Monster's indoor flower - why you can’t keep at home, in the apartment: folk signs, magical properties, superstitions. Is it harmful, is a monster poisonous for human health? Is it possible for a woman to keep a monster at home? Where should the monster in the house stand?

Monster's indoor flower - why you can’t keep at home, in the apartment: folk signs, magical properties, superstitions. Is it harmful, is a monster poisonous for human health? Is it possible for a woman to keep a monster at home? Where should the monster in the house stand?

The beauty of Monster plants is not in doubt. However, many rather controversial signs and superstitions arose around him. Some of them are associated with success, others have the exact opposite meaning. What is the root of these superstitions, and whether it is worth starting a monster in the apartment - read in the article.

The Liana Filodendron plant (it is this name that is still a monster) has long been varyed by many legends and beliefs. Someone considers the monster a symbol of good luck, others, on the contrary, believe that the presence of this flower in the house can destroy the family and bring misfortunes. However, the only problem arising from the appearance of the monsters in the house is a careful care that the plant needs to be provided. After all, it is from wet tropics, so our climate Filodendron, to put it mildly, is poorly suitable.

What the monster plant looks like: photo

The name "Monster" in the translation matters "amazing" or "bizarre." All three names are easily explained by the appearance of the plant.

  • Huge leathery leaves of this vine can reach 45cm, and the slots and holes in them add the monsters even more mystery and give it a frightening appearance.

The leaves are monsters

  • With proper care, the length of the monsters reaches several meters, therefore, when starting a monster, try to provide the plant with reliable support.
  • It has a developed system of air roots with which it climbs. Removing the roots growing from the nodes of the main stem is not recommended. You can direct them to a pot with a plant or make individual Earth bags for each root. With a lack of soil, it does not curl.

The roots of the monsters

  • The monster blooms annually, the flowers resemble the cob.

Important: with insufficient care, if you cannot provide the plant with comfortable climatic conditions, you may not see flowers.

Flower monsters

  • Monster is a natural barometer. In cloudy weather, before rain, its leathery leaves are covered with moisture. The organs of hydatodes located on the side veins are actually lifting this glue juice. It is they with increased humidity that release liquid flowing from wide leaves, as if the plant “cries”.

Monster is crying

Is it harmful, is a monster poisonous for human health: influence on a person

Contrary to the common opinion about the poor influence of the monsters on health, it is proved that it is absolutely safe even for people who are allergic.

The myth of the poisonousness of the plant is also slightly exaggerated. Indeed, in the fabrics of the leaves there are needle formations. When juice hits the mucous membrane, a burning sensation or even poisoning may occur. There are a number of symptoms to determine it:

  • Numbness of the mouth
  • Irritation of the pharynx
  • Swelling of the mouth and pharynx
  • Soreness
  • Loss of voice
  • Dysphagia

It is worth noting that such a reaction is possible only with close contact with the leaves, for example, if you tear the sheet, and then wrap your eyes, or reproach it.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that the real harm of a monster can cause either pets who like to eat a flower, or inquisitive little children unattended.

An interesting fact: the peoples of Southeast Asia believe in the medicinal power of the plant. Sometimes it is grown precisely in case of illness. Monster is placed at the head of the patient, and sometimes they even give a leaf to chew.

What brings to Monster’s house: a meaning for home, for and against, is it good or harm, is it good or bad?

Definitely judging the dangers or benefits of the monsters is difficult due to disagreements around its properties (including magic ones).

In addition to superstitions that we will talk about a little later, let's turn to scientific facts:

  • In the daytime, the monster absorbs carbon dioxide and enriches the air with oxygen.
  • Serves as an excellent natural barometer predicting the rain.
  • Moisturizes the air in the room. Moreover, thanks to the large leaves, Monster collects a lot of dust, preventing her from scratching the house.
  • Suppresses viruses and fungus.

Without exaggeration, we can say that in the east of Monster is famous for its favorable influence. The exercises say that this plant helps to strengthen the nervous system, improve intelligence, and even treats headache.


Monster - why you can’t keep at home, in an apartment, bedroom: folk signs, magical properties, superstitions

The emergence of many signs will also be superstitions around the monsters, possibly associated precisely with the name of this plant. It is too reminiscent of the word “monster” well known to us. As a result, Liana is associated with danger and ill -wishes.

The myths and notes of the jungle travelers, which came across skeletons permeated by Liana, fed these myths and notes. In fact, Monster has nothing to do with it. People simply died, lost in impenetrable more often, and vegetation continued to live their lives.

One of the main superstitions associated with Monster is that this liana is the strongest energy vampire. Despite the statement of experts that the plant only absorbs electromagnetic waves, there are two directly opposite points of view based on this property:

  • On the one hand, there is an opinion that Monster absorbs negative energy and, processing it, radiates the negative.
  • The second superstition contradicts the first. Everything is exactly the opposite here. That is, the plant feeds on positive energy, filling the space around it negative.
  • Moreover, there is another theory that, in a sense, unites the above. Here Monster absorbs all the negative energy in the house, and when everything is safe, she begins to absorb positive.

Interesting: it is believed that in the habitat of the monster there is no place for chaos. This is due to the fact that the plant refers to the sign of the Virgin, who, as you know, loves to restore order around itself, not forgetting a single little thing.

Interestingly, in the countries of Asia Monster serves as a talisman of life and dwelling. They believe that she is able to protect against evil forces, prevent the development of diseases, bring luck and longevity.

Monster is superstition

Is it possible for a woman to keep a monster at home?

The prejudices and myths that hover around the monsters say that this plant can destroy the aura and energy protection of a person. As a result, personal life, health is disturbed. Therefore, unmarried girls are not recommended to start a monster.

It is noteworthy that the monster is called by the muzhegon along with ivy, but there is no evidence of this theory, everything is limited to superstitions.

In addition, it is worth remembering that in the homeland, philodendron is considered a symbol of the family hearth. The poor glory around him spreads only far from his habitats.

Where should the monster in the house stand?

Like any plant, Monster breathes around the clock. However, when choosing a place in the house for her, it is important to take into account one feature of this vine.

In the daytime, it absorbs carbon dioxide and releases oxygen. The reverse process occurs at night - the plant emits carbon dioxide. This is due to the process of photosynthesis in the daytime.

That is why it is not recommended to put a pot with a monster in a bedroom or a children's room.

Important: keep in mind that Monster still emits more oxygen in the afternoon than carbon dioxide at night, so you should not be afraid for his health. This beautiful plant will decorate your home.

It is worth mentioning that Monster absorbs electromagnetic waves, so its perfect placement is near electrical appliances (refrigerator, TV, computer).

Keep in mind that Monster is a rather large plant. If it is not tied to the support and not let the roots into the pot, it can occupy a large territory. In addition, it does not like direct sunlight, so it is better to choose a place where partial shade or multiple light reigns.

Monster in the apartment

Monster: care and reproduction, video

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