Children's ditties for schoolchildren and preschool children - the best selection

Children's ditties for schoolchildren and preschool children - the best selection

A large selection of children's ditties.

Children's ditties - the best selection

Children's ditties - the best selection
Children's ditties - the best selection

Children's ditties - the best selection:

Parents have not an hour
There is no chat with the child,
Who communicates in the garden
It develops rapidly!


There are clouds in the blue sky,
There will be a rain or hail.
Olya asks for pens
On the way to kindergarten!


I'll go out, I will go out to dance
In brand new boots,
All the guys say
That I am like a picture!


Petya deftly catches fish
Can make a raft
Just "hello" and "thank you"
He does not know how to speak!


Sasha and Masha played
All toys scattered
They began to argue and scream
Who to collect toys!


And I'll go with the accordion
Under Olino, the window
Let's see the accordion,
The window will open!


Alla was sitting at the table,
Behind the plate I thought
Pinocchio hooked on her,
All the compote and porridge ate.


Look, there and there
Geese-swans are floating!
Not by a river-River,
And Olya has in the diary.


All programs indiscriminately
The daughter looks "to the end",
Resting only at school -
Teleman our Olya.


- You have only deuces
Are you going to salt them?
- I want in the Guinness Book,
I need to beat the record!


Oh, we don't like it when Pasha
Answers at the board.
From his moo
We die with longing.


Masha hid in the pantry
From parents a notebook.
The mice were indignant together:
- Again we have deuces to chew!


If, Petya, you later
You will be a deputy
Then your diary can become
A terrible compromise!


Oh, save! Oh, save!
Slop, sinking Trushkin Vitya.
The last time I sighed ...
He drowned in deuces again.


Tolya boasted to the guys
How he climbs the ropes.
- You didn't boast a rope
You will pull up in your studies!


In our class never
It is not hot
The fan replaces
We have a turntable Lark!


- For how much, Vova, you can
Run a hundred -meter?
- For my own, I will try
I am for forty -five rubles.


Our Vova is on a break
Checked for wall strength.
So hard he tried
That all in the gypsum turned out to be!


- Why your friendly class
All in gas masks?
- Our Olya was pouting
Everyone in the world at once!


Narrow skirt is not necessary,
Olya, put on school.
After all, the offender with the foot
You cannot give back!


Our Olenka is a strong man
A heavy load on her shoulder:
One hundred kilos of her chains,
Buckles, studs, different beads.


A thousand times he is the word "give"
Shouting like a parrot.
And in response to us "thank you"
He answers like a fish.


"Blendamed" and even chewing gum
Strengthen their teeth to us
Why then are the tasks
Koy-fo "too tough"?


The legs are long, large,
I train in the run.
Why then lame
My performance?


Katka is a white crow!
According to the dictation again "five".
I could not make a mistake
To support us all.



Who runs across the road
We will punish those very strictly!
To know ahead
There is an underground transition!


Both trolley and bus
Go around the back
So as not to lose forever
Your lush head!


A loud ringing tram
Another law insists on us:
All trams go around
Be sure to front!


For chatterboxes
There is a special order:
Approaching any road
Pull off the same hour!


You only have two legs -
Take care of the wheels!
And ride on the steps
Only centipedes can.


Oh, dad driving
Today is a violation.
I will repeat with him
Movement rules!


At the pants and at the car
There are salvations of belts.
You are your car
Fasten to yourself!


Caution on the road!
Take care of your arms - legs.
Remember the rules everywhere
Otherwise, to be trouble!


Horror stories for lining lessons

Our Petya, without looking into the eye,
The door opened someone else's uncle.
It became a head in Petit's house
There are no shoes to go to school!


We were alone in the house
Bengal lights burned.
And then of us with you
It turned out to be hot for the holiday.


Allowed our faith
We play with the bull terrier.
To everyone who played
Then the fingers sewed.


There is noise in the house, and din and scream:
- I urgently need a wig!
Ah, these bad matches,
My braids ate fire!


I am fighting worse the wolf -
He sat by accident on a needle.
- Oh, I'm sorry, brother Vanya,
I will not sew on the couch!


Everyone needs a seamstress - a needle,
But she is thin and Kolka.
Contain it in order
And he will not yell into the heel!


Everyone with a thimble needs to be sewn,
To protect your fingers.
At least he is unbelievable,
He will tame the needle!


Run around the apartment with a fork -
You can make harakiri!
Do not remember if this
You will be a spoon to eat a cutlet.


The scissors have two ends,
There are two rings.
Do not pierce my stomach,
Give them rings forward!


To be closer to the sun
I climbed onto the roof in the winter.
Slipped, the ground clap ...
Saved the huge snowdrift!


- Well, let's come with me, Seryoga,
I will give a lot of toys!
- I know, uncle, this is a lie,
You can’t spend this of us!


So that you do not pour tears
Rain stream,
Never get acquainted
You are with the current hand!


We live with electricity
Fun, great!
But then the nose is stuck into it
Scary and dangerous!


And without a hat -
It is fashionable to walk like that today.
Only fashionistas will have to
Pour tears from injections!


You don't have a friend in the ear -
He may lose his hearing.
But not to chat with a deaf,
You will only write letters.


Good! Spring is coming!
Holded to us from our feet.
Raise your nose higher -
Outgoing icicles from the roof flies!


Our Sveta managed
Eat all my mother’s pills!
A little alive was barely staying,
But in the ambulance it rolled.

Children's ditties for graduation in kindergarten

Children's ditties for graduation in kindergarten
Children's ditties for graduation in kindergarten

Children's ditties for graduation in kindergarten:

Girls - boys:
You are hooligans boys
Hurry up to the hall first.
Shout in the classroom,
All are so nervous.


Look at us
We are the boys - the first grade.
Who is on duty by the dining room,
Who kisses you on the cheek.


I will look at John Dep
Or even on Bruce Lee,
These would be boys
We came up to our group.


Oh, dear girls
What are you offending
We don't ask our group
Christina Orbakaite.


Eh, my caring,
At night it cannot sleep,
I really want to
Study well.


Don't scold me, Alina,
Get rather with me.
I am very soon from school
I will bear your briefcase.


Do not worry, mothers,
We will help you.
If not, then to kindergarten
We will always be able to return.


Educators and nannies:
Educators and nannies
You replaced our mother.
It is a pity that we cannot
Take with you to first grade!


And our head
We will remember at school.
This is very not easy
Give the heart to children!


Speech therapist:
The speech therapist is trying
He is engaged with us.
All letters now in a row
I am glad to pronounce!


For questions and for tests
The right one will find the answer.
The psychologist prepared us -
This, right, is no doubt!


Musical director:
With our musician we
They are ready to sing to dawn.
Polonezes and quadry
Polish also did not forget.


Very often performed
We are with concerts for you.
So many are ready
To show business now.


FISO instructor:
Energetic physical education
Teaches to run and jump,
Ile somersault on the mat,
Or get into the goal!


Olympic medals
Let them stock up more.
Champions did not see -
Our schoolchildren go.


Medical personnel
He kept our health,
Both vaccinations and green -
The best friend of the child!


We drank rosehip more than once,
Vitamins, yeast, tea.
Everyone is healthy, we are cheerful,
Send us to space.



Dear cooks.
Always feed deliciously.
Look at us-
These cheeks are just a class!


How beautiful our children are
Teachers are good
Grateful ditties
We sample it from the heart.


What kind of roar, what kind of noise,
The walls are swinging.
These are our first -graders
They say goodbye to the kindergarten.


Look at the children
They are all medalists.
Our children are best
Athletes and artists.


We came out to sing "Thank you"
Our teachers,
After all, do not count the spent
Nerves and anxiety.


Rest, dear,
Get new forces
So that your work is so hard,
Only joy brought.


Children, children don't swear
We will sing now for you.
Only you do not arrive,
You guys are just a class.


We loved and scolded
And they punished you.
Conducted preparation
To the first grade.


Lecturer in Izo-Activity:
We painted portraits
And landscapes many times.
Do not forget the brushes, paints
And step into first grade.


Well, the guys are expensive.
“Good way,” I tell you.
And to make it easier for you,
I will give educators.


We will sing about kindergarten,
About toys, about guys,
How we live here together,
We dance, we sing songs.


In the morning we are brought by mothers,
And we are stubborn.
In the locker room, we’ll do it,
And then we are going to play.


For charging we in the morning
We walk with the mood,
And it ends -
We leave with regret.


They feed the guys in the kindergarten,
Like a restaurant,
I will find out the recipes
I will bring them to my mother.


And our head
The most active
And so her
The work is effective.


In our kindergarten guys
The most skillful:
Who draws, who sings,
Who runs faster than everyone.


Thank you all for your attention
For love, experiences,
Well, and the kindergarten, prosper,
Increase good for the children!


We will sing ditties loudly,
To become more fun,
We congratulate today
Our educators!


I'm running to kindergarten in the morning,
I lead mom by the hand,
In order for mommy
I congratulated everyone on the holiday!


Our teacher is good
We love you very much
Take you today
Our congratulations!


We love our nanny very much
She loves us too.
And a fervent ditty
We’ll pass it to her now!


To read the fairy tale for us
You became a reader
After all, it was not for nothing that you were nicknamed
The younger teacher!


Music plays loudly
In the music room,
This is a musician again
Playing the piano!


To, re, mi, fa, salt, la, si,
They came to the music hall
Si, la, salt, fa, mi, re, before,
Sang the song well!


Something we were hungry
There is a great hunt
When they wanted to eat,
They remembered the cooks!


Vitamins are useful to everyone -
This is the doctor told us
And the guys in our group
I gave everyone a vitamin!


And the head of the garden
There is no time to get bored at all
Because she needs
To manage a kindergarten!


We will soon grow large,
Years will fly quickly
We will often recall
Our favorite kindergarten!


Gratitude ditties

We bind the ditties
Tow them loudly!
Shut your ears -
The membranes will burst!


The educators are with us
This is just the upper class!
They put on heels,
Like fashion models!


We frowstline for a walk
Nannies wash, clean, rub
Laundresses I wash our bed,
The cooks are baked deliciously.


Thanks to our doctors
That the cold is not terrible to us
That who do not look at
All as one hero.


We love the music very much
And we dance and sing,
We drive round dances together
In general, we live cheerfully!


Physical education is the best friend
Everyone knows it!
Who is fond of sports
The girls like that!


Who will check how we draw,
How we play and dance,
Our senior teacher -
This is the highest aerobatics!


And our head
The difficult service carries:
Checks, explains,
It does not give peace to everyone!


We sang ditties to you,
Tell me from the bottom of my heart
Are our ditties good?
And we are good too!

Children's ditties about school

Children's ditties about school
Children's ditties about school

Children's ditties about school:

We were taught to write everything
Suffixes with prefixes.
Mom will give me
Yogurts with additives.


And Tatyana Nikolaevna
Loves silence very much.
Why not like to make noise
Well, I don’t understand.


And the director of our school
Issued such a decree:
How will someone get the five
She will crush the bonuses.


Of course, we love the school,
Our school is sweet!
Although they are dragged to this school
Some by force.


Oh, that school, our school,
Blue windows!
Lovely teachers,
We are not stupid at all!


In the lessons we sat
And they looked in the window.
In the lessons we missed
And they dreamed of going home!


We are in Russian
We write spelling ...
Oh, we’ll beat the window at school,
We break the frames!


And in mathematics
We draw squares
Circles and rhombuses ...
Where would we find a bomb?


In gym class
We are all sitting without shape,
And on the biceps of the teacher
We look enthusiastically.


Once we are on chemistry
Experience was conducted ...
We looked back at school:
Where did we go?


We go to the story - everything is shaking with the guys,
Ah, our beloved historian!
Pity you guys!


On works all girls
Embroidered together.
Well, and poor boys
Severity is dragged.


On the botanist we are all
They leaned against the desks ...
About living organisms
Colored dreams dreamed!


We are in computer science
We write algorithms,
Violating the pace
Heart rhythm!


We begin to sing ditties
Please do not laugh.
There are a lot of people here,
We can be confused.


Lesha is at a break
Is engaged in smoking,
He was always ruddy,
Today is yellow as a lemon.


Our friend was tired,
From the lesson, just a mock.
Why is he so tired? -
He was waiting for the whole lesson of the call.


Grief at Tanya,
Everyone is sorry for Tanya -
From a hole in her pocket
The cheat sheet fell.


Clocks everyone in the buffet!
So does not wait forward.
Pity Ira, children,
Give Ira a sandwich!


In the emotion of Natasha
Gently looks at the microscope
Also gently in a microscope
A microbe looks at her.


In heroic Lena with laziness
Fought all day
But, to the big sadness,
Lenus defeated Lenus.


Our ancestors painted
Dinosaurs on the rock,
And Antosha profile Katya
Cuts on the table.


Though not very assessments,
Petya is very famous
Because, by the way,
He moves his ears.


To have time in all subjects,
Sveta believed signs
But, alas, from everyone will
There is no benefit for the learning.


Ira reads little books -
She always has business.
I kept the book for a whole year,
And I didn’t read the line.


If Anya squints her eyes
So she waits for hints.
In vain you are not a squint, Anya, Eye:
We will not tell you this time.


They learned very quickly
Tanya with Manya is a new verse.
And the four received
To regret, for two.


Yura put his hands in the trousers,
Thinking: how to be?
It would be necessary to take out like a hand,
Yes, you can’t - I forgot to wash!


Our Anton next week
I handed the teacher a notebook.
He does not know what to do with her:
Clean, wash or wash?


Tanya with Tonya in the lesson
Tarathorni like forty.
They will call them to answer -
Put the print on the mouth!


Our Ilya is a charming goalkeeper,
The guy catches every ball.
And in the dictation he is errors
Misses, even though you cry!


You do not believe that Lenya -
A modest boy and quiet.
He, when he comes home,
So yells that fear takes.


We joked a little
Laughed at themselves
If something was added -
So the misconduct is small!


All ditties quail
We think that they are good.
So patting more friendly -
We tried from the heart.


It sparkles with bright lights
Such a familiar school hall
And childhood parted with us.
Today is our farewell ball.


The head dizzy slightly
Smiles, shine of happy eyes,
And here are the last words
Sound for the last time.


Teacher ditties

Here we are sitting in the lesson
Explain the rules.
You raise your hands -
The need forced you.


We taught you 7 years
Various languages.
What do we have in response?
The phrases are indecent!


We taught how we could
Dali - what they managed ...
Finally parted -
They sang a ditty.


For avid brawls
Our advice, maybe new
Those who are smaller and weaker,
Do not twitch and do not hit!
Do not advertise fists
And solve issues in the world!


I'm not ready for the lesson
And I'm sitting quietly,
Full of brains in the head,
And in the notebook of two.


I am a teacher on the board
Wrote the task
Well, I'm sitting in longing
On the face of suffering.


I folded, multiplied, subtracted,
I wanted to write an answer
What a strange humor came out
In a kilogram - five sweets ...


I respect English
Every day I am stiff,
And why, I don't understand,
I am honestly telling you.


Our teacher is in silence
Explains the topic ...
And the neighbor whispers to me:
That would be a change!


I ran to the break
Knead your body,
He attached his forehead against the wall,
What he taught - forgot again!


I really like to study
And receive five,
Well, more - have fun,
Run, jump and scream!


The day is painted by my notes,
I am an exemplary student!
Why on Saturdays,
Dad dreams of my diary?

Children's ditties are funny

Children's ditties are funny
Children's ditties are funny

Children's ditties are funny:

I was too lazy in the morning of Vova
Comb the scallop,
A cow came to him,
Combed my tongue!


Suddenly began to strangle the shirt.
I almost died of fear.
Then he realized: “E-mine!
I grew out of it! "


I say as a joke Kolya:
Are you, if, a werewolf, or what?
He growled, squeezed his tail,
Drezremuchi ran into the forest.


We walked towards Tolya and Kolya,
One hundred bottles dragging.
They say they were looking
Old man Hottabych!


Like little kids love
All kinds of sweets.
Who bites and who swallows,
Who rides for the cheek.


In heroic Lena with laziness
Fought all day
But, to the big sadness,
Lenus defeated Lenus.


Bad live in the world
Pioneer Petya -
Hits him on the face
Pioneer Seryozha!


Leshka sits at the table
It picks it in the nose
And Kozhaka answers:
I won't get out anyway!


Petya deftly catches fish
Can make a raft
Just "hello" and "thank you"
He does not know how to speak!


Once in the summer, at dawn
He looked into the neighboring garden.
Some children played there
A cannon of the Grad system.


In the morning, our Mila
I gave two sweets.
I barely managed to give
I immediately ate them.


On the garden ring
I'm going to visit my father;
There is no my dad is not one of these -
Modestly serves in the State Council.


Irishka rode from the hill
- was the fastest;
Ira even her skis
I overtook it along the way!


Trin - Branus - rubbish!
I would have performed all day!
I am reluctant to learn
And ditties to sing is not too lazy!


Our Tanya cries loudly,
I dropped the ball into the river
Quietly, tanechka, do not cry,
And then you will be where the ball.


Sculpt all the snowman,
Mom is looking for Igor.
Where is my son? Where is he?
Rolled into a snowball.


The dog lies on the floor,
Either sleeping, or die.
I stood on his tail,
It turned out - he was asleep.


Polina tried
Eat the porridge to half.
The porridge is harmful.
She laughed at Polinka.


I was in the bazaar
I saw Miron.
Miron on the nose
Carkal of the crow.

The chicken went to the pharmacy
And she said: “Cook!
Give soap and perfume
To love roosters! "


Cockerel, cockerel,
Swim ditties.
You will be well -haired
They will go to the layers.
Laying offers, layers,


Our ram is a rich master.
He coped his new thing.
Either a fur coat, or a caftan,
He will not understand now!


Like in the garden
Likes a goat for a walk.
After this campaign
Do not collect the crop!


I am the poor goose
Like a copper penny.
I walk around the village of Bosai
I stockpile fluff for the winter.


“Ha-ha-ha,” the goose sang.
I'm not afraid of the chanterelles.
All chanterelles on weight
I'll take it to the basket!


I am a cow at least where!
Like my crown.
Who leads me
Milk tastes!


At the door on the chest
The ass is sitting in the cap.
How they put a cap -
He called himself "fool"!


Ah yes gray cat
I went to the river under the bridge,
I lowered the tail in the water,
I caught fish to cats!


I sat on the stove
She guarded the kalachi.
And behind the mouse stove
The chips were guarded.


I have on a sundress
Cockerels and cocks
In the whole world, there is no more beautiful
My sweet grandmother!


My grandmother has
The new apron is bright.
Take, grandmother,
For the holiday gifts!


I'm ready to suffer all day
Without yours without pies.
Before that I suffered
One nose remained big.


I say to my grandmother:
“Not very singing in the evening!
As I hear your voice,
I'm running home at this hour! "


Oh, yes, my grandmother,
Oh, yes the fighting:
So many jokes know
How much I do not know!


I went to my grandmother,
Cheerful and removal:
I am my snub -haired nose
Two dozen was based!


I look like a grandmother
I am restless.
And my grandmother
The most funny!

We adore granny,
She is the highest class!
He will tell and show everything
And always feed us!


Her pies, cutlets,
We rush for the conversation!
And the seagull will drink us,
Our grandmother now!


All care and attention
She gave us to us!
That's why education,
We just have a "cheers!"

We congratulate my grandmother,
She will always understand us.
For us, a grandmother is a wizard,
Even sings songs.

I came to my grandmother,
And hugged my own!
Live for many, many years
And keep the Lord from troubles!

And the parents handed it
Grandchildren to the grandmother is dear.
And they only take it to themselves
Only on the weekend.

Ditties about funny children's

Ditties about funny children's
Ditties about funny children's

Ditties about funny children:

On vacation, cheers,
The kids scattered!
Light, grown up -
And we will not recognize each other.


That's how Petya is good
Water the bed!
There now all frogs
Do charging.


I went fishing
He threw a fishing rod.
A thick crocodile pecked -
I knocked the boat!


We played hide and seek in the forest
And they lost Oksanka.
She climbed into the hollow - she -
I overslept there to dark!


I'm used to the bicycle
And without hands I am going on it.
After meeting with a thick oak tree
I'm already going ... without a tooth.


Why on this porridge
Blue two bugs?
Not for breakfast she is tole
A flower in a clean field!


The children love very much
Walk all under the rain
Streams, ditches, puddles
Measure with boots.


Do not see the guys in the river
Only the heels stick out.
One - dive, two - dive,
The duck gives them a lesson.


If you start to peck,
You can’t yawn a fisherman!
Our Petya did not know about that -
Komarov caught in his mouth only.


My float sank -
Someone strongly pulled.
My faithful dog helped me
We hooked with him ... a boot.


From fishing failures
Vitya almost groans:
“It can be seen with the marriage of the float -
He is drowning all the time! "


What are the mountains in the meadow?
Can I defeat them?
Here the top is already visible -
I submitted to me ... Kopna.


- How soft in the village of grass! -
Slavka rejoices from the heart.
- I'm in the meadow all summer
I can smoke in it!


Well dive in my mask -
All of the sea paints are visible.
I'm not one diving
I have a friend - a dolphin.


A breeze shattered
And he pushed the cloud in his side.
The cloud began to cry -
The meadow flooded with tears.


We are the guys over the summer
Became bronze -colored.
We baked in the sun,
They stocked for the winter.


Rain sunny, mushroom,
Lawlessly hits the roof.
Like a fungus, I stand under it -
We will grow higher!


In the summer, every clearing,
Like a cloth-samobrack.
A delicious forest berry
I will feed me at once.


- What is this mushroom
Cooked up all the stumps?
- Lucky you guys
These are friendly mushrooms!


There are red girlfriends
Clones are called.
You hurry to them, Irinka,
Invite to your basket.


Mom allowed her mother to her daughter
In the morning to run away at the mushroom.
The daughter brought it soon
Two baskets of fly agaric.


Medusa splashes into my
Sweeter than watermelon sugar,
And the sand is already gold -
You and I got into paradise!


Tomorrow morning, at dawn,
We set off on the road.
The backpacks are already ready,
Do not forget to wake up!


All clearings and bushes
We climbed in the forest.
Vitamins everything that is
We stored for the winter.


All forests and all meadows
We went around the summer.
We settled to holes
Our sandals.


On the golden sand
Sunny Svetilo -
How summer sometimes
It was good for us!

Free children's ditties

Free children's ditties
Free children's ditties

Free children's ditties:

Because of us, you, our mother,
I greeted quickly ...
I dyed my hair -
And younger.
I love mom very much
And I'm waiting for her advice!
I'll give the groom
I appreciated it a little!
They thought for a long time, they had:
What to give mom?
And they decided to her for a holiday
Shuffle all the dishes.
Mom, my mommy,
Teach me all!
And especially teach
How to post pies!
We will not quarrel with the brother
For a very long time - all day
After all, our mom has a holiday -
The long -awaited female day.
We are very loved by mamulia
And we protect her!
And we will not forget the advice,
And in our affairs, we will take into account!


Our mother is dear,
Everything is prosperous!
You shine with talent in everything,
No better than you, mom!


You will support and help
And you will increase success!
If you are always happy!
Our mother is all years!
We are a picture of our mother
They painted with his brother,
And for brightness, lipstick
Her shadows were taken.
On the way to the store
Mom jumped up
In a cargo she is a taxi
The bags dragged.
Congratulations to our mother,
After all, she does not need an advertisement!
Our mom is good
And her soul is good!


Mom knows how to
And it is tasty to cook it!
After all, he does not regret his strength,
And it will always help me!


Mom, mother is dear,
Happy birthday to congratulations!
Let everything be fine
The house is full of happiness!
We cleaned Palace
And the floors werehed.
Our mother was surprised:
"Children, is it you?"
Mom knits, mom sews,
Mom sings songs.
The fairy tale can tell
If necessary, scold.
We are children for mom all our lives,
Mom gives us everything.
And about grandchildren all care
She takes on herself.
We thank you
Mom will not get tired.
And in all matters of the home
We will help them.
Mom, you are our dear,
We all love you.
Upset and offend
We will not be you!
Mom and dad made peace
The house is quiet and grace,
Children quickly learned
To distinguish evil from good.
We congratulate all mothers
Happy Spring holiday,
And we wish you all to you
Joy, fun!


I will listen to my mother
I will love mom.
I will be mommy from school
Only “five” bring.
If mom smiles
And we will be more fun.
We wish our mothers
A lot of good, bright days!

Cool ditties

Cool ditties
Cool ditties

Cool ditties:

We ripe in the garden
Pouring apples.
Rubbed cheeks,
On the chin of dimples.


Pears hang, you can eat,
You can even not one.
Vitamins in these fruits
The spleen is winning us!


I went after the plums
And she took the basket.
I could not tear myself away
I wrote all the creams.


I tore off in the garden
Watermelon berry.
Somehow rolled her
To taste the taste.


The sugar watermelon has grown,
Black seeds.
I ate 5 pieces,
Remove another little one.


Watermelon, sir,
There is not one in the garden.
There is a girlfriend - melon,
Noble princess!


Decorate grapes
Watching gazebo.
I'll go there in the morning
And Narwa Tarelochka.


Us sweet persimmon,
So loved, road.
Help up the kuma,
You will be wound!


Sweeter than our honey
Today it was disgusted.
We eat him, eat,
We cannot enjoy.


We are drying apricots,
We will eat them in the cold.
Just a storehouse of vitamins
Our baby apricot.


Peaches are crimson,
Juicy, ruddy.
Flash the aroma,
Put my soul!


Cherry bush at the fence,
The garden is not superfluous.
They will come in handy for compote
With cherries.


How prickly
Wryngery sprigs.
Well, and berries, but -
The joy of the gardener!


I go into the garden
There, currants are growing there.
The twigs leaned,
The children fed.


Queen of the garden
Leamed on a ridge.
Light from our pumpkin
Pies, Olads.


Slender vegetable - cucumber,
Well done, he is a brave man.
Wipes the mustache, tries
To like it.


We are a Signora tomato
They thwarted from the bush.
The vegetable blushed with fear,
Very scared.


The girl is sitting
I dismissed the braid
And the figure is slim
I buried in a ridge.


We are crocked with carrots
Vision will improve.
Even grandmother glasses
Remove, so as not to suffer.


Cabbage has a lot of fur coats,
Hides from the cold.
She will not be empty at home,
And it will not be hungry.


Furled up on the board.
His smooth barrel
In white stripes.


We gathered the bow to the basket,
And hung in stockings.
We will cut, we will cry,
It will only be fun!


Beets - better than cookies
Our digestion.
Eat beets, every day,
Become healthier!


Turnip was generously ugly
And in the kitchen came in handy.
If you want with kvass, you want with honey -
We are happy with the garden!


We collected peas
And they played the war.
The pod flew, another
The enemy is defeated, the battle is over!


Corn, corn,
You are our beauty.
Eat your cobs
Children really like it!


You are potatoes like a nesting doll
You live a friendly family.
I dug up one potato -
A whole platoon is still with you!


The eggplant was angry,
He turned blue with anger.
I less often zucchini
You call on a visit!


Oh radish, take your eyes out,
You are sharper than pepper.
I can't catch my breath
The heart caught fire!


And the garlic does not lag behind
The tongue is kept in sharpness.
Eat on the clip
With bread and soup.

Funny children's ditties

Funny children's ditties
Funny children's ditties

Funny children's ditties:

Give me a balalaika
I'll sing a song to you
How Grandfather Babaika enlisted
Grandma is old yagu.
Oh, and fairy tales, noisy
What is just not going on there!
Devils break "gopak"
In honor of Ivan Durak!
All kinds of greenery for dinner
The dwarf nap was eager.
After dinner
He grabbed his diarrhea!
Grandma Yaga climbs
On your bald broom.
She is on a new broom
Not enough money!
Geese-Swans, where are you?
Wait a lot to fly!
Porcerate a little
I need to shoot you!
Bear is thick, clubfoot
Teremok broke all.
And the mosquito-writers with anger
He filed a lawsuit against him.
An uncle was driving on a goat,
On a goat on a tree.
Yes, I could not sell a goat
For her shabby side!
Bobrick Bobrynka-beber
Be so good-Dobere,
I'm not low, nor high
Make a hut-tank.
Sat down to dinner with the serpent
He ate his soup in one snout.
The second snout ate the second,
The third is Korzhik and Kisel.
Brother did not listen to the sister
And he drank from the puddle.
And for harmfulness and persistence
He twisted his diarrhea,
That it would be better to become a goat!
Grandfather Mazai on the ice Ice of the Hare
I caught very fat.
Yes, I thought and on the hat
He torn the skin from him.
In their red boots
Kotofei threw snot
Because from walking
The boots have leaked!
Goldfather is gold
I got into the net again.
Grandma in the evening I was driving
I enjoyed delicious.
In the tower in the morning, a frog,
It was, tapped.
They answer her: - Go!
The place itself is not enough!
Rushes through the sky a rocket,
A stuper rides behind the rocket.
Bab-Yaga rushes in a mortar
Directly to hell on the horns.
The old hat with a hole
Sikos-hobby nabek.
Defile on the beds builds
Garden mannequin.
I sat on the pipe with a guitar
Trubadur and songs sang.
Day sang, the second, others,
All in the district is tired!
Suddenly wanted a cannibal
Whisper in the ear of the secret
Yes, it became no strength to endure
I took it and bit my ear!
One day in the morning
Suddenly I decided Koschey: - I will die!
The muline entered the needle,
I sat down to embroider the picture.
Grandmother yaga groans:
- Oh, my leg hurts!
Here is another wooden
Not a fig groans!
The ocean is suddenly a pirate
The laws began to trample.
Instead of rum tea with jam
He was addicted to drink.
The captain got angry,
He was thrown into the ocean!
Groans at night in the swamp
Kikimora in reeds.
Already tired of Tina
Pick up in the ears.
Behind the butt goat
The witch ran with a broom.
I wanted milk
I got under the sides!
There is a hut on the mountain,
There is a barn under the mountain.
Yaga lives on the mountain,
Under the city, Grandfather Babai.
They go to visit each other,
In the Ligs, everyone “wash the bones”!
The explosive snakes flew,
Got millet from the fields,
Everywhere I caused damage to everyone,
Even his tail was frying his tail!
The woodpecker was violently hollowed
On the pine on the trunk.
Squirrel choked on a bump,
And the ferret is deaf in the hollow!
Like our houses
Geese-Swans fly.
Well, after the jamb after them
Pingvins sparrows,
And also swallows-stouts.
Invites for lunch
I am a cannibal to visit:
- Come well,
Naked and washed!
Geese are flying for the sea,
Geese do not want to go to the soup.
Angry geese
From his grandmother!
One gray, the other white
These are the geese!
Damn at night dance, they dance
To them, woe, that trouble!
Pop cadilla waves in the morning -
Run on where!
Ladan smell
It became dangerous here!
I ate Liska Kolobok
And grabbed her side!
She was so twisted
There is no strength!
Today the bun was baked
From expired flour!
The wolf pretended to be a goat
Even the voice changed.
An older goat came out
He pressed his face!
He put it in the teeth - be healthy!
The wolf was left without teeth!
Lies Dr. Aibolit,
He hurts everywhere!
So far he treated all the animals,
A runny nose picked up from them!
Groans: - There is no money
For immunity!
Jump and bracket, jump and bracket,
Grandma sowed peas.
Suddenly stamped a grandfather's grandmother
And ordered to sow the turnip!
The devil danced on his head,
Haded the horns to himself!
Cracked away, so angry
What crossed the cross!
How the cross put on himself
So somewhere at once it disappeared!
Grandfather released in the blue sea
And the old woman for requests
Give me a trough!
Here and fairy tales are the end
And who listened - well done!
Well, who did not listen to us,
He will listen to another time!

Words of children's ditties about traffic rules

Words of children's ditties about traffic rules
Words of children's ditties about traffic rules

Words of children's ditties about the rules of the road:

At the pants and at the car
There are salvations of belts.
You are your car
Fasten to yourself!


The traffic light is red light
Says: "No road!"
I'll stand a little
I’ll go to the green light.


Yellow light - attention,
And wait for one suffering.
I say to dad: "No!"
We will wait for the green light.


We rush, rush by car,
On the road a traffic light,
I tell my friend Zina
"Do not drive all the speeds."


There is a sign on the road,
The path is closed to pedestrians.
Pay attention
This indication.


Know the rules of movement
Great achievement
Who does not follow them
It gets to the hospital.


I got behind the wheel for the first time
I wanted to show the class
I was confused on the road
He was afraid to go further.


We are guys kids
We go to kindergarten.
And we are always the way
Where we need to go.


We went for a walk with mom,
We approached the transition
My mother began to explain to me
And Green missed.


I want to become a driver
And I teach all the rules.
When we grow big,
I will pump whom you want!


Tells me the guide:
"Don't play the pavement!"
And so whistled into the whistle
I flew away like a bullet.


In the kindergarten we have
Teach the rules.
Road rules
And all kinds of signs.

Children's ditties about children

Children's ditties about children
Children's ditties about children

Children's ditties about children:

Our Olenka is a force
A heavy load on her shoulder:
One hundred kilos of her chains,
Buckles, studs, different beads.


I took out a secret of blush
Fecla's great -grandmother has -
Better all blossomed overseas
Juice from our beets!


I have a thin figure
And a high heel.
I will not eat cutlets
Fuck my zucchini!


And I sometimes summer
Led a very harsh fight
And fire and fist
With the Colorado that beetle!


And I am my grandmother
Watering the beds.
For the health of all grandchildren
Better no charging!


I was in the bazaar
I saw Miron.
Miron on the nose
Carkal of the crow.


Polina tried
Eat the porridge to half.
The porridge is harmful.
She laughed at Polinka.


Sculpt all the snowman,
Mom is looking for Igor.
Where is my son? Where is he?
Rolled into a snowball.


Our Tanya cries loudly,
I dropped the ball into the river
Quietly, tanechka, do not cry,
And then you will be where the ball.


Irishka rode from the hill
- was the fastest;
Ira even her skis
I overtook it along the way!


On the garden ring
I'm going to visit my father;
No, my dad is not one of these
Modestly serves in the State Council.


In the morning, our Mila
I gave two sweets.
I barely managed to give
I immediately ate them.


Like little kids love
All kinds of sweets.
Who bites and who swallows,
Who rides for the cheek.


I say as a joke Kolya:
Are you, if, a werewolf, or what?
He growled, squeezed his tail,
Drezremuchi ran into the forest.


Suddenly began to strangle the shirt.
I almost died of fear.
Then he realized: “E-mine!
I grew out of it! ”


We begin to sing ditties
Please do not laugh:
There are a lot of people here,
We can be confused!


Eh, once again,
We will bow now
We start dancing,
We will try for you!


We know a lot of ditties
And good and bad.
It is interesting to listen to
Who does not know any.


Eh, dear girlfriend,
The whole people know about us.
No one will dance without you
Without me, he will not pound.

Ditties children's Russian folk

Ditties children's Russian folk
Ditties children's Russian folk

Dithes of children's Russian folk:

It got colder in the yard - we need to put on jackets!
This autumn prompted ditties about her to sing!

So autumn has come, you can fit in a jacket.
In the summer they bought it to me, did not let me blame!


I barely waited for Kholodov - I love to be very fashionable.
Oh guys, admire you on my hat!

The leaf on the tree hangs, sways in the wind ...
Regret rustles: "Autumn ends!"


In the morning I rode on the ice. The leaf in the puddle froze -
This was a good grandfather Frost at night!

Oh guys, just look at our girls:
They dressed from head to toe, only the nose stick out!


Autumn, autumn, goodbye, we say goodbye for a year.
Smile goodbye to us, winter goes to visit us!

How I love autumn - a fruitful time!
Everything is ripe, very tasty! I'm running to the garden in the morning!


Here the cabbage fluffed, then the carrot is sitting.
What suddenly happened to me? Just a brutal appetite!

Summer quickly flew - we are harvesting.
Look like a pumpkin, nearby - blue eggplant.


Tomatoes blushed like lanterns burn,
We eat them so much today, the abders are already hurt!

They scored a lot of cucumbers, they ate, could not eat them,
And then they pickled, they put it up all winter!


I respect cucumbers, in the winter we are glorious.
Oh, thanks to the crop, we won’t be sad with it!

An amazing thing - the whole mountain ash was blackened.
Maybe unsuitable? Well this is black -haired!


From it, we will weld the jam, what do we, brothers, grieve?
Then we put the samovar so that from the jam to remove the sample!

Zucchini - like a pig, weighs eight kilograms!
Who is a thin child here? I will give him a zucchini!


The cheeks were rubbed with beets for walking.
I need it hardly, I am already rosy!

Oh, potatoes, potatoes, I won’t live without you!
I broke the second spoon - the pans are scrapped!


I am for you baked pancakes with buckwheat, with a bell.
True, they are fat with a burning side!

Come to visit us now!
Come to visit us the crop to taste it!


Well, we hurry to you if you call!
Well, Vitya, write down, where do you live there?!

Girls, sing, girls, sing, have fun with the heart!
Our kuzminki are good and we are good too!


We did not want to dance. They stood and shy!
And Kuzma began to play, we could not resist!

And in our yard frogs croaked!
And I'm barefoot from the stove - I thought - girlfriends!


We went around the village and saw Kuzma!
He sat under the bush and cried - the chicken offended!

I danced at three legs, lost my boots!
I looked back - my boots are lying!


Cathers children's Russian

Cathers children's Russian
Cathers children's Russian

Dithes children's Russians:

Swim, my girlfriend, I will go to you, and I!
I have inseparable friends and I have fun!

I love a daddy like a sweet candy!
I will not replace him with anything, even chocolate!


If my dad is sad, I have a sad look!
Well, if he smiles, the heart will cheat joyfully!

And my dad is kind by everyone, loves all my friends!
We will weld a semolina, it will not make us wash the dishes!


It is better not to find the dad of man in the world in the whole world.
He will be able to score a clove and rinse the laundry!

And my dad is smarter, and my dad is stronger than everyone,
He knows how much five plus five, the bar can raise!


And my dad is just a class! KamAZ will be redeemed soon,
He will ride me and teach me to manage!

And my dad is the coolest - the business is flourishing!
And so he and my mother and I give gifts!

Cute papules! Our roads!
We sincerely congratulate you, we wish you all the best!


We are dinked with binge, we borne loudly!
Shut your ears - bursting membranes!

Balalaika began to play and the legs went to the dance,
We are funny ditties for you now!


We know a lot of ditties - both good and bad!
It’s good to listen to him who does not know any!

You listen, boys, you will sing ditties!
Only, chur, do not be offended, because of jokes do not roar!


Take a look, girls, what is on the roof:
Dima plays in the horn, holds on to the straw!

Put the leg on the sock, and then on the heel!
Come to us, boys, dance in a squat!


We asked the boys to show us a truck.
And the boys, how the monkeys showed us the language!

If there were no water, there would be no mug!
If there were no girls, who would sing ditties?


We sang ditties to you, you say from the heart:
Good ditties are our ditties?! And we are good too!

I will bake four suns, and I will sprinkle with sugar.
On a horse, a holiday is going, the holiday goes with a breeze!


Tara - bars - Tarara, Tarareshechki!
They love Russians to dance to Matryses!

Goodbye, winter, zimushka, prickly!
Through a year, come not so angry!


Tara - bars - Tarara, Tarareshechki!
They love Russians to dance to Matryses!

I can’t grieve and I will not grieve!
Give the music soon - I will sing and dance!


Tara - Bars - Tarara ...
I am a fighting girl, everywhere I will be in sight -

I was disgraced that I would not disappear anywhere!
Tara - Bars - Tarara ...


Everything in the world is sold, you can buy a goblin!
And such a golden one is nowhere to get!

I was always quiet and loved to shut up -
I was in full swing today with heels!


Tired of rush, tired of hurrying -
I ask you, dear, not to have fun!

I apart, diverged, good is so good!
Eh, our Russian soul can have fun!


Oh, stomping, leg! Why am I brave?
I guessed, guessed! I have a white skirt!

I'll go dance - the skirt is spinning,
It is easy and good for me to be friends with you!


How pancakes flew from the furnace on Maslen week,
Oh, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes browned!

Buy, Tyette, I have a horse's horse!
I will ride girls on a large path!


Girls, butter is coming! Who will roll us?
Petruni in the courtyard of Sivka disappears!

I rode on the oil - three sledges broke!
The crow to the horse tortured, but the girls drove!


She sewed a dress of cabbage - finished with a cucumber!
I got angry - I ate the dress, what did I do?

I have four shawls, the fifth is down!
I'm not one fighting, we are all poor here!


And I have worn out Grandfather Erofei one hundred pairs of bast shoes.
Only a couple of boots still could not demolish!

She wailed a woman to me a caftan, from sheepskin paste.
I changed that caftan to three chocolate!


Half an hour Volodya Mom wakes up in the morning every day.
Half an hour sometimes there is not enough, get up to his son - oh, like laziness!

At dinner, our Masha loves to talk in vain,
On the floor, both bread and porridge, who will clean up?


Igor will be a bold warrior, he will protect the weak,
But he does not want to solve examples of mathematics!

We call seeds here: “Dear Senya, come out!
Come out to dance, quiet, don't sit in the corner! ”


We go for a crowd for Borey, Borya - leader is the upper class!
Borya is famous for us in a children's choir!

Glory loves to boast, everyone is standing with their mouths.
As soon as Dima appears, Glory is hiding in the bushes!


With a song - a light road, with a joke a holiday more fun!
We have amused a little dear guests!

We tried for grandmothers, for our beloved mothers,
We are glad that you smiled, so pat on us!


We are funny girlfriends, love to sing and dance!
You will sing funny ditties loudly!

We have a good ditties, the chopper is good!
Fort yourself well, boys and girls!


Dear mothers, guys and girlfriends!
I will sing funny ditties for you now!

My brother fell ill: there is no appetite!
I ate three pots, one hundred and one cutlet!

I washed the linen myself, T -shirts and scarves.
Mom later said to me: “Thank you, daughter!”


My sister and I erased a towel and a scarf.
Dad and mom wiped the ceiling after washing!

I soap my mother - I tried it very much:
Five plates broke, and one remained!


Andryushka wanted to comb a doll for his sister.
Tanya is now pouring tears - a doll without a pigtail!

We sang ditties together, but it's time to finish:
After all, at the holiday we need to treat you all with tea!


Hey, guys and girls, do not want to sing ditties?
For friends and guests, sing more fun!

Our dear mothers, congratulations on a female day!
We now dance for you and ditties with a sap!


Play, balalaika, balalaika-three strings!
Sell, do not yawn, go out, dancing!

All day on March 8, Lena Paul Mela with excitement,
And the nine in my hands did not take a broom!


The mother says: "Take your bed!"
And the lazy woman Mamenka: "I'm still small!"

I washed my hands under the tap, and I forgot to wash my face.
Trezor saw me, he banged: "What a shame!"


Julia cleaned the smoked pan.
Three hours under the shower Julia, my grandmother was soap!

Dima dressed in the morning and fell for some reason.
He put two legs in one leg for no reason!


I boiled milk - went nearby!
I go up to him again - you can’t see milk!

We finish ditties to sing, we promise our mothers:
We will grow kind, behave good!


We composed ditties about guys and toys!
Before you write them down, they began to sing and dance them!

In the blue sky there are clouds, there will be rain or hail!
Olya asks for pens on the way to kindergarten!


Here is the scattered Klava - shoes will not figure it out!
“Is it left or right?! Or is it the other way around? "

Petya deftly catches fish, can make a raft!
Just "hello!" and thanks!" He does not know how to speak!


Danya will dress - there is no patience!
We will have time to walk, well, Dania is not dressed!

Katya confused a little - she began to wear a doll:
I made my legs in my sleeves - I have nowhere to put my hands!


Serezhka told friends: "I dare, dexter and strong!"
Suddenly a hedgehog came out to meet, and the daredevil climbed onto the maple!

The boy Sasha got up late - waking up hard!
He did not wash - he was a bastard!


Vitya and Zhenya were played, all the toys were scattered!
They began to argue and scream: who to clean the toys?!

Alla was sitting at the table: she dozed off behind a plate.
Pinocchio sat down on her, and compote and porridge ate!


Women's holiday is the reason why we are singing here!
Let us, men, congratulate you on a female day!

By childish desire to congratulate you!
And boyfriends, oh, they brought you as a gift!


We begin to cook with dad - in the kitchen smoke is also worth the noise!
It is a pity that we did not finish with him, oh, culinary college!

All day I tried so hard, I did not look at the girls!
I barely resisted-I wanted to pull the braid!

They say that we are in bulk, you never believe!
In our group, the commanders, oh, there were always girls!


We invited us to visit us both grandmothers and mothers!
We promise, we promise that you will not be bored!

If I was a girl, I would not lose time!
I wouldn’t jump on the street, I would have shirts!


You would wash the floor in the kitchen, you would have lost in the room,
I would wash the cups - spoons, he himself would clean the potatoes!

Why am I not a girl? I would help my mother like that!
Mom would immediately say: "Young, son!"


And in the work there is no more beautiful mothers of brave, combat!
Everything that the dads will not master, mothers will do for them!

Although the expanses are attracted to us, but from my mother a step!
With dad we can ... move the mountains if mom says how!


We put on high -heeled sandals!
We hobble along the path - ski sticks in the hands!

We are walking, and under us the street sways!
How do mothers go straight and do not stumble?!

We sang ditties to you - is it good?
And now we will ask you so that you have patted us!


Let's call our girlfriends! What kind of holiday without ditties?
Come out, girls! Sprinkle ditties together!

Our dear mothers, congratulations on a female day!
Clasp your hands louder, we will sing to you now!


Mom lingered somewhere, dad he cooked dinner!
Let us inform you in secret - I did a lot of troubles!

The soup and porridge are burned, salt is poured into compote!
As our mother returned, there was a lot of trouble!


In the kitchen, we found a broom and raped an apartment.
But there are three straws of everything left from him!

To clean myself once a year I decided the pan.
And then four days could not wash me!

We are finishing ditties, we promise our mothers
Always listen to them in the whole morning, in the evening and day!


Volodya sat at dinner, poured soup on a stool.
On the left of the crumbs, on the right, crumbs, on the floor of the curly legs!

And leads a component trace right into my father’s office!
If this cute boy will play in the room.


About girls and about toys we composed ditties!
We are not too lazy to sing ditties, we would sing all day!

You play more fun, a balalaika three strings!
Sell, who knows how to, feel free, dancing!


I eat porridge and sour cream, I have a stronger!
Still, I won’t fight, only you do not go to me!

The slut - everything is not the same, everything is wrong: everything is wrong:
And a shirt wide open, and without buttons a jacket!

We sang what we wanted, dancing from the heart!
Go out onto a circle, who is brave, go dance and dance!

Video: Children's ditties. Russian national. Songs for children

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