“Give me your hand - they will bite off the elbow”: the meaning and origin of the proverb, examples from life and literature

“Give me your hand - they will bite off the elbow”: the meaning and origin of the proverb, examples from life and literature

“Give me your hand - they will bite off the elbow” - what does this saying mean when it is used in speech.

“Give me your hand - they’ll bite off the elbow” - such a saying characterizes people who are used to treat people wary, as they relate to wild domesticated animals. If you take a small wolf cub from the forest, to educate him in love and satiety, there will always be a chance to suffer from his sharp teeth.

"Give me your hand - they will bite off the elbow": the meaning of the proverb

Give me your hand

This does not mean that all people by nature are wolves, waiting for the moment when you can pull off half of the hand. This means that you can always get a bite of anger and distrust for love and affection. “Give me your hand - they will bite off the elbow” - a saying that characterizes greedy, ungrateful people. This well -aimed phrase is devoted to those who were extended to the “hand of help”, and they are trying to snatch as much as possible. Instead of “thank you” - in response from them you can hear: “Give me again!”

For whom is the proverb “Give me your hand - the elbow will be bounced” most often fair in our life? Those who are ready to bite off their hands on the elbow can be divided into such groups:

  • Small children. Always ready to bite, if not half of the hand, then at least a finger. These bites are painful, and when adults cry in pain, the children smile sweetly or laugh at all. Of course, adults are always ready to forgive such pranks. Small children are terrible egoists. Not because they are evil, but simply because they do not understand that the people around them also have feelings.
  • Infantile adults. Those who have not come out of nursery age. Some adults about which you can say “give a hand - bite off”, are in children's behavior and thinking.
  • Psychopaths. This category is somewhat consonant with the previous one. We mean daffodils, people with avoiding personality disorder and other representatives of the human race, whose problems are associated with some nearby.
  • Absolutely normal people. Sometimes this saying is fair for quite normal people. For example, for a scientist who heard an interesting thought of his colleague, and a feeling of envy makes him invent his theories of an “eternal engine”. Or for a dancer who greedily watches every movement of a talented colleague. Surely you also had to read some kind of book "Winging". But in this case, we are talking more about intellectual hunger, and not about the thirst for material profit.

“Give me your hand - they will bite off the elbow”: the origin of the proverb, examples from life

The origin of the proverb

The origin of the proverb "Give me your hand - they will bite off the elbow",it goes roots in the discrepancy between the trust limit, which is ready to give one person to another and what a person receives in return. The limit of trust or line, behind which a person can no longer believe in the kindness of other people begins when the sad experience of communicating with other people is built on the fact that a person hoping for the kindness of people receives anger, aggression and even becomes a victim of criminals. What does the “trust limit” mean and why very often people abuse the trust of other people? People can conditionally be divided into three categories:

  • Good and decent people who, even if they put a finger at their mouths, will not bite him and will not bite him off.
  • People who agree to be kind in return for the kindness of other people.
  • People who use the kindness of other people with selfish and even criminal purposes.

Sometimes people come out of difficult life situations more wise, sometimes more evil, and sometimes cease to believe in kindness completely. And then in any situation they live in distrust of other people.

“Give me your hand - they will bite off the elbow,” such thoughts visit the head of those who prefer not to give anyone a hand at all than to be bitten by the hand that offers friendship, love and trust.

To survive in conditions of hard competition for the best piece of bread, for the best female or male can only be in a hard struggle. Such survival conditions are inherent in the wild among animals and, as it may seem, in the civilized community of people. That is why people are responsible for the ingratitude for the kindness of other people. Those for whom such concepts as conscience, honor, kindness, justice are just an empty phrase are perfectly adapted in any conditions. Of these, bribe takers, thieves in law, sneaks and crooks are obtained. Is it always justified to be “careful”?

After all, without making new attempts to bring closer, people forever lose a chance to meet decent people in their lives. Having met the betrayal, many women and men lose faith so much that they never marry after the betrayal of a loved one and do not marry. This situation has developed in the third wife of Yuri Vizbor, Evgenia Uralova. After Yuri Vizbor changed her, she never got married again. Her family happiness ended at 35. 46 years after the divorce from Yuri Vizbor, she did not marry and lived with her daughter and grandchildren. April 17, 2020, she passed away. The song “My dear, forest sun” was written for her. The artist herself doubted that this song was only about her, and only for her.

Video: Song of Yuri Vizbor "My dear, Sunny forest"

However, in the midst of creative personalities you can find sad stories that people trusted people too much, and because of this they became a victim of deception. So the Russian actor Armen Dzhigarkhanyan divorced his wife Tatyana Vlasova, who was 48 years old, and married 38 year old Vitalina Tsimbalyuk-Romanovskaya. The young wife stole real estate from him, after which there was a divorce. Upon learning that the ex -husband was in the hospital and became a victim of deception, Tatyana Vlasova returned to Dzhigarkhanyan. It remains only to be surprised at the mercy and all -around of Russian women and those who live on the principle of "give a hand - they will bite off the elbow."

“Give me your hand - they will bite off the elbow”: Examples in Russian folk tales

“Give me your hand - they will bite off the elbow” - examples in Russian folk tales:

  • The topic of deception and trust is old as the world, and it can be found in Russian folk tales. For example, The fairy tale "Fox with a rock clock" He tells of the fox, who managed to exchange a rolling pin for the chicken, and having eaten her to lure the husser. And having eaten a goose, ask for a girl in return. The fairy tale ends sad for the fox because instead of the girl they slipped her evil dog. As a result, a fraud of trust, came to Lisa Boomerang. It is the fox in Russian fairy tales that is identified with deception.
  • Russian the fairy tale "Zayushkina hut" He tells about how Bunny let the fox into his hut, and she kicked him out of her. In the final, the fox was punished, the bunny realized that it was impossible to trust the cunning and rogues.
Give me your hand - they will bite off the elbow
Give me your hand - they will bite off the elbow
  • Another Russian fairy tale on the same topic "Fox and crane" He tells about two rogues who tried to treat the guest so that he remains hungry. The fox slipped the crane with a plate with semolina, and the crane was slipped to a fox of a jug with an okroshka, who had a narrow neck. Most of Russian fairy tales have a good end. The deceivers are punished, the poor become rich, freaks turn into handsome men. Tales are a lie, but this is an attempt at least in dreams and illusions to restore justice.

AT Fairy tale "On the Fisherman and Fish" Alexandra Pushkin, the Golden Fish offers the old man his help, but the greed of the old woman and the desire for profit, leads the heroes of the fairy tale in the finale to the broken trough. What the Golden Fish proposed to the old man and the old woman in return for her salvation:

  • Trough.
  • Hut.
  • To be an old woman in a pillar noblewoman.
  • Be an old woman with a free queen.

And only when the old woman wanted, h. the fish served her gold and She was on her premises, she deprived the greedy of all gifts at once. It seems that such a fish behavior is not entirely fair, because it remained for a walk in the vastness of the sea, and the old people were left with nothing.

Give me your hand - they will bite off the elbow
Give me your hand - they will bite off the elbow
  •  AT the tale of Hans Christian Andersen "Mermaid", the main character in return on the outstretched hand of love and friendship receives pain and disappointment. And if the mermaid lived on the principle of “do not hold your hand - they will bite off the elbow”, she would not have received betrayal, but she would not have received unrequited love. Deciding on relations with other people, each person receives a certain share of the risk of being devoted, but he also receives certain chances to love and be loved.

“Give me your hand - they will bite off the elbow”: Examples from literature

AT the novel by A. S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin", Tatyana Larina with an open soul offers Onegin not only the hand of friendship, but also her first love. In response from a burned womanizer, she receives moralizing and a polite refusal. Having received an invaluable gift from a young girl - Love Evgeny Onegin indifferently tells her:

  • Learn to rule yourself
  • Not everyone, as I will understand.

And only years later, Evgeny Onegin, accidentally seeing Tatyana, and at first not even recognizing her in her, madly falling in love with her. This time Tatyana repels Eugene and tells him that she is given to another. As a result, two people, a man and a woman loved each other, at different times and both were unhappy in this love. Perhaps the great poet Alexander Pushkin was right, and the only person who can be believed and who can be loved without fear of being rejected - this is himself.

Give me your hand - they will bite off the elbow
Give me your hand - they will bite off the elbow

“Give me your hand - they will bite off the elbow” - folk wisdom or rather folk experience in communication of some people with others. That they can "bite off" at any opportunity:

  • Material values \u200b\u200bthat are poorly lying.
  • Soul peace and balance.
  • Friendship and love.

Does this mean that fearing to be bitten, you need to hide from other people in your armor? Everyone decides this dilemma himself and chooses between loneliness and chances to give a hand and stay with a half hand and half of the soul.

Video: proverbs and sayings

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