties are often used in the case of food poisoning, and in severe conditions, rice porridge is one of the main dishes of the menu, sometimes almost the only one. If possible - use brown rice, it has more vitamin V.
  5. Barley porridge should be consumed on the fifth day. It will also fill the body with many fats and carbohydrates, adding dietary fiber to them. It is rich in a wide variety microelements, useful for the stable operation of the digestive system, the nervous and immune systems, is well affected by the functioning of the heart, the condition of the bone and the quality of vision.
  6. The cycle is completing on the sixth day, pearl barley porridge. By its properties and effects on the body, it is similar to barley.
  7. Of course, on the seventh day you should not remain hungry. There are two nutrition options: either prepare a mixture consisting of several types of similar cereals (some advise mixing all six at once), or choose one of six - the one that you prefer.

How to cook porridge with a diet 6 cereals?

  • How to cook porridge with a diet 6 cereals? The diet should be taken care of the night before. First rinse the cereal and pour it with water, the ratio should be 1: 3.
  • Bring the cereal to a boil and boil. Now turn off the fire and leave the porridge to infuse all night, firmly wrapping it with a blanket or towel.
Time for preparing
Time for preparing
  • Let it cost at least 10 hours. Porridge should not be prepared not on milk, not on broths - only on the water, while it does not refuel: neither salt, nor sugar, nor oil.
  • You can cook porridge in another way. Rinse the cereal under running water and pour it, also with cold water. Leave it overnight, and in the morning put on fire and let it boil. Remove and cover the pan with a lid immediately.
  • Let it stand for about 5 minutes, and after that, the porridge is ready for use for a diet of 6 cereals.

Contraindications for the diet 6 cereals

  • Despite the usefulness of cereals, a diet of 6 cereals has a number of contraindications, and first of all, it is not applicable for people suffering from celiac disease, which is also called glutenic enteropathy. This disease is inflammatory reaction, which turns around atrophy of villi, which is equipped with the mucous membrane of the small intestine. In this case, the food ceases to be absorbed.
  • Antibodies that are produced under the influence of gluten and lead to celiac disease can be produced by diseases such as diabetes mellitus, Down syndrome, liver problems or thyroid gland. That is why before applying a diet 6 cereals, a comprehensive examination is necessary.
With certain ailments, this diet is contraindicated
With certain ailments, this diet is contraindicated
  • In addition, it is very careful to consider such a diet to those who suffer diseases of the kidneys or stomach, chronic constipation, as well as pregnant women and during lactation. In addition, one should not lose weight on the porridge for those who have been observed problems with kidneys or liver. And, of course, you should stop the diet if you started to feel bad, especially if you make yourself felt by the gastrointestinal tract.

Advantages of the diet 6 cereals

  • Group itself is nutritious, so with a diet 6 cereals the feeling of hunger, characteristic of many other diets, is not felt.
  • Fractional meals are very well supported A feeling of satiety.
  • The diet is quite short -term, so it is relatively easy to withstand.
  • Groups are one of the cheapest products, so it does not hit the family budget.
  • Each of the cereals has beneficial features And it is quite easily absorbed.
  • To make the effect of the past, before the start of the diet, you can cleanse the body with an enema.
Sensation of satiety is the main dignity
Sensation of satiety is the main dignity

Diet 6 cereals: reviews

Reviews about the diet 6 cereals:

  • Anna: I managed to lose 2 kilograms instead of 5-6, as promised, but my well-being improved much. A fairly simple and at the same time effective diet, and adding fruits will diversify it. Of course, I want meat, but the result is noticeable, so abstinence from meat products is quite justified.
  • Svetlana: It was quite hard for me to last a week on cereals, because I am a lover of the first dishes. But in general, the result is obvious - in a week I dropped 3 kilograms. I note good health and improving sleep. Now I periodically practice “unloading” days on which I eat one porridge is easier than withstanding a week, and it is useful.
  • Catherine: Fresh porridge for a week is not for me. I honestly withstood all seven days, but I managed this only by an incredible effort of will. The promised five kilograms did not work, however, minus two and a half is also a good result. But, in my opinion, such efforts and torment should reward more “generously”. It is unlikely that I will want to repeat this diet, I will try others.
  • Irina: I generally love porridge, and without any diets I always eat them with pleasure. Therefore, after reading about the diet 6 cereals, I decided to try. I complemented two -hundred -hundred -time portions of cereals with nuts, fruits, vegetables - little by little. I ate on average four times a day. I got rid of three extra pounds, felt more vigorous and more energetic.

In the following articles you will learn about the following diets:

Video: porridge for weight loss

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Comments K. article

  1. I would not use such a diet, a very large lack of fats and proteins is obtained. It is wiser to reconsider the nutrition and remove excess components such as sweets, flour and trans fats. It worked for me, even though the first weeks were hunger. In parallel, she took a turboslim day to night, reduces appetite and rebuilds the body for fat burning.

  2. I try to eat properly, observe the norm of calories of my own -these are already good results. She began to play sports so that there would be a relief. I had it that pimples appeared on my face, they explained to me that when losing weight it happens - toxins and slags from fat fall into the blood. I began to accept Enterosgel, it takes all the muck in a natural way, and does not touch beneficial substances. After that, the face cleared and the well-being became somehow cheerful.

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