Signs of violet: how a flower affects personal life-the benefits and harm in the house, the value of the flower in feng shui. Signs of garden violets

Signs of violet: how a flower affects personal life-the benefits and harm in the house, the value of the flower in feng shui. Signs of garden violets

The violet can often be found in the house and the garden, but let's find out whether it will be safe to have it at home from the point of view.

Violet is the most popular flower among fans of plants and flowers. Given that the varieties of violets can be counted more than 500 types, they do not require special care, at home or at the country you can make a whole composition of these bright small flowers. They will also become an excellent addition to any interior.

Signs of violet: how does the flower affect personal life?

The continent where this flower was first found - Africa. For many centuries, the plant has adapted to the local climatic conditions, and pleases the eyes of most gardeners. Many legends and fairy tales are identified with violets. Also, a lot will accept and belongs to this flower.

The violet gives home comfort, mental harmony, well -being and constancy. Its ability to absorb negative energy fills the house with joy and fun.

Knowledgeable gardeners cherish and love such a wonderful flower. But young girls treat him with particular caution, they try to avoid and bypass Saintpolia. All this because of legends and bad signs associated with this flower, which concerns the personal life of girls.

About the flower
About the flower

According to the main accept the violet It is strictly forbidden to breed any kinds to breed at home so as not to incur loneliness. Any attempts to meet a loved one will be failure and will not bring any result. The violet will serve as a barrier to personal happiness. Not a single relationship will reach the wedding.

  • Many experienced flower growers argue that the violet, on the contrary, makes the marriage stronger, and romantic relationships are even more ignited. The main task of this flower is to create comfort, and strengthen love in the house.
  • Only on the spiritual state it depends on whether the girl will be alone, whether she will find her soul mate, and not from the flower. Only a positive and optimistic mood is able to destroy all legends and signs.
  • People who are pessimistic will not save even a discarded flower from home.

According to psychologists, it is worth loved the violet, protect it and care, then it will give you an invaluable gift and change your life for the better.

From negative beliefs there is evidence that Senpolia brings a discord in family relations between loving people. The violet is endowed with very strong female energy. In the house where this flower is located, female qualities begin to prevail in men. And the girls lose faith in themselves and think that they do not know anything, and can nothing in this life. In the days of our ancestors, violets were carried to cemeteries. From there I went a sign that the violet in the house brings misfortune.

  • According to accept the violet, she is able to work miracles and has incredible power to transform negative energy into a positive one. The violet at the time of flowering brings love to the family, and small sprouts improve the financial situation. It is also customary to put Saintpolia near the baby’s crib so that he grew up healthy and strong.
  • At dawn at the beginning of the week, it is worth disrupting Saintpolia in order to meet a second half as quickly as possible. The sign will work faster if the flower gives the girl a woman in marriage.

If a married woman notices changes in the color of the buds of the plant, then you should immediately run to the pharmacy for pregnancy test. According to accept the violet Soon there will be a baby in the house.

Flower sign
Flower sign

The violet is also capable of establishing relations in the team when a conflict situation is brewing there.

Signs of violet: benefits and harm in the house

Any plant has both positive and negative qualities.


  1. Each plant needs departure otherwise it will die. A sick plant will not give positive energy, because it is already exhausted and there will be no benefit from it. The man himself is to blame.
  2. People who believe in legends and superstitions should not buy and give violets. They will constantly think that something bad should happen and even more escalate the situation and wind themselves up. But all negative thoughts attract only bad thoughts.
  3. Problems with the well -being will have babies and pets if they want to taste these bright flowers.
Harm and benefit
Harm and benefit


  1. Senpolia protects the house from pests: ants and cockroaches.
  2. The smell emanating from violets has a beneficial effect on the mental state of the kids. They become calm and supple.
  3. The violet is endowed with positive energy, which is divided with others. People are able to turn the mountains later.
  4. The presence of a large number of varieties will help you choose the most suitable violets for your interior.
  5. There are violets not only one -color, but also tricolor - pansies. In the world of cooking, violet flowers decorate dishes and are used in the treatment of skin diseases.

Signs of violet: Flower flower value

For optimists and people who believe in good signs of violet, It is worth mandatory to purchase them! But before going to the store, you should think carefully what you want to get from life. The color of the violet has a special purpose and action on a person.

  • For example, a white violet is able to calm and comfort not only you, but the whole family and especially babies. The violet of white color gives the world.
  • The violet pink or red should be put on the dining table to prevent overeating. Red color is the color of passion and active movement.
  • Violet violet or blue will come to help teachers, people of creative professions. They will move off the ground and begin to actively create. It will give the owner of wisdom and inspiration and prevent conflict situations with the family.
About violets
About violets

According to the teachings of Feng Shui-the violet in the house is good. This is a symbol of love and understanding. It should be placed all over the house, and especially in the bedroom, near the bed of spouses. She will bring lonely people love and happiness. This flower also actively fights with diseases especially in babies.

Signs of violet: pay attention to the condition of the flower

The wilting flower symbolizes both the pumped up atmosphere in the house, and the fact that they stopped looking after it.

We look at the state
We look at the state
  • If Senpolia began to die, according to accept the violet This means that one of the households is very sick and the flower tries to help him cope with the disease and tells him that he should see a doctor.
  • Fial flowering - This is good. For good care, she thanks you with positive energy. If the violet turned out to be white, then an unmarried girl should gather on a romantic date.
  • Flowering pink - The love of others. Blue or lilac “You have an important meeting.” Purple - Cool changes in life.

Signs of garden violets

On the site, the violet does not belong to a harmless flower. On the flowerbed, wild violets look great, which contribute to the development of mobility of the mind in babies, curiosity.

Garden Senpolia ignites former love, passion and sexuality. They are able to push spontaneous solutions. According to accept the violet, Do not plant flowers near water, which is artificially created so that the beloved do not part, and do not wander in the constant search for something new. It is better to plant them near the river, so you will attract the lovers, their feelings will flare up in a new way.


Also, do not plant violets under the window of a young young lady. It does not contribute to common sense. For people aged, these plants are a source of living energy, vitality, excellent health and love of life.

It is worth remembering that any unkind superstitions can be neutralized if you think only about good and not let bad thoughts into the head. If you still decide to buy a violet, provide her with proper care, then gratitude will not be long in coming.

Video: Can I keep violets in the house?

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