“Without a year week”: origin, direct and figurative meaning of phraseology, explanation in one word, examples of sentences

“Without a year week”: origin, direct and figurative meaning of phraseology, explanation in one word, examples of sentences

Sometimes we do not even notice ourselves what our conversational speech is replete with various expressive words, phrases, aphorisms and phraseologisms. Their vivid expression helps to convey to the interlocutor the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe raised topic as best and faster.

One of these frequently encountered phraseological units is “without a year and a week”. Where did he come from in our speech, and in what cases it will be appropriate to use it? Let's understand all this.

"Without year": The origin of phraseological units

  • The expression “without a year week” originates from Ancient Russia. And this saying with wedding traditions is connected!
  • If the bride’s family was certain, then the wedding was quickly celebrated, literally within a week. It was much more complicated in this matter to the poor families. If the girl was already sore, but her parents were in no hurry to marry her, because to prepare for the wedding celebration, it took a rather long time. For some reason, it used to be calculated as a year.
  • And now a week (which is indicated in phraseology) is a pre -wedding, very significant days for the girl when she was engaged in in the last preparations, she prepared for herself a wedding cleaning and dowry, ritually mourning her girls' years.
It was talked about wedding preparation
It was talked about wedding preparation
  • As we now understand, this is the same "week" - A short period for preparatory measures about the wedding celebration.

"Without year": direct and figurative meaning of phraseological unit

  • Direct significance of phraseology "without year". Imagine time in the form of mathematics. You need to take as a basis an imaginary year, and already take away from it for 7 days - that is, a week. The week will turn out in the rest, and everything else is discarded as if with unnecessary.
  • The meaning of the phraseology “without a year week” in a figurative meaning.It is used when they want to emphasize a very short time period during which the events of interest to people have occurred. The use of this phraseology can even bring some confusion, because we are accustomed to clear designations of specific temporary segments. But “without a year, a week” is a rather vague concept. It can mean both a few days and a longer period. It all depends on the case in which we use it.

What does phraseology “without year” mean?

  • All of us from early childhood were taught that for all dates and deadlines, specific time frames are allocated. Even a small child on the question "How old are you?" Confidently pulls 2 or 3 fingers. So, he already understands that every finger means one year.
  • What can we say about adults, in whom all life is usually painted literally on a permanent way! Nevertheless, sometimes we can hear how interlocutors in the conversation use expression "without year" week ". This should be interpreted so that The fact they discussed occurred recently.
  • It is noteworthy that the phraseology "without year" week is most often used with a share of disapproval or irony.
  • That is how they mention the employee recently taken to the state, emphasizing that he does not work for long. And for this short, short time he could not fully deal with his professional duties. If the necessary experience for high -quality and quick completion of tasks has not yet been developed, then they say in a somewhat ironic form that this person in their company is “a week without a year”.
Often phraseologism is mentioned with irony
Often phraseologism is mentioned with irony

“Without a year week”: explanation of phraseology in one word, brief meaning of phraseology, synonyms

  • More recently, not for long, with little experience, a short, short time, only a few days, the other day, days -Such phrases and words-synonyms can be replaced by phraseology “without a year week”, speaking of any events.
  • New, recent, early -So we can say about a person inexperienced in his business or with something insufficiently familiarized (so as not to use an ironic sustainable expression “without a year week”).
The duration of time is characterized, usually a very short time
The duration of time is characterized, usually a very short time

How to make a proposal with phraseology "without a year week"?

  • Klezer Lukich praised the friends of his student: “He is in my apprentices of everything without a year week, and grabs everything on the fly, at such a pace soon a glorious machine officer will come out of it! ”
  • Without a year week It has passed since Natalia ran as a teenager, and now look-already a bride!
  • Valentina came to our office, who could not quietly know anything, and now look at how it has fled, I began to bully the nose, although it works for us without a year week.

Do you know the origin of phraseological units? Then we advise you to read the meaning of phraseological units:

Video: Sources of phraseological units

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