“Master for all hands”: origin, direct and figurative meaning of phraseology, explanation in one word, examples of sentences

“Master for all hands”: origin, direct and figurative meaning of phraseology, explanation in one word, examples of sentences

Many phraseological units have entered our lives through centuries, absorbing the wisdom and extreme observation of our Russian people along the way. Since childhood, we are used to using them in our colloquial speech, completely not thinking about their origin, but in vain!

Believe me, a closer acquaintance with ancient proverbs, sayings and phraseologisms is often very instructive and exciting. This can be seen on the example of the phraseology "Master for all hands."

"Master for all hands": The origin of phraseology

  • It turns out that the gloves (masters who made gloves in the Middle Ages) were the first to use this expression.
  • Gloves began to wear massively in the Middle Ages. In the midst of an epidemic of the plague, the authorities ordered all people to go outside in gloves. They were just brought to Russia from European countries, there were few of these products, and they were quite expensive. It was then that this craft appeared on sewing gloves. And yesterday's craftsmen who sewed mittens began to urgently re -qualified in gloves. Over time, the plague left, but the fashion for the gloves remained for a long time, so the gloves did not remain without work. On the contrary, during this time they honed their skills, and sewing the gloves turned into a whole work of art in which the notebooks of past centuries flaunted at balls.
  • At first, the matter of the gloves did not really get along, because the mittens were not easier to sew. The gloves were then sewed manually, because the sewing machine was not yet invented. And for the master, the main skills were the main skills, and, of course, perseverance and perseverance, because the manufacture of one couple took a lot of time. Imagine, it was necessary to manually flash, and then sew a cover for each finger so that the seams did not accidentally led, and they did not rub their hands. In addition, it was still necessary to try so that not only the wrong seams would not cause inconvenience to a person, but also that outwardly the gloves were beautiful. It was these craftsmen who began to call "handyman".
The phrase went from the gloves
The phrase went from the gloves
  • Later this winged expression was picked up by artisans. The artisans who make any products collectively numbered their hands. As an example, take the pounds. The master who knead the clay was called the "first hand." Anyone who stood at the pottery - respectively - "second hand." A person who burns pots was called a “third hand”, and covering the glaze and painting them “fourth”, etc. And so the whole technological process was from - from the “first hand” - and to the very last.
  • And the master of all hands They called such a craftsman who could independently fulfill all the stages of the production process.
  • Over time, this stable expression began to be used more widely and firmly entered our life with you.

"Master for all hands": the short meaning of phraseological units

  • Usually they characterize a person who can not only do a lot of things with his two hands, but also a well -figuring, grasping everything on the fly.
  • The modern master for all hands is craftsman and an excellent specialist, able to do not only one thing, but also different things, only good and professionally fast. At the same time, he has such versatile skill, in which he is ready to take up almost any work.
  • If necessary, he will build a house, and he will fix the electrical appliances, and plays a musical instrument, and he will write the thesis, in a word, he is skilled in everything. Moreover, all this will do qualitatively, at the highest level.
And the house will build and equip
And the house will build and equip

"Master for all hands": an explanation in one word

  • All hands master is smell, a specialist, a professional, a person who knows how to do everything well, has skill in various fields of activity. So they say about a person who can qualitatively perform any kind of work. In a word, he can do everything.
All hands master
All hands master

What synonyms can be chosen for the phraseological unit "Master for all hands"?

  • The most echoing with the phraseology "Master for All Hands" a popular proverb "And the Swess, and the Reaper, and on the Duda player"as well as phraseological units: “The master is golden hands”, “The real master of his craft”, “The great master of his craft”.

How to make a proposal with phraseology "Master for all hands"?

  • Ivan Ivanovich was an indispensable and trouble -free person at the factory: he knew everything, he knew everything and always readily took up any work - a real master of all hands!
  • The new employee was not only an engineer from God, but also all hands - In the office, the broken outlet instantly repaired and nailed the cornice, and at the corporate party the songs for the guitar sang to us.
  • Promised all hands The skinny angular guy turned out to be, but universal distrust quickly gave way to approving smiles: he very cleverly coped with work.

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Video: phraseological units in pictures

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