Ostap Bender Winged quotes, phrases from the films "12 chairs" and "Golden calf": a selection

Ostap Bender Winged quotes, phrases from the films

Ostap Bender said many phrases that immediately became winged. You will find a selection in the article.

Ostap Bender - Hero, or rather antihero, from famous romanov Ilya Ilf and Evgenia Petrov "The twelve Chairs" and "Golden calf", the majority of the people of our country know, and not only. His winged phrases are still used in their speech by many people.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "30 incredibly beautiful and wise quotes and aphorisms that are useful to remember".

In this article you will find the best phrases Ostap Bender. These are interesting and vital words that can be expressed, shine with the mind in the company or decorate your pages of social networks. Read further.

In the morning, money, in the evening chairs: where is this quote, who said?

"Money in the morning, chairs in the evening" - Quote Ostap Bender

This phrase was said by a great combinator Ostap Bender During dialogue with Monter Mercnikov. "Money in the morning, chairs in the evening" - This phrase from the book of Ilf and Petrov " 12 chairs».

  • Ostap and his companion Ippolit Matveyevich ("Kisa") Vorobyaninov They are looking for treasures of the late mother -in -law of the latter, hidden in chairs.
  • At the time of meeting with Monter, the accomplices did not have money to redeem the desired.
  • Ostap plans to hide without paying. But the stubborn Monter understands that they want to fool him, so he requires money forward.
  • Ostap, this situation is unprofitable. After all, he simply has nothing to pay. That is why Mechnikov wants him to be paid money (an advance) in the morning, and in the evening he will bring chairs.
  • Ostap wants to get chairs now. He hints that he will bring money tomorrow morning.
  • But Monter does not really trust him - after all, he is very afraid that the buyer will simply deceive him and will not pay anything.

Bender includes all his natural charm. He says that he should receive money by telegraph. As for the Monter, he does not want to make concessions. He says that when there will be money, then there will be a conversation. And since they are not there, he will not just give chairs. Mechnikov claims that his soul exhausted by Narzan does not accept such conditions.

Interesting: Unlike the book, in the film the quote sounds in a slightly altered form: “In the morning, money is chairs during the day, money - chairs in the evening, in the evening money - at night chairs, at night money - chairs in the morning”.

This phrase can be used today in various kinds of transactions in which there are goods and money.

What other winged phrases said by Ostap Bender: a selection

Although Bender It seems to the reader a person who does not gravitate to hard work, but always seeks ways to get funds not always honest, but by a quick way, I. Ilf and E. Petrov also describe him as a man of exalted, aristocratic, elegant and witty. That is why in the arsenal of the hero of a lot of interesting and funny quotes that can be useful in modern life. Here is a selection, what else are the most winged phrases said Ostap Bender:

  • Maybe you give you another key to the apartment where the money is lying?
  • Of course, I do not cherub. I have no wings, but I have a criminal code. This is my weakness.
  • There will be a boy with me, an assistant - this is your boy - well, who believes that this is a girl, let the first throw a stone at me.
  • I will command the parade!
  • What are you looking at me, like a soldier on a louse? Are you stunned with happiness?
  • Nobody loves us, except for a criminal investigation person who also does not love us.
  • Do not make a cult of food!
  • You are an interesting person! Everything is fine with you. Surprisingly, with such happiness - and at large!
Winged phrases said by Ostap Bender
Winged phrases said by Ostap Bender
Winged phrases said by Ostap Bender
Winged phrases said by Ostap Bender
Winged phrases said by Ostap Bender
Winged phrases said by Ostap Bender

Ostap Bender He considers himself an ideological fighter for banknotes. Despite the fact that most of his ideas look like scams, in his actions he almost never violates the Criminal Code and calls his activity “honestly weaning of money”.

Ostap Bender - Winged quotes of phrases from the film "12 chairs"

Before his death, the mother -in -law tells Ippolit Matveevich Vorobyaninov, which during a search hid diamonds in a chair. After her death, a man decides to find each of the chairs, who parted on different owners to take possession of the treasured box and become rich. However, on the way he comes across a young swindler Ostap Bender, who immediately takes the matter into his own hands and gets up at the head of the "expedition". On the one hand, the pressure of Bender and his ideas help Vorobyaninov to achieve the goal faster.

But on the other hand, he becomes only a performer in the case that he started himself. Moreover, Ostap wants to take possession of the most part of the treasures, and to his ward (to whom the treasures belong by right) promises to give out a very low percentage.

By itself Ostap Bender - The personality is very charismatic and witty. That is why successful quotes and phrases in the film "12 chairs" a lot that immediately became winged:

  • Russia will not forget you! Fall will help us!
  • Well, to hell! Goss down here with your chair! And my life is dear to me as a memory!
  • A sultry woman is the poet's dream.
  • Kisa, let me ask you as an artist artist ... do you know how to draw?
  • Take care of the pince -nez, Kisa! Now it will begin!
Ostap Bender - Winged quotes of phrases from the film
Ostap Bender - Winged quotes of phrases from the film
Ostap Bender - Winged quotes of phrases from the film
Ostap Bender - Winged quotes of phrases from the film
Ostap Bender - Winged quotes of phrases from the film
Ostap Bender - Winged quotes of phrases from the film

The result of the adventure is very unenviable: the companions find out that the diamonds have long been “put into business”, so they remain with nothing. The Vorobyaninov, brought to despair, is trying to kill Ostap. For all the time of hunting chairs, the young man did not have his impudence, a craving for constant parting words, and most importantly - with a love of money.

Ostap Bender - Winged quotes of phrases from the film
Ostap Bender - Winged quotes of phrases from the film

After all, before the attack of Ostaps in a comic form, he says that Kisa is already old, and that such a person does not need money. Bender also jokes that after they find diamonds, he will not give Vorobyaninov anything. The former modest clerk of the registry office decides to kill.

The winged phrases of Ostap Bender from the Golden Calf

After the attempt by Vorobyaninov on his life, Ostap Bender Miraculously manages to stay alive. AT "Golden calf" Writers represent it already after time. Having again been without money and wanting to earn extra money, Bender poses for the son of the hero of Lieutenant Schmidt. Here are the winged phrases Ostap:

Winged phrases Ostap Bender
Winged phrases Ostap Bender
  • However, then he meets Shura Balaganovaalso a young swindler and thief.
  • But, unlike Bender, Shura - the guy is simple and he does not shine with his mind.
  • A new acquaintance tells Bender that dozens of such sons of lieutenant wander throughout the country, each of whom goes to the appropriate authorities and asks for financial assistance.
  • But the most important thing is that Balaganov tells Ostap - This is that the city has an underground millionaire Koreiko.
  • A man poses for a simple employee with a meager salary. In fact, he has a suitcase with a million.
Winged phrases Ostap Bender
Winged phrases Ostap Bender

Of course, Bender Loves to play "on a large." He takes the obligation to lure this million from Koreiko - and he intends to do this, as in the case of chairs, elegantly and beautifully. Shura would simply give a millionaire on the head and took the purse. Panikovsky, pretending to be blind, would ask Koreiko to transfer him across the road and pull his wallet from him. Unlike them, Ostap The whole enterprise unfolds, which lasts more than one week. After all Bender He wants the millionaire to bring him money.

  • I am 33 years old - the age of Jesus Christ, but what did I do? He did not create teachings, he squandered the students, he did not resurrect poor Panikovsky!
  • Women love: young, politically literate, long -legged.
  • Rio de Janeiro is my childhood crystal dream: do not touch her paws.
  • Where is Panikovsky? Where is this Gusekrad?
  • And in general - your gasoline, and our ideas!
  • For each vitamin that I will feed you, I will demand from you many small services.
Winged phrases Ostap Bender
Winged phrases Ostap Bender

As in the case of chairs, Bender suffers a fiasco. The millionaire brings him his suitcase. But when trying to transport money across the border in the form of jewelry, the young man is caught, beaten and taken away by all the good. The authors seem to make the reader understand that in Soviet society it is simply impossible to have a lot of money. Even if you get them, you cannot spend with dignity.

Video: Winged words Ostap Bender

Video: Winged phrases and the best moment from the movie 12 chairs! Ostap Bender, Kisa Vorobyaninov. Mironov

Video: Winged phrases from the film »Golden calf. 1 part

Video: Winged phrases from the film »Golden calf. 2 part

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