The indoor flower mimosa is a bashful beauty: landing, transplantation, reproduction, cultivation and care at home in a pot. Mimosa is bashful - growing from seeds: tips, description of technology. Mimosa is bashful - is it possible to keep at home: signs

The indoor flower mimosa is a bashful beauty: landing, transplantation, reproduction, cultivation and care at home in a pot. Mimosa is bashful - growing from seeds: tips, description of technology. Mimosa is bashful - is it possible to keep at home: signs

Instructions for growing and caring for mimosa bashful.

Many women are fond of breeding flowers. This soothes the nerves and helps to improve the microclimate in the room. After all, some plants absorb negative energy and help improve mood. In this article we will talk about one interesting plant - mimosa bashful.

Mimosa is bashful: what kind of plant, where is its homeland, where is it growing?

This is a plant of the bean family, which grows in South America. The homeland of the plant Central and South America. The culture is quite unusual, the name “bashful” is due to the fact that when in contact with the leaves, they are compressed. The plant around the world is cultivated as a decorative and indoor.

Mimosa is bashful - is it possible to keep at home: signs

This plant is not recommended to grow at home. Despite beauty and unusual, culture distinguishes toxic substances that contribute to human hair loss. There is also a lot of signs around this plant. It is believed that culture scares away men. In the presence of this plant, it is very difficult to find your soul mate at home.

The most interesting thing is that culture has an excellent protective mechanism. The roots and stems contain poisonous substances that are released when the root system is damaged. Very often, animals can die on pastures from this plant. Culture juice is very poisonous.

Mimosa is bashful
Mimosa is bashful

Mimosa is bashful: when does it bloom?

The flowering period is from June to September. It throws the inflorescences of an interesting shape that resemble balls. They cost about 3 days, and then fall. But they quickly change new flowers.

How to plant or transplant the indoor flower mimosa scorching in a pot: tips, description of technology

Most often, the plant is grown as an annual. Indeed, closer to autumn, the plant stretches and the bushes become not so magnificent. Actually, therefore, plants that are grown as a perennial are transplanted in the spring. For this, any soil for beautifully flowering plants is taken. But you can cook the soil yourself.

Soil composition:

  • Peat (1 part)
  • Clay-water land (2 parts)
  • Fraternal land (1 part)
  • Sand (1/2 parts)
Mimosa is bashful
Mimosa is bashful

Mimosa bashful - growing from seeds, care: tips, description of technology

In general, the plant is perennial, but many flower growers do not like that during the winter the stem of the plant is very stretched and becomes not very attractive. Therefore, flower growers recommend sowing the plant every year. To obtain seeds during flowering, touch one flower to another and wait for the appearance of pods. Wait for their complete drying and put them on the refrigerator door. There, the seeds should spend its time until spring. Sow seeds in March or April.


  • Moisten the peat soil and loosen it well
  • Soak the seeds for 30 minutes in warm water
  • Dear the seeds by 0.5-1.0 cm into the soil and moisten a little
  • Cover the pot with glass or film and put in a bright place
  • After 5-7 days, the first shoots will appear
  • When a sprout reaches a height of 5 cm, it is transplanted into plastic cups or small pots


  • The plant requires watering with soft water. In the summer they are watered often
  • In the summer, the room temperature should be at 23-25 \u200b\u200bdegrees. In winter it is reduced to 16 degrees
  • Water in winter every 3 days. The leaves do not spray, but moisturize the air. To do this, put saucers with water on the windowsill
  • You can also spray air from the sprayer
  • Feel in the spring. Also if the plant is grown as a perennial, it is cut to remove the elongated stem
  • The plant fades from tobacco smoke. Therefore, it should not be grown where they smoke
Growing mimosa at home
Growing mimosa at home

Mimosa bashful - reproduction: Methods

The plant propagates with seeds and cuttings. But the fact is that 50% of cuttings do not root and rot. Therefore, many flower growers recommend growing culture from seeds. They can be purchased at any flower store.

How to feed a bashless mimoza: mineral fertilizers

In winter, top dressing is not carried out. Mineral fertilizers are introduced once every 2 weeks in spring and summer. Fertilizers are used for beautifully flowering plants.

How to cut a bashful mimosa?

So that the plant does not stretch and release more new shoots, pinch the tops of the main branches regularly. The first pinch is carried out in early April. The flowers of mimosa appear on young shoots, so the more there are, the longer the flowering period. Just do not overdo it, pinch only the most elongated branches.

Pinch again after the plant bakes, so that by the next season the plant could be laid not one, but two processes. It is not recommended to cut the plant strongly, otherwise mimosa may die. Better if necessary, put a wooden support and carefully tie it out of the barrel. During rest, the flower is not pinned.

If your plant is perennial, then in March the entire stem is cut almost completely. Leave only 10 cm.

The pruning of the mimosa is bashful
The pruning of the mimosa is bashful

Mimosa is bashful: why do leaves turn off, drops the leaves?

In general, this plant is called inconsistent. After all, after contact, the leaves fold to the main vein or turn into a tube. After 20 minutes, in the absence of a stimulus, the leaves again take their normal position.

Scientists know the mechanism of curtailing leaves. At the base of the cuttings are water bags filled with water. When exposed to the leaves, this moisture rushes towards them and they become heavy, and therefore they develop.

There is also information about the presence of "intelligence" in the plant. That is, it gets used to the mechanical influences of a certain kind and does not react to them anymore, if there is no danger. But in fact, you should not often touch the plant, as this contributes to its rapid wilting. Energy resource is exhausted.

Mimosa leaves
Mimosa leaves

If Mimosa dropped the leaves, then this may indicate drafts or tobacco smoke. The plant reacts very quickly to it.

Video: Mimosa bashful

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