Cash tree - a dormant plant of a fat woman: care and cultivation at home, reproduction, illness. Cash tree: how to plant a process or transplant a tree into another pot, how to trim?

Cash tree - a dormant plant of a fat woman: care and cultivation at home, reproduction, illness. Cash tree: how to plant a process or transplant a tree into another pot, how to trim?

This article will tell you about the main features of caring for a “money tree” and how to transplant a young plant, as well as get rid of diseases.

Cash tree: what is the name of the plant, what does it look like, how does it bloom?

"Money Tree" - A common plant in houses. It is popular not only because it has many signs associated with the tree itself, but also for the simplicity of leaving and growing. The tree looks quite "modest" all leaves and twigs are collected by one root outlet.

A distinctive feature of themselves leaves are that they do not have a petiole. Their shape is round, sometimes oval. It is a small round leaflet that with its size and view, similar to metal coins, "Deserved" his name to the plant.

The plant sheet is covered with thick skin, inside the leaf is a watery pulp. Some, unlike those who consider the leaves similar to coins, are called the plant is “fat -haired” precisely for flesh and powerful stalk.

Interos: In different countries, this plant has different names. Such ones are known as: “Zhiryanka”, “Tree of Happiness” or “Happy Tree”, as well as “Tree of Good luck”.

It turns out that this indoor plant can bloom? Not everyone achieves this, caring for a flower and in most cases color depends on the type of fat woman. The color of the leaves can also differ in the same way: in some it is bright, in others dark, some have a red bacon.

The plant blooms in different ways depending on the species. Sometimes it can be whole inflorescences, and sometimes single flowers. Flowers are located on the stem. Flowers can have different shades, but most often they are white or yellow and only occasionally pink or bluish. Surprisingly, even in the process of flowering a fat woman is able to change the color of the petals several times.

What needs to be done so that your fat woman bloom? In addition to high -quality care, you need to provide the plant with access to direct sunlight. But even if such manipulations do not allow you to achieve what you want, you should know that some types of “money tree” are simply not able to bloom at home And they can do this only in nature. If you continue to wait for flowers, then this should only be done in the spring of the year.

Fleshy leaves of fat women
"Adult" tree
White flowering
Pink flowering
Lilac flowering
Yellow flowering
A room fat
Street fat woman
Big tree of fat women

Cash tree: how to plant a process and grow?

The fat woman propagates very easily, in order to do this, you can use it the two are the most popular ways:

  • The first:Break off a twig of a fat woman up to 10 cm. And put in a glass of water. Wait for now in two to three weeks a sprout will give your small roots and then you can cook a pot for a “tree”. Pick up an earthen mixture into it (buy in a store) and moisten it well. Plant the sprouts not very deeply, only 2-3 cm, no more. Take care of him regularly and water it.
  • Second: Those who for a long time grow a fat woman at home probably noticed one feature behind the plant. If a leaf disappears in the “tree” and falls to the ground in a pot, it gives small roots after a time (subject to wet soil). This small “deposit” is able to turn into a sprout after a time and, under good conditions, become a full -fledged “money tree”.
Propagation of the sprout
Reproduction with a sheet

What land is needed for a cash tree?

Fattlewoman "Born" in hot countries And "loves" exotic. That is why it is important for its ideal care to observe all modes of light and humidity. A sufficient amount of water is an important condition For the growth and health of the plant. The soil also requires the same.

The finished mixture can be purchased in the store and you can make it yourself. Ideal soil for a fat woman consists of:

  • Sod land (approximately 1 part)
  • Leaf land (approximately 3 parts)
  • River sand (approximately 1 part)
  • Wood ash -1-2 tbsp. With a hill
  • Humus (approximately 100 g per 1 kg. Soil)

Important: on the bottom of the pot, you should definitely put drainage (special “pebbles” that can hold and pass moisture, they can be purchased at any flower store). The drainage layer, depending on the size of the pot, should have about 5 cm.

Drainage layer in a pot for fat women
Soil for fat women can be bought, but it is better to do it yourself

How to transplant a money tree into another pot?

The fat man of the plant is quite “capricious” in terms of transplantation. It does not like it when it is too often transplanted, and does not need it. A young plant should be “disturbed” every 2 years, and an adult once every 3-4 years.

During transplantation, fate is important all the features of the plant. For example, the plant "feels good" in a clay pot And literally “suffocates” in plastics. You can also purchase a ceramic pot. A pot for a fat man should not be too deepFocus on the size of the plant.

Purchasing a pot, It is important to give preference to a heavy productSo that over time, when the fat woman becomes large, she could not fill up either herself or a pot on her side. The root system of the “tree” itself is not deep and has the form of a coma.

It is very easy to care for a transplanted plant, because it does not require special and frequent wateringb and this should be done only when the “crust” dried up on the surface of the earth. By watering a dry flower, do not spare water, water abundantly (excess water will come out through drainage and does not harm the flower).

Important: it is advisable to make a transplant in the spring, closer to May, so that the plant is healthy and begins well. Watering also requires special rules, for example, to take into account the "period of rest." It occurs in October and lasts until February. During this period, the plant should be watered once every 1.5-2 months.

Transplanting fat
Proper transplantation and watering of plants - the key to the health of the fat man

Cash tree: reproduction, what needs to be done?

What do you need:

  • Plant (sprouts-blacks or plant leaves)
  • Soil mixture
  • A special drug from humus For accelerated growth of the root system (buy in the store and read the instructions on the package).

How to propagate a "tree":

  • If you have enough "adult" money tree, you should Inspect it for the presence of processes or leaves on it that starting the roots.
  • Pinch from the plant of stalks can only be provided that it is growth of at least 5-6 cm. Small sprouts are better not to pinch off and give them time to grow on a tree, since they have not yet become stronger.
  • You can root a petiole, both in water and in moist soil. It is best after tearing the petiole to “dry” the process in a dark place (shadow) for a day.
  • After that, place in a container with water (no more than half a glass) and make sure that the sun does not fall on the sprout.
  • The sprout is necessary until 3 weeksTo let the roots and only after that put it in a pot filled with soil, watering abundantly.
Propagation with a petiole

How to grow a money tree from a leaf?

You can grow a real “money tree” even from a simple leaf of a plant. To do this, you should pinch off any healthy leaf and put it in the ground. You can do this in the same pot where a large tree is already growing or in a separate, but small.

Choose a small pot for planting a leaf because in order to start growth, the plant will need to put the root system. The roots of the fat woman only get stronger when they can fill most of the space provided. In a large pot, a small leaf, unfortunately, will dry out.

It is also required observe a strict watering mode. It is not worth pouring abundantly and often a leaf. On the contrary, he needs a little dried soil so that small roots can be covered in deeper in search of moisture and nutrients.

Important: preferably Remove the leaf from direct sunlight and excess lights for the period of the formation of the root system, the draft, the heat of the battery and excessive cold are also not desirable.

Leaf propagation, small root system

Cash tree: how to water?

As already mentioned, Fatow - the plant "South" And therefore, it is important for him to comply with an “exotic” climate. For this it is necessary to give a fat woman access to sunlight and moisture.

Monetary the tree loves frequent spraying, as well as moisturizing leaves And removal of dust from them. But, this should be done extremely carefully so as not to tear off most of the leaves.

Water the fat man only after she "dries well." The plant requires the same conditions in nature: the period of drought, the rain period. Pour the pot, excess water will come out through the drainage and wait for the next drying.

How to care for a fatty man?

How to cut a money tree at home?

Cut the flower in order for him to give violent growth in width, not in height. So the stem system of the plant can actively form. It is important to know that you can trim an adult plant with scissors or a pride.

A young plant should be “pinch”. This is done by tearing the upper outlet of the plant. This is also necessary so that the tree can get stronger with the barrel and instead of reaching up the leaves of the leaves.

Video: Fattlewoman

Is it possible to transplant a money tree in winter?

The winter season can very unfavorable to the health of your plant if you decide to transplant it. Spring is the best period for transplanting, summer is also well suited. The warmer, the more chances to ensure that your fat woman is getting stronger in a new pot.

Where should the money tree stand on Feng Shui?

The “money tree” plant is often considered a symbol or sign of a family wealth. That is why it is important to know how and where it is correct place a plant in your homeFollowing the spiritual science of Feng Shui.

The doctrine says that the plant should be in the southeastern sector of your home. In addition, in this place there should be your working area and a window through which fresh air and sunlight can arrive.

Cash tree diseases and their treatment

Like any plant, a fat woman, first of all, can get sick from the wrong departure of his “master”. The most common disease is rotting of the root system. The reason for such a problem may be excessive and frequent watering of the mail without the possibility of complete drying.

The rotting of the roots is also easy to find out by external signs:

  • Yellowing of foliage
  • The fall of the foliage
  • Loss of elasticity leaves
  • The leaves become soft and "liquid"
Fattlewoman: rotten roots

Important: if you reduce watering, but the problem has not disappeared, you can only help the tree by transplanting it.

Before transplantation, free the root systemRinse with running water and dry a little. Thereafter carry a detailed inspection to remove all damaged areas. Places of slices of bad parts of the root can be sprinkled wood coal. If you find that in addition to the roots, the barrel, unfortunately, will no longer be able to save the plant.

The fungus rarely affects the fat man, but if this happens, you can find it out by spots protruding on the foliage: white, brown, brown. Only special floral drugs from the store will help to remove fungal diseases, which should only be used according to the instructions. If on the leaf black spots - This is rather not a fungus, but a sunburn.

Falk: fungus

If the plant suffers from spider tick, then the first and most striking feature will be yellow spots on the foliage and web. You can remove it only near special drugs. The situation is worse if you started A powder worm. It contributes to the fall of the leaves (as it feeds on their juice), the curvature of the barrel and the formation of fungal masses. The worm can only be removed by spraying and washing the plant.

Spider mite
A powder worm

Leaves fall in a money tree: what to do?

If you notice that the tree is losing its leaves, for that it can be a few reasons:

  • Insufficient watering of wood (empty dry leaves)
  • Excessive watering (filed roots)
  • The presence of pests (flour worm)
  • Lack of light

Video: "Fatigue, care, cultivation"

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