Children-Greats: Pros and Cons. How to deal with two children-children: tips

Children-Greats: Pros and Cons. How to deal with two children-children: tips

In this article, we will try to analyze all the advantages and disadvantages of the appearance of babies at once.

More recently, parents rejoiced at the appearance of the baby, and suddenly received a second exciting news - another child is going to be born in their family. Not every dad or mom is able to experience happiness with such news. This is not surprising, because children-hoses bring not only happiness, but also a lot of heavy worries.

As practice shows, all parents cope with difficulties, but not everyone is given maternal happiness. How to learn to appreciate what is given by nature and fate? Read further.

What does the weather mean children: what's the difference, the photo


Not all people understand what children-goals mean. But you can guess the phrase itself. This means that the second or subsequent baby is born a year after the previous one. It often happens that the difference between weather is less than a year - 9-11 months. Here are a photo of children-guards:


The advantages of the birth of children-ghosts


Parents' concern about the birth of children and guests can be understood. These are new difficulties with education, mom will be difficult to cope with two babies of almost the same age. After all, they need to be fed, bathe, and perform other caring procedures. But many parents can not even think that in addition to some difficult points, there are advantages:

The prospect of life It begins to look approximately as follows:

  • First the birth of children, then building a career.
  • When maternity leave ends, you can surrender to your career without obstacles and breaks.
  • In the event that you have to change the place of work, the administration will not think behind your back and squint: “What if she goes on maternity leave again?”

Each age problem will be experienced at the same time:

  • According to psychologists, crises in the process of development of children occur at least once every three years.
  • For this reason, the mother of children's children can quite reasonably hope for periods of calm.

Noticeable saving of shoes and clothes:

  • Swings, sliders and other cute things for children, have to be bought only once, since they will quite successfully overtake the youngest child after the elder.
  • Moreover, at this age, the child does not care whether he is doing things behind someone or not.
  • With same -sex children, the problem with seasonal clothing shoes is simultaneously solved.
  • Boots and jackets in babies of the first years of life almost always remain intact, they simply do not have time to worry.

Children-Great children are less jealous:

  • According to the observations of psychologists, children-hoses show jealousy of parents less than children with a big age difference.
  • The older child does not have time to realize all the advantages of existence in the only person, and he reacts quite calmly to the appearance of a newborn.
  • If the mother pays enough attention to every child, then jealousy can be completely excluded.

It will not be bored:

  • In children's children there is the opportunity to satisfy their most important need for communication alone with each other, without the help of strangers.
  • The kids will never have to miss and indulge in loneliness.
  • Mom is definitely “in hand”. If she accustoms her peanuts to play together, she will be able to cut off the precious time, both for herself and for dad.
  • However, children should “communicate” under the vigilant gaze of adults.

Best development:

  • It is proved that kids are much more efficient in the group than one by one.
  • A more capable child will “pull” the second, will help him in development.
  • The eldest will be a good example for the younger.
  • Psychologists call this principle "do as me."

Children will not be egoists:

  • When the age difference between the children is small, they grow less selfish and get used to the permanent society of a sister or brother faster.
  • The same needs, desires and toys lead them to an important ability to cooperate and find the optimal way out of a conflict situation.

Good adaptation:

  • Children-hoses are much easier to adapt in a preschool children's institution and then at school.
  • It will be much more fun and joyful for them to go to the kindergarten together and return home.
  • At school, each of them will have its own native soul and intercessor.
  • Parents, in turn, are also much easier to study with their children.

No need to choose a kindergarten twice:

  • Parental time, the choice of one children's institution for both children, saves largely.

Children will grow quickly and at the same time:

  • The mother’s labor will be very imperceptibly run, and in the mirror you will see the mother of almost independent and adult children.
  • Parents will have a sea of \u200b\u200bfree time and a unique opportunity to surrender to their interests and hobbies, to work themselves.

As you can see, there are many pluses. It is necessary to remember them in order to look for only positive moments in any situation, since children are wonderful, and even more so, weather.

Children-Greats-Difficulties and Problems: Cons for Mom


The second pregnancy will be difficult enough for a woman, since her body has not yet managed to recover after the previous births experienced. In addition, the baby is still too small and constantly requires attention, asks him to be worn in his arms.

The kid constantly gains weight, so mom becomes heavier day by day. If there are no assistants nearby, then after walking, the stroller has to be raised independently. In addition, the baby is not able to realize that mother is tormented by toxicosis. Mom needs to gain tremendous patience and constantly be in a state of “combat” readiness. Here are the difficulties and problems of children-guards that may appear after the birth of a second child-minuses for mom:

The first -born must be prepared in advance for the appearance of a second child in the family:

  • The older baby has to survive some difficulties and bring a number of “victims”.
  • He needs to move into a separate crib, part with his beloved nipple.
  • The baby should quickly learn how to drink not from a bottle, but from a cup, etc.

A big minus is the difference that appears in the mode of the day:

  • Mom has to work hard and find the best option for feeding, walking and sleeping for both kids.
  • By the time of birth, the eldest baby had already managed to grow up and actively masters the surrounding space, develops his voice and speech.
  • The second child spends most of the time in a dream.

The psychological and physical activity of a woman is increasing:

  • If at the same time there are no permanent assistants in the person of grandparents, grandfathers and other relatives, then the load may simply be impossible.
  • The father of the family must protect his wife from excessive overloads.
  • Children will be calm, and milk will remain in the chest only when the mother can rest.
  • Rarely, one of modern women independently withstand such a load.

There is often no delight from birth:

  • Many women are particularly pleased to feel like a young mother at 30-35 years old.
  • The birth of a second baby 5-7 years after the first strengthens relations in the family and allows spouses to survive the “second” youth.
  • Sometimes tired parents of children are not able to experience such delight.

The minuses of the birth of the second and subsequent children in a year are less than the pluses. It is important that one of the relatives help mom. Dad also plays a large role in raising babies and the calmness of his mother, he must help, although he works. But what to do if you have to cope with the babies alone? Read the tips below.

How to cope with two children and children, if there is no strength: rules and recommendations


The birth of kids-marks often becomes a difficult test for parents, and a single young mother without support and help is incredibly difficult to cope. The main problem is that the needs and pace of life of children are already different, but age does not allow them to be independent.

Compliance with certain rules and recommendations will allow the mother to control the physical and intellectual development of babies, while managing to devote time to the care of herself. How to cope with two children and children, if there is no strength? Here's the answer:

Where to find assistants:

  • Often, mother is left alone with children, since the husband is forced to work, but there are no close relatives or they live far.
  • In this situation, it is necessary to find assistants who can be the household appliances created to facilitate routine cases.

The following types of equipment can simplify the performance of daily duties:

  • Radio-nun
  • Dishwasher
  • Multicar
  • Microwave

Ready -made mashed potatoes in jars and the use of semi -finished products will help to simplify the feeding process. Slings, kangaroo, leashes and stroller with special consoles are more comfortable to walk with children more comfortable. To occupy babies for a while and ensure intellectual development will help developing cartoons and toys. It is also worth remembering:

  • Today, a significant amount of goods can be delivered directly to the house, which saves time and effort.
  • The list of modern services is also extensive, starting from the delivery of medical tests and ending with the help of a professional nanny.
  • Similar services require financial costs, but in the case of birth of children, the first year is considered the most difficult.
  • The lack of significant costs can be considered a plus, since often clothes, toys and children's objects remain in good condition and can be used for the second child.
  • Help can come from ordinary people, and many are ready to give a piece of their mental warmth.
  • There will always be friends or neighbors who will gladly respond to a request to sit a couple of hours with children or go to the store for groceries.
  • You can consider the option of joining the group of young mothers, whose members often provide each other with invaluable help.

The regime of the day and independence:

  • The properly organized daily routine is able to become a real salvation for the mother, which will receive time to do household chores and care.
  • It should be convenient for all family members, and often the schedule is compiled experimentally.
  • The opinions of parents on issues of raising a child to a pot and independent meal may diverge.
  • Psychologists do not recommend tightening the rules immediately before and after the birth of the second baby.
  • In a similar situation, the older child may have a sense of jealousy and the opposite result will be obtained.

Such children often resort to the following demonstrations:

  • Nipple or breast requirement
  • Refusal of the usual nutrition
  • Loss of independence
  • Capriciousness and tearfulness

With such actions, the child tries to attract the attention of adults, signals the need for care. In this situation, it is necessary to have more interesting games and classes, without refusing breast milk or nipple. The eldest child should understand that parents do not feel sorry for his parents, and with the advent of a new family member, the number of kisses and hugs will not decrease for him.

It is worth knowing: Pregnancy and the postpartum period give many opportunities to manifest the independence of the older child. The first -born can be asked to bring napkins, diapers and other objects, and for each completed task, praise and encourage.


Field feeding questions:

  • The solution to the issue of feeding children largely depends on the age of the youngest child.
  • If both children are already on feeding, then the process of taking food can be combined.
  • Some mothers resort to feeding both children at one time, which allows you to rally babies and excludes bouts of jealousy.
  • With a lack of time, you can use products that a child can take in his hand and eat independently.
  • Children at a younger age are already able to hold cookies, banana and other fruits tightly.
  • It is better to give preference to preparing the food that the kids like.
  • In this case, it will not be necessary to worry about the in vain time and the refusal of children to eat food.

Getting pleasure from walks:

  • The main difficulties of walking with children and children appear when the kids begin to walk and show different interests.
  • The preparation of clothes will help to simplify the dressing process in advance, including taking into account the weather forecast.

It is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

  • Choose wardrobe items with a minimum number of fasteners and buttons
  • Dress taking into account weather conditions
  • Before going out, put the children on the pot
  • Organize a walk on special sites and fenced territories

Important: Walks in specially designated places will exclude the situation when the child suddenly ran out onto the road or play with potentially dangerous objects. Finding a fenced area does not mean that you can get carried away with conversations with other mothers and lose control of children.


Acceptance of hygienic procedures:

  • You can combine the bathing of babies from a certain age, and up to this point, the older child may well provide assistance to mom.
  • He will cope with the supply of soap, towels and other bathrooms.
  • For young children, it is enough to pour water from 20 to 25 cm, and toys will help diversify the bathing.
  • Do not leave the kids in the room alone even for a few minutes, since babies can easily slip and injure.

It is recommended to prepare the necessary accessories in advance:

  • Towels
  • Pajamas
  • Children's cream

At the same time, laying babies can be quite difficult, and often infants fall asleep only with the mother. Tales, reading books and accompaniment in the form of a calm melody will help to speed up the process of falling asleep. It is better to lay children so that they do not see each other, which will allow them not to be distracted.

The importance of household chores:

  • The appearance of a new family member will inevitably require a revision of the usual way, and in the first months, real chaos may reign in the house.
  • In such a situation, it is better to sleep an extra hour or relax than try to bring brilliance in the house.

The following rules will help to facilitate life:

  • Do not try to complicate life, experimenting with new dishes and recipes
  • Use the advantages of semi -finished products and delivery of food to home
  • Abandon frequent washing of floors and household appliances, guidance of perfect cleanliness
  • To use the functions of household appliances as much as possible - this will accelerate the process of cooking, ironing and washing

Proper development:

  • It is important for young children to pay attention, developing them physically and intellectually.
  • It is better to deal with both kids at the same time, since joint training will stimulate a sense of rivalry and increase efficiency.
  • It is important to teach children to get along and not envy, so it is not recommended to specially organize competitions.
  • Many toys suggest age -related restrictions that must be observed to ensure security.
  • Classes with puzzles, plasticine and small details are best postponed at the time when a small child sleeps, and a more adult baby is awake and is in a good mood.

The upbringing of children's weather is associated with certain difficulties, but they can always be overcome. All problems are forgotten when two tiny creatures are pressed to the chest and shine with joy. After a couple of years, you will definitely breathe a sigh of relief, as the children will be more independent and will be able to entertain themselves during joint games.

Children-Home: reviews


Do you have children and difficult children? Then read the reviews of other parents who successfully raise such babies and enjoy life.

Svetlana, 23 years old

It so happened that I gave birth to the first -born early. My husband and I got married when we were 19 years old. A year later, the baby was born. However, a couple of months after his appearance, we were waiting for another surprise - I became pregnant again. After one year and one month, we had a second baby. Now the boys have already grown up. My parents helped me with upbringing and care. I am very grateful to them. Grandmothers walked with the elder, while I fed and rested with the younger.

Irina, 26 years old

My daughters-year daughters were born 2 and 3 years ago. At first it was difficult, but I was able to withstand everything and now I enjoy my life. A neighbor who also had his own child, but a little older than my first baby, also helped me. But they played perfectly and walked together. At this time, I could do my youngest child and myself.

Sofya, 31 years old

I raised my children alone. It was hard to cope. But now I am happy about my kids. They grew up a little and it became easier for me. At home there is all the necessary household appliances and therefore I did not spend my time on washing or washing dishes. I bought mashed potatoes (meat, vegetable) in jars. This is a good snack for children when mom does not have time to cook food. My children still love this mashed potatoes. Relatives and friends who have children of the same age helps well. We take turns walking with the kids. At this time, other parents are engaged in themselves.

Video: Children with a small age difference: fears, errors, life hacks

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