Cash tree is a dormant plant of a fat woman: beneficial and healing properties and contraindications. The use of fat women in cosmetology, folk medicine: recipes

Cash tree is a dormant plant of a fat woman: beneficial and healing properties and contraindications. The use of fat women in cosmetology, folk medicine: recipes

The well -known plant “money tree” has unique healing properties. With the help of recipes for decoctions, infusions and compresses from fat women, you can get rid of many unpleasant diseases.

Cash tree - indoor plant fat: beneficial and healing properties, contraindications

Everyone knows that the “fat man” (the people are called the plant ” money Tree") Is enough superstitious homemade flower, foreshadowing their owners of wealth and prosperity. But, not everyone knows that the tree has beneficial and healing properties for humans.

In addition, the fat woman is very “persistent” to harmful and unfavorable surrounding conditions, as well as all kinds of pests. Healers have been using it for a long time cash tree in getting rid of many diseases.

Important: in the chemical composition of the juice of the fat woman, arsenic compounds (toxic substances) were found and this is the main warning for the use of drugs from the plant inside. Based on the hood of fat women, all kinds of internal use preparations are also prepared, but they should be consumed only after the approval of the specialist and in limited quantities.

Home plant "Falk" or just "Cash tree"

Fatigue and its healing properties:

  • This plant is excellent external healing means for all kinds of skin lesions: burns, abrasions, scratches, wounds, bruises. Moreover, this is done quite simply and without additional ingredients: the leaves are kneaded in the slurry and applied to the “sore spot”.
  • In some sources, the fat woman has a very unusual name and sounds like a “callouser”. From this we can conclude that freshly squeezed juice and gruel of the leaves of the plant eliminates all kinds of corns and corns.
  • Another unique property - get rid of pain and inflammation in the joints, for example, arthritis or arthrosis. To do this, it is necessary to make all kinds of poultices and lotions.
  • If you have painful bites and swelling after insects, you can lubricate the leaf of the plant. Improving the condition will be a few procedures.
  • Another useful quality - relieve the fungus and viral rashes. That is why the juice of the fat woman can lubricate the foci of herpes.
  • Effective rinse of the oral cavity and throat with the help of decoctions of fat women With inflammatory processes of the mucous membrane and dental problems.
  • A powerful anti -inflammatory effect has a fat man, if you have such a problem as hemorrhoids. To do this, the juice of the fat woman is mixed with petroleum jelly and the disease is treated with a moistened swab.
  • Weaken the symptoms of varicose veins Compresses prepared on the basis of fat tinctures will help.
The cure for fat can be prepared independently

Possible contraindications for the use of fat women:

  • A small amount of arsenic contained in a fat woman can lead to poisoning if the medicine is taken in excessive quantities.
  • In case of intolerance to the component, a person may begin to vomit and diarrhea. In addition, with severe intoxication, one can also get a violation of consciousness in the form of hallucinations.
  • If a person has an allergic predisposition, in addition to poisoning, you can get severe intoxication in the form of a rash and redness on the skin, as well as the mucosa.

Cash tree - fat woman: poisonous or not for humans a plant?

As already mentioned, arsenic (poisonous) compounds There are in a fat woman, but they are not contained in large quantities and therefore is allowed to consume inside self -prepared drugs from “money tree”.

Important: any remedy prepared on the basis of a fat woman should begin to take in minimal quantities, carefully studying the reactions of your body. And only if you do not feel bad after one or two days, gradually increase the dose of medicine, but try not to overdo it. The external use of the fat woman has absolutely no contraindications.

Harvesting healing gruel from a fat man

Falk - Cash tree: medicinal properties, use in folk medicine, recipes

Herpes fat woman:

  • One of the most popular ways to use cash tree is the preparation of an antiviral agent for the treatment of herpes.
  • It is noteworthy that you can spend the time to grind leaves into healing gruel in a mortar, or you can grease the focus of the disease with squeezed juice from a sheet of fat.
  • Lubricate herpes about about half an hour before a decrease in the inflammatory process.
  • You can also make a small compress by moistening a cotton sponge in the juice of the Tostryanka and attaching it to the skin with a patch.
Fattlewoman is effective in the treatment of viral herpes

A fat woman from an ingrown nail:

  • Pull a large fleshy leaf from the tree, break
  • The fracture of the sheet should be attached to inflammation on the skin where the nail has grown.
  • On top of the leaf should be put a food film and wrapped a finger.
  • As in the last council, a compress from a dipped sponge in the juice of a fat and attached to the sick finger with a patch is also effective.
  • Hold the compress for several hours, after removing the sheet, you can cut off the softened nail.
Tostyanka is effective in the treatment of ingrown nails

Fatigue for gastrointestinal diseases:

  • In the morning, waking up, drink a glass of clean water
  • After 20-30 minutes, eat 2 small clean cash leaves.
  • After 40-60 minutes, be sure to tightly pose

Fatigue for kidney diseases:

  • To treat the kidneys, you should prepare a tincture in advance
  • For tincture, you need to cut five leaves of a medium -sized fat.
  • Chopped leaves should be poured with a glass of boiling water
  • The medicine should be infused for approximately 2-3 hours.
  • After that, the tincture should be filtered through gauze.
  • Drink tincture should be 1 tbsp. Before each dense meal.
Decoctions and infusions of fat women treat inflammatory diseases

Cash tree from hemorrhoids: treatment, recipe

Cash tree juice has a powerful anti -inflammatory property and therefore it can be actively used in the treatment of hemorrhoids. In addition to the fact that inflammation will decrease, microcracks in the anal passage will also heal and the defecation process will be facilitated.

How can you use a fat woman:

  • You can apply broken leaves of the hobby that let the juice to the purified anal passage.
  • It is also useful to use a therapeutic compress. To do this, a certain number of fed leaves should be sent to a blender, add 1 tsp. Vaseline and thoroughly chop it until a homogeneous consistency is formed.
  • In the resulting mass, the gauze swab should be moistened, and then put in an anal passage for half an hour and carefully remove it after time.
Fat woman in the treatment of hemorrhoids

How to make medicinal tincture on alcohol from a money tree and how to use it?

For external use, in order to cure skin diseases and inflammatory processes, tinctures of fat women are often used.

Preparing tincture at home is quite simple:

  • Put a small number of clean sheets of fat woman
  • Grind them with a sharp knife (a dumb knife will make the juice flow out).
  • You will need exactly 1 tbsp. chopped fat woman with a slide.
  • Pierce the chopped leaves in a glass dish and pour alcohol or vodka tacan.
  • The tincture should be stored for at least 7 days in a dark place, after which you can move to the refrigerator.

Important: the resulting tincture can be wiped with bruises and abrasions for their disinfection and rapid healing. Tincture can be added to the water to drink before eating for preventive and therapeutic use. Ground rubbing using tincture of fat women is very useful.

Tincture of fat man with joint pain

The tincture of the fat woman found effective use in the treatment of inflammatory processes of the joints. To do this, the “sore spot” should be rubbed with the finished tincture: knees, elbows, spurs on the legs, back and so on. After the rubber, you should wrap it in warm wool clothes. It is advisable to make rubbish at night.

Joint treatment with the help of drugs from a fat woman

Fattle man with a runny nose in adults and children: recipes

Antimicrobial and anti -inflammatory properties of juice Falks are great for the treatment of a runny nose in children. But, this should be done correctly. Like a scarlet leaf, a fed leaf should be wrapped in a food film or polyethylene to put in the refrigerator for several hours.

Low temperatures activate cell division in the sheet and increase the concentration of the beneficial substance necessary to eliminate the runny nose. After that, squeeze out 2-3 drops of fat juice in each nasal sinus three times a day.

Cash tree - fat woman: beneficial properties for skin skin from acne, recipes

Fresh juice of fat leaves can be very effectively used in the treatment of skin rashes, acne, act and abscesses on the face. To do this, it is best to use fresh leaves, and not tinctures and ointments. A decoction of leaves or not alcohol infusion can be used additionally for preventive purposes.

How to use a fat car of acne:

  • Wash and clean your face thoroughly with a cosmetic gel or soap.
  • Tear off a blank leaf of a cash tree and break it in half.
  • The fracture site (the juice is released there) lubricate the focus of inflammation several times.
  • Do a similar procedure during the day several times.

Important: you can also make a hood from the ground leaves in a blender as a mask. You can also apply slurry on the face and cover with a patch on top so that the drug lasts night.

Facial cleansing of acne with fat juice

Hair fat: recipe

Decoctions of the leaves of fat women will help you cope with skin diseases of the head: dandruff, eczema, psoriasis. For this, not alcohol infusions and decoctions will be effective.

How to cook:

  • Cut a handful of healthy cash leaves
  • Grind the leaves with a sharp knife so that they let the juice.
  • Place the leaves in the pan and pour water, put on the fire.
  • Bring the mass to a boil, hold for no more than a minute and turn off the fire.
  • Cover the dishes with a lid and wrap it in a blanket so that the broth can brew.
  • Hair rinses should be done with cooled infusion
  • The thick of the decoction can be used as a mask for the roots of hair and scalp.
  • Krash the thick in a blender, add a few tbsp. Kefira or serum, apply to your head.

Therapeutic properties of a cash tree with nail fungus

How to use a fat woman for a fungus:

  • Grind the fresh leaves of the cash tree with a blender or in a mortar.
  • You can add a small amount of sesame oil (0.5-1 tsp) to the gruel.
  • Put the gruel in place of inflammation and the foci of the disease.
  • Gently wrap the place with a layer of gauze and wrap it in a food film.
  • In this state, the affected part of the body should remain at night or at least 6 hours.

Cash tree - fat woman for varicose veins: recipe for applying

  • Cash tree juice perfectly relieves inflammation and therefore it is actively used in the treatment of varicose veins.
  • You can use a simple infusion with boiling water
  • Ground rubbing from fat juice on alcohol is also useful
  • For preventive purposes, you can prepare ointment of fat juice with petroleum jelly or vegetable oil (any).

Important: beneficial substances contained in a monetary tree are able to effectively relieve swelling on the legs (the most common place of varicose veins) and even reduce pain at the site of the disease.

Treatment of varicose veins using fat leaves

Cash tree - fat woman from corns: recipe

Juice and gruel of cash tree leaves capable of softening coarsening layers of the skin and eliminate pain, as well as possible inflammation on the skin at the site of the formation of corns or corns.

Small skin damage is enough lubricate, large wounds should be treated with compresses of leaf gruel. Such a compress is wrapped in gauze and an elastic bandage, or with cling film for the best effect.

Cash tree from a sore throat: recipe

Remove inflammation, remove redness and pain in the throat will help the infusion of fresh leaves of the fat woman. The resulting infusion (the leaves are poured with boiling water) should rinse the throat every time after eating. After rinsing, you can not eat and drink within half an hour to enhance the effect.

Cash tree juice: use during pregnancy

It is necessary to use medicines prepared from monetary wood during pregnancy and lactation with particular caution. The fact is that toxic substances (even if there are a minimum amount there) can negatively affect not only women's health, but also the health of the fetus in the womb.

This applies only to internal use recipes. In the case of external use (treatment of wounds, corns, herpes, and so on) some serious contraindications do not exist if a woman does not have allergic reactions to the plant.

Video: “Cash tree. Therapeutic properties of a cash tree "

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