At what age do children start talking? How to talk with an infant, so that he learned to speak? How should a child talk in 1, 1.5 years? The child does not talk in the year, 1.5 years: is this normal? How old is the child not to talk?

At what age do children start talking? How to talk with an infant, so that he learned to speak? How should a child talk in 1, 1.5 years? The child does not talk in the year, 1.5 years: is this normal? How old is the child not to talk?

In this article, we will consider the development of a child in the field of colloquial speech. That is, how fast and at what age the children begin to speak.

The first “Au”, the first words, sentences - all this is remembered by new parents for life. However, sometimes the kids make their parents be nervous, slowly to pronounce such long -awaited words.

How to determine whether it is time for the child to talk, does the development of the baby correspond to his biological age? To do this, you need to be careful and know certain information. This will be discussed later.

At what age do children begin to talk, pronounce the first syllables, words?

The human body consists of many organs, each of which performs its own important function. However, we do not have a special body with the help of which a person speaks. The ability to speak is provided by the brain, respiratory system, swallowing processes, voice formation.

The process of developing speech skills begins in the baby immediately after birth. All that we, out of ignorance, attribute to slurred sounds, mooing, grunting - this is already the development of speech

Experts distinguish 3 main stages during which the child learns to say:

  1. Scream, sculpture, babble
  • The moment of the birth of the baby is accompanied by his first cry. At this moment, many of the most important processes are taking place in the human body. But few people come to mind that this first scream lays the beginning of the process of speech development.
  • The first time after birth it is the scream that saves the baby. Thus, he signals his parents about the desire to eat, that something bothers him or something does not like him.
  • Next, the baby masters the buking or, as this process is also called, "buzzing". During this period, the child masters sounds and syllables. Most often it is an involuntary pronunciation of vowels and consonants. The child speaks thus most often in a calm atmosphere, when nothing disturbs and does not scare him. This period lasts up to about six months.
  • Then follows a stage called "babble." At this time, the baby is already pronouncing sounds like “ba”, “ma”, “pa”. He pronounces them, imitating how the people around him do. By about 9 months, the baby becomes much smarter, he already copies intonation, expresses his emotions with the help of sounds and movements. Conversations become longer and understandable relatives.
  • At this time, you need to especially carefully observe the child. If you see that a baby aged 8-9 months is still only “agu”, his sounds do not become longer, you may need to check his hearing. All previous stages are also characteristic of the development of deaf babies, but then speech can develop only if the child hears others.
When a child begins to speak
There are 3 stages of child learning
  1. At this stage, which occurs from about 10 months and lasts up to 1.5 years, the baby learns to recognize and properly use the intonation of sounds, syllables. He already consciously responds with gestures and actions. For example, to the question: "Where is mom?" The kid at that age will show a pen.
  2. The 3rd period of the formation of speech is characterized by the fact that the child already understands and realizes when they turn to him when they ask him to do something or do not do something. In the 2nd year of life, the baby begins to pronounce words and sounds, realizing what they mean. It is trying to say what he wants, reducing the words he heard, to the form convenient for pronunciation.

That is, speech develops in babies from birth. The first syllables can be heard at the age of about six months, closer to 8 months, well, and you can be happy about the first words about a year. It is important to remember that all children are individual and develop differently. Someone may not be lazy and not speak up to 1 year in general, and someone may delight with conversations from 8-9 months.

How should a child talk in 1 year?

When discussing this topic, we again want to draw your attention to the fact that all children are different and they all develop in completely different ways. Someone does not say a word in 1 year, and someone has been using about 20 words in everyday speech. The success of the baby in this case does not always depend on whether parents are engaged in its development and development of his speech in particular. Quite often, the children are silent because of the unnecessary to say something, for example, in those cases when, by the first cry of the child, the whole family escapes and everything that the baby could purely ask for.

If we talk about speech and its development, in 1 year the baby should know and be able to:

  • Know your name and react when someone calls him, turns to him by name
  • Speak about 5-15 words, simplifying them to an acceptable form. That is, the baby may not say “drink”, but say “pi”, etc.
Child conversation per year
Child conversation per year
  • The baby should know the words “cannot” and understand what it means
  • Speaking in your own language with intonation. Imitate sounds, speak and show how animals do
  • Know and fulfill the simplest requests like: “give”, “show”, “come”
  • Showing animals in pictures, at least the most familiar to us - a cat, a dog, a bird, a horse, a cow, chicken

If exactly in the year you did not hear the first words of the baby, you do not need to panic. Try to talk more with your child, read his books and try to conduct a dialogue with him, and not just tell him something.

If such a way out of the situation does not suit you, consult with a pediatrician and speech therapist. First you need to understand what meaning is invested in the concept of “talking”. Of course, in 1 year the baby will not speak with you on an equal footing, and he will not speak offers either.

But there are definitely children who develop faster than their peers. In such cases, the crumbs instead of the required 5-15 words can speak about 30 or more. These words will naturally be simple or even simplified.

How should a child talk in 1.5 years?

In the first years of life, the baby grows and changes literally every day. Therefore, another six months of life, they clearly make their own adjustments to the development of the baby. At 1.5 years old, the child is already more conscious, he can do a lot, and every day pleases parents with his achievements.

  • At this age, the child, as a rule, already moves well without any outside help, so he gets access to many things and subjects
  • Accordingly, the baby hears more new words and remembers them
  • As a rule, at 1.5 years old, the child speaks about 25-40 simple words or their forms
  • At this time, the baby already understands a lot of words, just still does not say them
  • At this age, the child still does not know how to generalize the concepts, often his abbreviated form of a word like “pa” can mean the word “fell”, “stick”, “sleep”, etc. Therefore, at this stage, the baby is understood only by his parents
At one and a half years, the child should say more words
At one and a half years, the child should say more words
  • At 1.5 years old, the child copies well animals and sounds that they make
  • In the pictures, the baby already shows the simplest animals without any problems
  • Also at 1.5 years old, the baby already pronounces his name and shows how old he is
  • Sometimes children try to say 2 words, linking them in the sentence, for example, “let me drink”, “come here”. The pronunciation of words can naturally differ from our

Who begins to speak faster, pronounce the first words: girls or boys?

It cannot be said unequivocally that someone begins to talk earlier, and someone later, because much depends on the baby and the environment in which he lives.

However, according to the conclusions of experts, we can say that in some cases, girls really start talking before boys.

  • As experts say, for the earlier speech development, girls have natural prerequisites. The thing is that the tasks with which people come to this world differ depending on the sex of a person.
  • Girls were born in order to give offspring in the future and continue their family. It is for this that the speech function is needed: the exchange of information, communication, etc.
  • The boys, in essence, should be miners, feed the family and protect it, and for this, as you know, it is not necessary to talk at all.
  • Of course, these explanations are too exaggerated and stated in completely simple words, but the essence of the explanation does not change.
Both a boy and a girl can start talking
Both a boy and a girl can start talking
  • Next, I must say about such a concept as “biological age”. It would seem what age we can talk about if we are talking about kids. But this is not so. The thing is that giving girls is somewhat different from bearing boys.
  • Girls are in the womb of the mother longer than boys and actually develop there to the desired level. While boys are born earlier, and they have to catch up with the girls already outside the womb.
  • This factor also affects the fact that little princesses begin to speak earlier.
  • However, you also do not need to compare all with one either. This is not a rule, but an exception, well, or at least not a pattern.
  • It also happens that the boy begins to speak much earlier than his peers, including the fair sex.
  • The situation in which the baby lives can affect this, as they do with him, his need for this.

The child does not talk in the year, 1.5 years: is this normal?

It is normal or not normal that the child is silent in 1 year and 1.5 years, you need to evaluate, given many factors.

  • Much depends on pregnancy and childbirth. If there were any complications during the birth, then perhaps this will affect the speech development of the child
  • But about this, as a rule, doctors always warn young mothers
  • Next, you need to consider whether the baby has any signs of a developmental lag
  • If the child has actively passed all 3 stages of the initial development of speech, that is, screaming, screaming, babble, then it is not worth sounding anxiety at this age
Do more with your child so that he will speak before
Do more with your child so that he will speak before
  • Another thing is, if some stages of development have passed, you notice that the baby does not hear your questions, does not respond to requests. In this case, a delay in speech development can be due to hearing problems
  • It is also important to consider whether adults talk to the baby, whether they are engaged in them
  • It only seems that a child at such a young age does not understand anything and does not matter to him. In fact, you need to talk with the baby, you need to show him pictures and tell fairy tales
  • If the baby has obvious deviations in development, then there is a reason to worry at this age regarding speech, there is also no

How old is the child not to talk?

This question is somewhat similar to the previous one. All children are individual, and to say how many years the child can be silent, is simply unrealistic.

Surely, you heard a single story about how the children are silent until 3 years old, and after that they begin to speak almost like adults. This really happens that certain factors or individuality of the child can contribute to this.

  • The fact that the baby does not speak until 2 years old is not at all scary.
  • You can consult a doctor about this, go through special tests, but, as a rule, this is just a feature of your child.
  • On the advice of experts, panic should not be lifted to 2.5-3 years. Until this age, the baby may not talk because of laziness, unnecessary to express his desires in words, because of a stressful situation.
  • You, in turn, deal with your child. Talk to him, play developing games, read books and then your child will soon please you with your conversation.

How to teach young children to talk: techniques

A child is a sponge that absorbs everything that he sees and hears. That is why young parents with the advent of the baby in the family need to be taught to talk not only him, but also themselves.

  • Remember, the baby learns to talk, looking at adults and listening to them
  • Take the habit of speaking correctly, without carpeting the words and without changing them. Follow the stress, speak in a “pure” language, forget about a surzhik
  • Talk to the baby from the moment of his birth. It may seem to you that this is not important and not necessary. In fact, in this way, the emotional connection of the baby with you is established, and this is the key to success
  • Tune visual contact, smile at the child, build his face, attract his attention
  • From the very beginning, say correctly, forget about the Susyukkah and other incorrectly pronounced words, because such knowledge will gradually be deposited in the baby's memory
  • Tell the child about everything that surrounds him. Call a spade a spade, while pronounce the names clearly
  • Do not ignore the child's requests to explain or tell something
  • Sing songs together, read fairy tales, books and watch cartoons
  • Learn the words using various verses, counters, sayings
We teach the child to speak
We teach the child to speak
  • Do not forget at an early age about the good old games like “Magpie-Voron”, “Ladushka”, etc.
  • Devote time to the development of motor skills, since experts believe that these two processes are closely interconnected
  • Correctly correct the baby if he pronounces the words correctly. You can not scold, scream, all the more punish. Only calm conversations and explanations will help you and your child find a common language and achieve the desired result
  • At the stage when the baby is already quite good and clearly speaks, pay attention to the stress of words, the study of synonyms. Try to replenish the vocabulary of the child as much as possible
  • Be sure to use tongue twisters in speech. Tell them with the baby, do not laugh if he does not succeed the first time

How to talk with an infant, one -year -old child, so that he starts talking?

Many parents make the same mistake, from an early age they talk with children, carpeting words.

Of course, children cause a real tenderness, however, you need to immediately eradicate the habit of licking and using only diminutive-miserable forms of words.

  • Despite the fact that the baby will begin to answer your questions, and indeed to say the first words not soon, you must already talk to him
  • The baby will capture your intonation, see facial expressions, remember emotions. You must show all this in conversations with the tiny
  • Be sure to talk with him, react to all the sounds made by him, cries, thereby emphasizing their importance
  • Sing lullabies, other songs, read books, be sure with intonation
  • Wear the baby in your arms, show him pictures, objects, tell me what it is. Turn the child in the direction of outgoing sound, explain what is happening
A one -year -old child needs to explain more
A one -year -old child needs to explain more

With a one -year -old child is still easier. At this age, the baby himself begins to show interest in the environment, things, sounds, and people.

  • Constantly talk to your baby
  • Showing relatives, call their names or status - grandmother, mom, dad, aunt, uncle, etc.
  • Ask to repeat the word, for this, choose the simplest words, simplify them to the form understandable for the baby, for example, the doll - Lyalya, grandmother - woman, ba, etc.
  • Do not forbid to explore the world around us, touch, throw, collect, etc.

Explain during such games that the baby did, why you can’t do this if it is forbidden. In no case do not raise your voice, the child does not understand a scream, he must understand why it is impossible. For example, the child hit the animal, no need to beat him in his arms and scream, asking if he is normal. It is worth explaining that it hurts the animal, while present the information clearly and affordable. Say that the animal will cry, draw an analogy. In fact, children understand a lot, we just have an opposite impression due to the fact that the kids do not pronounce this

Do I need to specifically talk with the child to teach to speak?

Of course, yes. The more you talk with the baby, the sooner he will delight you with his first words and sentences, because the baby takes an example from others and learns from them.

  • If the child will grow in an environment where no one says, he will never talk, because we are not born with the knowledge and skills inherent, we acquire them in the process of being in society
  • If the baby will grow in a family where everyone is talking to each other, but a little attention is paid to the baby in this regard, he will speak, but when, the issue of time
  • Where they are engaged in the child, where they give due attention to him, the process of mastering the speech apparatus is much faster and easier
  • Therefore, you need to talk with children and do it, starting from pregnancy
  • After birth, also talk with the baby and then the results will not be long in coming

At what age should the child speak offers?

Again, we repeat that all this happens purely individually and depends on many factors.

  • Until 2 years of conversation, it is not worth waiting for suggestions. At this age, the baby has too small vocabulary and there is no understanding of what needs to be done and you can do this
  • After 2 years, the child begins to try to put words in sentences. Most often, these attempts are due to the need to get something, for example, “let me drink”, “come here”, etc. In this case, the child can pronounce abbreviated forms of words
  • About 3 years, the child begins to explain with complex sentences. Speech at this age is much more understandable to all around
From the age of two, the child must build simple sentences
From the age of two, the child must build simple sentences
  • At the age of 3, Kroch understands how to get what he wants, can express the requirements, show what exactly and how he wants, can actively express discontent in case of refusal
  • That is, simple sentences can be heard in about 2-2.5 years, but conscious complex sentences will delight you after 3 years

The appearance in the family of a newborn baby is great happiness. All the troubles associated with his upbringing and training bring great pleasure to parents, so they always will always do the long -awaited child. Be sure that devoting time to your child, engaged in its upbringing and training from birth, in a few years you will be pleasantly surprised.

Video: Learning words. The first words of the baby. Learning to speak. Developing cartoon

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Comments K. article

  1. Until 3 years old, I didn’t even say the ZRR put it, but then it got better.

  2. Due to the delay in speech development, pantocalcin was prescribed to us. To be honest: at first I was afraid of the reenct to “stuff” with pills, then they went to another neurologist, appointed him. Then I decided: after a month of admission, words went, finally)))

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